-[X] Power
—[X] Build Death Egg Robot (Isara)
—[X] Fortify Your New Territory (Clove) (Borrowbots)
-[X] Heart
—[X] Proclaim Your Territory Darscen Friendly (Canaan)
-[X] Logistics
—[X] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan (Orbot and Cubot)
—[X] Repair Piastol's Ship (Belle)
-[X] Brains
—[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. (Sage)
—[X] Study Ragnite (Rusty Rose)
-[X] Trickery
—[X] Sabotage Zavok (Stone)
-[X] Mystic
—[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller (Piastol)
-[X] Personal
—[X] Eggman: Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
—[X] Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. x3 (Canaan, Belle, and Clove)
—[X] Starline: Rest & Recover
—[X] Rusty Rose: Patrol The Perimeter
—[X] Stone: Field Work Training
—[X] Belle: Write Letters
—[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
—[X] Canaan: Hang out with Belle.
—[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
—[X] Sage: Family Night
—[X] Piastol: Feed Deathhound
-[X] Egg-Gun
—[X] Isara
—[X] Belle

[X](Snively) Yes

I'll admit fondness for Snively as one of my favorite characters aside, it is probably smarter to keep him close where we can keep a eye on him. Plus with Archie elements potentially in play likely might need someone who's aware of and has information about Mogul and Naugus.
I'll admit fondness for Snively as one of my favorite characters aside, it is probably smarter to keep him close where we can keep a eye on him. Plus with Archie elements potentially in play likely might need someone who's aware of and has information about Mogul and Naugus.
This isn't actually Archie Snively, this is his Sonic SatAm incarnation, which is the cartoon that Archie spun off from.
This isn't actually Archie Snively, this is his Sonic SatAm incarnation, which is the cartoon that Archie spun off from.
Keep in mind, Snively not only noticed we didn't recognize him, so he could be lying his ass off about our last encounter.

But also has a modern Eggman suit in green color.

Something that was only from the Archie Timeline, something his SatAM counterpart lacks.
No he is the Archie version, case contrary his name would only be Snively Robotnik.
Keep in mind, Snively not only noticed we didn't recognize him, so he could be lying his ass off about our last encounter.

But also has a modern Eggman suit in green color.

Something that was only from the Archie Timeline, something his SatAM counterpart lacks.
Having looked back at Satam's final episode to refresh my memory, it's hard to tell. I thought that, since I don't recall Snively being 'unable' to rescue Robotnik in Archie, it was the SatAm version, but now that I've checked, it didn't happen there either.
So yeah his ass is lying, and I'm wrong, it could be either version.
Adhoc vote count started by Martin Noctis on Dec 11, 2024 at 1:59 PM, finished with 528 posts and 50 votes.

