[X] The Roses Ward
[X] - Reinforcements Have Arrived - The Vice-Marshall of Dale is a woman named Belinda Hornvale, who also serves them abroad as an agent. For now, however, she will be remaining local, as the crisis brews up around the province. Developing a working relationship with the Vice-Marshall and her office may prove crucial to running the pointier end of your fight with the local Teuvians. [55% base chance, 200g, Martial/Diplomacy test, gain access to Dale martial assets, unlocks new options]
-[X] Lea Tsu
[X] - Sweet-Talk - Send your agent to the Court of the Minor House to present your credentials from the Dale and spin a cover-story of Vincennes agents that you are tracking down. Less likely to be believed, but also less likely to ruffle feathers. [40% base chance, 1 turn, Get change in level of cooperation in a given Minor House upward by 1 level (None->Grudging->Full)]
-[X] Thane
-[X] Audrey Suarez
[X] - What Shall We Talk About? - There are already Teuvian followers in the dungeon at Garden Castle, just cooling their heels and waiting for some earnest sort to come along to talk to them. Perhaps if you go cure them of their loneliness, all sorts of secrets might fall out? [50% base chance, 0g, conduct interrogations of Teuvian-captives already held by House Dale, may gain information]
-[X] Janie Tellar
[X] - Black Cats - Superstition and belief in the old powers of the land in many ways appear to have opened the door to a ready acceptance of Teuvian missionaries. But why? What is it about these old traditions that lends itself to Teuv? More importantly, if you can find out which traditions have become particularly tied into Teuv, you will have a number of leads to follow. [50% base chance, 500g, learn about the old lore of Arbalen, gain leads on Teuv groups]
-[X] Candice Kettleblack
[X] - Request Aid - You aren't in this complete alone. Powerful forces are arrayed behind you, able to offer aid if you can make your case for more resources. There are a number of things you can ask for, such as...
-[X] An Additional Agent - This is a bigger job than expected, perhaps you can call in an extra pair of trusted hands? [20% base chance, request an additional agent from Court at Harper] (This chance will increase each turn, will pop an option up to the next main turn or mid-turn to pick a candidate from your existing list or check through the Minor Houses)
I currently like this. We definitely need another agent.