Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

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Play as a Space Marine Chapter Master as he and his brothers turn their backs on the Imperium of Man and attempt to continue serving the Emperor and Mankind as they arrive in an abandoned sector.
Chapter Creation
Southampton, Great Britain
It is half way into the 41st Millennium and you have betrayed the Imperium of Man. More precisely, the Storm Avengers Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes has turned their backs on the Imperium. You are Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson and while you and your brother still consider yourselves faithful to the God-Emperor, your Chapter no longer considers itself answerable to the High Lords of Terra.

For seven and a half thousand years, the Storm Avengers have safeguarded mankind from its plethora of foes since the Chapter was established in the 4th Founding. Claiming the lineage of Roboute Guilliman and the Ultramarines, the Storm Avengers have served faithfully and vigorously. During that time, the Storm Avengers have gathered plenty of accolades to their name.

The Storm Avengers fought against the Frateris Militia in the Age of Apostasy and committed forces to more than one Black Crusade. Your Chapter recovered an STC for Tarantula Turrets mounting either multi-lasers or assault cannons and it was your brothers who broke Waaagh! Bonekrusha before it could consume the Athena Sector. It was the Storm Avengers who saved Forge World Antax when a warband of the Dark Mechanicus fell upon it and later put down the Tekona Rebellion before the uprising could spread beyond its sub-sector.

Now you continue to fight for the Emperor and Mankind, you just no longer do so for the Imperium of Man. And perhaps that is for the best.

Why did the Storm Avengers go renegade? Choose one.
[ ] Crossing the Inquisition. Seeking to do the right thing by the Imperium, the Emperor and Humanity, the Storm Avengers crossed the Inquisition one time too many and found themselves being declared traitors by a vengeful cabal of Inquisitors.
[ ] Disgusted by the Imperium. After centuries of witnessing the slow crumble of the Imperium, brought about by massive amounts of corruption and inefficiency, the Storm Avengers turned their backs on the Imperium and now seek to serve the Emperor by other means.
[ ] Heretical Innovation. Rather than wallow in past glories that have been long lost, the Storm Avengers attempted to improve upon their situation to better serve both the Imperium and the Emperor. In doing so, they ran afoul of various Imperial factions and found themselves declared heretics.
[ ] Bureaucratic Betrayal. Whether through incompetent or maliciousness, the bloated and inefficient bureaucracy of the Imperium has failed the Storm Avengers. After warnings failed to be passed on and reinforcements denied caused the loss of their homeworld, the Storm Avengers decided no more and left the Imperium behind.

Unfortunately, the flight from the Imperium on top of prior battles has left your chapter depleted. The Storm Avengers could be worse off, but as things are, the Chapter is lacking some critical specialist expertise amongst your surviving brothers.

It isn't just experienced battle-brothers that the Storm Avengers have a shortage of either. The recent fighting has left your armouries short on reserves and spares, especially in some specific areas. The harshest loss would be some of the STC copies that your Chapter has as the flight from the Imperium forced you to leave them behind. Something you hope to change upon arriving in the Asgardia Sector but with the Imperium of Man as your nominal enemy, your Chapter will no longer have access to the usual resupply methods. One way or another, you'll have to adapt to the new circumstances that you find yourself in.

You start off with zero points to spend. You may go into the negatives for Chapter Creation. Your point total at the end of Chapter Creation will carry over to Sector Creation, where you must end it with zero or higher points.

Use plan voting.

What expertise do the Storm Avengers have a shortage of? You must choose one and every additional choice grants one point.
[ ] Apothecaries. Your chapter lacks experienced Apothecaries, forcing you to rely upon self-trained and inexperienced rookies to tend to your wounded and collect the geneseed of the dead.
[ ] Chaplains. Your chapter is lacking Chaplains despite its continued faithfulness to the God-Emperor. You have no doubts that you and your brothers will stay in His Light, but plenty of those who pledged themselves to Chaos started out thinking the same.
[ ] Librarians. Your chapter currently has no Librarians amongst its number, making any psyker abilities amongst initiates a notable concern in the future.
[ ] Techmarines. Your chapter lacks Techmarines, forcing you to make do with subpar maintenance unless you are willing to go to one of the local Forge Worlds.
[ ] Veterans. Your chapter lacks a 1st Company as all of your space marines are either in positions of leadership or too inexperienced to count as veterans.
[ ] Scouts. Your chapter lacks a 10th Company as your flight from the Imperium has seen all of your scouts either promoted or killed.

What equipment do the Storm Avengers have a shortage of and lack STCs for? You must choose two and every additional choice grants one point.
[ ] Terminator Armour. Your armouries lack any suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armour or as it is more commonly none, Terminator Armour.
[ ] Artificer Armour. Your armouries lack any suits of Artificer Armour.
[ ] Power Weapons & Jump Packs. While you still have chainswords, combat knives and a few relics, your armoury is devoid of any standard power weapons, hindering the melee effectiveness of your space marines. You also have no remaining jump packs in your armoury.
[ ] Heavy & Specialist Weapons. There are no heavy or specialised weapons within your armouries, limiting your ability to unleash heavy firepower upon your foes and deal with enemy vehicles and hordes.
[ ] Dreadnoughts. You have no Dreadnought chassis in reserve and if you have any grievously injured space marines, you won't be able to let them fight on as Dreadnoughts.
[ ] Rhinos & Razorbacks. Your chapter lacks any standard APCs, forcing your space marines to either fight on foot or seek unconventional means of transportation.
[ ] Vindicators & Whirlwinds. Your chapter lacks tanks thanks to the lack of functional Vindicators & Whirlwinds, something that will sharply limit your ability to deploy armoured elements.
[ ] Predators. Your chapter lacks tanks thanks to the lack of functional Predator Battle Tanks, something that will sharply limit your ability to deploy armoured elements.
[ ] Land Raiders. While most chapters only have a few Land Raiders, your chapter has none at all. The lack of these valued and deadly war machines will be felt.

Starting advantages and disadvantages.
[ ] Mostly Full Strength. Despite your flight from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers are close to full strength with around nine hundred space marines within the Chapter. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Full Strength, Understrength & Greatly Understrength.
[ ] Full Strength. Despite your flight from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers are currently at full strength with around a thousand space marines within the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Understrength & Greatly Understrength.
[ ] Understrength. The flight from the Imperium has left the Storm Avengers beaten, but not broken as you only command half a chapter of space marines. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Full Strength & Greatly Understrength.
[ ] Greatly Understrength. The flight from the Imperium has left the Storm Avengers almost broken as you only command three companies' worth of space marines. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Full Strength, & Understrength.
[ ] Elite Warrior-Serfs. The Huscarls that serve aboard your warships are notably high quality, equal to Storm Troopers or elite regiments of the Imperial Guard. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Plentiful Gene-seed. As a silver lining in these dark times, the Storm Avengers were able to flee with a vast reserve of their gene-seed. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Loyalist Brothers. One of your companies has remained loyal to the Imperium, taking their strike cruiser with them on top of the hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to hunt you down once they have recovered their strength. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Many Loyalist Brothers.
[ ] Many Loyalist Brothers. Two of your companies have remained loyal to the Imperium, taking both of their strike cruisers with them on top of the two hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to hunt you down once they have recovered their strength. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Loyalist Brothers.
[ ] Faithless Brothers. One of your companies has not only turned on the Imperium, but also forsaken their faith in the Emperor as well. They are taking their strike cruiser with them on top of the hundred brothers that are breaking away from the Chapter. They will seek to forge their own way within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Many Faithless Brothers.
[ ] Many Faithless Brothers. Two of your companies have not only turned on the Imperium, but also forsaken their faith in the Emperor as well. They are taking both of their strike cruisers with them on top of the two hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to forge their own way within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Faithless Brothers.
[ ] Friendly Angels. Over their long existence, the Storm Avengers have made friends across the galaxy and even recent events aren't enough to change that. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Very Friendly Angels.
[ ] Very Friendly Angels. Over their long existence, the Storm Avengers have made many friends across the galaxy and even recent events aren't enough to change that. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Friendly Angels.
[ ] Hostile Angels. Over their existence, the Storm Avengers have antagonised another faction within the Imperium to the point of a notable grudge being held against them. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Very Hostile Angels.
[ ] Very Hostile Angels. Over their existence, the Storm Avengers have antagonised multiple other factions within the Imperium to the point of notable grudges being held against them. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Hostile Angels.
[ ] Arsenal of Relics. The Storm Avengers have accumulated an abnormally high number of Terminator Armour, Artificer Armour, Land Raiders and other relics and were able to flee with them. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Armoury of Vehicles. The Storm Avengers have a large number of vehicles in their service, each one having its own dedicated crew. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Reliquary Flagship. The Battle Barge Might of Storms once served in the Great Crusade and thanks to its lengthy history, it contains technology long lost to mankind and a legacy that lets it fight beyond its nominally capabilities. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Archeotech Warships. Over their long history, the Storm Avengers have been able to upgrade more than one of their capital ships with archeotech technology. Costs 2 Points.
[ ] Auxiliary Warships. When they fled from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers were accompanied by a few former Imperial Navy vessels that threw their lot in with the Chapter. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Auxiliary Fleet.
[ ] Auxiliary Fleet. When they fled from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers were accompanied by several former Imperial Navy vessels that threw their lot in with the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Auxiliary Warships.
[ ] Auxiliary Regiments. When the Storm Avengers fled the Imperium, they were accompanied by a few Imperial Guard regiments who decided to back the Chapter. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Auxiliary Army.
[ ] Auxiliary Army. When the Storm Avengers fled the Imperium, they were accompanied by several Imperial Guard regiments who decided to back the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Auxiliary Regiments.

The Chapter Fleet of the Storm Avengers. Each Point spent gives you 20 Fleet Points. Start off with 50 Fleet Points plus 25 Fleet Points for the additional warships gained in the original quest.

