Scales In Shadow

That's being replaced entirely; instead, the direction you headed first will lead directly to the Webbed Halls (a spider-filled sub-area of the catacombs) and the Encounter, and when I get an informational threadmark up for locations, there'll be a note that you've not yet explored the full depths of the catacombs.

Lets see if we get stuck in a web and learn how to breathe fire to burn it and escape :tongue:
I do not currently have plans for you to get stuck in a web. (Though, okay, if aggressive exploration had been picked? Then probably.)

That said, there is someone who has a fate point, and given what they got it for and the nature of the encounter... well, if they want to spend it to declare that you get stuck in a web? I'd allow it.
Grimoire: Bone Constructs
Now, for something experimental

Grimoire Entry: Bone Constructs

Threat Level: Low to Medium
The top of the page is covered with various hand drawn illustrations with accompanying labels. All of them portray a variety of fauna skeletal formations, ranging from quadruped to bipedal skeletons depicted in active states against backgrounds of catacombs. With one particular emphasized illustration case showing an insectoid with a scrawl "I hate bugs...even dead ones"

Bone Constructs (also named Skeletons, Undead, Fiends etc) are a variety of skeletal remnants animated by various forces (typically magical in origin) that haunt their place of death or burial site. Usually found in catabombs or other burial sites, they tend to be hostile to intruders and will attack with lethal intent upon disturbance of their rest. Typically encountered in a idle state, explorers are warned to watch for any unusually complete formations as it can be difficult to ascertain if a Bone Construct is present among regular, non-animated bodies. When active however, Bone constructs easily give away their positions via the clacking of bone marrow against non-existent joints and sinew. This gives ample warning for keen-eared explorers who venture into their resting grounds if any Bone constructs are currently active and or patrolling.

Tactics: As undead creatures, Bone Constructs are resistant to weapons that aim to deliver shock or pierce internal organs due to the characteristic lack of them. The most efficient method of removing them from existence (besides flame) is blunt force trauma. Weapons designed to break limbs, large concussive forces, are effective at destroying bones, and disconnecting the various bone fragments from each other. Aiming for center mass would be most effective, as removing the center connection point of Bone constructs (typically spinal columns) will in effect cripple or outright destroy the Bone Construct in question. Bone Constructs will wield a variety of weapons, from innate claws or bones sharpened into blade-like formations. In some cases, they wield the weapons they used in life, though to questionable efficiency compared to their non-undead forms. Be prepared to counter any and all sorts of weapons if one would travel into catacombs known to house active Bone Constructs.
Not entirely accurate, but - in part because of that - reads like something someone in-setting might have written. I'm reminded of medieval bestiary entries for creatures not native to Europe.

Regardless, yes, have a fate point.
Not entirely accurate, but - in part because of that - reads like something someone in-setting might have written. I'm reminded of medieval bestiary entries for creatures not native to Europe.
Fair enough

Dont have lot of details on your setting just yet, so tried to avoid using any specific terms (even humans) to describe stuff .. hence the bipedal-insectoid naming convention
Dragons are just not made for stealth, in my opinion.
What, you've never seen a ninja dragon? ...Well of course not, that's how you know they're good at it!

...Jokes aside, yes, your starting stealth is not good (as you might have noticed from all the click-click). Faerie dragons are still dragons, but this quest is built on certain assumptions that don't quite fit them; if you want a faerie dragon quest, go write your own. (Really, please do! I'd love to read one.)
[X] Practice: Stealth
The only thing scarier than a dragon, is a dragon that you didn't see coming.
But as a test of the Fate Point system..

Can i use mine to have our dragon get caught in a Maddened Weaver web?
And done. The Ashen Wizard appreciates your unwilling contribution to his sketchbook.
(Effect: Significantly improved relations with the Ashen Wizard. But now he'll have blackmail material in the form of a very embarrassing story... and the pictures to go with it.)
And then they click against the stone floor instead. It seems the passage outside the cathedral is of more conventional craft - still lined with bone-filled alcoves, but otherwise merely hewn from the- -your mountain's- stone.

You look right, then left; the corridor continues in both directions with no particularly distinguishing features.
So, remarking on the red text here..

Another indicator towards it being some sort of "memory' of ours.. but it doenst help with guiding directions around the place yet..

Combat Instincts: It turns out that your reaction to being surprised is to strike to kill. This may, at times, prove inconvenient. But there is an up-side: when attempting to kill a living creature, you gain a small bonus to your attacks.
Also got this, though not useful right now since most enemies around here would seem to be Undead (and we are sentenced to be caught by the Weavers but details of that remains to be seen...probably be funny though)
[x] Practice: Perception

At the moment we don't need stealth but we are going after some pretty nasty ambush predators.
So @Wyvern when should we expect a character sheet to go up?

Got some of our traits revealed (and some character relations appearing).. but dont have a name for ourselves yet..
Be good to get solid look at our stats.
Likely to be a little while on the character sheet, yet; that's going to be coming after we get through some character creation votes. Which, in turn, will be coming partway through the Encounter.