Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Man, it's still surprising how much Fluttershy means to Discord. She doesn't even really seem to realize she's cutting him up like butter sometimes. Also, his house is... well, I'm surprised he even has a house.
Man, it's still surprising how much Fluttershy means to Discord. She doesn't even really seem to realize she's cutting him up like butter sometimes. Also, his house is... well, I'm surprised he even has a house.
That house reminds me of Fluttershy's for some reason, except yknow, Discordified. Like her cottage was like in Keep Calm and Flutter On. They aren't that similar but compared to the differences between the houses of most major character they're suggestively alike, particularly on the inside.

In fact, this whole place appears to be mimicry. It floats in the Warp, but it's fairly normal looking small house. Discord performs, with his own spin, the various things normal people do. He opens the door when he enters, (un)washes the dishes and dusts, even though these gestures appear to serve no purpose. They don't entertain him, he isn't expressing himself, they don't even create chaos. When you're already in the Warp and there's a waterfall that can't decide whether to flow up or down right out the window, doing the dishes in reverse barely registers on the weirdness scale.

I guess this is part of Discord's attempt to understand and gain the acceptance of normal people. We're getting new insights here already, people.
I love that he has Moorcock's Symbol of Chaos on his cane. That's a brilliant little touch.

Celestia: "I was asked to test these new blends! I swear! And you can't test this much tea without a bit of teacake; it'd be blasphemous."
Agreed. It's almost undertones of someone who's been abused on his part, desperately clinging for attention and proof that they're still wanted.
I'm mostly getting the vibe of a young child somewhere between still learning they aren't the center of the universe, and not yet grokking poly-friendship because they haven't really experienced it for themselves yet.

Of course there's the fact that Fluttershy had a bunch of friends already, a lot of them even if you count animals, but I'm willing to overlook that plot hole because Discord is otherwise pretty much the best character to use for this.
Wow, Fluttershy. That was remarkably cruel.

Jeeze, Discord! Less creeperism! Poor Spike is going to have nightmares for millenia. Also, I don't think you understand what '+1' means, CMC...
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Agreed. It's almost undertones of someone who's been abused on his part, desperately clinging for attention and proof that they're still wanted.

Eh... I don't think anywhere near such nice thoughts towards Discord. Maybe he's deluded himself to believing he's the victim, but the only bad experiences he suffered from are the ones he's responsible for causing in the first place.
Sounds about what I'll be thinking, but I reserve final judgment until I can finally see the episode.

Still feeling kind of sorry for him. Fluttershy brushed him off without even noticing him a lot, and really didn't help his impression that they weren't friends anymore. She knows he's still new at this whole 'being sociable and having friends' thing, and basically leaves him in the lurch without explaining how it's possible to have more than a core set of friendships. Which then leaves him in a state where he's constantly trying to win back her favor (not realizing that he hasn't lost it), and getting more and more frustrated until he goes full-on demon-lord for a second when Tree Hugger croons the Smooze back to sleep. Once the whole 'multiple friends' thing gets worked out and actually explained to him, he calms down and apologizes. It's actually... pitiful. Like, you're pretty sorry for his sake because you can see the mistake he's making, and at the same time, Fluttershy isn't realizing how mean she's accidentally being to him by brushing him off without even explaining the situation, and--it's certainly not 'Three's a Crowd' or Twilight's Kingdom. More, S1 Dash-ish.

Also, the Mad God Trollestia demands to hear the whimpering of her nobles when she orchestrates the complete disruption of her gala again.
And that puts me completely off the episode.

Exaggerating for effect, but basically... yeah, she pretty much invited Discord because she was completely bored out of her mind again (even if she managed to get out of door duty this time), and when Discord learned his lesson brushed it off and dragged Twilight out to dance with her. She's still an adventurer at heart, it seems.
Exaggerating for effect, but basically... yeah, she pretty much invited Discord because she was completely bored out of her mind again (even if she managed to get out of door duty this time), and when Discord learned his lesson brushed it off and dragged Twilight out to dance with her. She's still an adventurer at heart, it seems.
I am someone who would vastly prefer the Gala as it is/was to what, say, Pinkie would like it to be. I also think her 'trolling' is rude at best. If she wants it changed, she is well within her power to ask them to change it. Or simply not attend.