[ ] Battle Barge. First time taken costs 8 Fleet Points. Second time taken costs 9 Fleet Points. Third time taken costs 10 Fleet Points. Fourth time taken costs 11 Fleet Points.
[ ] Strike Cruiser. Costs 4 Fleet Points.
[ ] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances). Costs 5 Fleet Points.
[ ] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes). Costs 4 Fleet Points.
[ ] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Bombardment Cannon). Costs 4 Fleet Points.
[ ] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Lances). Costs 3 Fleet Points.
[ ] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Torpedo Tubes). Costs 3 Fleet Points.
[ ] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Bombardment Cannon). Costs 3 Fleet Points.
[ ] Nova-class Frigate. Costs 3 Fleet Points.
[ ] Gladius-class Frigate. Costs 1 Fleet Point.
[ ] Hunter-class Destroyer. Costs 1 Fleet Point.


Inspired by this, this is a reboot of my quest here you get to play as a space marine chapter master whose chapter has turned their backs on the Imperium without falling to Chaos. Unlike in the original quest, you won't be starting already established in the Asgardia Sector and instead will be newly arrived in it, having to set up shop from scratch.

Once again, while inspired by quests like Death or Glory & From The Brink, I'm not going as mechanically heavy as those quests because I don't want too much workload from this quest. Unlike the original quest, you will be able to play at being the Sector Lord or setting up your own private empire if you feel like it. This is because I have a better idea of what I'll be doing and I feel it would be a waste to have the sons of Guilliman not engage in any government stuff.

As this is a reboot of the original quest, Torvald and the Storm Avengers will be mostly the same as in the last quest. The biggest change will be the starting circumstances of the chapter differing depending on how this vote plays out.

One final thing, this quest will also be hard mode like the last and some choices will have unstated effects that you won't find out until you take them.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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Sector Creation
[X] Plan Heavy Metal
-[X] Heretical Innovation.
-[X] Scouts.
-[X] Artificer Armour.
-[X] Dreadnoughts.
-[X] Rhinos & Razorbacks.
-[X] Many Loyalist Brothers.
-[X] Hostile Angels.
-[X] Almost Full Strength.
-[X] Elite Warrior-Serfs.
-[X] Reliquary Flagship.
-[X] Friendly Angels.
-[X] Armoury of Vehicles.
-[X] Fleet (75 Points)
–[X] x3 Battle Barges (27 Points)
–[X] x4 Strike Cruisers (16 Points)
–[X] x2 Strike Cruisers (Torpedoes) (8 Points)
–[X] x18 Gladius-class Frigates Frigates (18 Points)
–[X] x6 Hunter-class Destroyers Frigates (6 Points)

Your flight from the Imperium has been successful, but not without cost. The entirety of your Scout Company has either fallen in battle or earnt their promotion to full battle-brothers of the Chapter. Not to mention that two of your companies stayed loyal as both 5th Company and 6th Company were able to avoid the accusations of tech heresy and codex divergence.

More than two of your hundred brothers along with a fifth of the Chapter Fleet, including the Battle Barge Sentinel of Ultramar, and all of your Chapter's dreadnoughts have remained behind on Ragnarok, cursing your names as you turned your backs on the Imperium. One day in the future, there will be a reckoning between your two Chapters, but that time is not now as both sides of the Chapter schism have to prioritise your respective survival.

You were able to empty most of the Fortress-Monastery on Ragnarok before the Inquisitorial Task Force showed up, including the entirety of your Chapter Armoury and almost all of your mighty Huskarls. For most Inquisitors, they would be content with driving you from the Imperium and would focus on a greater threat to Mankind, but something tells you that Astrid Reximus won't be giving up that easily.

How ironic that you and your brothers are fleeing to her home sector, the lost Asgardia Sector. Once brought into the Imperium of Man by your own Primarch, Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines, during the Great Crusade, and ruled by House Reximus since the Primarch installed Lord Sector Hallr Reximus, the Asgardia Sector hasn't truly been lost. A few years ago, some clerks in the Administratum looked at the state of the Asgardia Sector and deemed that the sector wasn't cost-effective to defend and so degreed the Asgardia Sector was lost and officially pulled out all Imperial forces.

A sector once ruled and defended by the Primarch yet abandoned because some bureaucrats didn't like the numbers. A sector where many worlds full of the Emperor's faithful reside, abandoned to die by the callous Imperium. A sector beset by the enemies of Mankind and in dire need of protection. A sector where the Storm Avengers can once again serve the Emperor and safeguard humanity.

You start off with -1 points to spend. You must finish Sector Creation with 0 or more points.

Use plan voting.

What ancient legacies remain within the Asgardia Sector?
[ ] Ruins of an Alien Empire. During the Age of Strife, the Asgardia Sector was enslaved by an xenos empire that was broken by the Ultramarines in the Great Crusade. Even a thousand years later, ruins and artefacts of this xenos empire can be found within the Asgardia Sector. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Ravaged by Strife. A large chunk of the Asgardia Sector was destroyed during the Age of Strife, resulting in a relatively high number of feral and feudal worlds in the sector. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] Remnants of the Dark Age. A large number of archeotech remains scattered across the Asgardia sector, either undiscovered or painstakingly maintained by the Adeptus Mechanicus as they struggle to uphold technology that they no longer understand. Costs 2 Points.
[ ] Remnants of an Alien Threat. During the Great Crusade, there was a notably malevolent and dangerous xenos threat that was purged by the Ultramarines. Perilous artefacts and automated defences still remain and some rumours even say that survivors are still out there, waiting for their chance to return. Grant 2 Points.
[ ] Knight Worlds. Dating back to the Dark Age of Technology, there are several Knight Worlds within the Asgardia Sector. Costs1 Point.
[ ] Legacy of Guilliman. When Roboute Guilliman liberated the Asgardia Sector in the Great Crusade, the Primarch made sure to leave a functional and thriving sector behind. Even a thousand years later, some of his work remains within the Asgardia Sector. Costs 1 Point.

What presence did the Imperium have within the Asgardia Sector?

[ ] Battlecruiser Shipyards. While many worlds can build escort warships or even cruisers, the Asgardia Sector contains a few major shipyards that can build battlecruisers. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Battleship Shipyard. While many worlds can build escort warships or even cruisers, the Asgardia Sector contains a major shipyard that can build battleships. Costs 2 Points.
[ ] Astartes Shipyard. While many worlds can build Imperial Navy warships, the Asgardia Sector contains a major shipyard that can build Adeptus Astartes warships. Costs 2 Points.
[ ] Deathwatch Watch Fortress. The infamous Deathwatch maintains a Watch Fortress and more than one Watch Station within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] The God-Machines. The one of the Forge Worlds within the Asgardia Sector is infamous for its mighty Titan Legion. Costs 2 Points.
[ ] Inquisitorial Fortress of Ordo Malleus. A Conclave of the Ordo Malleus maintains an Inquisitorial Fortress within the Asgardia Sector and has interests in the sector. They won't look kindly upon your presence. Grants 2 Points.
[ ] Inquisitorial Fortress of Ordo Xenos. A Conclave of the Ordo Malleus maintains an Inquisitorial Fortress within the Asgardia Sector and has interests in the sector. They won't look kindly upon your presence. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] Inquisitorial Fortress of Ordo Hereticus. A Conclave of the Ordo Malleus maintains an Inquisitorial Fortress within the Asgardia Sector and has interests in the sector. They will take action against you. Grants 3 Points.
[ ] Elite Guardswomen. The Vanaheim Valkyries are elite Imperial Guard regiments, equal to more famous formations like the Cadians, Catachans, Valhallans and Elysians. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Holy Footsteps. As a world where one of the God-Emperor's loyal sons once walked, the Asgardia Sector has a strong Ecclesiarchy presence along with an abnormally high number of Cardinal Worlds and Shrine Worlds. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Navigator Houses. The Asgardia Sector has a pair of Navigator Houses that have chosen to remain behind. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Rogue Trader. There is a Rogue Trade dynasty that is taking advantage of the Asgardia Sector's status to claim worlds for their personal holdings. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Rogue Traders.
[ ] Rogue Traders. There are multiple Rogue Trade dynasties that are competing with each to claim the worlds of the Asgardia Sector for their personal holdings. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Rogue Trader.

What quirks does the Asgardia Sector have?

[ ] Extensive Naval Shipyards. While many worlds can build escort warships or even cruisers, the Asgardia Sector contains several major shipyards that produce a large number of warships. Costs 2 Points.
[ ] Abundant Merchant Shipping. The Asgardia Sector has an abnormally large number of merchant shipping within it, resulting in a booming economy from the thriving civilian trade conducted. Costs1 Point.
[ ] Plentiful Agri-Worlds. The Asgardia Sector has an overabundance of Agri-Worlds, supplying it with vast quantities of foodstuff to feed its other worlds. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Food Shortage.
[ ] Food Shortage. The Asgardia Sector has lost several of Agri-Worlds, causing starvation and famine across its remaining worlds. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Plentiful Agri-Worlds.
[ ] Plentiful Mining-Worlds. The Asgardia Sector has an overabundance of Mining-Worlds, supplying it with vast quantities of raw materials to feed its vast industry. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Material Shortage.
[ ] Material Shortage. The Asgardia Sector has lost several of Mining-Worlds, causing shortage of raw materials for its vast industry. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Plentiful Mining-Worlds.
[ ] Fortress Worlds. The stable warp routes of the Asgardia Sector are safeguarded by heavily defended worlds, each with extensive fortification extending to a small standing defence fleet. Costs 2 Points

What are the warp routes of the Asgardia Sector like?

