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The Path of Glory: Rogue Sorcerer Quest
(Credit to Swordomatic, as the style of this game will...
Character Generation and Introduction


Speaks Words of Wisdom... On occasion
The Path of Glory: Rogue Sorcerer Quest
(Credit to Swordomatic, as the style of this game will be patterned off of his Glory or Death)
Your name is Medea, and things have not gone according to plan.

Oh, your life could have been a great deal worse than it actually was--being brought up as a relatively innocent-minded sacrifice in the making for the Sorcerer Lord Korian Altheos put you in the top percentile of younglings of the Human Race! You actually were mostly just expected to study, master the mystical arts, and otherwise cultivate your own power, and those become difficult if you're too busy fighting for your life rather than studying the various forms of lore you had access to in his grand library.

Unfortunately, the flipside of encouraging you to grow in the mystical arts and knowledge relatively freely without any 'Distractions', is that a smart person can pick up the pieces and figure out your master plan. Namely, that you were being cultivated. A vessel of aetheric knowledge and psychic might to be consumed to fuel his own drive to--if not apotheosis, at least significantly improved might that could put him over the top in the next go around.

Now, you may have been a bit on the scrawny side, bookish and a little naive in the ways of the world. But that didn't mean you lacked a survival instinct--and while Master Altheos is a Sorcerer of great renown, clad in warplate of dark glory and standing well over you height and bulk--you were incredibly intelligent and had access to his libraries, ideally, this would be enough.

Maybe if you had more time, less attention put on you, and maybe some less common reagents to complete your preparations--you would be able to walk away from this whole situation having accumulated power, influence--or at least hopefully manage to avoid offending one of his rivals long enough for figure out how to prolong your no-longer limited lifespan.

Unfortunately, you had about a month by the time you had truly understood his scheme--and while you're quite intelligent, you're also not really a miracle worker--the best you could do would be to try inverting the most likely spell-array that he would use to obliterate your body and consume your spirit with. Assuming your head didn't explode, you'd probably manage to come out in one piece.


You were shackled to the center of the ritual circle that night, as Master Altheos invoked the power of the Gods--invoking their attention and their blessings. Meanwhile, you were busy fumbling your gloves off--channelling your will into the inversion arrays you had scribed onto your palms and hidden from his view. The timing would be difficult, and overcoming his ancient and well-honed mind would be even harder... But a one percent chance of survival was better than no chance of survival at all.

He completed his rites--and you had fully primed your spell array. All that remained was to clash with the ancient Sorcerer and hope you came out the victor.

That was about where the plan all fell apart. By some miracle of bravado or act of serendipity, you actually caught him off guard with your response, and your inversion spell was applied to his Sacrifical Consumption array with the perfect timing, rendering you the beneficiary and him the sacrifice. Such is the way of things.

What you didn't expect was the inversion to apply both ways. Stealing his gene-wrought advantages and claiming them for yourself, paving over such trivialities as a lack of a Y-Chromosone and being past puberty through the power of the ritual. Where he sought to claim your mental strength and psychic powers to add to his physical strength and the talent of ages, you got the latter instead.

This went a long way towards ruining any hopes you might have of continuing on in obscurity, as few people are going to overlook a six foot tall woman clad in the warplate of a Legionnaire, but you were nothing if not adaptable.

Character Generation Begins:

Name: Medea

Descendant of the...:

[ ] Black Legion (One Free Advantage)
[ ] Word Bearers (+1 Willpower, +1 Fellowship)
[ ] Iron Warriors (+1 Weapon Skill, +1 Intelligence)
[ ] Death Guard (+1 Toughness, +1 Willpower)
[ ] Night Lords (+1 Weapon Skill, +1 Agility)
[ ] Emperor's Children (+1 Ballistic Skill, +1 Fellowship)
[ ] Thousand Sons (+1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower)
[ ] Alpha Legion (+1 Intelligence, +1 Fellowship)
[ ] Loyalist Defector (Random Stat Bonii)

You personally consider yourself to be...

[ ] Devoted of the Gods (Bound to Tzeentch, increased starting Corruption, may occasionally recieve Rewards if you build up enough Favor, and will benefit somewhat from fellow devotees. Must be building Favor or risk being turned into a gribbly.)

[ ] A Pioneer in Aetheric Studies (Unbound to any Chaos God, reduced starting Corruption, no patron, but that means you have no real enemies out the gate either. No activities are barred to you. Favor doesn't really matter unless you're buttering up one God or another for a Ritual or something.)

Your Favored Psychic Discipline is...

