While this is a valid vote (just in case in I wasn't clear) Dumbledore is tracking the cloak magically (although you don't know what kind of magic he is using) so he will still find it. (Or tell Professor Sprout where it is and have her get it for him)
Right, forgot about that.

[X] More exploring?
Too bad we left the 7th floor. Could have found the RoR.

[X] Nothing seems to be working! Unless you can find a better spot to hide it, just put it back where you found it. You can get it later.
Too bad we left the 7th floor. Could have found the RoR.

[X] Nothing seems to be working! Unless you can find a better spot to hide it, just put it back where you found it. You can get it later.

If you are referring to the invisibility cloak, you found it on the seventh floor inside Dumbledore's office which you sneaked into and then out of before the door closed, you don't have a way back in.
Infinite Inventory?
You decide to explore some more, checking the some of the parts of Hufflepuff House you skipped before. Eventually you find another warded room, except this one is weaker than the one you attempted to enter before. It seemed to be a storage room, filled with low-level magical items, self-stirring cauldrons and like. Although, you do mange to find a Bag of Holding, which could be useful. You also get a chance to observe how the wards intersect with the tracking signal from the cloak, they seem to cause it to become "fuzzy," delaying any attempts to track it by a few hours.

[] Spend the next few hours entering one of the more heavily warded rooms (cause a delay of one day)

[] Search for something to help you
-[] The boy's dorm
-[] The girls dorm
-[] The Head's office

[Item gained: Bag of Holding]

[Magical Skill Unlocked: Warding]

Edit: Character Sheet updated
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[X] Search for something to help you
-[X] The boy's dorm

You know, given how difficult keeping the cloak hidden is going to be for an extended period of time.
Maybe we should just leave it somewhere where it will cause the most amount of mischief.
Like we could just walk into a class room, through it over some random student then watch them try to explain how the got a hold of an invisibility cloak.
Any other ideas?
[X] Search for something to help you
-[X] The Head's office

After this, to Ravenclaw. Because they have all the secret knowledge. Which means they must be good at hiding stuff.
A very nice suitcase
You decide to check the boy's dorm, looking for anything useful. You mostly find books and clothes, but there is also a very fancy very suitcase, one of the ones with multiple compartments that are bigger on the inside then the outside (probably pureblood's, no one else gets something this fancy). You also find a complete set of first year books inside, which might be useful if you ever decide to study/go to class. The most important thing about the suitcase though, is the idea it gave you. What if you placed the Invisibility Cloak inside the Bag of Holding? It turns out that tracking (???) doesn't work well in pocket dimensions, giving you a few hours delay without having to leave the cloak somewhere. You then put the Bag of Holding inside the suitcase, not because it would cause a meaningful delay, but because it would be easier to carry.

Now you...

[] Search the girl's dorm Unlikely to have anything different
[] Search the Head's office

[Item gained: Suitcase]

[Item gained: Complete set of first-year books]

Edit: Character Sheet updated, and you really like to loot.
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Well, an update was in the works, but since we have a tie now I will leave the vote open for twenty more minutes (I will roll if there is still a tie.)

Edit: Nevermind

Edit: Edit: Thank you, @Swimmingly, it is now fixed.
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The Dark Cup
You decide to search the House Head's office. What you find there is very surprising, on the desk is a golden cup, modestly jeweled, with two handles and engraving of a badger on it. It is also radiating powerful dark magic, although feels broken, incomplete. Perhaps you should find the rest of the set? No, keep us hidden

It would also completely block tracking signal, for as long as the cloak remains inside. You might have been worried about the cloak becoming corrupted, but as long as it remains inside the Bag of Holding and doesn't directly touch the cup, you will be fine for at least a few hours.

[] Go to one of your unlocked locations
-[] Which one?
[] Explore Hogwarts
-[] Which floor? (You are currently on the ground floor, which is different from the first floor)
[] Something else?

[Gained Item: Corrupted Cup of Helga Hufflepuff]

[Gained Long-term Goal: Collect the Horcruxes]

A.N. Let's just say that the story of how the Hufflepuffs took the cup from Bellatrix Lestrange's vault involved (magical) secret agents, decoys, muggle-style fake identities, and at least one dead goblin.
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