Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

what? how are we gonna lose? we already beat him in term of naval strength and we are space marines, with at least 3 companies plus the chapter master, and space control we will win on the ground. the question is just how much casualties it will bring.
Maybe, maybe not. It's a roll of the dice and I like to hedge my bets.
It's a roll of the dice and I like to hedge my bets
Even when faced with orks on galaborn, no space control and rolling a 2, a single company of space marines without heavy weapons was able to hold their grounds and only lose 18 space marines. there is a higher chance that we will win both in space and on the ground, and I can say the same that it's a roll of the dice if the sector lord even wants to hears us and doesn't use this chance to attack our forces.
So he was doing it diplomatically instead of militarily, different method same result.

I mean, that's like saying the AdMech in general is subjugated to the Imperium. Are they a part of it? In paper, yes. Does everyone treat them more like allies and/or associates instead of subjects because they don't want to risk a civil war against the only people that know how to build and maintain most of everything, and who also have extremely powerful armies in their own right, which include the Titans? That is also a part of it
---[X] First we will attempt to speak and negotiate with Reximus, our demands being that neither he, nor any successor of his, shall ever attempt to subjugate or attack the Storm Avengers, Battlefleet Asgardia, the Forge Worlds Odin, Loki, Thor or any future Forge World of the Sector or The Order of the Sacred Storm. He will stay in his lane as Lord Sector as he did under Imperial Rule. He will return the ships he suborned from Battlefleet Asgardia immediately, though he may keep the new ships he commissioned from Forge World Odin for his Battle Fleet Odin and may in the future commission further ships from them or other Forge Worlds without issue from us. He will also, lastly, cease his attempts to mar our reputation within the Sector and turning worlds against us.
----[X] Our Concessions: We will also never attempt to subjugate nor attack said factions nor his to our own authority, we will continue to do our Duty to the Sector just as we have been for the past 8 millennia, and we won't kill him here and now.
----[X] We will both sign multiple copies of this treaty, triplicate for each faction listed to be delivered to them for their own safe keeping and to make sure the whole Sector is well aware of the terms of it
—--[X] If he refuses our terms we will invade Vanaheim to end him, doing our damndest to try and convince who we can among the Vanaheim Valkyries, the PDF, and Battlefleet Odin to stay out of the fight for we have no wish to bring harm upon them, only their greedy and arrogant master who would try to make slaves of us, and for those who don't to deal as few casualties and as little damage as possible.
Right, because threatening someone into submission and then leaving him in power worked so well at Monarchia.
I'm personally leaning towards taking out the Governor now but we need a solid plan in place for afterwards.

Do we have any idea who might make a good successor to him? Either from our own territory or from somewhere else.
While Trying to be diplomatic may save the most lives, it really feels like we're just leaving someone to stab us in the back, hell he is already badmouthing us to other system lords, even if he accepts the compromise, it will leave him as a bitter ruler of a hive world who will wait for revenge, also again he hates us. And also with how much forces we are bringing against him it feels like a waste of a turn, while getting battlefleet odin under the control of battlefleet asgardia is worth it, he would still have the vanaheim valkyries and we are even letting him keep building his naval forces.

Do we have any idea who might make a good successor to him? Either from our own territory or from somewhere else.
we would be taking control at least for this turn and the next turn depending on how the battle goes and how the other sub sectors and planets react, we will see if we chose another loyal noble to us to take his place or we simply appoint one of our space marines.
[X] Plan Let's end it

I like it, the only thing id change would be to use our major admech favour to gain their help against reximus.

Also were sons of gulliman, we can probably do a better job at governing than he does.
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Like, he might 'agree' but nothing is stopping him from stabbing us in the back. In fact, he'll probably agree to our deal, until he has enough forces at his disposal to do an Istvaan on our ass. Let's just take over the sector, and be done with all this.
Like, he might 'agree' but nothing is stopping him from stabbing us in the back. In fact, he'll probably agree to our deal, until he has enough forces at his disposal to do an Istvaan on our ass. Let's just take over the sector, and be done with all this.

This is the deciding factor for me and thinking otherwise is in my view very naive.

You don't become and stay a Lord Sector without being an absolute bastard who's willing to screw over any and everyone willing to oppose you.
I like it, the only thing id change would be to use our major admech favour to gain their help against reximus
with us already taking battefleet asgardia, the biggest help we could get from forge world thor would be in the form of their skitari legions and while very effective, I am more worried for the naval fight then the ground fight. also we need more strike cruisers specially if we lose one in the incoming fight and with them taking now 3 turns to complete the sooner the better.
Like, negotiating with him is extremely naive, since it 'proves' our meddling with governments, which is exactly what he's been railing against us for. Keeping him around let's him turn our reputation into dirt. his navy is ptitiful compared to ours, and the battlefleet defectors are Likely to defect to us, considering how hopeless their situation would be. trying to 'diplomance' him is only going to get us shot when he's hoarding his forces in the Odin system and we're actually out there bleeding ships and astartes. PLEASE don't screw us over for the sake of a false peace.
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[X] Plan Let's end it

Any peace will most likely only last until we find ourselves stretched thin dealing with threats to the sector after he has gathered enough forces to go on the offensive at which point he gets to destroy us piecemeal before we get the chance to reunify our forces.
[X] Plan Let's end it

Yeah, we shouldn't take any chances. This guy is a greedy bastard who has done nothing but amass his power, the only time he helped this sector was when he helped that agriworld and even then that was only because he knew that if it fell he would've been screwed. Us on the other hand have been putting out fires everywhere and he has the gall to say that we are the bad guys? He's going down.
[X] Plan Let's end it

Even with some reservations about the vagueness of how to proceed after we end Rex, I think this is the best bet