[ ] Telekinesis (+2 Ballistic Skill, +1 Toughness)
[ ] Telepathy (+1 Willpower, +2 Fellowship)
[ ] Divination (+2 Perception, +1 Intelligence)

Advantages: (For each you take, accept a Disadvantage. One Free Advantage is available for Black Legion descendants)
[ ] Chaos Resistant (Corruption Growth is significantly reduced)
[ ] Studious (+1 Intelligence, Less likely to encounter an OCP due to countless hours of burying yourself in Master Altheos' library)
[ ] Sorcerous Prodigy (+1 Willpower, begins with more Psychic Powers)
[ ] Extensive Panoply (Gain a Relic Weapon, Power Armour is in top functionality)
[ ] Natural Talent (+1 Weapon Skill, Generally better combat growths)
[ ] A Retainer (+1 Fellowship, you have inherited a useful servant)
[ ] Progenitor (You have functioning Gene Seed, and the knowledge to create a new Legionnaire with it)

[ ] Chaos Magnet (Corruption Growth is significantly increased, cannot be taken with Chaos Resistant)
[ ] Absent-Minded (-1 Perception, Easily distracted)
[ ] Ironbane (-1 Intelligence, You're not good with advanced technology at all, cannot be taken as a descendent of the Iron Warriors)
[ ] Poor Integration (-1 Strength, Starts with a random Mutation)
[ ] Plaything of the Gods (Favor decreases at double the normal rate, and can enter the negatives. This is a bad thing)
[ ] Sheltered (-1 Fellowship, you have a hard time reading the moment and are likely to annoy others on the Path of Glory)
[ ] Exiled (You are banished from your homeworld for your deeds, no starting Demense)

Participation Tokens
May be used to give your vote added weight in a clutch situation! One Token for a single multiplier

jwolfe_Beta: 1 Token
Chiperninerm: 1 Token
Nox: 1 Token
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Character Sheets
Company-Captain (PC):

Raiment of the Witch Queen Version

Terminator Version

Name: Medea Altheos
Titles: The Witch of Indagus, the Heir of Altheos

-Sorcerer: "I didn't spend sixteen years in a mystical library just to flail around randomly with my magic, unlike most, I know exactly what I'm doing."
-Unaligned: "Let's not go to the Eye of Terror, it's a silly place"
-Studious: "Sixteen Years in a library! There's not much else to do except educate yourself."
-Absent Minded: "What do you mean 'We have servants for that', I thought nobody else lived here!"
-Sheltered: "Shouldn't we be going now? Not praising the gods? They tend to not really do much to help... What do you mean "Word Bearers?" Put down those guns would you?"
-Diviner: "Some people think seeing the future is a key to victory... It's really more of a... Set of guidelines than anything else"
-Warp Locked: Thanks to the Crown of Altheos, your body and effects are proof against Warp Attacks. Your Armour Value applies fully to Psychic Powers and other exotic effects
-Telekine "As it so happens, when you're organizing a library that was clearly imagined in the ninth circle of Tzeentch's particular spot of hell, that having extra manipulators is the best solution."
-Terminator Honours "He wasn't wearing it at the time, but you still made him look like an amateur"

Characteristics: [WS-9, BS-5, S-7, T-7, A-5, I-10, P-7, WP-9, F-7]
Legendary Skills:
- Intelligence (Eyes of the Soul): Refined and perfected in a crucible of battle, your insight stands proudly even in the face of the greatest of threats. You retain the ability to accurately determine the approximate difficulty of an acton, and in addition. Your superlative insight also allows you to walk two or three steps ahead of your rivals. When in warfare against a known opponent, you will be able to anticipate their overall goals and strategy to best inform your own strategies, providing a general increase to the success rate of Operations and Missions that Medea participates in.

- "Raiment of the Witch Queen" (Mark IV Derived, Armour 3, +1 Strength, +1 Toughness, +2 Agility, +1 Fellowship)
- Storm Crow Refurbished Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Armour 5, +2 Strength, +5% success to WS checks, +2 Toughness, +1 Perception, -1 Ballistic Skill, -1 Agility. Provides one reroll per Operation when worn, provides a Damage Floor of 45)
- Legionnaire Force Staff (Storm Crow)
- Legionnaire Bolt Pistol (Storm Crow)
- The Crown of Altheos (Provides Warp Locked Trait, provides a Damage Floor of 35)


Characteristics: [WS 2, BS-5, S-4, T-4, A-3, I-9, P-7, WP-6, F-3]
-Cobalt Series "The Tech-Mystics of the Blue Moon make regular use of cloning and heavy cybernetic augmentation to make up their numbers. Cobalt Seventeen's branch were specialists in various cybernetic programs--most exemplified in his near total conversion by the age of twenty, while still appearing relatively normal, as long as you don't pay particularly close attention to the fact he never blinks, sweats, or breathes."
-Tech-Mystic "A Heretekal sect of the Mechanicus, the Tech-Mystics seek to chain the power of the Warp to their command, and use it to collect information from the distant past and the near future for their own benefit. Needless to say, they're not well liked by the orthodoxy."

