- Pronouns
- Female
We appreciate your patience as we have said, btw
Kingster has just been busy with college and work
Kingster has just been busy with college and work
It's understandableWe appreciate your patience as we have said, btw
Kingster has just been busy with college and work
I were to run such a quest (and I won't due to a lack of capacity to commit), I think I'd make my first vote be what Metal would refer to himself going forward
I bet it's an elaborate scam to attract tourists, since they don't have any actual proof he was born there. No birth certificate, no parents, no nothing.You think Christmas Island has any big travel ad campaigns about the fact Sonic was born there?/j
I'm hoping his movie parents are around as well.Huh, I wonder if any of Sonic's parents made it over. Bernadette and/or Jules would probably be right at home with the Restoration. Maybe that owl lady who's name I forget. Something to think about.
There is a human helping Knuckles out....
It is funny since Sonic has like 4 to 5 pairs of parents, all of which we have technically pissed off over the years.
Also technically 2 brothers and 2 sisters, since Tails and Sonic are pretty much family in all but blood, there is Manic from Undregound and for the girls there is Sonia also from Underground and Tanya from the manga.
If any of the underground characters did make it trough no doubt Aleena must be feeling like the universe pulled the biggest fucking rug under her feet considering this shit pretty much messes with prophecies.
It is funny how almost every version would get error 404 at how we run things....How exactly would Eggman react to Sonic's (Undergrounds) siblings?
They aren't like his and he's not like there's so...
Orbot: Sir, there are some hedgehogs out front....How exactly would Eggman react to Sonic's (Undergrounds) siblings?
No, you cannot recruit Sonic's siblings just to rub it in his face/j
It is funny how almost every version would get error 404 at how we run things.
Like I am pretty sure the freedom fighters had to check if they having an allucination once we pulled our grand re-debut, not only because of Sage, but because the image of Eggman actually dancing with some mad skills and singing is too much for anyone that had dealt with the more sadisctic versions of us.
On the other hand if we discover his siblings and parents Eggman will probably just stay there, call any attack off and go back to base.
That Hedgehog has made his life impossible for years, that there are a bunch of them related to Sonic of all people is gonna take a while to take and process.
If we ever accidentally find any actual family members of Sonic I vote we uh, leave them alone.
His friends are fair game, but his family...we don't want to invoke the genuine wrath of the wretched Hedgehog, given how much of a pain in the ass he is when he's being casual about things.
Hmm, I wonder if the Archie characters would be confused by the references.Eggman: Another version of Rusty here to enact some kind of Highlander scenario?
Unless they attack us as well, cause that would probably be fair game.If we ever accidentally find any actual family members of Sonic I vote we uh, leave them alone.
His friends are fair game, but his family...we don't want to invoke the genuine wrath of the wretched Hedgehog, given how much of a pain in the ass he is when he's being casual about things.
Oh yes, totally, if they get themselves involved willingly, it's fair game.Unless they attack us as well, cause that would probably be fair game.
Manic tapping his feet to the music and everyone looks at him incredulousllyAnd the underground would definitely be confused since Robotnik banned music, so seeing Eggman singing his own theme song must be confusing.
Orbot: actually sir they all look like Sonic and look like they are either their his siblings or parents?Orbot: Sir, there are some hedgehogs out front.
Eggman: Is it Sonic?
Orbot: No.
Eggman: Shadow?
Orbot: No
Eggman: The future one?
Orbot: No
Eggman: Another version of Rusty here to enact some kind of Highlander scenario?
Orbot: Hang on.... No.
Eggman: Shoot 'em!
Well that probably excludes the Movie and Manga versions, the others would probably get involved with Eggman.Oh yes, totally, if they get themselves involved willingly, it's fair game.
Just don't target them if they aren't doing anything. Less headaches for us that way.
Sonia: Gotta admit his voice isn't to bad as well.Manic tapping his feet to the music and everyone looks at him incredulouslly
"What? It's catchy)
I wonder if Sage would want to meet Sonic's other friends and families.Orbot: actually sir they all look like Sonic and look like they are either their his siblings or parents?
Eggman: then fire the death egg canon, i am not dealing people related to that hedgehog!
That roll was to see if Storm would notice Stone cheating. That one omake made a while ago between Storm and Stone kind of made me ship them a bit, so I wanted to write something with the two of them
Either I or someone else REALLY needs to get on to making an omake or three of Eggman arranging a playdate between Cream and his Children.I wonder if Sage would want to meet Sonic's other friends and families.
All Hail King Cream!Then again, I don't think half the stuff you guys propose or meme about are things on my bingo card XD
Then again, I don't think half the stuff you guys propose or meme about are things on my bingo card XD