Sorry, but 'best Night Ever' still rubs me the wrong way and how she handled things.
I am someone who would vastly prefer the Gala as it is/was to what, say, Pinkie would like it to be. I also think her 'trolling' is rude at best. If she wants it changed, she is well within her power to ask them to change it. Or simply not attend.

Sorry, but 'best Night Ever' still rubs me the wrong way and how she handled things.

Well, thing is, it didn't turn out nearly as bad this time. Less 'ahh!' and massive destruction, much more easily reversed temporary staining, Discord trying and failing at stand-up comedy, and life lessons. I mean, yeah, there was one measly hole ripped open in the fabric of space and time to the sock puppet dimension, but Discord fixed that right up after getting told off and explained how he was wrong. Yeah, everybody got slimed, but Discord fixed it back up again and nobody was the worst for wear.

Honestly, it's like if, say, Pinkie or Dash got put in charge of a country and had more than a thousand years to get good at it, but never really changed who they were at heart. So, she's forced to go (and she'll get her little sister, too- what do you mean she has an easy out in the form of night guard duty?!?), and somehow it's morphed into this stuffy... event. So, she does her best to twist it back to what she wanted while maintaining her innocence.

Seriously, wasn't that bad. Even the Smooze was kind of sorry after he pulled himself back together and did his best to enjoy the party.
Exaggerating for effect, but basically... yeah, she pretty much invited Discord because she was completely bored out of her mind again (even if she managed to get out of door duty this time), and when Discord learned his lesson brushed it off and dragged Twilight out to dance with her. She's still an adventurer at heart, it seems.

I am someone who would vastly prefer the Gala as it is/was to what, say, Pinkie would like it to be. I also think her 'trolling' is rude at best. If she wants it changed, she is well within her power to ask them to change it. Or simply not attend.

Sorry, but 'best Night Ever' still rubs me the wrong way and how she handled things.

It actually gets worse: Twilight said that she had taken over some of the duties of planning the Gala from Celestia.

Meaning that the reason the Gala has been boring for the last thousand years is because she's been planning them that way.
It actually gets worse: Twilight said that she had taken over some of the duties of planning the Gala from Celestia.

Meaning that the reason the Gala has been boring for the last thousand years is because she's been planning them that way.

No, I'm pretty sure she's been forced to make them a certain way, either due to tradition or 'nobles' throwing fits when she tried to do it her way. I'd actually say that she probably took over to try and make it less boring than it was when she wasn't in charge, and trusts Twilight to find new twists on the concept.

I'd actually say that she'd probably like a gala thrown by Pinkie more, but knows that Discord would be envious of the havoc she'd create if she tried.
No, I'm pretty sure she's been forced to make them a certain way, either due to tradition or 'nobles' throwing fits when she tried to do it her way. I'd actually say that she probably took over to try and make it less boring than it was when she wasn't in charge, and trusts Twilight to find new twists on the concept.

Given what Fancy Pants was able to do in Sweet and Elite, I adamantly refuse to believe Celestia can't do that except supercharged.
Just finished watching the episode (I recorded it), and damn, this episode was hilarious!

- Poor Spike, the kid's going to have nightmares for days. I still point and laugh at it.
- Poor mailpony stuck in the Chaos Dimension! And we get to see Discord's house... and how he does chores backwards!
- Discord ordering all the cakes, and then changing his mind to want none of the cakes! Pinkie's hard work all for nothing!
- Also in that same scene, a Metal Gear Solid joke with the cardboard box!
- Discord is amusingly clingy and jealous. Quite dapper with the suit, though. And is that a cane with the WH40K Chaos symbol on it!?
- The Smooze was nearly as disastrous as expected (well, downgraded from "apocalyptic threat" to "messy party fiasco"). Apparently also loves eating shiny treasures.
- Discord is terrible at stand-up comedy. While Maud is awesome at deadpan mockery.
- Tree Hugger. Damn hippies. Yet she still managed to do damage control with the Smooze problem.
- Well, now we know what would push Discord back into his previous supervillainy persona... Geez, threatening to toss Tree Hugger into a sockpuppet dimension? A bit much, Discord?
- Fluttershy manages to reign in Discord, thankfully. The other Mane 5's implication to petrify him again nonwithstanding... and how easily Discord neutralized it via shiny disco-ball and the Smooze.
- And the end of the episode: we see that Celestia still hates the Gala so much, she purposely invited Discord and his antics so she won't be bored to tears by the dullness.

All in all, a solid episode! This season is really hitting it off really well!