The Grimorie Altheos:

The Furies of the Formless Wastes feed on thought and dreams--it's a simple matter to entice one into your spell array, and break it into a container capable of carrying a missive to anybody you have made contact with in the past. Not quite as good as an Astropath, but doesn't require you to be soul-bonded to a hateful entity of golden light who seeks nothing but the elimination of those who deviate from his plan. Cost: 300 Favor



Hero Units:

Credit to Eri for colors! Shyft for lineart!

Name: Lilith
Titles: Massacre Princess

-Hiveborn "They say a lot of things about an honorable fight and all that, personally, doesn't really matter who sticks the knife in, long as the job gets done, right?"
-Weaponmaster "Knife is fine, gun's good too, I can probably get by with a hammer if I have to, you use the best tools for the job!"
-Unaligned "Big Sis thinks the Gods can be pretty stupid sometimes, she's probably right"
-Elusive Shadow "Best when the other guy doesn't even know you're there before you start swinging!"
-Terminator Honours

Characteristics: [WS-7, BS-7, S-6, T-5, A-7, I-6, P-6, WP-7, F-6]

-Mark VI "Corvus" Power Armour (Armour 3, +1 Strength, +2 Agility, +1 Perception)
-2x Legionnaire Power Knives (Storm Crow)
-2X Legionnaire Bolt Pistols (Storm Crow)

Name: Ariadne
Titles: None

-Storm Crow "Sure, we may be the freaks of nature, but we'll get the job done just fine"
-Steady Aim "Leave the support fire to me! I don't care much for running anyway"
-Unaligned "The Gods can go fuck themselves, they sound like jerks anyway"
-Terminator Honours

Characteristics: [WS-3, BS-9, S-6, T-6, A-4, I-5, P-6, WP-7, F-5]

-Mark VII "Aquila" Power Armour (Armour 4, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Toughness)
-1x Legionnaire Combat Knife (Storm Crow)
-1x Legionnaire Heavy Bolter (Storm Crow)
-1x Legionnaire Bolt Pistol (Storm Crow)
-1x Xenotech Sensor Upgrade
-1x Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armour (Armour 5, +2 Strength,, +2 Toughness, +1 Perception, -2 Agility. Provides one reroll per Operation when worn, provides a Damage Floor of 45)

Name: Evander
Titles: None

-Black Templar (Storm Crow Branch) "I won't let you down Ma'am!"
-Master of the Blade "The Blade is the first weapon made to kill other men, to master it is to master your fate."
-Unaligned "I do not truck with the divine."
-Terminator Honours

Characteristics: [WS-10, BS-5, S-6, T-6, A-6, I-6, P-4, WP-6, F-6]
Legendary Skills:
- Weapon Skill (Aegis of the Stars): Born of the Black Templars, and trained in the eclectic battle styleof the Storm Crows--Evander has mastered the blade by all common definitions. Beyond this however, he shows a superlative mastery of defensive combat. Evander now may launch Battle Reflex attacks. In addition, no skill beyond a superior Legendary may impair his defenses, and in the event of Legendary Skills that permit multiple attacks, after his first successful defense, all remaining attacks will automatically fail.

-Mark VII "Aquila" Power Armour (Armour 4, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Toughness)
-1x Legionnaire Combat Knife (Storm Crow)
-1x Legionnaire Power Sword (Storm Crow)
-1x Mastercraft Combat Shield
-1x Legionnaire Bolt Pistol (Storm Crow)
-1x Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armour (Armour 5, +2 Strength,, +2 Toughness, +1 Perception, -2 Agility. Provides one reroll per Operation when worn, provides a Damage Floor of 45)

Name: Tisiphone
Titles: None

-Storm Crow "We bear no legacy, save that what we build."
-Warsmith "I am heir to the knowledge of the Great Crusade, do not trifle with me"
-Unaligned "Do not mistake the work of the Great Ocean as something that can be elegantly controlled, best avoid calling on it altogether"
-Terminator Honours

Characteristics: [WS-9, BS-5, S-7, T-7, A-4, I-9, P-6, WP-8, F-4]

-Mark VII "Aquila" Power Armour (Armour 4, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Toughness)
-1x Relic Greathammer "Bound by Flame"
-1x Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armour (Armour 5, +2 Strength,, +2 Toughness, +1 Perception, -2 Agility. Provides one reroll per Operation when worn, provides a Damage Floor of 45)

Name: Hermes
Titles: None

-Black Templar (Storm Crow Branch) "If you think I'd get by in a monastic order, you haven't been paying attention"
-Apocethary "Healing and Hurting is basically the same thing, just a matter of degree and precision"
-Unaligned "Now why would I sell my soul to anybody? Seriously?"
-Terminator Honours

Characteristics: [WS-6, BS-4, S-4, T-5, A-5, I-9, P-6, WP-6, F-4]