  • [X](Snively) Yes
    [X](Snively) No
    [X] Plan: Oncoming Storm
    -[X] Built Death Egg Robot DC80 - Isara
    -[X] Fortify your new territory Power Dc 40/80/120 - Pronghorn Sisters + Badniks: 1x burrowbot
    -[X] Proclaim Your Territory Darscen Friendly DC: 75 - Canaan
    -[X] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan DC Autopass - Orbot&Cubot
    -[X] Repair Piastol's Ship DC: 60/80/100/120/140 - Belle
    -[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck. - Sage
    -[X] Study Ragnite DC:65 - Rusty Rose
    -[X] Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60 - Agent Stone
    -[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller dc 30 - Piastol
    -[X] Dr.Eggman: 4x Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (1x Canaan, 1x Agent Stone, 1x Isara, 1x Pronghorn Sisters)
    -[X] Dr. Starline: Rest and Recouver
    -[X] Rusty Rose: Practice Limbs Akimbo
    -[X] Metal Sonic: Destroy Empire Property
    -[X] Agent Stone: Field Work Training
    -[X] Belle: Write Letters
    -[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
    -[X] Canaan: Obtain more Firepower
    -[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
    -[X] Sage: Sage Family Night
    -[X] Piastol: Feed Deathhound
    -[X] Give Someone an EggGun?
    --[X]Yes: Isara
    —[X] Build Death Egg Robot (Isara)
    —[X] Fortify Your New Territory (Clove) (Borrowbots)
    —[X] Proclaim Your Territory Darscen Friendly (Canaan)
    -[X] Logistics
    —[X] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan (Orbot and Cubot)
    —[X] Repair Piastol's Ship (Belle)
    —[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. (Sage)
    —[X] Study Ragnite (Rusty Rose)
    -[X] Trickery
    —[X] Sabotage Zavok (Stone)
    -[X] Mystic
    —[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller (Piastol)
    -[X] Personal
    —[X] Eggman: Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
    —[X] Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. x3 (Canaan, Belle, and Clove)
    —[X] Starline: Rest & Recover
    —[X] Rusty Rose: Patrol The Perimeter
    —[X] Stone: Field Work Training
    —[X] Belle: Write Letters
    —[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
    —[X] Canaan: Hang out with Belle.
    —[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
    —[X] Sage: Family Night
    —[X] Piastol: Feed Deathhound
    -[X] Egg-Gun
    —[X] Isara
    —[X] Belle
    [X]Plan: Death Egg Defense
    --[X] Built Death Egg Robot DC80 (Isara)
    --[X] Fortify your new territory Power Dc 40/80/120 (Pronghorn Sisters + Badniks: 1x burrowbot)
    --[X] Hire A New Minion:Goro (Metal)
    -[X] Logistics
    --[X] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan DC Autopass (Orbot&Cubot)
    --[X] Repair Piastol's Ship DC: 60/80/100/120/140 - (Belle)
    --[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck. (Sage)
    --[X] Study Ragnite DC:65 (Rusty Rose)
    -[X] Trickery
    --[X] Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60 (Agent Stone)
    --[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller dc 30 (Piastol)
    -[X] Personal Action
    --[X] Dr.Eggman: 3X Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (1x Canaan, 1x Pronghorn Sisters,Isara)
    --[X] Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
    --[X] Dr. Starline: Rest and Recouver
    --[X] Rusty Rose: Practice Limbs Akimbo
    --[X] Metal Sonic: Destroy Empire Property
    --[X] Agent Stone: Field Work Training
    --[X] Belle: Write Letters
    --[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
    --[X] Canaan: Obtain more Firepower
    --[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
    --[X] Sage: Sage Family Night
    --[X] Piastol: Feed Deathhound
    --[X] Give Someone an EggGun?
    --[X]Yes: Isara
    [X] Plan Get a load of this version 1
    [X] Goro Majima's Wild Ride
    —[X] Build Death Egg Robot (Isara)
    —[X] Fortify Your New Territory (Clove) (Borrowbots)
    —[X] Proclaim Your Territory Darscen Friendly (Canaan)
    -[X] Logistics
    —[X] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan (Orbot and Cubot)
    —[X] Repair Piastol's Ship (Belle)
    —[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. (Sage)
    —[X] Study Ragnite (Rusty Rose)
    -[X] Trickery
    —[X] Sabotage Zavok (Stone)
    -[X] Mystic
    —[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller (Piastol)
    -[X] Personal
    —[X] Eggman: Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
    —[X] Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. x3 (Canaan, Belle, and Clove)
    —[X] Starline: Rest & Recover
    —[X] Rusty Rose: Patrol The Perimeter
    —[X] Stone: Field Work Training
    —[X] Belle: Write Letters
    —[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
    —[X] Canaan: Hang out with Belle.
    —[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
    —[X] Sage: Family Night
    —[X] Piastol: Feed Deathhound
    -[X] Egg-Gun
    —[X] Isara
    —[X] Belle
[X] Plan: Oncoming Storm

[x] (Snively) Yes.

Kinda curious to see what happens if we put Snively in the same room with Starline and Stone
Be grateful you backstabbing midget.

You somehow made the entire thread split on whenever to keep you close or to try to shoo you away.

Still no doubt the QM's are getting some hard laughs at our reaction to the midget.
TBH at this point I wouldn't mind the midget vote ended in a tie and the QM's had to throw a coin toss.

At that point it is lady luck who decides whenever we stay with him or not.
[X]Plan: Death Egg Defense
--[X] Built Death Egg Robot DC80 (Isara)
--[X] Fortify your new territory Power Dc 40/80/120 (Pronghorn Sisters + Badniks: 1x burrowbot)
--[X] Hire A New Minion:Goro (Metal)
-[X] Logistics
--[X] Retrieve Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan DC Autopass (Orbot&Cubot)
--[X] Repair Piastol's Ship DC: 60/80/100/120/140 - (Belle)
--[X] Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck. (Sage)
--[X] Study Ragnite DC:65 (Rusty Rose)
-[X] Trickery
--[X] Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60 (Agent Stone)
--[X] Visit the Strange Fortune Teller dc 30 (Piastol)
-[X] Personal Action
--[X] Dr.Eggman: 3X Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (1x Canaan, 1x Pronghorn Sisters,Isara)
--[X] Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
--[X] Dr. Starline: Rest and Recouver
--[X] Rusty Rose: Practice Limbs Akimbo
--[X] Metal Sonic: Destroy Empire Property
--[X] Agent Stone: Field Work Training
--[X] Belle: Write Letters
--[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Catch Cassia Up
--[X] Canaan: Obtain more Firepower
--[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
--[X] Sage: Sage Family Night
--[X] Piastol: Feed Deathhound
--[X] Give Someone an EggGun?
--[X]Yes: Isara
Can we cool it with the spamming how much certain people dislike Snively?

I'm 100% fine with people having that opinion but the repetitive posts are becoming a bit much.

You don't like him and don't want us to get him. Understood. We get it.
Yeah, honestly, I don't want to sound like a baby, but alot of the discourse has had a genuine effect on my mental health today

Granted, there's other factors at play besides that, but still