Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Quest

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The Han is corrupt, ruled not by merit but through the machinations of the palace eunuchs. The...


Anyone need some chaos?

The Han is corrupt, ruled not by merit but through the machinations of the palace eunuchs. The empire long united, must divide. An era of mythic feats and heroic legends will begin.
But first: Who are you?

You were born in:
[ ]Pick any year

[ ]Male
[ ]Female

You were named:
[ ]Write-in.

You were born to a family of:
[ ]Farmers, strong in body, but have never received a proper education. Most nobles and merchants look down upon you, but the peasants consider you one of them.
[ ]Merchants, skilled in handling the trees of bureaucracy and taught a silver tongue for negotiations.
[ ]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.

When you were young, you:
[ ]Decided to follow in the footsteps of your fathers, and mastered the skills so vital for you.
[ ]Spent nights upon nights studying what books you can find or are provided.
[ ]Led your own gang, picking fights and generally causing mayhem.
[ ]Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.
[ ]Mingled with your peers and tried to make more connections for the future. (Not available for Farmer)
[ ]Tried a little bit of everything, to be honest.
[ ]Write-in (With GM Permission)

The Year Is:

[ ] 184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.

[ ] 189 A.D. Yuan Shao has massacred the corrupt eunuchs, but Dong Zhuo has deposed the Emperor Shao in favour of nine year of Emperor Xian. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao begins planning for a coalition to battle the tyrant.

[ ] 195 A.D. By giving away the imperial seal, Sun Ce has borrowed troops to conquer the southlands. Meanwhile, Lu Bu seeks refuge at the lands of Liu Bei, who inherited Tao Qian's lands and Emperor Xian requests the aid of Cao Cao.

[ ] 200 A.D. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, both collide to contest the master of northern china at Guan Du. Sun Ce has died and Sun Quan has accepted his brother's title.

[ ] 207 A.D. Liu Bei, in desperate need, attempts to enlist the service of the Sleeping Dragon, while Sun Quan prepares to resist Cao Cao's demand for his submission.

[ ] 217 A.D. The three powers, now established. Shu at the West, Wei at the North and Wu at the South. Guan Yu guards Jing Zhou, eyed by both Wei and Wu. Shu prepares to battle with Wei for possession of Han Zhou.

[ ] Write-In

GM's Note: So, after reading Raian's ROTK quest on /tg/ and playing through ROTK X, I decided to start my own quest. However, given the fact that people of the time used Family Names, Given Names and Style Names, for my sanity I decided to forgo the Style Names. Sure Kong Ming, Mengde and Bofu might be well known, but doing this the hard way means both me and you guys have to remember so much more names.

This quest leans more heavily on the ROTK novel and the ROTK series of games, not Dynasty Warriors, so don't expect to even reach 1000+ kill count solo per battle. But some things like magic might be present.
A degree of metagaming is expected, just don't do outlandish things with it. Also, feel free to fire any questions at me.
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Character Sheet
Name: Li Jian (Xiao Long)​

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Current Time: September, 186 A.D.

LDR: 84
WAR: 81
INT: 75
POL: 70
CHA: 72

Money: 1,400 Cash

Golden Chain-Lance (Excellent for fighting on horseback. WAR+2.)
Good Sword (Good for fighting on foot. No bonus)
Good Chain-Spear (Good for fighting on horseback. No bonus)
Good Composite Bow (WAR +2)
Good Horse (Increases speed when moving solo)
Horse Banner (Morale of Troops ++ When in Battle. But if it goes down...)
Huangfu's Personal War Experiences and Knowledge (INT +2, LDR +2, CHA +2)
Book: Warring States (POL +3)

Excellent horserider: +5 LDR and WAR when commanding Cavalry and fighting duels on horseback. Special tactics available against enemy horsemen.
Chain-Spear Style: +10 To Hit On All Duels.

Well Known

Personal Military Unit
Li Zhi Shi Qian (Four Thousand of Li)
Strength: 3,986 Men out of 5,000 Men.
Loyalty: Fanatical
Morale: Ecstatic
Experience: Elite

The stats and their what the numbers mean.
Leadership (Effectiveness at leading men)
War (Fighting skills, strength, stamina, etc)
Intelligence (Knowledge, plots, ploys, etc)
Politics (Administration, civil duties, politics, etc)
Charisma (Speech, presentation, "handsomeness," etc)

1-10 Useless
11-20 Incompetent
21-30 Inept
31-40 Acceptable
41-50 Decent
51-60 Useful
61-70 Better
71-80 Good
81-90 Excellent
91-100 Master
100+ God-like.