-Mark VII "Aquila" Power Armour (Armour 4, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Toughness)
-1x Legionnaire Combat Knife (Storm Crow)
-1x Legionnaire Boltgun (Storm Crow)
-1x Legionnaire Power Sword (Storm Crow)
-1x Narthecum "Mara's Gift" (Stormcrow)

Name: Diana
Titles: None

-Storm Crow "Whoever said that you needed to be descended from a god to hold your own?"
-Close Quarters Expert "Blade and Gun in Accord! All the better to solve your problems!"
-Unaligned "Don't get their attention and you'll probably be fine. Probably"
-Terminator Honours

Characteristics: [WS-8, BS-6, S-5, T-6, A-6, I-4, P-5, WP-6, F-5]

-Mark VII "Aquila" Power Armour (Armour 4, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Toughness)
-1x Legionnaire Combat Knife (Storm Crow)
-1x Legionnaire Power Sword (Storm Crow)
-1x Legionnaire Bolt Pistol (Storm Crow)
-1x Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armour (Armour 5, +2 Strength,, +2 Toughness, +1 Perception, -2 Agility. Provides one reroll per Operation when worn, provides a Damage Floor of 45)

Name: Megaera
Titles: None

-Storm Crow "Caw Caw motherfrakkers!"
-Combat Engineer "When you see a billion angry guys waving guns. Don't charge in! Just detonate the packs you set up earlier!"
-Unaligned "Meh, they can't make me better at what I care about!"
-Terminator Honours

Characteristics: [WS-6, BS-7, S-4, T-6, A-4, I-8, P-5, WP-6, F-5]

-Mark VII "Aquila" Power Armour (Armour 4, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Toughness)
-1x Legionnaire Combat Knife (Storm Crow)
-1x Legionnaire Lascannon (Storm Crow)
-1x Legionnaire Bolt Pistol (Storm Crow)
-1x Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armour (Armour 5, +2 Strength,, +2 Toughness, +1 Perception, -2 Agility. Provides one reroll per Operation when worn, provides a Damage Floor of 45)

Credit to @Shyft for the Lineart!

Name: Maia
Titles: The Iron Maiden

-Storm Crow "I don't really have the best luck in a fight, but I'm determined to remain optimistic about it!"
-Dreadnought Operator "Getting most of your innards tenderized isn't something I'd recommend to anyone."
-Auriga-pattern Prototype "Better than being shoved in a box which is shoved in a bigger box" Special Effect: Maia may attempt to evacuate on foot if her Dreadnought is mission killed, providing an extra survival chance

Characteristics: [WS-8, BS-7, S-1, T-2, A-2, I-8, P-5, WP-8, F-5]

-Auriga-pattern Cybernetic Conversion
-Contemptor-pattern Dreadnought Chassis
--Dreadnought Autocannon
--Dreadnought Power Fist

Storm Crows Status:
Total Strength: Four Batle Companies
Average Stats:

[WS-5, BS-5, S-5, T-4, A-5, I-6, P-4, WP-6, F-4]

[WS-7, BS-6, S-6, T-5, A-5, I-7, P-4, WP-7, F-6]

Current Makeup:

High Queen: Medea Altheos
1x Terminator Squad
2x Sternguard Veteran Squads
2x Vanguard Veteran Squads
3x Tactical Squads
2x Scout Squads
4x Contemptor Dreadnoughts
--Hero Units: Maia, Hermes, Tisiphone
Crown Auxillia Regiment Attached!

Company-Captain: Lilith
3x Assault Squads
2x Devastator Squads
2x Tactical Squads
1x Anti-Sorcerer Squad
2x Scout Squads
4x Contemptor Dreadnoughts
--Hero Units: Diana

Company-Captain: Evander
4x Tactical Squads
3x Assault Squads
3x Devastator Squads
2x Scout Squads
4x Contemptor Dreadnoughts
--Hero Units: Megaera

Company-Captain: Ariadne
5x Tactical Squads
2x Assault Squads
2x Devastator Squads
2x Scout Squads
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Homeworld: Indagus
Capitol: Colchis
World Development: Advanced

Administrative Quality: Advanced
Military Quality: Advanced
Industrial Quality: Advanced
Civilian Infrastructure: Advanced

Resource Income: 130 Per Turn

Naval Assets:
Flagship: Dainsleif (Heresy-era Strike Cruiser)
--2x Caestus Assault Rams
--1x Thunderhawk

Damaged Warships: Thunderhead Fortress (Battle Barge)

Escort List: 4x Strike Raiders, 5x Caravels

Military Forces:
Storm Crows: 4 Companies
Crown Auxillia: Attached to First and Third Companies
Tower Guard: 18 Regiments of Mechanized Veterans
Militia: 40 Regiments of Mechanized Armsmen

White Systems are Strategically Significant Imperial Locations[/b]
Red Systems are Strategically Significant Independent Sectors
Blue Systems are Controlled by Significant Allied Powers
Yellow Systems are Part of your Demense!
Purple Space is Within the Pluton Rift

Revanche: Once the home system of the Last Battallion, Revanche has since been claimed by the Black Sabre Pirates, and serves as a proper Port Royal of the Oculus Sector... Or it would, if it were more regularly frequented. Still, a regular stop for Rogue Traders with slightly less fear of the God-Emperor, and the odd Ork Freebooter on occasion. The peace is kept through the sturdy fleet of the Black Sabres, which are frequently found skirmishing with Imperial probing groups. It was later engaged by an Imperial Invasion force, and thanks to your interference, ended up poorly enough on both sides that it was vacated, leaving you in a position to seize control.

