Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

I've noted as the series is approaching wrap-up, the amount of shipping I'm seeing on some tumblrs is increasing, especially in respect to Equestria Girls stuff. I think some people are hoping for a, well, not full confirmation but a strong hint in that area when it ends.
I've noted as the series is approaching wrap-up, the amount of shipping I'm seeing on some tumblrs is increasing, especially in respect to Equestria Girls stuff. I think some people are hoping for a, well, not full confirmation but a strong hint in that area when it ends.
I know that, in this age of Korra, Steven Universe and RWBY, I'd love to have at least one explicit LGBT relationship in the official material (I mean, there's certainly some very strong implications, but...)
I know that, in this age of Korra, Steven Universe and RWBY, I'd love to have at least one explicit LGBT relationship in the official material (I mean, there's certainly some very strong implications, but...)

Considering the lower target audience age range and relative small amount of romance period, I'm not holding out too much hope, but I could certainly see them doing a hinty thing. Rarity and Applejack holding hands sort of thing!
Considering the lower target audience age range and relative small amount of romance period, I'm not holding out too much hope, but I could certainly see them doing a hinty thing. Rarity and Applejack holding hands sort of thing!
I definitely felt like Rarity and Applejack were getting some lowkey ship teasing in the Rollercoaster short movie.
I definitely felt like Rarity and Applejack were getting some lowkey ship teasing in the Rollercoaster short movie.
The writers are definitely communicating "we wanna but they won't let us". In the latest special Rarity gets yet another boyfriend of the week, and there's a gag where he stands next to AJ and the entire Humane 6 make faces at the realization that the guy is just R63 Applejack, design-wise.

Sci-Twi: "I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world, in any world."
Sunset: "Aww, same here."
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I've noted as the series is approaching wrap-up, the amount of shipping I'm seeing on some tumblrs is increasing, especially in respect to Equestria Girls stuff. I think some people are hoping for a, well, not full confirmation but a strong hint in that area when it ends.

Lyra/Bon Bon has been pretty much confirmed. They were seen exchanging gifts on Hearts & Hooves Day.

I doubt we will ever get any official pairings for any of the Mane Six. I'd like to see FlutterDash made canon, but it will never happen.
Oh yes, Lyra/Bon-Bon is definite, forgot about them.

The writers are definitely communicating "we wanna but they won't let us". In the latest special Rarity gets yet another boyfriend of the week, and there's a gag where he stands next to AJ and the entire Humane 6 make faces at the realization that the guy is just R63 Applejack, design-wise.


Sci-Twi: "I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world, in any world."
Sunset: "Aww, same here."

May I also point out Rarity petting Applejack's head the entire time in the background? (AJ being seasick, but still)
Lyra/Bon-Bon is pretty much canon at this point, along with Vinyl/Octavia. The later two even live together, with a co-ordinated house for pete's sake.
I'm also a Fluttercord shipper, so sue me.
Lyra/Bon-Bon is pretty much canon at this point, along with Vinyl/Octavia. The later two even live together, with a co-ordinated house for pete's sake.
I'm also a Fluttercord shipper, so sue me.

I tend to view Vinyl and Octavia as more an example of The Odd Couple. Total opposites who, due to circumstances we don't know, have ended up roomies. Not romantically involved, just very different best buds.

Still, people will ship them, with or without cause.

Not directly pony related, but seems relevant to the current discussion. And there's probably a pony variant of this video out there somewhere.
I've noted as the series is approaching wrap-up, the amount of shipping I'm seeing on some tumblrs is increasing, especially in respect to Equestria Girls stuff. I think some people are hoping for a, well, not full confirmation but a strong hint in that area when it ends.
Huh. it's been a good run, but I'm pretty sure Hasbro will keep up spin-offs for as long as they can keep milking the franchise for money.