Please disregard the Massive Wei, Wu and Shu.
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Commander Who Guards The East
Known spells: Clear, Foggy

The effects of a spell will linger for 24 hours unless countered.

These were the rough radius-execution time that you manage to calculate.

Radius of 3 Yin (0.1KM, Area of 0.031 KM2​) - 1 Minute
Radius of 6 Yin (0.2KM, Area of 0.13 KM2​) - 4 Minute
Radius of 15 Yin (0.5KM, Area of 0.79 KM2​) -24 Minute
Radius of 2 Li (1KM, Area of 3.14KM2​) - 96 Minute
Radius of 4 Li (2KM, Area of 12.57KM2​) - 4 Hours 48 Minutes
Radius of 10 Li (5KM, Area of 78.57 KM2​) - 31 Hours 12 Minutes
Radius of 20 Li (10KM, Area of 314.16KM2​) - 4 Days 8 Hours 48 Minutes

Every additional caster will halve the casting time.
Example, for a radius of 10,000m, with 4 casters it is possible to execute in 8 Hours 3 Minutes.

However, only the methods needed for Clear days and Foggy days are available. The spell has a cooldown period of 6 Hours regardless of casting time and radius, so you can't rapidly cast it. Conflicting weather spells will cancel each other out.
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Right, all done. You can post now.

On naming: In this Era, there is the family name, like, say Liu, and there is the given name, like Bei. Style names replace the given name in many social situations when one is 20 at the capping ceremony. For my sanity, style names are not used in this game.
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[X] 166 A. D.


[X] Li Feng

[X]Farmers, strong in body, but have never received a proper education. Most nobles and merchants look down upon you, but the peasants consider you one of them.

[X]Led your own gang, picking fights and generally causing mayhem.

[X] 184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.
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That's not Chinese.

[X] 170 A.D.


You were named:
[X] Li Xiao Long (Style Name) [Little Dragon]
[X] Li Jian (Given Name) [Firm, Resolute]

You were born to a family of:
[X]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.

When you were young, you:
[X] Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.

[X] 189 A.D. Yuan Shao has massacred the corrupt eunuchs, but Dong Zhuo has deposed the Emperor Shao in favour of nine year of Emperor Xian. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao begins planning for a coalition to battle the tyrant.

I'm mainly aiming to have our character get involved in the major events as early as he can. As a noble, it's also easier for him to become a major player, while studying martial arts is going to let him win duels and capture generals much more easily.
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[X] 166 A. D.

[X] Female

[X] Li Feng

[X]Farmers, strong in body, but have never received a proper education. Most nobles and merchants look down upon you, but the peasants consider you one of them.

[X]Led your own gang, picking fights and generally causing mayhem.

[X] 184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.
[X] 167 A.D.
[X] Male
[X] Guan Xing
[X]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.
[X]Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.
[X] 189 A.D. Yuan Shao has massacred the corrupt eunuchs, but Dong Zhuo has deposed the Emperor Shao in favour of nine year of Emperor Xian. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao begins planning for a coalition to battle the tyrant.

Are you going to run this in the Rotk X sense in running just one "Officer" or are we going to be ruling a province?
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[X] 167 A.D.
[X] Male
[X] Guan Xing
[X]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.
[X]Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.
[X] 189 A.D. Yuan Shao has massacred the corrupt eunuchs, but Dong Zhuo has deposed the Emperor Shao in favour of nine year of Emperor Xian. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao begins planning for a coalition to battle the tyrant.

Are you going to run this in the Rotk X sense in running just one "Officer" or are we going to be ruling a province?

I am planning for the quest to run one officer only.

... Is it still possible?

Nope. Sorry, the quest is based off ROTK and maybe a pinch of Dynasty Warriors.
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[X] 170 A.D.


You were named:
[X] Li Xiao Long

You were born to a family of:
[X]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.

When you were young, you:
[X] Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.