You have since developed it as a Shipyard, due to it's useful gravitic conditions, and it generates 25 Ship Construction Points every turn.

Altharia: The crownword of the lost Altheos Dynasty, it has since been rendered a largely barren wasteland, save for the Hades Vault at the heart, which contains a mighty techno-arcane device that can manipulate the Pluton Rift--somewhat. You have spent a great deal of time and energy fortifying it to your standards, and it serves as a Fortress World to protect the treasure at its heart. Contributes 5 Resource Points every turn.

The Last Battallion: (DEFUNCT) A major Chaos Warband led by Valioth the Bitter. Destroyed in a joint ambush by the Astra Militarium and elements of the Black Templars Space Marine Chapter.

Craftworld Saim-Hann: (???) A Major Craftworld with interests throughout Segmentum Pacificus. The Dainsleif came under assault by one of their warships within the Pluton Rift, but they withdrew shortly after boarding, never actually managing to do more than set foot within. Later launched an operation to slay Warsmith Adrastos, but have since stayed out of your business.

Black Sabre Pirates: (DEFUNCT) A cartel of bandits, freebooters, and corsairs that have banded together for mutual protection, and earn their independence by having too many ships for Battlefeet Oculus to reliably overcome--not without weakening them for other threats. They regularly prey on merchant shipping, and interfere with Imperial scouting in this neck of the woods.
--Currently lead by Silveron the Longshot, Pirate King--secretly a Rogue Trader with a warrant in good standing, who occasionally can be known to do privateering work for the Imperium in his primary line of work. Said to have Inquisitorial contacts, but his double-life isn't widely known, discovered only through a dedicated intelligence gathering operation on your own part.
---Eradicated in a punitive action by Lilith and the Second Company later on.

Battlefleet Oculus: (Fair) The Battlefleet of the Oculus Sector. Well trained, experienced, but have been gradually stripped to the bone over the past few centuries as no serious threats have emerged. With the Emperor-class Battleship "Last Dancer" as their flagship though, and the Empyrion Citadel as their unbreakable fortress, they remain a force to be reckoned with.
--Currently reasonably well disposed towards the Storm Crows due to assistance rendered in Operation Thunderhead
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Military Units:

Military Units are measured in Quality and in Nature.


Rabble: Screaming cultists, poorly trained militia, and the typical PDF of a peaceful world. Rabble are little more than people of questionable fitness, hygeine, and usefulness. Useful only in exceedingly large numbers against average forces, or to stick in a chokepoint and overcome your enemy's kill limit. This is good, as these are the only real orders they have a real chance of carrying out
Typical Combat Skill: 1

Armsmen: Trained and disciplined soldiers, if not exceptionally so. They will follow your orders and can be relied upon to hold the line as long as they're not too overmatched in skill and material. A typical Guardsman or a Feudal World levy fits in this category
Typical Combat Skill: 2

Veterans: Even beyond full training, a Veteran is one who has seen the proverbial elephant--capable of fully leveraging strength of numbers and discipline to overcome otherwise superior fighters. Named Guardsman Regiments and Chapter Serfs fit in this category.
Typical Combat Skill: 3

Elites: The best of the best, seasoned in the crucible of war and trained to standards capable of crushing even an otherwise competent soldier. The Elites are mortal troops who can stand on the same field as demigods and not be discounted. Storm Troopers and the personal household troops of a wealthy Rogue Trader Household fit in this category.
Typical Combat Skill: 4


Feral: Barbarians or poorly equipped cultists, Feral troops rely purely on their skill and strength on the battlefield... Which means they're fine right up until they run into something more advanced, where they tend to die in droves

Feudal: Having solved the riddle of steel, and not much else--Feudal troops are typically equipped with basic armor and reasonably effective weapons. Unfortunately, these only really help against other Feudal or Feral forces. Still, better than nothing.

Common: The most likely force to encounter in the Galaxy at large. Their weapons aren't particularly threatening to a Legionnaire--but they're the first kind that can properly leverage weight of numbers to defeat otherwise impossible opponents.

Mechanized: The standard for a professional military throughout the known universe, Mechanized units are the first to incorporate significant amounts of APCs, Artillery, and Tanks in meaningful numbers.

