I was feeling a little better, so have an update.
You decide to wait for someone to open the door. Luckily, you don't have to wait very long (about ten minutes or so), before the Headmaster and Professor comes out.
"Albus, it is not right to keep from him"
"Don't worry, I will give to him on Yuletide."
"Alright Albus, just remember it isn't yours."
"Yes, yes, Minerva, I know."
While the pair talk, you quickly slip past into the Headmaster's Office and there you find the cloak, the shimmering, the beautiful, the cloak. It calls to you, stronger then any call before.
You can't resist, YOU MUST HAVE IT. Unfortunately, when you pick it up, you realize that there is a connection to somewhere else. It is not active right now, but it could be any moment. You quickly leave the office before the door finishes closing, and then you....
[] Go to one of your unlocked locations
-[] Which one?
[] Random exploration, hopefully you can find somewhere to hide it.
[Discovered Trait: The Call of LOOT Magic]
[Gained Short-Term Goal: Hide the Invisibility Cloak]: Stash the Cloak somewhere that Dumbledore can't detect. You seem to have a need.
[Gained Long-Term Goal: Remove the Tracking (???)]: You don't know what type of magic is being used to track the Cloak.
[Gained Hidden Goal: Improve Your Mental Health]
[Item Gained: Invisibility Cloak]
A.N. You finally a have purpose (sort of). And, as always, any writing critique is appreciated (especially on the dialog).
Edit: Character Sheet updated