So we're gonna have metal dump, conqueringstorm trait, right?

And then we have him try to scan one of our prisoners, Zeti magnetism since we Zomzom and Zeena. actually now I think about it we're probably gonna have to build a very specific holding self for the both of them.

Qms would we have to build a holding cell design for the Zeti since we have two of the deadly six as our prisoners?
The big probably would be fine in anything as long as he gets food.
And speaking about a big person where the hell do you think big is?

We know we're gonna get some information possible location where he is due to the interlude we have chosen as our reward for 500 pages

So that means we have two interludes left and the negotiation from gun, which would probably be an interlude itself. With the rival reports and then finally turned five and character sheets update..

Oh, and also the adventure
And speaking about a big person where the hell do you think big is?
Somewhere with a lot of water and fish for him to fish up.
So that means we have two interludes left and the negotiation from gun, which would probably be an interlude itself. With the rival reports and then finally turned five and character sheets update..

Oh, and also the adventure
We really have a lot to do huh.

This is troublesome. We need to heal....Pursue Honey's shop....

We continue to be the bigger man and take the high road with GUN and the Restoration....

But Eggman is not dumb. He can put two and two together. He'll likely remember the Diamond Cutters and their sniper.

But how about...we NOT kill Whisper? How part of any cease-fire with the GUN and Restoration....any/every time Whisper acts on any violent impulses against us...we have free reign to beat her down?

An almost literal meaning to the saying "The beatings will continue until morale improves". Whisper will live...but she's going to get some new bruises EVERY SINGLE TIME she tries something against us....
Yeah, it's unlikely... But the idea of Eggman just having the explicit right to beat the shit out of Whisper whenever she tries something is an equal parts fucked up and hilarious mental image XD
Yeah, it's unlikely... But the idea of Eggman just having the explicit right to beat the shit out of Whisper whenever she tries something is an equal parts fucked up and hilarious mental image XD
Besides that I'm actually a bit surprised that there wasn't some of our hero units. Seeing the big angry red man fall down link to his ship to escape while we are blowing up his machines didn't try to exactly capture him.

I'm not complaining now. I just find that a little curious, I would totally get seeing us kinda shot would definitely put their attention on us and save us instead of capture of the angry red man.