Exemplary: Access to top quality equipment even for the standard rifleman, as well as the finest tanks, APCs, and aerial support that can be mass produced. An Exemplary Regiment is a force that can shake worlds with their mere presence, and turn the tide of any battle if effectively deployed.

Astartes Units:

Astartes break the scale! Even the least among their number are the match of the finest mortal elites!

You possess Four Companies of Storm Crows at this time, divided largely into the following strategic roles.

Terminator Squad: The best of the best, armed with Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour and granted the weapos of their choice. Will largely succeed at most combat roles, but lack mobility if seperated or unable to use heavy mechanized transports.

Assault Squads: Close Combat Specialists, equipped often with a melee weapon and a sidearm. A limited number of combat engineers are also often deployed with their numbers, making them an excellent choice for urban combat and setting up beachheads--but can be bogged down with sufficient numbers or access to enemy heavy weapons--they generally do poorly against vehicles after all. Vanguard Veterans serve as the Elite variant, often having access to more valuable wargear and better stats, but having the same preferences.

Devastator Squads: Heavy Weapons Specialists, equipped with a squad support and anti-armour weapons. Excellent at either holding a chokepoint or bringing down enemy armored support, but have problems if something can get to close quarters with them. Not really a great choice against fellow Astartes unless supported appropriately. Sternguard Veterans serve as the Elite variant, often having access to more valuable wargear and better stats, but having the same preferences.

Tactical Squads: Jacks of all trades and masters of none. They serve as a servicable response to all known threats thanks to a wide variety of wargear, but lack the strengths that specialization permits.

Scout Squads: Equipped with light armour and cameoline, Scout Squads gather intelligence and provide support fire against targets of opportunity. No match for other Astartes-level combattants in a straight fight, but a necessary element of Storm Crow espionage and tactical awareness.

Anti-Sorcerer Squads: Sort of a development of Scout Squads that have been fully weaponized and equipped with expensive wards and specialized sniper weapons derived from reverse-engineered Dark Eldar nonsense. Has extreme effectiveness against psyker units and moderate effectiveness against Daemons.

Infantry Squad: Power Armour, a Boltgun, and a Combat Knife. Still relatively well trained and holds the strength and speed of the Astartes, but lacks combat flexibility--best in a second line position or to hold seized territory.

The Master Wargear Construction List
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[X] Thousand Sons (+1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower)
[X] Devoted of the Gods (Bound to Tzeentch, increased starting Corruption, may occasionally recieve Rewards if you build up enough Favor, and will benefit somewhat from fellow devotees. Must be building Favor or risk being turned into a gribbly.)
[X] Telepathy (+1 Willpower, +2 Fellowship)
[X] Sorcerous Prodigy (+1 Willpower, begins with more Psychic Powers)
[X] Exiled (You are banished from your homeworld for your deeds, no starting Demense)
This looks interesting.

[X] Black Legion (One Free Advantage)

[X] A Pioneer in Aetheric Studies (Unbound to any Chaos God, reduced starting Corruption, no patron, but that means you have no real enemies out the gate either. No activities are barred to you. Favor doesn't really matter unless you're buttering up one God or another for a Ritual or something.)

[X] Divination (+2 Perception, +1 Intelligence)

[X] Chaos Resistant (Corruption Growth is significantly reduced)
[X] Studious (+1 Intelligence, Less likely to encounter an OCP due to countless hours of burying yourself in Master Altheos' library)
[X] Progenitor (You have functioning Gene Seed, and the knowledge to create a new Legionnaire with it)

[X] Absent-Minded (-1 Perception, Easily distracted)
[X] Sheltered (-1 Fellowship, you have a hard time reading the moment and are likely to annoy others on the Path of Glory)
Meganeko Chaos sorcerer? Okay, well, I am surprised.


My hope is for this to be at least as gonzo as Glory or Death is. I'll likely fail miserably, but I'm not really taking canon as some ironclad rule that can never, ever be broken.

The character design as what amounts to being an orphan waif raised in a sorcerous library for twenty years as part of a long ritual to nom a soul, and her basically kicking her master in the face at the last minute, eating him, and stealing his power accidentally is... Uh, kind of the sort of thing that'll happen here. Dark Comedy is one of the themes I'll be pushing.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm going to be doing a lot of not-really canon compliant things here. It'll likely get a little silly sometimes.
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[X] Thousand Sons (+1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower)

[X] Devoted of the Gods (Bound to Tzeentch, increased starting Corruption, may occasionally recieve Rewards if you build up enough Favor, and will benefit somewhat from fellow devotees. Must be building Favor or risk being turned into a gribbly.)