[ ] Stable Warp Currents. The Asgardia Sector has a plentiful amount of stable warp routes to travel along, greatly easing logistics and trade. Costs 2 Points Incompatible with Unstable Warp Routes.
[ ] Unstable Warp Currents. The Asgardia Sector only has a few stable warp routes, hindering travel within the sector. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Stable Warp Routes.
[ ] Warp Chokepoints. The stable warp routes of the Asgardia Sector all go through a handful of key points, allowing those who control them great influence of warp travel within the sector. Costs 3 Points.
[ ] Warp Storms. The Asgardia Sector is unfortunately prone to warp storms with minor storms often cutting off a handful of worlds for decades at a time and the occasional major storm that can isolate entire sub-sectors for centuries. Grants 3 Points

What happened to the Iron Sentinels, the Protectors of the Asgardia Sector?

[ ] Fallen in Duty. The Iron Sentinels have been wiped out, the last of them giving their lives in service to the Emperor and the Imperium. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Renegade Sentinels, Civil War & Forsaken Brothers.
[ ] Renegade Sentinels. When the Imperium declared the Asgardia Sector lost, the Iron Sentinels refused to leave and still safeguard the sector. Costs 3 Points. Incompatible with Fallen in Duty, Civil War & Forsaken Brothers.
[ ] Civil War. The Iron Sentinels are a Chapter gripped by infighting between those who remain faithful and those who have fallen to Chaos. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Fallen in Duty, Renegade Sentinels & Forsaken Brothers.
[ ] Forsaken Brothers. The Iron Sentinels have betrayed what they stood for and have pledged themselves to the Ruinous Powers. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Fallen in Duty, Renegade Sentinels & Civil War.

The Imperial Remnants of the Asgardia Sector.

[ ] Hostile Sector Lord. Not only has Lord Sector Reximus managed to maintain a degree of centralised control over the Asgardia Sector, he is opposed to the idea of the Storm Avengers being independent of his rule. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Friendly Sector Lord & Fragmented Sector.
[ ] Friendly Sector Lord. Not only has Lord Sector Reximus managed to maintain a degree of centralised control over the Asgardia Sector, but he is open to being cooperative with the Storm Avengers. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Hostile Sector Lord & Fragmented Sector.
[ ] Fragmented Sector. The remaining sub-sectors of the Asgardia Sector have fragmented into multiple independent states, each declaring themselves free of House Reximus. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Hostile Sector Lord & Friendly Sector Lord.
[ ] Battlefleet Asgardia. While reduced in strength, what remains of Battlefleet Asgardia has remained under a centralised chain of command. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Independent Battlefleets.
[ ] Independent Battlefleets. The remaining warships of Battlefleet Asgardia have gone their own ways as multiple independent fleets find new masters within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Battlefleet Asgardia.
[ ] Human Pirates. There are multiple pirate bands operating in the Asgardia Sector, former merchant vessels and Imperial Navy warships who have decided to try their hand at piracy. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Pirate Lords.
[ ] Pirate Lords. The piracy of the Asgardia Sector has grown to the point that there are multiple pirate lords who command their own fleets and petty fiefdoms. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Human Pirates.
[ ] Warring Forge Worlds. The Forge Worlds of the Asgardia Sector have gone to war with each other, old feuds and rivalries getting out of hand without the Imperium to keep them in check. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Allied Forge Worlds.
[ ] Allied Forge Worlds. In the absence of the Imperium, the Forge Worlds of the Asgardia Sector have formed a coalition to put up a united front against the rest of the sector. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Warring Forge Worlds.

The Xenos Powers of the Asgardia Sector.

[ ] Eldar Corsairs. There are Eldar Corsairs operating out of the Asgardia Sector, preying upon its shipping. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] Dark Eldar Raiders. The Asgardia Sector is the favoured hunting grounds of a Dark Eldar Kabal. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] Ork Freebootas. There are multiple Ork Freebootas engaging in piracy across the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] Feral Orks. As the result of past Ork Waaaghs, Feral Orks are a common presence across the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point
[ ] Minor Orkoid Empire. There is a small greenskin empire within the Asgardia Sector, extending across multiple systems. Grants 2 Points.
[ ] Major Orkoid Empire. There is a major greenskin empire in the Asgardia Sector, controlling an entire sub-sector and spreading out beyond it. Grants 3 Points.
[ ] Minor Species. There is a minor xenos empire operating within the Asgardia Sector with multiple xenos colonies under their control. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Minor Powers.
[ ] Minor Powers. There are a few active minor xenos empires within the Asgardia Sector, each one holding territory equal to a sub-sector. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Minor Species.

The Chaos Threats of the Asgardia Sector.

[ ] Beastmen. Straddling the line between abhuman and mutant, Beastmen are a common sight across the Asgardia Sector with many worlds counting Beastmen amongst their populace. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] Mutant Uprising. A large-scale mutant uprising has seen several worlds, including an entire sub-sector, within the Asgardia Sector have fallen to mutant rebels. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] Heretic Rebellions. Multiple worlds within the Asgardia Sector are suffering from heretic uprising with several worlds on the verge of falling. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] Rebellious Sentiments. While crushed centuries ago, a major heretic uprising has left lingering pro-Chaos sentiments across the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] Chaos Cults. There is an abnormally high number of Chaos cults active in the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point.
[ ] Chaos Empire. There is a major Chaos empire in the Asgardia Sector, spanning across an entire sub-sector. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Chaos Kingdoms.
[ ] Chaos Kingdoms. There are multiple Chaos empires in the Asgardia Sector, each one controlling multiple worlds. Grants 3 Points. Incompatible with Chaos Empire.
[ ] Hell Forge. One of the Forge Worlds in the Asgardia Sector has fallen to the Ruinous Powers and is now a Hell Forge of the Dark Mechanicus. Grants 2 Points.
[ ] Chaos Space Marines. There is a force of Chaos Space Marines active in the Asgardia Sector, supporting other heretic war efforts and preying upon those still faithful to the Emperor. Grants 2 Points.


And here is Sector Creation, the second half of the prologue so say. While I'm sure some of you have already noticed, I took inspiration from for the sector creation options. Anyway, sorry about the update being fairly short outside of the options, but I figured that I would finish setting up the details for the Storm Avengers whilst you guys vote on the details of the Asgardia Sector. Otherwise, it might have been another day or two before I posted this update.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Turn 1/500-504.M41
[X] A Realm of Might and Strife
-[X] Ravaged by Strife. A large chunk of the Asgardia Sector was destroyed during the Age of Strife, resulting in a relatively high number of feral and feudal worlds in the sector. Grants 1 Point.
-[X] Remnants of the Dark Age. A large number of archeotech remains scattered across the Asgardia sector, either undiscovered or painstakingly maintained by the Adeptus Mechanicus as they struggle to uphold technology that they no longer understand. Costs 2 Points.
-[X] Remnants of an Alien Threat. During the Great Crusade, there was a notably malevolent and dangerous xenos threat that was purged by the Ultramarines. Perilous artefacts and automated defences still remain and some rumours even say that survivors are still out there, waiting for their chance to return. Grant 2 Points.
-[X] Knight Worlds. Dating back to the Dark Age of Technology, there are several Knight Worlds within the Asgardia Sector. Costs1 Point.
-[X] Legacy of Guilliman. When Roboute Guilliman liberated the Asgardia Sector in the Great Crusade, the Primarch made sure to leave a functional and thriving sector behind. Even a thousand years later, some of his work remains within the Asgardia Sector. Costs 1 Point.
-[X] Rogue Traders. There are multiple Rogue Trade dynasties that are competing with each to claim the worlds of the Asgardia Sector for their personal holdings. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Rogue Trader.
-[X] Astartes Shipyard. While many worlds can build Imperial Navy warships, the Asgardia Sector contains a major shipyard that can build Adeptus Astartes warships. Costs 2 Points.
-[X] Battlecruiser Shipyards. While many worlds can build escort warships or even cruisers, the Asgardia Sector contains a few major shipyards that can build battlecruisers. Costs 1 Point.
-[X] Inquisitorial Fortress of Ordo Malleus. A Conclave of the Ordo Malleus maintains an Inquisitorial Fortress within the Asgardia Sector and has interests in the sector. They won't look kindly upon your presence. Grants 2 Points.
-[X] The God-Machines. The one of the Forge Worlds within the Asgardia Sector is infamous for its mighty Titan Legion. Costs 2 Points.
-[X] Battleship Shipyard. While many worlds can build escort warships or even cruisers, the Asgardia Sector contains a major shipyard that can build battleships. Costs 2 Points.
-[X] Abundant Merchant Shipping. The Asgardia Sector has an abnormally large number of merchant shipping within it, resulting in a booming economy from the thriving civilian trade conducted. Costs1 Point.
-[X] Plentiful Mining-Worlds. The Asgardia Sector has an overabundance of Mining-Worlds, supplying it with vast quantities of raw materials to feed its vast industry. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Material Shortage.
-[X] Navigator Houses. The Asgardia Sector has a pair of Navigator Houses that have chosen to remain behind. Costs 1 Point.
-[X] Elite Guardswomen. The Vanaheim Valkyries are elite Imperial Guard regiments, equal to more famous formations like the Cadians, Catachans, Valhallans and Elysians. Costs 1 Point.
-[X] Fortress Worlds. The stable warp routes of the Asgardia Sector are safeguarded by heavily defended worlds, each with extensive fortification extending to a small standing defence fleet. Costs 2 Points
-[X] Civil War. The Iron Sentinels are a Chapter gripped by infighting between those who remain faithful and those who have fallen to Chaos. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Fallen in Duty, Renegade Sentinels & Forsaken Brothers.
-[X] Friendly Sector Lord. Not only has Lord Sector Reximus managed to maintain a degree of centralised control over the Asgardia Sector, but he is open to being cooperative with the Storm Avengers. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Hostile Sector Lord & Fragmented Sector.
-[X] Battlefleet Asgardia. While reduced in strength, what remains of Battlefleet Asgardia has remained under a centralised chain of command. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Independent Battlefleets.
-[X] Pirate Lords. The piracy of the Asgardia Sector has grown to the point that there are multiple pirate lords who command their own fleets and petty fiefdoms. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Human Pirates.
-[X] Dark Eldar Raiders. The Asgardia Sector is the favoured hunting grounds of a Dark Eldar Kabal. Grants 1 Point.
-[X] Ork Freebootas. There are multiple Ork Freebootas engaging in piracy across the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point.
-[X] Feral Orks. As the result of past Ork Waaaghs, Feral Orks are a common presence across the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point
-[X] Minor Powers. There are a few active minor xenos empires within the Asgardia Sector, each one holding territory equal to a sub-sector. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Minor Species.
-[X] Minor Orkoid Empire. There is a small greenskin empire within the Asgardia Sector, extending across multiple systems. Grants 2 Points.
-[X] Beastmen. Straddling the line between abhuman and mutant, Beastmen are a common sight across the Asgardia Sector with many worlds counting Beastmen amongst their populace. Grants 1 Point.
-[X] Heretic Rebellions. Multiple worlds within the Asgardia Sector are suffering from heretic uprising with several worlds on the verge of falling. Grants 1 Point.
-[X] Rebellious Sentiments. While crushed centuries ago, a major heretic uprising has left lingering pro-Chaos sentiments across the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point.
-[X] Hell Forge. One of the Forge Worlds in the Asgardia Sector has fallen to the Ruinous Powers and is now a Hell Forge of the Dark Mechanicus. Grants 2 Points.

