I think he didn't mind so much until he realized this was a freaking idiot savant.
The game was Hunt: Showdown

It's pretty easy to get a sneak kill on someone in that game. So it wasn't that much effort.
I'm pretty bad at it so I didn't go too far into detail, but I have a friend who gushes about the gun sounds and stuff so I figured I kinda had to mention it.

The idea is that she was nowhere near her teammates so it was just kinda walk up behind her and shoot her in the back of the head.

I headcanon that Kakashi is probably a casual multi-millionaire given his time in Anbu so spending $20 to go murder Sakura in a game is more funny than annoying. (Now how he got into her lobby is another question... I dunno.)

Dude, this might be one of my new favorite naruto fics! Hilarious fresh take on gamer, and feels like the characters without anime flanderization.
As a professional writer, if you ever spot actual flanderization in any of my work and it's not explicitly a part of the plot, I want you to DM me immediately.

Obviously "Ruby wakes up in a world where all her teammates are caricatures" is intentional.
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There is intenruonal flandarization and then there is, "this is how they were writtten in canon" which neetly explains half the fanfiction out ttheret rying to "improve" that nebulous something.
The game was Hunt: Showdown

It's pretty easy to get a sneak kill on someone in that game. So it wasn't that much effort.
I'm pretty bad at it so I didn't go too far into detail, but I have a friend who gushes about the gun sounds and stuff so I figured I kinda had to mention it.

The idea is that she was nowhere near her teammates so it was just kinda walk up behind her and shoot her in the back of the head.

I headcanon that Kakashi is probably a casual multi-millionaire given his time in Anbu so spending $20 to go murder Sakura in a game is more funny than annoying. (Now how he got into her lobby is another question... I dunno.)

As a professional writer, if you ever spot actual flanderization in any of my work and it's not explicitly a part of the plot, I want you to DM me immediately.

Obviously "Ruby wakes up in a world where all her teammates are caricatures" is intentional.
I meant more like...canon Kakashi kinda was a but at a loss for what to do with Sakura and tended to leave her to her own devices.

This Sakura meanwhile proved every time he tests her that she's a legit prodigy(thanks to Gamer) but is wasting all that ability because she's a disaster of a person. So he actually spends time and energy to fix her habits.
There's also the establishing pattern of Sakura, the moment she gets a clue, tries to address a problem with her team mates. It's not nothing that she both abandoned/attempted to dissolve her Fan Club AND basically decided to give Naruto a room in her home. Kakashi has to be taking notes.
I meant more like...canon Kakashi kinda was a but at a loss for what to do with Sakura and tended to leave her to her own devices.

This Sakura meanwhile proved every time he tests her that she's a legit prodigy(thanks to Gamer) but is wasting all that ability because she's a disaster of a person. So he actually spends time and energy to fix her habits.
Kakashi in canon is a bit of a disaster of a person when it comes to people. He tries and interact more like Sasuke because angsty teen lashing out at the world is something he is familiar with (I mean, it is Kakashi except older).

This Sakura is, thanks to Gamer, a prodigy (or at least appears to be one) and that is another category of person Kakashi actually understands and can work with.

The other thing to remember about Naruto is that it occurs during a time of peace. Kakashi isn't driving them incredibly hard and giving them time to work through their issues because the current state of peace lets him do so and so many of his peers are proof that pushing kids to be soldiers early on risks some pretty nasty issues (especially if you think Itachi snapped rather than knowing the truth behind it). Given that the war is both brief and against a small number of bad actors whereupon the five nations end the series at peace once again, Kakashi's assessment of the situation isn't exactly bad. You can't really predict ancient supposedly dead shinobi has been puppeting your supposedly dead teammate while under the influence of the next best thing to a goddess.

Kakashi's team even had the same romance mess that afflicts early Team 7 (before Naruto realized his love for Hinata rather than Sakura and whatever character development was supposed to have made the Sasuke/Sakura relationship not be a absolute pile of issues). You have Rin interested in Kakashi, Obito interested in Rin, Kakashi ignorant of all this because he interested in being the perfect Shinobi above all else because of his father's ostracization and suicide.
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Kakashi in canon is a bit of a disaster of a person when it comes to people. He tries and interact more like Sasuke because angsty teen lashing out at the world is something he is familiar with (I mean, it is Kakashi except older).