[X] Divination (+2 Perception, +1 Intelligence)

[X] Sorcerous Prodigy (+1 Willpower, begins with more Psychic Powers)
[X] Progenitor (You have functioning Gene Seed, and the knowledge to create a new Legionnaire with it)

[X] Absent-Minded (-1 Perception, Easily distracted)
[X] Exiled (You are banished from your homeworld for your deeds, no starting Demense)
[X] Black Legion (One Free Advantage)
[X] A Pioneer in Aetheric Studies
[X] Telepathy (+1 Willpower, +2 Fellowship)
[X] Sorcerous Prodigy (+1 Willpower, begins with more Psychic Powers)
[X] Progenitor (You have functioning Gene Seed, and the knowledge to create a new Legionnaire with it)
[X] Sheltered (-1 Fellowship, you have a hard time reading the moment and are likely to annoy others on the Path of Glory)

We need progenitor, being able to create more spaces marines (possibly female ones, which gives us quite a bit of options) is literally invaluable.
Name: Medea

Descendant of the...:

[X] Alpha Legion (+1 Intelligence, +1 Fellowship)

You personally consider yourself to be...

[X] A Pioneer in Aetheric Studies (Unbound to any Chaos God, reduced starting Corruption, no patron, but that means you have no real enemies out the gate either. No activities are barred to you. Favor doesn't really matter unless you're buttering up one God or another for a Ritual or something.)

Your Favored Psychic Discipline is...

[X] Telepathy (+1 Willpower, +2 Fellowship)

Advantages: (For each you take, accept a Disadvantage. One Free Advantage is available for Black Legion descendants)
[X] Sorcerous Prodigy (+1 Willpower, begins with more Psychic Powers)

[X] Poor Integration (-1 Strength, Starts with a random Mutation)

[X] Black Legion (One Free Advantage)
[X] Telekinesis (+2 Ballistic Skill, +1 Toughness)

[X] A Pioneer in Aetheric Studies (Unbound to any Chaos God, reduced starting Corruption, no patron, but that means you have no real enemies out the gate either. No activities are barred to you. Favor doesn't really matter unless you're buttering up one God or another for a Ritual or something.)

[X] Sorcerous Prodigy (+1 Willpower, begins with more Psychic Powers)
[X] Natural Talent (+1 Weapon Skill, Generally better combat growths)
[X] Progenitor (You have functioning Gene Seed, and the knowledge to create a new Legionnaire with it)

[X] Absent-Minded (-1 Perception, Easily distracted)
[X] Exiled (You are banished from your homeworld for your deeds, no starting Demense)
[X] Thousand Sons (+1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower)
[X] A Pioneer in Aetheric Studies
[X] Divination (+2 Perception, +1 Intelligence)
[X] Studious (+1 Intelligence, Less likely to encounter an OCP due to countless hours of burying yourself in Master Altheos' library)
[X] Sorcerous Prodigy (+1 Willpower, begins with more Psychic Powers)
[X] Absent-Minded (-1 Perception, Easily distracted)
[X] Plaything of the Gods (Favor decreases at double the normal rate, and can enter the negatives. This is a bad thing)
So, who wants to discuss their choices for their plan? I chose Black Legion for the free advantage, Pioneer because it doesn't bind us to any if the gods and we don't have to keep a close eye on our favor, and divination because we'll be able to see the future. Now, fir advantages, this US where things become difficult. I chose Chaos Resistant because it slows down the rate we mutate, which I think will be useful. I chose studious because knowledge is a weapon, literally in our case. I chose Progenitor because making more Legionaire should definitely be useful. For disadvantages, I chose Absent-Minded and Shltered because I think that they'll cause the least amount of trouble for us. I'm thinking we can just sit back and take over a planet or two, then spend the rest of our lives researching whatever we want.
Yeah, Corruption is a double edged sword in this game. It's perfectly possible to play through this game while keeping it in the low levels, it's very much the "Don't drink the Kool-Aid route". You're stuck at "Only" a Space Marine level of being scary, rather than a "I eat most of my peers for breakfast" thing.

On the other hand, more Corruption tends to make you killier and killier, at least until you cross the threshold and turn into a gribbly unless a specific Chaos God decides it wants to keep you instead.
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So, who wants to discuss their choices for their plan? I chose Black Legion for the free advantage, Pioneer because it doesn't bind us to any if the gods and we don't have to keep a close eye on our favor, and divination because we'll be able to see the future. Now, fir advantages, this US where things become difficult. I chose Chaos Resistant because it slows down the rate we mutate, which I think will be useful. I chose studious because knowledge is a weapon, literally in our case. I chose Progenitor because making more Legionaire should definitely be useful. For disadvantages, I chose Absent-Minded and Shltered because I think that they'll cause the least amount of trouble for us. I'm thinking we can just sit back and take over a planet or two, then spend the rest of our lives researching whatever we want.