The Asgardia Sector is a mixture of strength and peril. Strength lingers within the sector from the actions of your Primarch yet the Asgardia Sector beset on all sides. Your new home will be in much need of your Chapter's aid, which leads to you gathering the senior leadership of the Storm Avengers aboard the Might of Storms.

"House Reximus has managed to maintain its grip on what remains of the Asgardia Sector with both the remains of Battlefleet Asgardia and the famous Vanaheim Valkyrie regiments answering to Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus," says your Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson, "My visions indicate that the man will likely be an ally of ours and will accept our presence in the Asgardia Sector as blessing from the Emperor."

"Six Forge Worlds remain," says your heretek of a Master of the Forge, Horwan Forgeson, "Both Forge World Loki and Forge World Freya can construct battlecruisers while Forge World Odin can construct both battlecruisers and battleships. Forge World Thor produces Adeptus Astartes warships for the Iron Sentinels while the Titan Legion of Forge World Baldur refused to leave with the Imperium."

"And the sixth?" asks Captain Stefan Freeson of 2nd Company as the man leans forward.

"Forge World Sif is relatively unnoteworthy beyond the fact that its Fabricator-General has chosen to serve the local Adepta Sororitas, the Order of the Sacred Storm," answers Horwan, "According to the enginseers I spoke with, the Order of the Sacred Storm has fully taken over the Sif Sub-Sector. Diplomatically, I might add."

"There are two active threats to the Asgardia Sector," says Captain Grimvald Thunderson of 1st Company, "There are semi-coordinated uprisings across three sub-sectors with multiple worlds already fallen to the heretic rebels. The other is a minor Ork Waaagh invading the Beowulf Sub-Sector. The sub-sector capital is a fortress world and should keep the greenskins contained, but the remaining worlds are feral and feudal in nature. Half of them have already fallen and without reinforcement, the remainder will follow in short order."

"How to deal with Orks is well-known," says Jannis Hopeson, your Master of Sanctity, "I wish to know more of who is coordinating the heretical revolts."

"It is less some overarching mastermind and more the local Hell Forge is supplying all of them with military-grade weapons," answers Grimvald with a shrug, "Don't ask me how, but the heretics are using vehicles and heavy weaponry from Hell Forge Heimdall."

"Depending on how badly the heretics infiltrated their worlds before rising up, they could have snuck in shipments via interstellar merchants," suggests Captain Karl Voidson of 4th Company, "Or heretic vessels posing as merchants. They should have been caught, but if the local authorities are lax, they could slip through."

"The local authorities are not lax," says Steffen, "The legacy of our Primarch runs deep and remains still. The government of the Asgardia Sector lacks the corruptions and inefficiencies that beleaguers the majority of the Imperium and the local governance is comparable to that of Ultramar."

"Then the matter will require even further investigation," says Karl, accepting the words of the Chief Librarian without doubt, "I am concerned about the state of piracy in the Asgardia Sector. Between the Ork Freebootas, the Kabal of the Black Reaping and the so-called Pirate Lords, the pirates are strong and plentiful to the point of operating semi-openly. They must be curtailed before they impact the trade of the sector."

"That is harder for them to do than you might believe," says Horwan, "The Asgardia Sector has a booming economy and interstellar trade. With Battlefleet Asgardia still patrolling the trade routes, trade will continue to flow."

"I would raise the question of new recruits," says the Master of the Apothecarion, Bruce Boltson, "We have no initiates at the moment and have lost our recruiting world. We will need to secure new sources of recruits if the Chapter is to survive. All of us know why that is of vital importance."

"Our internal production remains within acceptable levels despite the loss of Ragnarok," says Horwan, "It is not ideal, but the forges aboard the Might of Storms and our other battle barges can suffice for now and perhaps indefinitely."

"We should check in with our brothers on Mjolnir," says Stefan as he gives you a look, "That some of the Iron Sentinels fell to Chaos is dangerous. One way or another, we need to confirm what has happened there and if the worst has happened deny Mjolnir and the Fortress-Monastery there to the heretics."

"I agree," says Bruce, "We need to go to Mjolnir, either to the aid of our fellow sons of Guilliman or to avenge them."

"We are the Avenging Storm," says Captain Peder Freeson of 9th Company, his pun bringing smiles to the majority of you.

Free Actions (Choose up to three)
Perform actions that don't fall under Production or Chapter Deployment. Also includes non-Codex compliant changes to your chapter organisation.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in.
Skald Action
A diplomatic venture taken by your skalds such as calling in a Favour or reaching out to another faction.
[ ] Write-in.
Chapter Deployment
[ ] Torvald and his Honour Guard are unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 1st Company is unassigned and currently available
[ ] 2nd Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 3rd Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 4th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 7th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 8th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 9th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Requilary Battle Barge Might of Storms is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance is unassigned and currently available
[ ] Battle Barge Ardent Storm is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Battle Barge Void Thunderer is unassigned and currently available

Production (10 Points & 10 Techmarine available)
[ ] Write-in.
Chapter Organisation (Optional)
This is here so you can make Codex-compliant changes to the chapter to suit your preferences. Think things like assigning vehicles or warships to a company or replacing losses in a battle company from a reserve company. Most of this will happen automatically and will be sorted out by me, the QM, but here is the option if anyone wants to do it themselves.
[ ] Write-in.



Beowulf Incursion (Beowulf Sub-Sector): The Beowulf Sub-Sector is under threat from the Ork empire located in the neighbouring Grendel Sub-Sector with more than one system having already fallen to the greenskins. Predominantly made up of Feral and Feudal Worlds, the Beowulf Sub-Sector has limited ability to resist the creeping xenos threat and will require outside aid to repel the Orks. Threat Level Medium-High.
Iron Sentinel Civil War (Mjolnir Sub-Sector): The last you heard, the Iron Sentinels had fallen into infighting as a notable portion of the Chapter turned their backs on the Emperor and embraced the Ruinous Powers. Unfortunately, you lack any further details on your distant brothers and you have no idea of the current status of the Iron Sentinels or their homeworld on Mjolnir in the Mjolnir Sub-Sector. Threat Level Extreme.
Feral Ork Purge (Asgardia Sector): Thanks to a series of past Waaaghs, a good many of the worlds in the Asgardia Sector have a populace of Feral Orks. While the greater threat of these primitive xenos is usually nominal, every Space Marine knows what the Orks can do when left unchecked. Conduct a purge on the Feral Orks to curtail their threat. Threat Level Low.
Freeboota Hunt (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector has several Ork Freebootas operating within it, with more than ten different Ork Kaptins being identified. Go to the usual hunting grounds of the Freebootas and attempt to eliminate some of them. Threat Level Medium.
Pirate Lord Hunt (Asgardia Sector): Even before the Imperium's withdrawal, the Asgardia Sector had a pirate problem and the lack of greater authorities has allowed these pirates to come out into the open. Go to the last known hunting grounds of the so-called Pirate Lords and do your best to end them. Threat Level Medium.
Patrolling (Asgardia Sector): There are many minor threats to the Asgardia Sector and the loyal Imperial citizens calling it home. Having forces patrol the sector will allow the Chapter to proactively deal with any threats that unexpectedly appear in the sector. Threat Level Variable.
Raiding (Asgardia Sector): There are many threats within the borders of the Asgardia Sector, from Orks to heretics to minor xenos powers. Sending forces to raid these foes can weaken them by hitting targets of opportunity. Threat Level Variable.
Heresy in Ymir (Ymir Sub-Sector): There is a large-scale uprising in the Ymir Sub-Sector. While the sub-sector capital is holding, other worlds have either fallen and more are in danger of suffering the same threat. Bolster the defenders of the planets still resisting and end the rebellions. Threat Level Medium.
Heresy in Idunn (Idunn Sub-Sector): There is a large-scale uprising in the Idunn Sub-Sector. Multiple revolts have struck the sub-sector's agri-worlds at the same time and half of them have already fallen. Reinforce the defence of the remaining agri-worlds and ensure that the Asgardia Sector's food supply isn't threatened any further. Threat Level Medium.
Heresy in Skadi (Skadi Sub-Sector): There is a large-scale uprising in the Skadi Sub-Sector. Half the sector has risen up in revolt with a few worlds going over to the Ruinous Powers wholesale, including a Hive World known for producing wargear for the Imperial Guard. Strike at the heretics and cut them down for their heresy. Threat Level Medium.
Driving Back the Dracs (Alfheim Sub-Sector): The Dracs Coalition is the biggest threat of the minor xenos powers. Undermining their control over human worlds and targeting their war machine would slow down their expansion into the Asgardia Sector. Threat Level High.
Purging the Strulrot (Jormungandr Sub-Sector): The Strulrot Empire is an expansionist and highly aggressive xenos empire. Striking at their military and industry would go a long way to crippling any plans they have against the Imperial worlds of the Asgardia Sub-Sector. Threat Level Medium.