This Sakura is, thanks to Gamer, a prodigy (or at least appears to be one) and that is another category of person Kakashi actually understands and can work with.

The other thing to remember about Naruto is that it occurs during a time of peace. Kakashi isn't driving them incredibly hard and giving them time to work through their issues because the current state of peace lets him do so and so many of his peers are proof that pushing kids to be soldiers early on risks some pretty nasty issues (especially if you think Itachi snapped rather than knowing the truth behind it). Given that the war is both brief and against a small number of bad actors whereupon the five nations end the series at peace once again, Kakashi's assessment of the situation isn't exactly bad. You can't really predict ancient supposedly dead shinobi has been puppeting your supposedly dead teammate while under the influence of the next best thing to a goddess.

Kakashi's team even had the same romance mess that afflicts early Team 7 (before Naruto realized his love for Hinata rather than Sakura and whatever character development was supposed to have made the Sasuke/Sakura relationship not be a absolute pile of issues). You have Rin interested in Kakashi, Obito interested in Rin, Kakashi ignorant of all this because he interested in being the perfect Shinobi above all else because of his father's ostracization and suicide.
I think that's all definitely super relevant, I will agree.
But I also just, made a really simple change. To be a jonin sensei you have to pass qualifications saying you are capable of working with, and training children.
I don't think the Narutoverse has a lot of mental health focus. Even the Yamanaka seem more offensive than worried about crisis or break downs.

But I think the bare minimum isn't an unreasonable expectation. I can headcanon any bare minimum scenario and you can accept that "yeah that makes sense, " because it's not a stretch, it's the bare minimum.
Sasuke got a counselor after the Itachi thing. Not a comprehensive therapist, not drugs, not a long term care professional. Someone was given for him to talk to when he's overwhelmed.
Kakashi is cleared to work with children.
Sakura passed the academy so her abilities have to be high academy level.
Iruka went to school for teaching, and Mizuki succeeded at being a good teacher for long enough that his betrayal made a lot of chunin go "But I loved him, he was great..."

I think if something is the bare minimum to assume the system functions, it can probably be assumed with relative reasoning that it's canon to the story at least in its basic concept.

So is Kakashi a bit of a disaster? Absolutely.
But he knows that pushing them until they shatter as people is wrong, because he passed the test that asks that question explicitly.
I don't think the Narutoverse has a lot of mental health focus. Even the Yamanaka seem more offensive than worried about crisis or break downs.
Sakura and Ino post canon literally invented the field. the Narutoverse (at least Konoha and likely the others) had zero focus on mental health care. Having it be otherwise makes sense though it raises questions as to Itachi (though given how much of his work is highly classified it is possible that people assume it didn't work or something).
Sakura and Ino post canon literally invented the field. the Narutoverse (at least Konoha and likely the others) had zero focus on mental health care. Having it be otherwise makes sense though it raises questions as to Itachi (though given how much of his work is highly classified it is possible that people assume it didn't work or something).
Eh, it's not a huge thing. Bare minimum means bare minimum.

Even if it's not an official field, to say consideration of mental state has no impact on decisions implies everyone in the entire setting has a permanent idiot ball.

I don't think the mental health field has to be a thing for them to look Kakashi in the eye and say "before I hand you this child, can you agree not to turn them into Itachi 2.0."

Just like I don't think it has to be a predominant field for them to go "Well Sasuke hasn't spoken a full sentence in a year... let's give him someone to talk to, that can't be good."

But even if it was a full field, it wouldn't necessary prevent Itachi even if we assumed he really did snap. Some people just, go crazy, it happens.
Eh, it's not a huge thing. Bare minimum means bare minimum.

Even if it's not an official field, to say consideration of mental state has no impact on decisions implies everyone in the entire setting has a permanent idiot ball.
I just put it down Japanese cultural views on mental health leaning towards seeing it as a sign of weakness rather than a legitimate disease combined with the heavy focus upon clans and families (and how that plays into what the leadership cares about). It is also a society that leans heavily into child soldiers which suggests that either Naruto humanity is different or they never cared for the effects of sending children to war at the age of 5-10. We see that ninjas also have a shockingly low regard for medical professionals which may play a role as well.
Less personal weakness and more that collective responsibility means that by being seen to be mentally ill, you violate filial piety/group loyalty by exposing your origin community's weaknesses.

