[X] Plan: Showdown (original)
-[X] Dr. Eggman (Darc-Egg Robot)
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn (Alone)
-[X] Conquering Storm
-[X] Canaan
-[X] Piastol

[X] 1) Big's Grand Adventure

[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom
By that same logic the Darc-Egg Robot is also in danger as well

Sure but Eggman has greater chances to fix whatever trick Zavok can pull thanks to his Eggtronic trait of +20 and his high Logistic and Brains stats.

Likely whatever damage Zavok will do will be a Brain action from Eggman's part to be able to resist since he will come up with clever ways ways to fix the damage.
I have changed my vote to the plan with Isara and both sisters. Isara has a tank and like 3 extra hp. We should have her in there.
I'm assuming the darc eggs arms attack faster than in the games
Cause that's really slow

This is a modified version of the Death Egg Robot Mark 1.

Eggman wanted to follow the exact specification but Isara manage to convince him to do some modifications instead. That's why I call it the Death Egg Robot Mark 1.5 aka the Darc-Egg Robot.

So it1s going to be slow unfortunate because is a really old war machine of his but is perfect for fighting against the Zeti.

Less tech means less means to mess with our mech. Like the Egg Dragoon alone while really good but have too many systems for Zavok to mess with, such as flight systems, gun barrels and shield as a example.

Like the worst Zavok could do with the Darc Egg Robot is to make him even more slower or try to mess witht he artillary system of ours.
Its Still the Same Classic mech but with better platting, shouldr cannons and Kickass jukebox that play music 24/7

Oh and rocket powered arms.
Oh no I was saying that the original death egg is slower than it would be in lore for gameplay purposes
Only the speed which whe fists attack
It's not been changed is what I mean it's just faster in lore than in game
Like it's not as easy to dodge unless your sonic you feel me?

Death egg punched faster in lore is what I'm assuming since it's kinda really slow to deal with sonic
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Oh no I was saying that the original death egg is slower than it would be in lore for gameplay purposes
Only the speed which whe fists attack
It's not been changed is what I mean it's just faster in lore than in game
Like it's not as easy to dodge unless your sonic you feel me?

Death egg punched faster in lore is what I'm assuming since it's kinda really slow to deal with sonic
Ehh, I'm not so sure. The back rocket allowed the Death Egg Robot a fair degree of mobility, while admittedly it's walking speed was super slow, but the fact that this weakness was compensated for in the original design is proof that it was a solid design from the get go.

Unless we lose the back rocket the Darc-egg Robot will have a decent amount of mobility.
Ehh, I'm not so sure. The back rocket allowed the Death Egg Robot a fair degree of mobility, while admittedly it's walking speed was super slow, but the fact that this weakness was compensated for in the original design is proof that it was a solid design from the get go.

Unless we lose the back rocket the Darc-egg Robot will have a decent amount of mobility.
I was talking about it's actual attacks
Ehh, I'm not so sure. The back rocket allowed the Death Egg Robot a fair degree of mobility, while admittedly it's walking speed was super slow, but the fact that this weakness was compensated for in the original design is proof that it was a solid design from the get go.

Unless we lose the back rocket the Darc-egg Robot will have a decent amount of mobility.

I think the Death Egg Robot were always meant to fight Sonic in a close quarter environment, so Sonic would have no space to run or dodge it's attacks.
I think the Death Egg Robot were always meant to fight Sonic in a close quarter environment, so Sonic would have no space to run or dodge it's attacks.
I distinctly remember having plenty of room to dodge in sonic 2. Of course given how Eggman had been bolting for it, he probably wasn't in his chosen battlefield.

Anyway, we're in an open field, more or less, so we'll see how the Darc-Egg Robot stacks up against Zavok.

Actually why isn't he on his own Mecha? Is it still wrecked from Sonic Lost World?
I reemphisize that Cassia being sent out is a good idea. Because she has weaponry which would contain and not damage Metal.

Meanong Zavok is forced to keep his powers on Metal the entire fight.
I distinctly remember having plenty of room to dodge in sonic 2. Of course given how Eggman had been bolting for it, he probably wasn't in his chosen battlefield.

Anyway, we're in an open field, more or less, so we'll see how the Darc-Egg Robot stacks up against Zavok.

Actually why isn't he on his own Mecha? Is it still wrecked from Sonic Lost World?

If his mech was there it would show up by now.

Still Zavok is very strong and well it's not like he's supe fast like Sonic.

I guess he just wants to do things the old fashioned way. He seems like that type.

They are going to settle in the Zeti way.

The fact he's not even using his reserve forces in Wave 3 just Silver Sonic and Metal Sonic is telltale he wants be a battle between warriors and not armies and Eggman will respond in kind.

Zavok has lost his temperament since his trump card straight failed, although it's concerning they manage to somehow disguise the signatures of several badniks.
They are going to settle in the Zeti way.

The fact he's not even using his reserve forces in Wave 3 just Silver Sonic and Metal Sonic is telltale he wants be a battle between warriors and not armies and Eggman will respond in kind.

Zavok has lost his temperament since his trump card straight failed, although it's concerning they manage to somehow disguise the signatures of several badniks.

They had a scientist of Chuck level in their employ for several months, did you think they just used him for the virus and operate eggman's machinery?

When some aliens use their claws to choke your grandson, you can fold pretty quikcly and build whatever they want.
They had a scientist of Chuck level in their employ for several months, did you think they just used him for the virus and operate eggman's machinery?

When some aliens use their claws to choke your grandson, you can fold pretty quikcly and build whatever they want.

To be fair Chuck modifying banidks not even pass close to my mind.

So now the Deadly Six badniks, at least some of them, has stealth capabilities or at least some equipment that can do that.

The fact Chuck even manage to modify them is a statement of his intelligence. Then again he did manage to do a patch work of Silver Sonic so...
Yeah, Chuck and Chris after time skip were pretty much close to Tails level on Sonic X.

We really need to get that 2 threshold DC in finding them on turn 5.

The sooner we rescue them if no one does it before us, the sooner we cripple the Zeti hard.

If we rescue Chris I don't doubt Chuck will sing like a canary for all the stuff he did with the Zeti.
[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom

[x] 2) One Man's Trash is Another Man's Gold

[X] Plan: Showdown (original)
-[X] Dr. Eggman (Darc-Egg Robot)
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn (Alone)
-[X] Conquering Storm
-[X] Canaan
-[X] Piastol