The thing is, by choosing Aethric studies, our mutation rate is already lower. I would rather do prodigy because that gives us more willpower (and thus, more Chaos resistance) and gives us more power. I chose telepathy because it gives us the ability to read, and possibly eventually control, minds, as well as negating the fellowship penalty from sheltered.
[X] Thousand Sons (+1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower)
[X] A Pioneer in Aetheric Studies (Unbound to any Chaos God, reduced starting Corruption, no patron, but that means you have no real enemies out the gate either. No activities are barred to you. Favor doesn't really matter unless you're buttering up one God or another for a Ritual or something.)
[X] Telepathy (+1 Willpower, +2 Fellowship)
[X] Chaos Resistant (Corruption Growth is significantly reduced)
[X] Progenitor (You have functioning Gene Seed, and the knowledge to create a new Legionnaire with it)
[X] Absent-Minded (-1 Perception, Easily distracted)
[X] Sheltered (-1 Fellowship, you have a hard time reading the moment and are likely to annoy others on the Path of Glory)
The thing is, by choosing Aethric studies, our mutation rate is already lower. I would rather do prodigy because that gives us more willpower (and thus, more Chaos resistance) and gives us more power. I chose telepathy because it gives us the ability to read, and possibly eventually control, minds, as well as negating the fellowship penalty from sheltered.
However, Aethric Studies only states that it reduces our starting corruption. Chaos Resistant will apply through the whole game. As for divination, I prefer being able to see the future, kill threats before they become problems, and making sure we don't have to deal with nasty surprises in the first place, as opposed to being able to kill any if our problems.
[X] Iron Warriors (+1 Weapon Skill, +1 Intelligence)
[X] A Pioneer in Aetheric Studies (Unbound to any Chaos God, reduced starting Corruption, no patron, but that means you have no real enemies out the gate either. No activities are barred to you. Favor doesn't really matter unless you're buttering up one God or another for a Ritual or something.)
[X] Telekinesis (+2 Ballistic Skill, +1 Toughness)
[X] Chaos Resistant (Corruption Growth is significantly reduced)
[X] Extensive Panoply (Gain a Relic Weapon, Power Armour is in top functionality)
[X] Sheltered (-1 Fellowship, you have a hard time reading the moment and are likely to annoy others on the Path of Glory)
[X] Plaything of the Gods (Favor decreases at double the normal rate, and can enter the negatives. This is a bad thing)



Plan: Screw it, it's not going to win but let's make the super killy dork with the poorly thought out Warp tech ideas and a really big gun to shoot whatever inevitably comes out the breach
[X] Iron Warriors (+1 Weapon Skill, +1 Intelligence)
[X] A Pioneer in Aetheric Studies (Unbound to any Chaos God, reduced starting Corruption, no patron, but that means you have no real enemies out the gate either. No activities are barred to you. Favor doesn't really matter unless you're buttering up one God or another for a Ritual or something.)
[X] Telekinesis (+2 Ballistic Skill, +1 Toughness)
[X] Chaos Resistant (Corruption Growth is significantly reduced)
[X] Extensive Panoply (Gain a Relic Weapon, Power Armour is in top functionality)
[X] Sheltered (-1 Fellowship, you have a hard time reading the moment and are likely to annoy others on the Path of Glory)
[X] Plaything of the Gods (Favor decreases at double the normal rate, and can enter the negatives. This is a bad thing)

This will be glorious.
However, Aethric Studies only states that it reduces our starting corruption. Chaos Resistant will apply through the whole game. As for divination, I prefer being able to see the future, kill threats before they become problems, and making sure we don't have to deal with nasty surprises in the first place, as opposed to being able to kill any if our problems.

Alright, I am just going to say this incredibly OOC reasoning. Divination is not worth it because it will be vague and generally non specific most of the time. This is so we don't do the things you just described, because if we can kill threats before they become problems, where is the conflict? It will still be useful, of course,combat precog or even social precog would be useful, as well as warning before things happen. But, don't expect these things right away, and don't ever expect to get Farseer level, and even they are wrong and get vague stuff sometimes. Basically, we can't use divination fully because it would be to game breaking. Telepathy, on the other hand, could be restricted to those in your presence if you are trying to do more then communicate, preventing it from being too gamebreaking. I would also like to point out that we might be able to learn other disciplines later.

(I feel bad about making this argument, and feel free to poke holes in it)
[X] Black Legion (One Free Advantage)

[X] A Pioneer in Aetheric Studies (Unbound to any Chaos God, reduced starting Corruption, no patron, but that means you have no real enemies out the gate either. No activities are barred to you. Favor doesn't really matter unless you're buttering up one God or another for a Ritual or something.)

[X] Divination (+2 Perception, +1 Intelligence)

[X] Chaos Resistant (Corruption Growth is significantly reduced)
[X] Studious (+1 Intelligence, Less likely to encounter an OCP due to countless hours of burying yourself in Master Altheos' library)
[X] Progenitor (You have functioning Gene Seed, and the knowledge to create a new Legionnaire with it)

[X] Absent-Minded (-1 Perception, Easily distracted)
[X] Sheltered (-1 Fellowship, you have a hard time reading the moment and are likely to annoy others on the Path of Glory)