Two normally unrelated traits that intersected badly
'Shockingly'? How so? Last I checked, Narutoverse ninjas had about the level of disregard for medics that you'd expect from a dysfunctional East Asian society that steeped in war.
Given that Narutoverse medics can do a decent job of both dealing with poison and disease as well as returning even moderately wounded people to combat effectiveness (though it is hard to determine the average level of medics given that Tsunade, Sakura, and Kabuto are well beyond the average). Even if Rin was somewhat above average she performed an eye transplant on the battlefield with shockingly few side effects for working with the Sharingan. You would expect some level of respect simply for that. They may not care about the wounded being comfortable but being able to return the wounded to the battlefield matters.
Given that Narutoverse medics can do a decent job of both dealing with poison and disease as well as returning even moderately wounded people to combat effectiveness (though it is hard to determine the average level of medics given that Tsunade, Sakura, and Kabuto are well beyond the average). Even if Rin was somewhat above average she performed an eye transplant on the battlefield with shockingly few side effects for working with the Sharingan. You would expect some level of respect simply for that. They may not care about the wounded being comfortable but being able to return the wounded to the battlefield matters.

Some dude shoved sharingan into his arms.

I don't think it's the medic that's fucky in that situation.
Orochimaru technically did that for Danzo and while I'm unsure if Orochimaru's a trained medic he probably had some amount of training even if he used it for mad science.
Orochimaru was capable of creating clones and infusing them with the genetic material of long dead individuals as well as a whole host of other medical bullshit. I really wouldn't use him being able to do something as proof that the Sharingan is easy to work with. Danzo also has a significant piece of dead Hashirama flesh implanted in his chest/arm and yet we know that using Hashirama pieces is nasty business with a low success rate. Old man is living proof of Orochimaru's skill.
Update is already done, oddly enough.
I don't like it though. As a whole I think it's what I wanted. Individual moments look good, but scene to scene it's very lacking.

I think I need to rewrite a lot of the description. That's fine, I've plenty of time and other priorities, but I am
sad to have a full chapter in front of me and not post it.

I will say one of my favorite lines so far is "How many jars, Kakashi?"

Which'll be funny to you in a few days, but right now makes zero sense. Enjoy.
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I will say one of my favorite lines so far is "How many jars, Kakashi?"

I'm just imagining Kakashi showing off his signature mock-combat-only Taijutsu technique, "One Thousand Years of Death", mentioning that he practiced it on mason jars until he could reliably keep them from breaking, and being deliberately evasive about how many jars that took.
Okay, I'm highly enjoying this but the timeskip in chapter one almost makes it look like Kakashi never explains his test but Sakura knows it somehow anyway, though I believe it's just a larger timeskip than it first looks like. It's easy to read it as skipping to Kakashi arriving at the training grounds but it seems to be skipping to him arriving at a clearing Sakura is at part way through their meeting which is a very unusual way to cut the scene. It's the kind of thing that could probably be fixed with a couple summary sentences/a paragraph.

Still, I didn't notice any similar problems with later chapters.
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Okay, I'm highly enjoying this but the timeskip in chapter one almost makes it look like Kakashi never explains his test but Sakura knows it somehow anyway, though I believe it's just a larger timeskip than it first looks like. It's easy to read it as skipping to Kakashi arriving at the training grounds but it seems to be skipping to him arriving at a clearing Sakura is at part way through their meeting which is a very unusual way to cut the scene. It's the kind of thing that could probably be fixed with a couple summary sentences/a paragraph.

Still, I didn't notice any similar problems with later chapters.
It's stated that Naruto explains where the test is.
She gets the info from Naruto. She then goes and makes a plan at the grounds.

We then skip to the plan, because nothing else on the bell test is important.

If you mean she knew the details of the bell test, she didn't. She bluffed and bullshitted and happened to get the right answer because the bell test is a really stupid test.
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Okay, I'm highly enjoying this but the timeskip in chapter one almost makes it look like Kakashi never explains his test but Sakura knows it somehow anyway, though I believe it's just a larger timeskip than it first looks like. It's easy to read it as skipping to Kakashi arriving at the training grounds but it seems to be skipping to him arriving at a clearing Sakura is at part way through their meeting which is a very unusual way to cut the scene. It's the kind of thing that could probably be fixed with a couple summary sentences/a paragraph.