Points of Interest

The Forge Worlds of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector has six remaining Forge Worlds in it. Forge World Odin is the primary supplier of Battlefleet Asgardia, capable of producing Retribution-class Battleships, Mars-class Battlecruisers & Overlord-class Battlecruisers. Forge World Freya is capable of producing Mars-class Battlecruisers while Forge World Loki can produce Overlord-class Battlecruisers.
Forge World Baldur is home to the only remaining Titan Legion as Legio Fulgaran refused to abandon its home. Forge World Thor is the primarily supplier of the Iron Sentinels with its shipyards being able to produce Adeptus Astartes warships. Forge World Sif is the least notable Forge World beyond its close relationship with the Order of the Sacred Storm.
The Order of Sacred Storm (Sif Sub-Sector): Located in the Sif Sub-Sector, the Adepta Sororita order is infamous for their isolationist nature and considering themselves answerable to only to the God-Emperor. Located on the capital of the Sif Sub-Sector, the Shrine World Gunnerheim, the Order of the Sacred Storm have made sure to maintain a close relationship with the rest of their sub-sector. A close relationship that has led to the sisters becoming the rulers of the Sif Sub-Sector after the Imperium abandoned the Asgardia Sector.
Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus (Asgardia Sector): Through a mixture of legitimacy, force and charisma, Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus managed to maintain his dynasty's ancestral control over the Asgardia Sector. With the famous Vanaheim Valkyries of his homeworld and suborning what remains of Battlefleet Asgardia, Sigurdr Reximus will likely be a invaluable ally to the Chapter.
Hell Forge Heimdall (Heimdall Sub-Sector): Taken by the Ruinous Powers a few centuries ago, the Hell Forge Heimdall was the primary supplier of a massive rebellion that swept over the entire sector. Even centuries later when the rebellion was crushed long ago, Heimdall is a major supplier to Chaos cults and heretic uprisings across the Asgardia Sector and is currently attempting to entice external allies to bolster its strength.
Kabal of the Black Reaping (Asgardia Sector): The Kabal of the Black Reaping are Dark Eldar pirates who prey upon the worlds and shipping of the Asgardia Sector. These xenos specialise in close combat and boarding actions with a noted tendency to steal everything that they can where they will then sell their captured vessels, cargo and loot in exchange for even more slaves.
Greenskins of Grendel (Asgardia Sector): The Grendel Sub-Sector is home to a Orkoid Empire known as the Greenskins of Grendel. The xenos have resisted every minor attempt to purge them and have yet to receive the attention of a major attempt at elimination due to greater threats to prioritise. They regularly spill out into neighbouring sub-sectors, especially the Beowulf Sub-Sector as the greenskins seem to have some fascination with the Fortress World Beowulf.
Knight Worlds of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): Thanks to its long and storied history, the Asgardia Sector is home to dozens of Knight Worlds, whose brave and noble defenders refused to leave with the Imperium. Now they fight to protect their homes, either independently or under the banner of House Reximus or one of the Forge Worlds.
Pirate Lords of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): In the build up to being abandoned by the Imperium, the Asgardia had a severe pirate problem and now that the Imperium has withdrawn, these self-proclaimed Pirate Lords have grown bold enough to come out into the open. Now a Pirate King supported by two subordinate Pirate Lords and two subordinate Pirate Ladies preys upon the worlds and trade lanes of the Asgardia Sector.
Inquisitorial Fortress (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector was said to have an Inquisitorial Fortress, belonging to a cabal of the Ordo Malleus. While this band of Inquisitors are nominally focused on other threats, you have no doubts they won't take kindly to you and your brothers. To make matters worse, you have no idea where their fortress is located or what assets they can bring to bear in the Asgardia Sector.
Xenos Presence (Asgardia Sector): There are four minor xenos species of note in the Asgardia Empire. The first is the Larant High Kingdom, a feudal Avian species that lacks unity, but makes up for it by controlling three sub-sectors that each have a large number of inhabited worlds. The second is the Mahenessian Republic, an isolationist and defensive democracy of aquatic shellfish. The Mahenessi are relatively small with just seven systems across a single sub-sector.
The third is the Darcs Coalition, who originate from a shattered world that is infested with advanced technology of unknown xenos origin and another democracy, one that attempts to subject all those around them. The Darcs Coalition controls over sixty worlds, including several which once belonged to the Imperium, across nine sub-sectors and have technology approaching equality with the Imperium.
The final xenos empire is the Strulrot Empire, militaristic reptilians who consider a religious mandate to kill anyone not of their kind. Led by an Arch-Khan, they are aggressive and have spread out across ten worlds over two sub-sectors with a noted preference for mobile and mechanised warfare.


The degrees of Reputation you can earn range from Despised, to Hated, to Bad, to Suspect, to Neutral, to Good, to Liked, to Honoured, to Exalted.
Favours range from Minor to Major to Honourbound.

Owed to the Storm Avengers
None at the moment.

Owed by the Storm Avengers
None at the moment.

Adeptus Mechanicus = Liked.
-Forge World Baldur = Good?
-Forge World Freya = Good?
-Forge World Loki = Good?
-Forge World Odin = Good?
-Forge World Sif = Good?
-Forge World Thor = Good?
Adeptus Administratum = Good.
Adeptus Astartes = Neutral.
-Blood Angels & Successors = Good.
–Carmine Talons = Honoured.
-Ultramarines & Successors = Neutral
–Storm Avengers (Loyalists) = Despised
–Iron Sentinels = ???
Adepta Sororitas = Neutral.
-Order of the Sacred Storm = Neutral.
-Order of our Enchanting Lady = Despised.
Aristocracy of Asgardia = Neutral
-Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus = Neutral
Ecclesiarchy = Neutral.
Imperial Guard = Neutral.
Imperial Navy = Neutral.
-Battlefleet Asgardia = Neutral
Ordo Hereticus = Despised.
-Inquisitor Astrid Reximus = Despised.
Ordo Malleus = Hated.
Ordo Xenos = Hated.
Pirate Lords of Asgardia
-Pirate-King Dean Falcon = Suspect
-Pirate-Lord Grinner = Suspect
-Pirate-Lady Harmonia Quiss = Suspect
-Pirate-Lord Viktor Savage = Suspect
-Pirate-Lady Lilith Panem = Suspect


Available Output
Output is available for a single turn and cannot be stockpiled. Any Points not spent during the turn will be lost and won't be available in any following turns. The exception to this is points from Adeptus Mechanicus Favours, which can be stockpiled for later use. Any wargear that requires a Techmarine to build purchased via an Adeptus Mechanicus Favour costs triple.

10 Points from Techmarines.
0 Points from Forge World Thor.
0 Points from Forge World Odin.
0 Points from Forge World Loki.
0 Points from Forge World Sif.
0 Points from Forge World Baldur.
0 Points from Forge World Freya.

Adeptus Mechanicus Minor Favour is worth 20 Points
Adeptus Mechanicus Major Favour is worth 100 Points
Adeptus Mechanicus Honourbound Favour is worth 500 Points

Equipment Costs
Power Armour, Boltguns, Bolt Pistols & Chainsaws are standard issue.

5 Power Weapons = 1 Point
5 Specialist Weapons = 1 Point
5 Heavy Weapons = 1 Point
5 Jump Packs = 1 Point

1 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour = 5 Points (Takes 3 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Iron Halo = 5 Points
1 Rosarius = 5 Points

2 Bikes = 1 Point

Vehicles Costs
3 Tarantula Turret (Heavy Bolter) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Lascannon) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Multi-Laser) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Assault Cannon) = 1 Point
1 Land Speeder = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Storm = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Tornado = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Typhoon = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Vindicator = 3 Points/2 Crew
1 Whirlwind = 3 Points/2 Crew
1 Predator Destructor = 4 Points/2 Crew
1 Predator Annihilator = 4 Points/2 Crew
1 Stormtalon = 6/1 Crew
1 Stormraven = 10/2 Crew (Takes 2 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Phobos = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 5 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Crusader = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 5 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Redeemer = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 5 Turns & requires Techmarine)

Escort = 1 Minor Favour/1 Turn
5 Escorts = 1 Major Favour/1 Turn
30 Escorts = 1 Honourbound Favour/5 Escorts per 1 Turn.
Strike Cruiser = 1 Major Favour (Forge World Thor)/3 Turns
3 Strike Cruisers = 1 Honourbound Favour (Forge World Thor)/1 Strike Cruiser per 3 Turns
Battle Barge = 1 Honourbound Favour (Forge World Thor)/10 Turns

1 Minor Favour can be used to refit a Strike Cruiser or Battle Barge.

Chapter Status

Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson: Worthy Thunderer, Aegis of Antonius, Timeless Liberty.
Chapter Champion Sig Stormson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 0/1 Artificer Armour.
9/Honour Guard Squad Zero-Zero: 9/9 Power Weapons, 0/9 Artificer Armour.

