Zomon can be easily be dealt with: Starline with Wrap Topaz equal sending Zomon to a random location.
Zeena is a bit tricky but I think using Storm can fight her
Zavok: Eggman with the Darc Egg Bot.

Problem: We don't really have much flexibility in plans. Also, we would still need to push Zomon into the portal;
That's we could send crabmeat instead to get a advanatge against Buzz Bombers.

Remeber if in win in one fight all the 1hp units die. the only will survive will the Shadow Aroind and Zomon.
With both Cluckoid and Crabmeat, that's a combined +20 Combat Bonus vs Aerial/Flying Units.

Might switch out the Tunnelbot with Two Turtloids actually, same price, for double the Combat Bonus.
Ok, it would be really funny if you, like, strand Zomom on an island or something and he becomes the sole survivor of the Deadly Six by Quest end but can't do shit/j
[] Plan: Toxic Blast Wall v2
-[] The Pronghorn Sisters
-[] Conquering Storm
-[] Rusty Rose
-[] Metal Sonic
-[] Piastol (Airship)
-[] Badniks
—[] Egg Pawns
—[] Cluckoid
—[] Crabmeat
—[] 3 Blasteroids
—[] 2 Turtloids
—[] Burrowbot
—[] 2 Toxomisters
—[] Caterkiller
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Far as I know we can't deploy complex commands. We need to let our Units decide how to properly fight.

So just choose the units, don't try anything fancy that would require actual detail.
[] Welcoming Party!
-[] Isara (Tank)
-[] Piastol (Airship)
-[] Conquering Storm
-[] Metal Sonic
-[] Canaan
-[] Badniks
--[] 3 Blasteroids (Power Cost 4)
--[] 1 Cluckoid (Power Cost 3)
--[] 1 Crabmeat (Power Cost 2)
--[] 2 Turtloids (Power Cost 4)
--[] 1 Burrowbots (Power Cost: 4)
--[] The Egg Clan (Power Cost: 8)
--[] 1 swatbot (power cost 3)

Well, here's my current thoughts for a plan. Mostly relying on a mix of air superiority and just generally good units to make quick work of wave 1.
This is an exercise in drafting up formations you think will counter the member of the deadly six + their forces.

So for example, wave 1 we want to count Zomon, 5 egg pawns, 5 shadow androids, and 5 buzz bombers
Make a list of Hero Units and Badniks. I think our instructions are pretty clear?

I mean how we should proceed in this raid because I am genuine scare we can lose.

Sorry if I sound a bit paranoia but I am really enjoying this quest and don't want to end so soon nor with any of our heroes dying as well.
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so this is an idea I just had that isn't exactly relevant yet. but if we have a hero unit captured can we scan them for biodata to make a metal copy whenever we want? Metal Zavok might be a pretty fun command unit.

edit: I'm only suggesting it now so it's here incase I forget about the idea later.
Hmmm. If the toxic mist can go through Warp Topaz portals, what stop us from poisoning the other two zeti before their waves start?
[ ] Plan Live Or Let Die, FIGHT!
-[ ] Pronghorn Sisters
-[ ] Piastol (Ship)
-[ ] Conquering Storm
-[ ] Metal Sonic
-[ ] Rusty Rose
-[ ] Badniks
--[ ] Egg Pawns (Free!)
--[ ] Egg Knight (6 Cost)
--[ ] Cluckoids (3 Cost)
--[ ] 3 Blasteroids (12 Cost)
--[ ] Burrowbots (4 Cost)
--[ ] 2 Toxomister (10 Cost)
--[ ] 1 Balkiry (5 Cost)

The plan is simple: it simply relies on the Egg Knight's ability to further boost our low-end units by +2, which comes to stack. My numbers are the following:

29 + 10 (Eggboss) + 22 + 30 + 10 (Ship attack) + 36 + 24 + 7 + 10 + 30 + 7 (with bonus against fliers) + 7 (plus 10 for initial attack) + 14 (+Debuff bonuses) + 7 (Attack in area).

This gives us a basis of around 233 against this first wave. And that's, like, a fucking lot.