You are in a grand hall filled with floating candles and a seemingly transparent ceiling. You are among a large number of other students waiting for name to be called. In front of you is a talking hat who, when placed on a first-years head, calls out the name of their house based on their personality traits.
This may not be the best system
There are the Gryffindors, who are brave (but not bright, Hermione excepted) and they seem to have gotten some kind of celebrity named Harry Potter.
Then there are the Slytherins, who are ambitious (but not very inconspicuous). The Ravenclaws, who are smart (but not too social), are next. Finally there are the Hufflepuffs, the house of the loyal.or so they think
You wait for your name to be called, but it never is. In fact, no one seems to notice you are there. Eventually, everyone except you is called and the headmaster says "Natter. Twat. Wonk. Oddmeat" and gives a few warnings against going into the the Forbidden Forest and the third floor corridor.
How much of this is an act?
After that he calls for the school song and everyone starts to sing different songs, many of which are off-key. But something about the noise calls to you. All too soon, the song ends and everyone else starts to eat while you just watch them.
Once the meal is over, each house head leads their group to the dorms and the rest of the teachers file out.
[] Follow one of the houses
-[] Which one?
[] Explore Hogwarts
[] Follow Dumbledore
A.N. Just to tell you, if follow a house now it won't be permanent. You can, for example, follow Ravenclaw today and Slytherin tomorrow.
Also, write-ins are always allowed (unless I say otherwise) for your character's actions.
Finally, I wrote all this on my phone, so point out any mistakes I may have made.
Edit: Sorry for the delay, I stopped to have dinner.