Background Info: House Specialties
House Specialties

Gryffindor: Gryffindor specialize in dueling, magical combat, and, to lesser extent (they are wizards after all), physical training. Gryffindor has the best weapons and used to learn battlefield tactics (they stopped after the war). They tend to take more dangerous professions (Hunter, explorer, curse-breaker, etc.)

Slytherin: Slytherin tends to specialize in social networks (becoming whispers and politicians), and "dark" magic. Contray to popular belief, the dark magic most Slytherins learn isn't very "dark" at all (although traditionally dark magics do exist) and is instead magic that has been passed down by their families, that the Minestry has banned for some reason or another (Muggle-born Slytherins have a natural disadvantage in this field, of course).

Ravenclaw: Ravenclaws tend to specialize in magical research and discovery. They used to be responsible for radical innovations, but few of them do that today. Now they focus discovering old fields of magic, making improvements to existing spells/systems, and, of course, hoarding knowledge.

Hufflepuff: Everyone thinks Hufflepuffs are only focused on hard work, making them generalists who are generally looked down upon. In reality, Hufflepuffs secretly specialize in both infiltration and force multipliers, along with some more esoteric things (this makes them very dangerous enemies to have).
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The Headmaster's Tower
You take the stairs up to the seventh floor, to explore some more. The seventh floor seems very similar to the ground floor, with abandoned classrooms, bathrooms, etc. But then, something calls to you while you pass one of the corridors. You walk down the corridor and you see a painting of trolls in tutus trying to dance. The painting, while funny, is not the thing that calls and you search for it, even going so far as feeling the walls. Unfortunately, you don't find anything, so you eventually give up and explore somewhere else..
Your need is not yet great enough
You explore some more, and eventual come across the Gargoyle's Corridor, which was named for the gargoyle that lies at it's end. The gargoyle guards the entrance to the Headmaster's Tower against those who try to force entry.

You can feel that there is something in the Headmaster's Office, something that you need. You also don't know the password, and you are incapable of forcing the door open.

So you....

-[] Keep Exploring
-[] Something else?
[] Hide, and wait for someone to open the door.
[] Something else?

[Unlocked locations: Troll Corridor (RoR), and Headmaster's Tower]

A.N. It didn't seem like anyone else was going to vote tonight, so have a surprise update. Also, if anyone is wondering how I manage to update so fast after vote lock, it is because I usually pre-write the updates before hand.
[X] Use the Shovel on the gargoyle. A gargoyle is totes a body, right? So the shovel should turn the Gargoyle into fertilizer
[X] Hide, and wait for someone to open the door.

I'm somewhat puzzled why McGonnagetchaall would call her colleague Professor Flitwick. I'm pretty sure she adresses him by his first name - Filius - same as he addresses her Minerva.
I'm somewhat puzzled why McGonnagetchaall would call her colleague Professor Flitwick. I'm pretty sure she adresses him by his first name - Filius - same as he addresses her Minerva.

I knew I messed up the dialog somewhere. Thank you for informing me.

Have a hint. (For @steamrick)

[] Dumbledore and Spies
[] Voldemort and Horcruxs

Edit: I may be locking the vote in 4-6 hours (it might be later, I am feeling sick today).
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Wow, tough choice. Still, gonna go with this one, since it' seems likely to be relevant earlier in the quest:
[X] Dumbledore and Spies
Dumbledore and Spies:

Dumbledore has two sets of detection, the school wards (this is only relevant if you try to leave Hogwarts) and portraits.

Luckily for you, they are also affected by Faceless Syndrome, which applies to both you and anything you are carrying (how do you think you got away with the Hufflepuff Shovel?) Unlucky for you, they are almost everywhere and if you leave a magical item somewhere they can see it, they will eventually report it. They will also notice if you do something too attention-grabbing, like fighting (This applies to everyone, not just portraits.) As you can guess, getting reported to Dumbledore is a bad thing, so be careful of doing things in front of portraits.

Also, I seem to be getting sicker, so their might not be an update tonight.
The Cloak
I was feeling a little better, so have an update.

