Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Quest

Alternatively, we join up with him. :3

My only problem with this is that it's already been done in the original quest, but I really wouldn't mind seeing if we can set up Lu Bu as a major player and be one of his backers.
No, it will never work for he is to focused on his own martial prowess to be a good leader and besides being a legendary warrior he is incompetent.

Yes! Dynasty Warriors Quest!
Read the GMs notes this will follow ROTK not Dynasty Warriors.
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Heck yes I've been waiting for one.
[X] 170 A.D.


You were named:
[X] Liang Yu

You were born to a family of:
[X]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.

When you were young, you:
[X] Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.

[X] 184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.

So serve under these guys?:

I want to serve under these girls instead:

... Is it still possible? :D:p
No no it's going to be more like this.
No, it will never work for he is to focused on his own martial prowess to be a good leader and besides being a legendary warrior he is incompetent.
Nah, all you have to do is let someone else do the actual ruling while he does the fighting and nominal ruling.

Besides, it worked in the quest that the QM is basing this off of, so I wouldn't write it off just yet.
Alternatively, we join up with him. :3

My only problem with this is that it's already been done in the original quest, but I really wouldn't mind seeing if we can set up Lu Bu as a major player and be one of his backers.
Maybe we should Join Liu Bao or Sun family? Where I can read more of Raian original quest? I only read to thread 16.
When we meet Lubu then we don't volunteer to catch him.
[X] 166 A. D.
[X] Ye Chun Hwa
[X]Farmers, strong in body, but have never received a proper education. Most nobles and merchants look down upon you, but the peasants consider you one of them.
[X] Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.
[X] 184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.
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You do not survive Lu Bu, Lu Bu let you live.

Or he is too busy killing someone else
The players weren't just broing it up with Lu Bu in the original quest, they were banging his daughter as well. >_>
Maybe we should Join Liu Bao or Sun family? Where I can read more of Raian original quest? I only read to thread 16.
archive.foolz Only goes up a few more threads though.
Does that look Chinese or Japanese to you?
Grand Theft Equestrian: Girl Thug Edition. Come on, people! We can be an awesome gang leader!
ROTK!Bruce Lee is better. :p

More seriously, I'd be more favorably inclined if it weren't for your early start date. I'm also more interested in creating a second Lu Bu.

A female warrior on par with him could be interesting, actually...
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[X] 170 A.D.


You were named:
[X] Li Xiao Long

You were born to a family of:
[X]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.

When you were young, you:
[X] Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.

[X] 189 A.D. Yuan Shao has massacred the corrupt eunuchs, but Dong Zhuo has deposed the Emperor Shao in favour of nine year of Emperor Xian. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao begins planning for a coalition to battle the tyrant.
[X]Pan Jin Lian (潘金莲)
[X]Merchants, skilled in handling the trees of bureaucracy and taught a silver tongue for negotiations.
[X]Mingled with your peers and tried to make more connections for the future.
[X]184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.

Pan Jin Lian was a simple rice merchant's only child. Her father wished for a son to pass on the family rice transport business to, but got only a daugther. She took up the challenge of proving to her father that a lady can run a business too and started to demonstrate her abilities in accountancy, business managment and, of course, the manipulation of the social scene to the advatage of the family business from the age of 14.

What was once a small town logistics company slowly became a regional name as young Pan JinLian wrestled with numbers, managed the workers and sealed business deal with a wink and a smile at social functions. Seeing what she could do, and also fearing for her safety with the recent peasant revolts, Pan Jin Lian's father sent her into the capital city to apprentice herself to one of the court officials, hoping she would bring glory to the family name and maybe even catch the eye of some important minister's son. Both would greatly help both the nation and the Pan Family business.
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I thought they weren't going to be used? Give me a moment, need to ransack my brain for some other names.
It's more like the era only had the family name and one given character. So the name has three characters so I got confused as to your intent.

Zhuge Liang's case is different, as Zhuge is a compound family name.
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It's more like the era only had the family name and one given character. So the name has three characters so I got confused as to your intent.

Zhuge Liang's case is different, as Zhuge is a compound family name.
What about Sun Shang Xiang and Guan Yin Ping? Or am I confusing something about the Chinese?

Also, what is the ROtTK gameplay like? Not hack-and-slash, I take it?
It's more like the era only had the family name and one given character. So the name has three characters so I got confused as to your intent.

Zhuge Liang's case is different, as Zhuge is a compound family name.
Actually, changed my mind to this for the given name.

Was rereading Dragon of the North, Stannis got stuck in my mind, and decided on this character instead. Is that alright with you?
In ROTK novel, the names of Women were only referred to as say, Lady Sun, Lady Guan, etc. Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are used simply so that there is no Lady Qiao 1 and Lady Qiao 2 and so on.
Sun Shang Xiang is Sun Ren in the texts I read, dunno why Koei used that name.
Guan Yin Ping is a fictional name. Only mention is Wu proposing a marriage for Lady Guan and Guan Yu going 'no'.

Actually, changed my mind to this for the given name.

Was rereading Dragon of the North, Stannis got stuck in my mind, and decided on this character instead. Is that alright with you?

Let's see. Li Jian, yeah. It rolls off the tongue well, so I have no problems with it.
Though it does sound like 奸 or 监.
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[X]Pan Jin Lian (潘金莲)
[X]Merchants, skilled in handling the trees of bureaucracy and taught a silver tongue for negotiations.
[X]Mingled with your peers and tried to make more connections for the future.
[X]184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.

Pan Jin Lian was a simple rice merchant's only child. Her father wished for a son to pass on the family rice transport business to, but got only a daugther. She took up the challenge of proving to her father that a lady can run a business too and started to demonstrate her abilities in accountancy, business managment and, of course, the manipulation of the social scene to the advatage of the family business from the age of 14.

What was once a small town logistics company slowly became a regional name as young Pan JinLian wrestled with numbers, managed the workers and sealed business deal with a wink and a smile at social functions. Seeing what she could do, and also fearing for her safety with the recent peasant revolts, Pan Jin Lian's father sent her into the capital city to apprentice herself to one of the court officials, hoping she would bring glory to the family name and maybe even catch the eye of some important minister's son. Both would greatly help both the nation and the Pan Family business.

I like this more unique approach to ROTK. Not so much focus on the fighting (at first anyways) but on the life of an upper middle class independent female. Would be interesting to see how we survive in this tumultuous time.