Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Well, it's your call, but there does come a point where it's down to the person clicking on the link to employ a little due diligence.
Having utilized the image url to find the artist and browsed through his gallery a bit, I agree with Harry here. More generally, I think it's quite wise in these matters to err on the side of caution, considering.
Well, at least with Harmony Packs you're supposed to cross the streams...

That being said, it's kind of nice to go randomly shopping at walmart and see a giant bin full of plushie Vinyl Scratches ranging in sizes from "awww, so cyute and teeny" to "It's so fluffy I'mma gonna DIE!"


(W) Ted Anderson (A/CA) Ben Bates

Check out the original Power Ponies in action! When Mane-iac assembles an all-star team of villains, the Power Ponies may be outmatched! It will take a familiar face from Equestria to even the odds! Get ready for super powered adventure like you've never seen it!


(W) Christine Rice (A) Tony Fleecs (CA) Amy Mebberson

Granny visits an apple convention and is dismayed to see the Flim Flam brothers are up to their old tricks. Only the two are no longer working together… something has divided the brothers! It will be up to Granny to mend hurt feelings. But will she want to?


(W) Jeremy Whitley (A) Amy Mebberson (CA) Amy Mebberson, Sara Richard

A special one-shot issue featuring the ponies' pets! When some new trouble comes into Ponyville, all of our normal heroes are incapacitated. Luckily help is on the way in the form of Angel, Owlicious, Gummy, Tank, Winona and Opal! Will they be able to use teamwork to save the day?

I'd also post some more of the Trixiedash comic but what's on Derpi right now actually spoils too much of the plot.

Gothic Rarity

Gothic Rainbow Dash

Gothic Fluttershy

Gothic Princess Twilight Sparkle

by DoodLychee

Trixie and Twi
You know, I think that's the only animated series FiM hasn't been crossed over with in fanfiction yet.
Okay, make that the only animated series I've heard of that hasn't had a FiM crossover. Don't think that one made it across the Atlantic.
Okay, make that the only animated series I've heard of that hasn't had a FiM crossover. Don't think that one made it across the Atlantic.
Ah, sorry. Here's a trope page link.

Exo Squad takes place sometime in the 22nd century, when Humans have fully terraformed and colonized Venus and Mars. The Neosapiens, an artificially-engineered race, have Turned Against Their Masters and launched an invasion of Earth and Venus.The story focuses on the ExoFleet, the Homeworlds' space navy, in particular, Able Squad, a group of Exo-frame (Mini-Mecha) pilots led by Lieutenant J.T. Marsh.
Oh hey, I think I remember that from my childhood. The Martian leader was melted and had to wear a suit, right?

Anyway, the Spanish team let a new preview slip.

And now I'm expecting the English version to sound worse than that.

Gothic Applejack

Gothic Pinkie

Those are probably a better advertisement for those toys than anything else out.


- aj : college days -

30 minute challenge, pinkie pie in candy land. done in roughly 28.5 minutes~

Commision for minivanmaster [2]

Wait... why does the Cake family have Trixie's hat and cape?! :o
I believe it's a cheap imitation analogous to the Rainbow Dash PJs Pound has.

Alternately, Trixie's family are the Mooncakes.

In other news, a random assortment of pages has been released. In which Evil!Celestia is evil enough Pinkie yells "You can't do that! This is a kid's comic!", comments on Derpi are comparing Sombra to Kittan and we see Celestia's battle form.

Is Celestia's tiara some kind of limiter?