Master of the Keep (1st): Grimvard Thunderson
Master of the Watch (2nd): Stefan Freeson
Master of the Arsenal (3rd): Rod Forgeson
Master of the Fleet (4th): Karl Voidson
Master of the Marches (5th): EMPTY
Master of the Rites (6th): EMPTY
Chief Victualler (7th): Scottus Lightson
Lord Executioner (8th): Halla Stormson
Master of the Relics (9th): Peder Freeson
Master of the Recruits and Reconnaissance (10th): EMPTY
Master of Sanctity: Jannis Hopeson
Total/Spare Chaplains: 10/3 (10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Rosarius)
Master of the Apothecarion: Bruce Boltson
Total/Spare Apothecaries: 17/10
Gene-seed: 143
Chief Librarian: Steffen Strangeson
Total/Spare Librarians: 15/8 (15/15 Power Weapon)
Master of the Forge: Horwan Forgeson
Total/Spare Techmarines: 17/10 (17/17 Power Weapon)

Unassigned Power Weapons: 13
Unassigned Specialist Weapons: 52
Unassigned Heavy Weapons: 41
Unassigned Jump Packs: 43

Unassigned Iron Halo = 10
Unassigned Rosarius = 6
Unassigned Artificer Armour = 0
Unassigned Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour = 2
Unassigned Cataphractii-pattern Terminator Armour = 0
Unassigned Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour = 0

Unassigned Bikes = 55
Assigned/Worthy Thunderer: Master-crafted Thunder Hammer (No penalty to initiative)
Assigned/Timeless Liberty: Storm Shield (Adamantium aka Unbreaking, Boosts Willpower)
Assigned/Aegis of Antonius: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (3+ Invulnerable Save, Feel No Pain, Eternal Warrior, It Will Not Die)
Unassigned/Wings of the Wasp: Jump Pack (Inbuilt power source means it can be used indefinitely, including to hover.)
Unassigned/Storm Stinger: Master-crafted Plasma Pistol (Extra attack)
Unassigned/Mighty Goliath: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Increases wearer's strength)
Unassigned/Hawk's Faith: Master-crafted Sniper Rifle (Instant Death, Rending)
Unassigned/Black Claws: Master-crafted Lightning Claws (Stealth)
Unassigned/Green Fury: Master-crafted Power Fist (Bonus against Greenskins)
Unassigned/Avenging Iron: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Volkite Caliver)
Unassigned/Ice Warden: Artificer Armour (Resistance to Fire/Flames)
Unassigned/Invictus Iron: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Iron Halo)
Unassigned/Just Saviour: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Storm Bolter)
Unassigned/Monsterslayer: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Bonus against Monstrous Creatures)
Unassigned/Silver Sentinel: Artificer Armour (Improved Warp Resistance)
Unassigned/Warrider: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Inbuilt Master-Crafted Autocannon in shoulder in addition to regular weaponry)
Unassigned/Wrath of Hallr: Thunder Hammer (Boosts Strength & Toughness)
Unassigned/Repulsion of Heresy: Master-crafted Plasma Gun (Boosts Ballistic Skill)

Lost/Stormbringer: Master-crafted Thunder Hammer (Boosts Toughness & Willpower)
Lost/Red Rage: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Grants 1 Additional Melee Attack, Feel No Pain)

1st Company (Veteran Company)

Captain Grimvard Thunderson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion Haldor Voidson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Valentin Voidson
Chaplain Stefan Stoneson
Apothecary Wulf Voidson
Techmarine Birger Snowson

3/Command Squad One-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Terminator Veteran Squad One-One (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Terminator Assault Veteran Squad One-Two (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Three (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Four (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Five (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Six (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Eight (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Ten (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens
2 Land Raiders Phobos
1 Land Raider Crusader
1 Land Raider Redeemer

Assigned Warships
None at the moment.

2nd Company (Battle Company)

Captain Stefan Freeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion Robert Strangeson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Epistolary Thord Lightson
Chaplain Ogmund Flameson
Apothecary Bjorn Thunderson
Techmarine Einar Freeson

3/Command Squad Two-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Two-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Two-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Two-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Two-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Two-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Storm of Vengeance
-2 Gladius-class Frigates

3rd Company (Battle Company)

Captain Rod Forgeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion Asvald Hopeson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Arn Flameson
Chaplain Stein Stoneson
Apothecary Alfgeir Freeson
Techmarine Ivan Flameson

3/Command Squad Three-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Three-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Three-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Three-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Three-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Three-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Storm of Wrath
-2 Gladius-class Frigates

4th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Karl Voidson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion Harald Rainson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Arndor Strangeson
Chaplain Oskar Skyson
Apothecary Esjar Stoneson
Techmarine Samuel Hopeson

3/Command Squad Four-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Four-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Four-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Four-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Four-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Four-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Light of Guilliman
-2 Gladius-class Frigates

7th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Scottus Lightson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion Mikael Gustson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Paul Season
Chaplain Bard Boltson
Apothecary Svart Waveson
Techmarine Brand Season

3/Command Squad Seven-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Seven-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Seven-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Seven-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Seven-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Seven-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Talon of Ragnarok
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers

8th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Halla Stormson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion Sigbrand Rainson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Ruben Iceson
Chaplain Erlend Hailson
Apothecary Simen Rainson
Techmarine Torbjorn Voidson

3/Command Squad Eight-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Eight-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Eight-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Eight-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Eight-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Eight-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Avenging Thunder (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers

9th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Peder Freeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion Mord Lightson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Heimir Skyson
Chaplain Bentley Hopeson
Apothecary Johannes Iceson
Techmarine Stein Lightson

3/Command Squad Nine-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Nine-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Nine-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Nine-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Nine-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Nine-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Bane of Heresy (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers

Chapter Vehicles

None at the moment.

None at the moment.

168 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
168 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
168 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
168 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
21 Land Speeders
21 Vindicators
21 Whirlwinds
21 Predator Destructors
21 Predator Annihilator
28 Stormtalons
28 Stormravens
2 Land Raiders Phobos
1 Land Raider Crusader
1 Land Raider Redeemer

Chapter Fleet

Battle Barges can carry up to three companies (300).
Strike Cruisers can carry up to one company (100).

All warships have increased speed from improvements to their engines.
All warships have superior sensor arrays for tracking and identifying targets.
All warships have a targeting matrix that links their weapons to sensor arrays for either greater general accuracy or targeting precise points.

Reliquary Battle Barge Might of Storms (Archeotech Agility & Firepower, Subpar Durability)
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Ardent Storm
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Void Thunderer
-3 Gladius-class Frigates

Strike Cruiser Storm of Vengeance
-2 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Storm of Wrath
-2 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Light of Guilliman
-2 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Talon of Ragnarok
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers
Strike Cruiser Avenging Thunder (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers
Strike Cruiser Bane of Heresy (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers


First turn is up and as voted, there are a lot of fires to put out in the Asgardia Sector, more than you can deal with in any single turn. And there is before you get into the problems of the Storm Avengers like their lack of scouts or lack of recruitment worlds or their inability to get more warships.

Anyway, choose what problems you want to deal with and which ones you want to leave to fester. And remember, if someone doesn't have their dedicated interstellar transport like Torvald or 1st Company, then you need to have a battle barge ferry them about. Also all of your reserve companies being battle companies is not a mistake and is part of picking Heretical Innovations.

Finally, the Might of Storms is a very fast, very killy battle barge, but is closer to a battlecruiser than a battleship in terms of toughness. Mechanically, I based it on a Venerable Battle Barge using a Fast Battlecruiser Hull and then gave it six AdMech upgrades to make it very mobile and extremely deadly.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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Turn 1/500-504.M41 Results - Part I
[X] Welcome to the Neighborhood
-[X] While in the Beowulf subsector, have Bruce Boltson find a world suitable for recruitment and begin negotiations to allow for recruiting Aspirants.
-[X] Send 6 spare Apothecaries, 7 spare Chaplains, 5 spare Techmarines 4 spare Librarians to the Iron Sentinel Civil War to try and preserve as much geneseed and equipment as possible and after contact is made with the faithful elements, return any geneseed that was saved from the bodies of their fallen and see if they have the STCs that we're missing.
-[X] Contact Sector Lord Reximus and inform him that the Storm Avengers are here to protect the faithful and currently aim to put down the heretical uprisings and secure the Beowulf Sub-Sector, where we intend to get situated in. If there's pressing concerns he would like for us to address later, we would be welcome to any suggestions.
-[X] Send the Skalds and Horwan Forgeson to Forge World Thor to let them know the Storm Avengers are here to assist and would like to establish a partnership
-[X] Open up the Reliquary
–[X] 1st Company (Mighty Goliath)
–[X] 2nd Company (Silver Sentinel, Storm Stinger)
–[X] 3rd Company (Green Fury, Ice Warden)
–[X] 4th Company (Repulsion of Heresy, Wings of the Wasp, 10x bikes)
–[X] 7th Company (Black Claws, Avenging Iron, x10 bikes)
–[X] 8th Company (Wrath of Hallr, Just Savior)
–[X] 9th Company (Monsterslayer)
-[X] Chapter Deployment
–[X] Iron Sentinel Civil War (1st Company, Torvald, 2nd Company, 8th Company, Might of Storms, Void Thunderer)
–[X] Beowulf Incursion (3rd Company, 9th Company, Ardent Storm, Unyielding Defiance)
–[X] Heresy in Idunn (4th Company)
–[X] Heresy in Skadi (7th Company)
-[X] Production
–[X] x2 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour

For two thousand years, the Civilised World of Mjolnir had stood as the homeworld to the Iron Sentinels Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. The Iron Sentinels had stood valiantly in their steadfast watch over the Asgardia Sector, even as the rest of the Imperium slowly abandoned the sector to its many enemies.

Yet even as the Iron Sentinels faltered against external threats, they remained unaware of the internal one growing within their own ranks. The shadow of Sabraella Celeste, the False Saintess of the Asgardia Sector, lingered centuries after the ascended Daemon Princess of Slaanesh had been imprisoned by the Ordo Malleus and her uprising put down by the Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, the Adeptus Astartes and the Adepta Sororita.

In the shadows, her name and creed were whispered as cultists continued to worship their True Saintess and spread their religion in secret.The Master of Sanctity Lucreus Aronus of the Iron Sentinels had sought to better purge these heretics by gaining a better understanding of their beliefs. Yet this understanding soon became faith as the once proud son of Guilliman turned his back on his heritage in favour of following the heretical faith of Sabraella Celeste.