You decide to wait for someone to open the door. Luckily, you don't have to wait very long (about ten minutes or so), before the Headmaster and Professor comes out.
"Albus, it is not right to keep from him"
"Don't worry, I will give to him on Yuletide."
"Alright Albus, just remember it isn't yours."
"Yes, yes, Minerva, I know."

While the pair talk, you quickly slip past into the Headmaster's Office and there you find the cloak, the shimmering, the beautiful, the cloak. It calls to you, stronger then any call before.

You can't resist, YOU MUST HAVE IT. Unfortunately, when you pick it up, you realize that there is a connection to somewhere else. It is not active right now, but it could be any moment. You quickly leave the office before the door finishes closing, and then you....

[] Go to one of your unlocked locations
-[] Which one?
[] Random exploration, hopefully you can find somewhere to hide it.

[Discovered Trait: The Call of LOOT Magic]

[Gained Short-Term Goal: Hide the Invisibility Cloak]: Stash the Cloak somewhere that Dumbledore can't detect. You seem to have a need.

[Gained Long-Term Goal: Remove the Tracking (???)]: You don't know what type of magic is being used to track the Cloak.

[Gained Hidden Goal: Improve Your Mental Health]

[Item Gained: Invisibility Cloak]

A.N. You finally a have purpose (sort of). And, as always, any writing critique is appreciated (especially on the dialog).

Edit: Character Sheet updated
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[x] Go to one of your unlocked locations
-[x] Hufflepuff common room

Given the stuff they've got stored there's probably someway of hidings magical items.
Plus no one would suspect the hufflepuffs of theft.
[X] Go to one of your unlocked locations
-[X] Hufflepuff common room

Additionally to what's been said... Albus isn't a Hufflepuff. Even if he's the Headmaster, I rather expect he'll have trouble gaining entrance to the room.
Jumping Down
You decide to head to the Hufflepuff common room, considering what they have in their they must have a way to hide things, right?

Unfortunately, you are on the seventh floor and Hufflepuff House is on the ground floor, and you don't know if you have time to wait for the stairs, so you jump. I will survive!

Miraculously, you don't die. Instead, you just float down gently to the bottom floor. Then you run to the corridor by the kitchens, go to the correct barrel, put in the password, and enter the common room.

[] Try to enter one of the rooms that "stopped" you before, maybe they will weaken the signal?
[] Search for something to help you hide it
-[] The boy's dorm
-[] The girl's dorm
-[] The Head's office
[] Something else

[Gained Accidental Magic/Wandless Magic: Feather Falling] You don't have enough control over it for it to truly be wandless magic.
[X] Try to enter one of the rooms that "stopped" you before, maybe they will weaken the signal?
If nothing else this should at least make it harder for anyone to stumble across the cloak accidentally.
My only worry is, if wards can stop us from entering, how are we going to get the cloak back later?
Oh well cross that bridge when we come to it.
Difficult Wards
You decide to attempt to enter one of the rooms that "stopped" you before. You attempt to get inside but it's difficult, very difficult. Eventually you try to "shrink" (for lack of a better word) your magical signature, and you finally make some headway. It is not very much though, and it will take several hours to get all the way through.

[] Spend several hours trying to get through the wards.

[] Search
-[] The boy's dorm
-[] The girl's dorm
-[] The Head's office
[] Something else?

[Trait Strengthened: Magically Unnoticeable: Mid]

Some IC knowledge: It is currently the afternoon and most of the Hufflepuff students will be in class, along with Professor Sprout. Of course, this won't be true in a few hours.

Note: While it requires a hint to get (sort-of) OCC knowledge, I will always give you IC knowledge if you ask for it. (In the case of House Specialities, you knew of them vaguely, but not in that much detail, or any at all really.)

Edit: Character Sheet updated
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[x] Something else?
-[x] Prop the Hufflepuff shovel against a corner, place the cloak over the shovel.
Now both magical items are hidden in plan sight.
[x] Something else?
-[x] Prop the Hufflepuff shovel against a corner, place the cloak over the shovel.
Now both magical items are hidden in plan sight.

While this is a valid vote (just in case in I wasn't clear) Dumbledore is tracking the cloak magically (although you don't know what kind of magic he is using) so he will still find it. (Or tell Professor Sprout where it is and have her get it for him)