[X] 189 A.D. Yuan Shao has massacred the corrupt eunuchs, but Dong Zhuo has deposed the Emperor Shao in favour of nine year of Emperor Xian. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao begins planning for a coalition to battle the tyrant.
I did not realise I wanted this quest until now.

[X] 168 A.D.


You were named:
[X] Zhang Long

You were born to a family of:
[X]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.

When you were young, you:
[X] Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.

[X] 184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.

Basically, I want to get involved in matters of import as soon as possible. The early start date and Noble origins play into that.
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[X] 166 A. D.


[X] Li Feng

[X]Farmers, strong in body, but have never received a proper education. Most nobles and merchants look down upon you, but the peasants consider you one of them.

[X]Led your own gang, picking fights and generally causing mayhem.

[X] 184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.

Join the Yellow Scarves and establish Heavenly Kingdom with the Way of Peace. HEAVEN!! Seriously, Zhang Jiao was actually fighting for a just cause but he was ahead of his time.
I don't really care for the joining the Yellow Turbans mainly because of its early start and the generally united China at the time. Once things get into full swing, we can climb and either make our own faction or coast along on someone else's.


"Chaos is a ladder."
-attributed to Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish.
[X] 166 A. D.


[X] Li Feng

[X]Farmers, strong in body, but have never received a proper education. Most nobles and merchants look down upon you, but the peasants consider you one of them.

[X]Led your own gang, picking fights and generally causing mayhem.

[X] 184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.
@staplesdex2, where is that image from?

re thread: -Any- Birth Date?

Birth Date:
[x] 9,000,000,000 BCE.
[x] Gender? What does that matter?
[x] Names have no meaning, for we are the Immortal.
[x] We were not born.
[x] We were not taught.
[x] The year is 184 AD. Or whatever those mortals called it.
Join the Yellow Scarves and establish Heavenly Kingdom with the Way of Peace. HEAVEN!! Seriously, Zhang Jiao was actually fighting for a just cause but he was ahead of his time.

That and the fact that the Yellow Scarves/Turbans literally burnt, raped, pillaged and massacred. I will give a word of warning that Yellow Turbans might not be a good choice or it will be much harder, given the fact that after they lost, 500,000 rebels were put to death as an example. The yellow turbans were also disorganised, the soldiers of the faction are not very trained and have poor morale compared to the other possible factions.

Birth Date:
[x] 9,000,000,000 BCE.

[X] 170 A.D.


You were named:
[X] Li Xiao Long

You were born to a family of:
[X]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.

When you were young, you:
[X] Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.

[X] 189 A.D. Yuan Shao has massacred the corrupt eunuchs, but Dong Zhuo has deposed the Emperor Shao in favour of nine year of Emperor Xian. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao begins planning for a coalition to battle the tyrant.
[X] 170 A.D.


You were named:
[X] Li Xiao Long

You were born to a family of:
[X]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.

When you were young, you:
[X] Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.

[X] 189 A.D. Yuan Shao has massacred the corrupt eunuchs, but Dong Zhuo has deposed the Emperor Shao in favour of nine year of Emperor Xian. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao begins planning for a coalition to battle the tyrant.

Hmm,this have best build in my opinion,We need to survive LuBu then all should be good.
[X] 166 A. D.


[X] Li Feng

[X]Farmers, strong in body, but have never received a proper education. Most nobles and merchants look down upon you, but the peasants consider you one of them.

[X]Led your own gang, picking fights and generally causing mayhem.

[X] 184 A.D. The peasantry, simmering under the oppressive rule of the Han, rebelled under the leadership of Zhang Jiao to establish the Golden Heaven. He Jin is appointed to crush this rebellion, and an edict to fight the Yellow Scarves Rebellion is issued.
[X] 170 A.D.


You were named:
[X] Li Xiao Long

You were born to a family of:
[X]Nobles, taught to lead others from childhood, with an excellent education in the matters of the realm.

When you were young, you:
[X] Studied and practiced with all forms of weapons, burning with a desire to become a legendary warrior.

[X] 189 A.D. Yuan Shao has massacred the corrupt eunuchs, but Dong Zhuo has deposed the Emperor Shao in favour of nine year of Emperor Xian. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao begins planning for a coalition to battle the tyrant.

Yes! Dynasty Warriors Quest!