RWBY: When ROBs have had enough (AU)

Something that I personally haven't seen used before... Drum roll...

The Super Serum Megamind used to create Titan (Megamind Animated Movie)

Now that's something not magic and created using SCIENCE!!! (Mad science admittedly but SCIENCE!!!)
Hmm, that's up to Summer.

'It seems interesting, but judging how the guy who was injected with it ended up, along with the personality of who it originated from, I don't really know if it'll do something to my personality. So I'm afraid not.'

Not much I can do if she decides not to use it.
This is why I suggest we go with the Garrick solution. Way better pay off, and the personality drift tends to be minimal.

Now if we wanted Summer to go all RAR!IMMADOOMBEAST! we should at least get a cooler powerset out of it. Maybe the Ta'ge fragments?
PAAAAAAIIIIIII-Wait, it doesn't hurt anymore.
Ok, I've just sent the things through!

A slightly softer-then-when-she-arrived Thump sounded and her vision was suddenly obscured by some items she had never seen before, some of them larger than others. There was only one problem. She couldn't actually use the things because her bones were broken!

'...Uh, little help here?'

Whoops! Knew I forgot something.

Suddenly, she felt a small prick into her arm, with something being depressed into it. Immediately afterwards, she could feel her bones starting to realign and repair, along with her Aura mending itself rather quickly. In a matter of seconds, she was back to normal. However, when she tried to stand up she could barely move her legs. "Why can't my legs move?"

They're asleep. Like, Really really asleep.

"Hmm. Ok, lets fix that." Lightly pumping some aura into her legs, she suddenly could feel herself pushing up into a sitting position. "Great. Now, how about some answers."

What do you want to know?

"How long has it been since you...'rescued' me?

About 4 hours. Would not recommend going out there, the Grimm are everywhere.

"Ok, then where's my weapon?"

Unfortunately, I couldn't grab it while getting you. It's not where you were before, so I think it was taken as a trophy.

"Not broken?"

Nope. No shards or anything.

"Darn. I liked that thing. Well, I guess now is a good time as any to learn some martial arts I guess."

Sounds good. By the way, I was able to get the hub to deliver food and water on it's own, so you don't need to dedicate slots towards it.

As soon as Summer hears that, a plate of delicious looking food appears in front of her. "Thank dust. I was hoping that I wouldn't need to worry about that."

Just doing what I can!

After Summer is properly fed and watered, She starts staring towards the ceiling. "So, What am I supposed to do here?"

Well, for right now I would suggest getting some rest. Afterwards, I would recommend asking about a weapon, or some way to defend yourself without said weapon. Eventually, I would look into some form of housing, because the Hub is the only truly safe place, and if you need it to be livable, then you should make it that way.

"Sounds good. Anything else I should know?"

Not that I can think of. It's up to you and the Askers to figure out what's best for right now.

"Ok. I'll see you later."


After Summer confirms that the presence that she had been feeling has left, she turns toward another distance, seemingly looking out at you.

"So, what do you guys want to do?"

(AN: Hooray for updates! By the way, if you want to ask Summer something you just need to specifically address her. No need of an IC thing at all.)
Dear Summer: First off, I would recommend using that 1-up box before going out; they're a preventative measure, meaning that they don't work if you happen to die without having used it ahead of time.
"Sounds good." She then lightly bops the box, causing it to break and suddenly have the distinct feeling that there are two of her. It's rather weird.
While a hunter of Summer's caliber could probably wield a Daiklave, because she is massively stronger than a standard human, to the point I really think she could brute force the issue, without the ability to unlock it's evocations it's just a poorly constructed sword by remnant standards...

No souls, no living things...

Man this really makes things harder, an S2 organ and a medical droid would solve just about all the problems.

Can't send devil arms, maybe Dante's Rebellion?

Hey Summer do you prefer two-handers or lighter blades? Also what are your feelings on rocket launchers?

[x] Duct tape
"I prefer lighter. Just not rapiers, they rely too much on thrusts for my taste. Also, Rocket launchers are useful, but kind of expensive and pretty heavy."

Duct tape confirmed. Also, Rebellion I believe is Soul bound with Dante, so that's a no.
Hmmm okay summer, just one or two swords? Because the High-Frequency blades should work extremely well with lightning dust to give them the extra edge when you cut a grim down...just be careful when using them, because of their nature they can and WILL cut just about anything...

Also maybe it would be a good idea to get a boot knife in the future for just in case scenarios?

Finally I think you should check on the stuff we sent, the eyepatch looking thing is called the solid eye, I'll explain the details later but it should help you massively against ambushes and grim patrols in the future...or if you want to cut salems head via stealth kill.
Uriel: Man sized (Around 6 feet) is the biggest you can go right now.

"I usually prefer 1 sword. Thanks for the warning, but I actually don't have any High-frequency blades right now. The idea about the knife is a good idea though, I'll try to get one at a blacksmith when I get back. I've already put on the Solid eye, and I absolutely love it. It has so many modes that I can't keep track of them all!"
Summer: That laser rifle is a Recharger Rifle; it can hold seven shots at a time. It is a directed energy weapon firing what basically amounts to a tightly focused flashbulb powerful enough to make someone explode. It has a built-in nuclear reactor that can recharge one shot each second. It'll definitely put down a person without Aura if you hit them, but I'm not sure about Grimm or people with Aura.
Actually, here's something that should prove extremely helpful for Summer in the process of getting out of this mess alive.

[X] Extended Potion of Invisibility (Minecraft)(includes documentation)
This potion should make Summer invisible for around eight minutes when drunk. Normal clothing will also be rendered invisible, but armor will not. Weapons that are holstered will be rendered invisible, but not weapons currently being held.

Nothing like some good old fashioned stealth enhancements for getting out of a sticky situation in one piece, yes?

Summer: I'm going to try and send you an invisibility potion in the next batch of stuff. When you drink it, it will render you completely invisible for eight minutes. Normal clothing and holstered weapons will also be made invisible, but armor and any weapons you're currently carrying won't be.
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I just write: If you want her to use that to get her out of the Grimm horde, then I will have to mention that it only cloaks her from sight, not other senses. She could most likely be sniffed out by the Ursas or the Beowolfs.

Uriel: Unless it's like ammunition, only one at a time.
You can start queuing after every post.

"I prefer a fast, but precise style of combat. No flashy moves, no death of a thousand cuts, just one solid blow and it's gone. It works with my Semblance really well."
OK, if robots are OK, could we send Summer a Reploid from Mega Man Zero? Specifically, Guardian Hidden Phantom, one of the few Reploids out there who is both demonstrably able to go toe-to-toe with Zero, and demonstrably non-crazy.
all right

[x] Stargate SG1 Tollan Phase Device with instruction manual
[x] Star Wars KOTOR Mandalorian Power Shield with instruction manual