Since no one wants to do a tally (and get a free hint), have the update.
You decide to follow the Hufflepuffs and Professor Sprout to their common room. You discover that you are being led by the kitchens, towards a shadowy corridor. On the right-hand side of the corridor there are several barrels. Professor Sprout goes up to the barrels and taps on the barrel second from the bottom, middle of the second row, in some kind of rhythm.
A secret door opens, and you slip in with everyone else. As the door shuts, Professor Sprout lets out a sigh of relief. You see what looks like a cozy room with a hooded man in the corner, but something feels different from what it should. Sprout gestures to the man and says "Form a line in front of him, and take your wands out. The first person in line should touch their wand to his."
Why are we doing this?
The students are confused, but they obey. Professor Sprout goes up to the first student lifts her wand and a strange glow comes out of it, binding the other two wands together. "Now repeat after me, I swear to never betray house Hufflepuff." The student complies, and Sprout repeats this with all the other students.
If I don't obey, what will she do to me?
"Now, that you have all sworn Unbreakable Vows, we can get to the good stuff. As you may have guessed, we are not your average house. As members of Hufflepuff, you have gained a life-long membership to an elite group that is literally incapable of betraying each other. You will get training, every morning you will get up at 5:00 A.M. to learn about rituals and important topics. THERE WILL BE NO COMPLAINTS."
Yes ma'am, we don't want to die.
"Ahem, now after your "standard" classes you will learn the art of acting, we can't have people thinking you are anything except a friendly, trusting puff. Now we do have low-level repelling wards, but you are not to lead anyone here under any circumstances, no non-puff has been in this common room for thousands of years and you will maintain that record."
Or you will be punished.
There was repelling wards? But you didn't feel anything.
"In addition, if you wish to commit any unsanctioned crimes, you must make sure they can not be traced back to the rest of us. Luckily for you, with my permission, you may use the Hufflepuff shovel to get rid of any bodies."
"Now a quick overview of what you will be learning, we will start with the effective use of poisons....---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Now off to bed young ones. The boy's dorm is to the right and the girl's dorm is to the left."
[]Leave You don't know how.
[] Go to
-[] The boy's dorm
-[] The girl's dorm
[] Search for anything interesting.
[] Something else?
[Discovered Sub-trait: Magically Unnoticeable-Low]
A.N. This would have been longer, but typing on my phone is a PAIN.
What you think of the dialogue? It is my first time writing a long speech like that (outside of school).