The High Chaplain spread his new heretical beliefs to his brothers in the Chapter. Chief Librarian Invictus Silvanus began to understand the ascension of Sabraella Celeste from a mortal to immortal while Chief Apothecary Decimus Emprin and 10th Company Captain Selacus Lysion took advantage of their positions to hide just how many new brothers were joining the Chapter, far beyond what the Codex Astartes would allow.

Yet heresy of Lucreus and his compatriots weren't the only heresy growing in the Iron Sentinels. The Chapter Champion, Karolf Gungrave got his hands on a possessed blade, cursed by a daemon of Khorne and the taint went unnoticed as Lucreus and Invictus hid the corruption of Karolf from the rest of the Chapter, intending to use him as a pawn.

When the Imperium of Man finally abandoned the Asgardia Sector, declaring it lost and beyond defending, the traitors within the Iron Sentinels struck. While Karolf convinced more than a hundred of his despairing brothers to join in embracing the worship of the Blood God, the Celeste worshippers made their move.

Sacrificing the Master of the Forge along with the Captains of 2nd Company and 9th Company, Invictus, Decimus and Selacus ascended like their idol of worship did before them. Letting tainted warp energies flow through them, their minds, souls and bodies were corrupted from sons of Guillian to Daughters of Celeste as they became Daemon Princesses of Slaanesh like the False Saintess herself.

The first battle of Iron Sentinel Civil War took place when Captain Johan of 9th Company moved to confront the treachery of Karolf. Johan duelled the Chapter Champion aboard his company's strike cruiser and despite his valiant efforts, the faithful son fell to the Khornate. Bathed in the blood of his brother, Karolf claimed the skull of Johan for Khorne and was rewarded with his own ascension to daemon, an event that combined with the death of their captain convinced 9th Company to pledge themselves to the heretical cause of Karolf.

With a temporary truce between the followers of Slaanesh and Khorne, the traitorous Iron Sentinels assaulted Mjolnir and the rest of their Chapter. Outnumbered three to two, Chapter Master Antares led a heroic defence which saw hundreds of his heretical kin slain upon the defences of their Fortress-Monastery, Arx Ferrea.


"Captain," calls one of the watch-standers, "The traitors are pushing the ranks of our armsmen. Multiple positions are being overrun and we have lost control of the engines."

Thrandr Wolfric, Captain of 4th Company and Master of the Fleet, scowls at the unpleasant news, knowing it means the end of any hope of escaping. The traitors caught the Iron Sentinel fleet and the other loyalist ships completely by surprise. Now, heretics, renegade Iron Sentinels and mortal cultists alike, are swarming over his vessels before Thrandr or any other loyalist had the chance to realise what was going on.

With the loss of the engines, any hope of the Huntress of Heresy, the only battle barge belonging to the Iron Sentinels, escaping to the warp is gone. Now, Thrandr can only hope to repel the boarders, a fool's hope considering he and his brothers aboard the Huntress are outnumbered ten to one by their traitorous kin, or to overload the plasma reactors to deny the powerful warship to the traitors.

It is a hard decision to destroy the battle barge, but Thrandr knows it must be done. The traitors cannot be allowed to claim the battle barge for themselves for they would corrupt the holy vessel and inflict untold destruction and slaughter with it.

"Hold for as long as possible," orders Thrandr as the hull of the Huntress of Heresy shudders as the battle barge takes another hit with her void shields down, "Escape is no longer an option so the Huntress of Heresy must be destroyed. Our final duty to the Emperor shall be to deny this warship to the Archenemy."

Glancing at his Company Champion, Thrandr marches out of the bridge and towards the plasma reactors, his brother falling in behind him. It isn't long before they run into first of the traitors, a trio of Space Marines that Thrandr recognises as once belonging to 9th Company. The silver and blue of their power armour has been defiled with dried blood and carvings depicting the symbols of Chaos. They wield no boltguns, instead wielding bolt pistols and chainswords though Thrandr can't tell if that is because they are Assault Marines or just chosen to fight in close quarters now.

"Blood for the Blood God!" cry the traitors.

"For the Emperor!" Thrandr and his Company Champion roar back, "Stand Steadfast!"

Thrandr decides that these heretic brothers lack skill as he parries the chainsword of one before slicing open his throat with a flick of his power sword. His champion takes care of a second, decapitating the traitor with the ease of someone who has earnt his position. The third hesitates before throwing himself at Thrandr. He blocks the incoming blow while his champion guts the third traitor. With his final breath of life, the traitor attempts to cut down Thrandr's champion, but the captain slices the offending limb off at the elbow before his champion stabs the heretic Iron Sentinel through the eye.

"That is three less for our true brothers to face," says the company champion, but they both know it is a silver lining at most.

The void battle is lost and the most they can hope for is to hurt the traitors as they die.

Unfortunately, they only make a few more steps before they come face to face with the leader of the boarding parties. A hulking beast standing twice as tall as Thrandr, wearing a mockery of silver and blue power armour while wielding an oversized blade that hums with tainted power.

"Thrandr, my brother," says the Daemon Prince, his voice thrumming with unholy power.

"You are no brother of mine, traitor," spits Thandr as the Master of the Fleet looks upon Karolf Gungrave, the once Chapter Champion of the Iron Sentinels.

"And yet we are both sons of Mjolnir, are we not?" taunts the foul warp beast, "We are Iron Sentinels! Both of you join me in service of the Blood God! The Corpse-Emperor and his worthless servants may have abandoned us, but Khorne shall take us into his care."

"I shall never turn my back on the Emperor and all we have fought for," retorts Thrandr as he shares a nod with his company champion, "The Ruinous Powers have naught but suffering and misery for the Asgardia Sector. I am a Iron Sentinel and so I shall Stand Steadfast!"

And with that, they charge at Karolf, Thrandr on the right while his company champion takes the left. They die in seconds as Karolf moves with inhuman speed, splitting Thrandr's champion and brother in two within less than a second. Thrandr barely avoids screaming as his arm is removed from his body before stabbing at the Daemon Prince. His power sword fails to pierce the twisted mockery of artificer armour that Karolf wears and a moment later, Thrandr's head is ripped from his body.


"Cassios, this better be important," says Captain Godric of 8th Company as he follows the Captain of 5th Company, "The void battle has been lost. The Chapter Fleet has fallen and the thrice accursed traitors have seized the Huntress of Heresy."

"Then all the more reason that we must hurry," says Cassios with an urgency that makes Godric uneasy, "Who knows how long we have until we fall."

"The void shields will hold for as long as we do," replies Godric, "Unless they are willing to perform exterminatus on the homeworld and I don't believe they are that far gone."

"And you believe them to still be beyond that?" retorts Cassios, "No, this must be done now."

"And what is this?" demands Godric as Cassios stops outside a room, "You have yet to explain what this is. I trust you, brother, but you are fast approaching the limits of that."

"Just come in here and all shall become clear," says Cassios as he darts inside the room.

"This better be worth all of this hassle and secrecy, Cassios," warns Godric, "We are Captains of the Iron Sentinels. Our brothers look to us for leadership and example. To run off in the middle of the defence of what could be our Chapter's darkest…"

Godric's voice trails off as his instincts, born from decades of warfare, scream at him. Something is wrong and it takes him a moment to realise just what it is as he looks around the room.

"You-" starts Godric as he goes for his weapons, realising there is another traitor within their ranks yet he doesn't get far before Cassios ramps a power sword into his back, severing his spine.

"I'm sorry brother, but you are a servant of the False Emperor and I am servant of the True Saintess," says Cassios as he stabs a daemonic dagger into Godric's throat, "And with your death, I shall ascend beyond my past as a son of Guilliman to become a Daughter of Celeste."

When you arrive at Mjolnir with the bulk of the Chapter, it is to a world besieged. The loyalist Iron Sentinels still fight on the ground, but the orbit has fallen to the control of their traitorous brethren. The entirety of the Iron Sentinels Chapter Fleet is under the control of the Ruinous Powers though the damage on many of the ships indicates that not all of their crews did so willingly.

"Their surviving crews will be overextended," says Stefan as he looks at the tactical display alongside you, "If the loyalist crews fought to the end, then the heretics will not have the manpower to properly man all of those warships. They'll be slow and sluggish compared to our own ships."

"It is good that you have an eye for such things because I will be leaving the void battle to you and Halla," you tell him, "I shall take 1st Company to surface. The battle is in full swing around the Fortress-Monastery and the remaining loyalists will need reinforcements as much as they will need what warships can be recaptured for the Imper-for the Emperor."

"I understand," says Stefan, his eyes lingering on the marker for the Huntress of Heresy as he takes in the details on the Iron Sentinel Battle Barge, "We shall crush the heretics in the void while you crush them on the ground."


"They're fleeing!" reports the Might of Storms' captain, swiftly earning herself the attention of Stefan as the Storm Avengers is about to leave to join his company.

"Are you certain?" demands Stefan as he goes back over to the holographic tactical display.

"Absolutely, milord," replies the mortal woman, "The battle barge, two strike cruisers and two of the escorts are charging their warp drives. We can attempt to engage them, but the sheer distance means our ability to meet them in battle is limited. The Might of Storms might have a chance at taking out an escort or crippling one of the capital ships, but if any of the other heretic warships get in the way…"

"Do your best, captain," says Stefan, "I shall ready my brothers for boarding actions. Even if some of the Archenemy escapes, we shall crush those that do not flee before we are upon them."

Arx Ferrea is battered, but still standing as the surviving heretic Iron Sentinels throw themselves at the defences manned by their loyalist brothers. Many guns have fallen silent and the walls have been breached with fighting raging within the halls and corridors of the Fortress-Monastery.

