I'm not quite sure about this new system.

Because, like Alatie said, raids and battles etc, will take longer. But what works for another quest might not work in this one.
Just you know, Enemies can also try clever plans to turn situations around. It not only affects you. just making that clear. It applies for them too. Fair is fair.

More than fair, that was expected.

Like trying to prediction enemy action and annihilating our enemies before they can do anything is large part of the fun.
I'm not quite sure about this new system.

Because, like Alatie said, raids and battles etc, will take longer. But what works for another quest might not work in this one.
I'm well aware of that, but several people have commented how the lack of planning in battles does bother them, and a few of my COQMs have also commented it.

I will say, you guys won't be able to do writew ins, I'm not that sure of being able to follow well your ideas. You will have to pick between several options, which will depend on the Hero Units available, they will be flavored/limited according to them.

The Portal thing you guys thought for Zomom is not a thing Starline would think normally, would need the doctor or someone else to use an action to make starline do that for example.

Just keep that in mind, it's not 100% freedom, who you pick will determine more or elss the actions available.
I will go ahead and confirm you, Zavok will be employing Metal on the Battle, controlling it himself, so you guys will have a chance to recover him as long as the Dice doesn't fuck with you during the fight.

Oh...we can work with that. Thanks.

Do the Zeti have a range limit on their control? If so we might be able to trick Metal into one of Starline's portals and take him off the field without destroying him that way.

If nothing else we can consider this whole thing a test of the the new system, though we might need a bit of grace because of it.
If I may make a suggestion @Kingster maybe the defenses players create in Fortifying Territory make a appearance?

Like is odd they only serve to affect national action roll instead of having a direct effect on raids because we build traps, pits with spikes, gun emplacement, mines, walls, and so on. That action feel quite useless overall and the enemy should be dealign with them.

They should play a role in raids as the enemy try to destroy them or rush past them while defenders chose to either defend them or sacrifice them.

Honestly I thought those defenses did affect the battle...did they not?
Oh...we can work with that. Thanks.

Do the Zeti have a range limit on their control? If so we might be able to trick Metal into one of Starline's portals and take him off the field without destroying him that way.

If nothing else we can consider this whole thing a test of the the new system, though we might need a bit of grace because of it.
yes there is a range,. and the portal thing can work, but that will mean employng starline and risking him on the battlefield. Which...might or might not be a good idea. Up to you.
Honestly I thought those defenses did affect the battle...did they not?
Probably dealt with the more weaker badniks brought since he was bringing a lot to kill us.
The Portal thing you guys thought for Zomom is not a thing Starline would think normally, would need the doctor or someone else to use an action to make starline do that for example.

Just keep that in mind, it's not 100% freedom, who you pick will determine more or elss the actions available.
Hmm, so does this mean we can post heroes and units on territory we have and whatever hero is there could make a plan or try to combine them.
I think the new system can be added to the update that comes after the upcoming one. The rolls have already been made for Wave Two and I don't think we should vote to change them. (Well, unless things went horribly wrong.)
Probably dealt with the more weaker badniks brought since he was bringing a lot to kill us.

Hmm, so does this mean we can post heroes and units on territory we have and whatever hero is there could make a plan or try to combine them.
yes, thought with starline, quick/inmediate reposition is possible, so its bit of a moot point I assume. Unless something happens to starline or you don't have the time to react, being able to choose who to field for a bttle is an option.
Just keep that in mind, it's not 100% freedom, who you pick will determine more or elss the actions available.

Just prepare for people suggesting actions that character should be able to take.

Some will be logical and in-character, other will not.

So I would suggest atleast reading the write-is before rejecting them.
yes, thought with starline, quick/inmediate reposition is possible, so its bit of a moot point I assume. Unless something happens to starline or you don't have the time to react, being able to choose who to field for a bttle is an option.
Oh it was mostly in case something happened to Starline or the Warp Topaz really, but good to know with Starline we can bring our heroes anywhere we control without interference from other factions.
Just prepare for people suggesting actions that character should be able to take.

Some will be logical and in-character, other will not.

So I would suggest atleast reading the write-is before rejecting them.
Not too keen on allowing wirte ins when we are barely just trying this sytem to be honest, maybe after a few times of using this system, and we check how good it flows, we might allow write ins, but for now, would say no. Not allowing any type of write in for the time being.
Honestly I thought those defenses did affect the battle...did they not?

They affect only the National Action Dice, they play no role in the combat rolls.

Btw @Kingster I feel the rules for Adventures rules work well as of now so there's no need to change them in my opinion. Even the Expand Territory work well in my opinion since there's not a lot of risk going on there so you guys don't need to write a interlude after every single we decide to expand territory.

Really I think only Raids need a overall due to how important the Action is for everybody involved be for us or the NPCs.
They affect only the National Action Dice, they play no role in the combat rolls.

Btw @Kingster I feel the rules for Adventures rules work well as of now so there's no need to change them in my opinion. Even the Expand Territory work well in my opinion since there's not a lot of risk going on there.

Really I think only Raids need a overall due to how important the Action is for everybody involved.
We will allow the use of the fortifications on the raid.

We are considering adding them to the adventures, this new rules i mean. More freedom of choice should be better, we will see how the system plays out soon.

the expand territory do will stay a contested power that won't change.
I think this system works for a brains/ logic/ trickery person like eggman pretry well. Heck it might be intreating if the number of actions to chose from is based on brains or log or trickery like 1 action choice for every 5-10 points of each.make it so trickery and the like can be useful against strong meatheads by giving clever options while if all you have is overwhelming power its easier / more ways to turn against you?
My advice for this as a fellow QM, (though one with not that much more experience) is to use these kinds of big bombastic battles as sparingly as you can because the exhaustion will really set in if you do it every time. You should probably use the old system or just a straight dice roll for normal army vs army stuff. That said, I do think this system is a good one for the big climax battles, raids, boss fights, and adventures.

If you want to implement it for Wave 2, go ahead. If not, I think you have a perfect excuse to only implement it in Wave 3. Wave 3 is when Eggman himself will take the field.
so here's something, if we get Metal Sonic back, could we use the data he copied from Piastol to give Rusty magic? Amy does tend to have strong mystic associations, and I think Rusty with the brains upgrades and a mystic score would actually make for a decent mystic researcher. (Piastol is 100% a warrior I doubt she'll be the best choice for research)

edit: I also considered using conquering storms data to create robot ninjas, but I feel like that would piss her off.
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@griffinlw I actually find quite good the system of battle you introduce into your Valkyria Chronicles quest. I think it could work very well on Raid battles on this quest, obviously it would need to twiky a few things because of the large number of troops involved but it should work in theory.
I mean if we Sonic X memories we'll probably have a chance to create lady ninja.

Plus she can probably use the badnik versions as regular soldiers with her organic ones as elite guards.
I'm betting Lady Ninja would be a tier 3 badnik so we could probably not build a bunch of her. although Eggman does have a history of creating mass produced versions of E-series bots so maybe we could do that?