Still, I didn't notice any similar problems with later chapters.
Rereading your post it's also possible you just, up and missed a scene?

There's a whole scene where she naps at the testing ground and then wanders around.
It does not skip from their meeting to the test. So if that's the case, you mighta just missed a scene.
Rereading your post it's also possible you just, up and missed a scene?

There's a whole scene where she naps at the testing ground and then wanders around.
It does not skip from their meeting to the test. So if that's the case, you mighta just missed a scene.
I meant literally the first time the word 'bells' appears is here:
"Wha-" It's at that moment that the ground erupts from all around. He tries to move, and finds he cannot, his body won't let him, even as he's grabbed by a hundred blonds and dragged to the ground. They hang off of him, holding him in place above a massive pit. It's so simple, with his arms grabbed, and his legs grabbed, and his entire body suspended above a field of thousands of blonds in all directions, for a simple kunai to fly by and snag the bells, bringing them to Sakura's hands.
And it's odd that it timeskips from Sakura planning the night before for a test she doesn't know the details of to the middle of her enacting said plan without every finding out the details of the test on screen. It's a bit abrupt, even if you could probably get away with just summarizing Kakashi showing up and explaining things, since the audience is probably familiar.
To elaborate, as is, my complaint was that this line here:
Standing in a full out clearing, headset on, Sasuke's voice whispering into her ear while Naruto sets traps with a surprising skill she didn't know he had, well, she can't help but smirk when Kakashi arrives in front of her. "Not even going to try and run or hide, Sakura?"
Is easy to read as Kakashi arriving to explain the bell-test.
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I meant literally the first time the word 'bells' appears is here:

And it's odd that it timeskips from Sakura planning the night before for a test she doesn't know the details of to the middle of her enacting said plan without every finding out the details of the test on screen. It's a bit abrupt, even if you could probably get away with just summarizing Kakashi showing up and explaining things, since the audience is probably familiar.
To elaborate, as is, my complaint was that this line here:

Is easy to read as Kakashi arriving to explain the bell-test.
I suppose some explanation could have gone well but the reality is that there's not a lot of possibilities for the test.

Either it was combat related, at which point a combat based test is going to happen.

Or it's not combat related, at which point her plan doesn't matter because everything they learned in the academy is unimportant and he's trying to fail them intentionally.

So she has to work with it being combat related.
From there, setting up any sort of plan, like she did, is a good baseline.

Then upon hearing the details of the bell test, the answer is obvious, because the bell test is a really stupid test.
I.. think I'll do an omake on it?
You bring up a valid point. The logic is sound but the showing isn't great and honestly, I don't wanna edit it on 3 different sites. I'd rather just post an omake.
Or it's not combat related, at which point her plan doesn't matter because everything they learned in the academy is unimportant and he's trying to fail them intentionally.
Well, it could be stealth related or something else they covered, but yeah, a bet on it being some kind of combat thing is a good one. Better prepared for that than not.
Well, it could be stealth related or something else they covered, but yeah, a bet on it being some kind of combat thing is a good one. Better prepared for that than not.
We're actually not shown any evidence the academy covers stealth at all.
I get we have to assume the ninjas are taught stealth, but if they are, and we follow the "Bare minimum" rule I've established, it's still nowhere near enough to justify a test.

Already like halfway through the omake, gimme a min
Canon-Side Story: The Bell Test
"The alarm is set to twelve." Kakashi's palm lands on a timer, one Sakura swears she's seen in her basement at some point. The man likes older things, that's info she didn't have before. Even as her brain fizzles a little from a lack of sleep, she is still able to pay enough attention to that.

More importantly, she's able to swap her attention back to Kakashi before he moves on without her. "Today's test is to get these two bells from me. Anyone who doesn't have a bell by noon, is being sent back to the academy." The man holds up jingling circular bells. The kind you might play with if you were trying to treat a cat. He clicks them together and he can even hear that little kitty jingle.

"We're going to start after I say, "ready, start." He stares them down with a very distasteful expression. She can't see it behind that mask, but she knows a shittalker when she sees one.
She's argued with enough on the microphone.

Naruto rushing forward before she can say a word doesn't surprise her. He's their idiot now, but he's still an idiot. She supposes she should try to find it endearing or cute, but right now her head kinda throbs and she'd rather he fall over and take a nap.

Kakashi does exactly as she suspects, he proves they cannot win. He has a kunai at the back of Naruto's head within a second, holding him in a position of pure dominance. She's worse than Naruto at Taijutsu, and even if she wasn't, it wouldn't matter. It was such a no-contest moment of sheer power that she's left rolling her eyes at the entire concept.

This isn't a test they're supposed to win by overpowering him, check, understood. The rule is set. "I didn't say start yet." Kakashi teases him, and she picks up on the little flicker of amusement in his tone. It's not something she did intentionally, but she knows the difference between a man trying to be scary, and a man who's actually being scary.

One does not play a party game without getting the idea.

"Ready, start!"
He shouts, and… disappears.

"Hey, wear this." She slips a headset directly over Naruto's head, having found him quickly. He's not very stealthy. "You too Sasuke." Neither is Sasuke, watching her from the trees. "They'll help us communicate."

"Why should we?" Sasuke asks, spinning a kunai in his fingers, to look cool most likely.

"Because the test doesn't make any sense, which means there's a trick." She explains. "And if there's a trick, all three of us need to come up with a solution."

"Maybe you can't solve it, but it's really obvious to me." Sasuke says, staring down at them both with that awkward - somewhat endearing - look of disdain. He's got an ego on him, that's true.

She ignores Naruto's shouting up at him, and continues herself. She's sure he can hear her, toning out Naruto is an Academy level skill. "Then you're an idiot." She calls him out. "Because it's not a test at all."

"... Huh?" She manages to get both of them to say that.

"We were told we'd be split into teams of three in the academy, even those that didn't get a jonin sensei were still split into three, and that made sense because every other team we've ever heard about was a three person team." She begins. "The hokages had three, the Sannin were three, even Kakashi's old team was three."

"Uh-huh…" Naruto pretends to follow along. See that, that's cute. Running at Kakashi, not cute.
Maybe she can get him treats and start training him to be cute.

"So, he's not splitting us into two and sending one of us back or anything, he just lied." She holds out the set for Sasuke after he jumps down. "They're bluetooth, which does mean if they're within a good range they should be able to connect to the receiver I put in the ground earlier. It's complicated nonsense, don't worry about it. We just have to meet Kakashi at the clearing and stay within that range anytime we need to communicate."

Naruto seems very happy to not have to care. Sasuke gives her a pointed stare.

"It'll stop us from having to yell." She explains, and Sasuke does grasp it… Probably.

"So, he's not splitting us up, which means he's also lying about the objective. We're not going to overpower him, it's just not happening - shut-up Sasuke - it's not." She pointedly points at him.

The boy, to his credit, does shut up.

"The test is either rigged, or it's not, and if it's rigged we have no option which means we can only logically work as if it's not." She explains. "Only play when you can win, if you can't, don't even consider that game."

"So you think it's possible we can't win?" Sasuke asks.

"Yeah, it's very possible our sensei is just an asshole and doesn't like kids." Sakura shrugs. "I'm not sure Jonin are required to take students or anything, maybe he just got saddled with us and wants out."

"And you're saying that doesn't matter?" Sasuke asks.

"Not even a little. We have to work under the assumption the game is rigged in our favor, because in no other situation do our actions matter. It's a split branch scenario with one path. At every step it's either rigged, or it's not, and we have to work with the one where it's not." She pulls out a strange device that's blinking a little bit, and a shovel.

"Now do any of us have a way to turn this shovel into a hole?" She asks.

"I do!" Naruto jumps up, grabbing the shovel.
And suddenly there's fifty shovels and fifty Narutos.

"Gonna need you to be a little bit stealthy." Sakura gulps, staring at it all.
It's incredible.
Ino would trade sides in an instant. There's just so much man here…
Awkward, strange, overly loud man without many redeeming qualities, but she's pretty sure Ino would use the line 'I can fix him.'

That sucked.
That sucked so hardcore.

They won, but it hurt, and now, now she's being carried by Naruto.
"You know, you're pretty strong." She compliments him, snuggling into the grip of the boy holding her aloft. It's comfortable at least. "I think I might be wrong about you."

"Wrong about what?" Naruto asks.

"Don't worry about it." She reaches up and pats his cheek.
"You're gonna be a good teammate. Forget anything bad I've ever said about you, okay?"

"Okay, Sakura." Naruto smiles brightly. It's enough for her to fade away with a smile of her own.
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