"Treachery let them past the walls," says Chapter Master Antares over the vox as you prepare to deepstrike, "Captain Cassios and half of his 5th Company revealed themselves as traitors. Captain Godric of 8th Company was slain to allow the traitor Cassios to ascend like the other leadership of the traitors. We have been able to hold them at bay despite the betrayal from within, but most of 1st Company gave their lives to do so."

"The Storm Avengers shall crush the remaining heretics," you promise your counterpart, "We shall show them the price of straying from the Emperor's light. I shall lead my 1st Company in descending from the skies to wipe out the traitors on the planetary surface while the rest of my brothers reclaim what remains of your Chapter Fleet."

"That is most appreciated," replies Antares, "To lose our entire fleet, a victory here will be costly enough without losing our ability to transverse the stars."

And with that, there is no more time for conversation as you teleport to the surface with the veterans of 1st Company clad in Terminator Armour. Yet something goes wrong, your bones rattling while your ears thunder as you materialise in the wrong place. Teleportation always has a risk of arriving in the wrong place, but this is far beyond that usual mishap.

Before you can even take a step, you feel a sharp pain as a blade slips past your armour, piercing your flesh through one of the few gaps in your armour. You stagger and collapse to your knees as the unholy pain ripples through you, making you suffer beyond what an Astartes should.

"You are a fool, Torvald Thunderson," declares a voice as the twisted mockery of a Space Marine Chaplain steps in front of you, the once holy siginia on his power armour replaced by heretical symbols.

"Lucreus Aronus," you spit out the name of the traitor through gritted teeth.

"Indeed," confirms the former Master of Sanctity for the Iron Sentinels, "You made a foolish mistake coming here, servant of the False Emperor. And now, you shall become the sacrifice for my ascension to the True Saintess' side. I had hoped for Antares to be my chosen sacrifice, but one must make do with what life offers them."

"You will pay the price of treachery for this," you promise him as the unholy energies of the blade in your body flare up, "You will be stopped just like your False Saintess was."

You feel the power of Slaanesh attempting to overwhelm your body, to taint and corrupt you for this ritual. And yet the unholy power finds its path blocked for you wear the Aegis of Antonius, the greatest creation of your Chapter's most legendary Master of the Forge. The Machine Spirit refuses to let its wearer fall so easily and fights back against the taint of Slaanesh. Daemonic might finds itself facing the unyielding wroth of a Machine Spirit and it is found wanting.

"Fool, it is already too late for you." sneers Lucreus as the man who set the downfall of the Iron Sentinels in motion paces in front of you, "Even now, the holy power of the True Saintess is purifying your very being as the sacrifice for my ascension. No longer shall I be a son of Guilliman in flesh, but a true Daughter of Celeste."

"How pathetic," you retort, "You forsake your heritage so easily."

"Why aren't you dying?" demands Lucreus as the heretic stares at you with confusion and dawning horror, "The True Saintess should be purifying you with her might."

"I am Torvald Thunderson and I shall not die so easily," you tell him, "I have serve the Emperor and Mankind for four centuries and you will not be the one to end that, traitor."

"No, no, no!" roars the traitor as sounds of fighting fast approach, "You shall not deny me my ascension!"

And with that, Lucreus swings his defiled crozius arcanum at you, the once holy instrument little more than a power maul now. It doesn't connect with your head like the heretic desired, the protective field of your armour safeguarding you.

"Damn you, Torvald," whispers Lucreus hatefully as the traitor steps back, "I shall not forget this."

As members of One-Two rush into the ritual room, you are treated to the sight of Lucreus Aronus vanishing into the warp, shooting you one last hateful glare before disappearing into the Immaterium.


"It could have been worse," says Antares as you meet with your fellow Chapter Master within the command centre of the Arx Ferrea.

That statement is true, but you both know it is avoiding the other truth of the matter. This civil war within the Iron Sentinels hurt the Chapter hard. The loyalists may have emerged as the victor with your aid, but that just means they suffered the least of the three factions.

Of the Iron Sentinel Chapter Fleet, the loyalists retain only four of the strike cruisers with only one of those vessels being fit for service. The other three need years of repair and purification before they can return to service and no escorts survived except for the pair that fled alongside the Huntress of Heresy.

Before the civil war, the Iron Sentinels stood a thousand strong and now they can only muster little over three hundred. Their veterans have been decimated and their senior leadership is largely either corrupted or dead. Their relics and armoury remained safe from the traitors while the Fortress-Monastery is theirs, but that is all that can be said on the matter.

The Slaaneshi heretics suffered the worst, barely limping away aboard a wounded strike cruiser. Their five leaders escaped and they did so with most of the Chapter's gene-seed, but all of the brothers who followed them died at Mjolnir.

Karolf and his Khornates made a more intact escape as the former Chapter Champion fled aboard the Huntress of Heresy, accompanied by two strike cruisers and two escorts. The Daemon Prince also has a good number of traitorous Iron Sentinels with him as over a hundred of the heretical Astartes cannot be counted amongst the dead.

The Daughters of Celeste may have the better chance to rebuild their strength, but the Khornates have retained enough of their might to do some serious damage in the short term even if you do your best to hunt them down. Not to mention that of the six heretic leaders, five of them have ascended to daemonhood.

Just one of them becoming immortal would be a disaster, but five of them? That is an utter nightmare as these servants of the Archenemy will plague the Asgardia Sector for centuries or even millennia to come. The best you can hope for is to bind and imprison them in the Materium and even that is far from a permanent measure for the threat they pose.

For your part, losses have been light. Grimvard and 1st Company were the hammer to the anvil of the loyalist Iron Sentinels that saw the surviving Slaaneshi traitors killed. The boarding actions also saw nothing worse than a handful of minor injuries as the Khornate Iron Sentinels had already fled, leaving behind only greatly overextended mortal crews.

Chapter Master Antares Kjarl and the other surviving Iron Sentinels pledge a debt of honour and oaths of friendship to the Storm Avengers. Your Chapter may be brothers as fellow sons of Guilliman, but your actions at Mjolnir have proven yourselves to be true kinsmen to each other.

Iron Sentinels Relationship changed to Honoured.
Iron Sentinels owe the Storm Avengers one Honourbound Favour.

Use plan voting.

What do the Iron Sentinels grant the Storm Avengers? Pick three.
[ ] Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought STC.
[ ] Contemptor-pattern Dreadnought STC. Counts as two choices.
[ ] Rhino STC.
[ ] Razorback STC.
[ ] Five suits of Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
[ ] Five suits of Artificer Armour.
[ ] One Land Raider Phobos.
[ ] Smelter of Steel: Master-crafted Lascannon (Bonus against armoured targets)
[ ] One Major Favour. Can be taken multiple times.
[ ] Three Minor Favours. Can be taken multiple times.

Do the Storm Avengers give anything to the Iron Sentinels? Each choice gives you one additional choice above.
[ ] Twenty-five Gene-Seed. Can be taken multiple times.
[ ] Usage of the Void Thunderer for the following decade.
[ ] Tarantula Turret STC.


As to be expected, the civil war was messy. For the record, the bulk of the damage was already done when the Storm Avengers showed up and your arrival basically kept the Iron Sentinel loyalists taking even more losses and turned a costly Chaos victory into a pyrrhic victory for the loyalists.

Anyway, the surviving loyalists are grateful for you so you get a few boons from them. One of them is an Honourbound Favour by default, but you get to choose the rest.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Last edited:
Turn 1/500-504.M41 Results - Part II
[X] Plan: STCs Please Mk.2
-[X] Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought STC.
-[X] Contemptor-pattern Dreadnought STC. Counts as two choices.
-[X] Rhino STC.
-[X] Razorback STC.
-[X] Five suits of Artificer Armour.
-[X] Twenty-five Gene-Seed. X2
-[X] Tarantula Turret STC.

Fighting in the Idunn Sub-Sector is fierce. Armed with unholy arms and heavy weaponry supplied from Hell Forge Heimdall, the local PDFs find themselves overwhelmed by the heretics when they aren't throwing their lot in with the rebels.

The vital agri-worlds soon fall to the worshippers of Celeste as well-armed cultists overwhelm the defences. The precious foodstuff that they once provided to the rest of the Asgardia Sector are seized by the rebels, who are hopeful of victory with the Imperium are gone. More than half of the Sub-Sector has fallen to the worshipers of Celeste and the Asgardia Sector must stand alone against them.

Their hopes are dashed as the Strike Cruiser Light of Guilliman arrives with 4th Company of the Storm Avengers, soon followed by dozens of transports containing a multiple of Imperial Guard regiments, including several from the Vanaheim Valkyries. Genetically-engineered supersoldiers and mortal soldiers alike fall upon the worlds of the Idunn Sub-Sector, starting with their valuable agri-worlds.

Captain Karl Voidson coordinates with Lady-General Sigrid Solberg to best utilise their respective forces and, pleased to have the aid of the Angels of Death, the guardswoman happily accepts. While the Light of Guilliman brings 4th Company to where the fighting is thickest, the Imperial Guard assault half a dozen worlds at once. The cultists fight back with their accursed armaments, but even the unholy weapons of Hell Forge Heimdall aren't enough to save them from the storm that has descended upon them.

One by one, the conquests of the Idunn Sub-Sector are broken as rogue PDF units are shattered whilst warbands of rebels are thoroughly scattered as their hope turns to despair. They cry out for their False Saintess to save them, but their prayers go unanswered as open resistance is purged from the Idunn Sub-Sector..

1 Battle-Brothers promoted to Veteran Sergeant. (4th Company).


The rebels of the Skadi Sub-Sector see both more and less success than their brethren in the Idunn Sub-Sector. Similarly armed by Hell Forge Heimdall, the heretics struggle to claim more worlds before the few that have already fallen to them. A feral world is overrun as a heretic merchant vessel lands with a cargo hold full of soldiers and supplies while a mining world is loosely claimed as the rebellion nominally claims the world.

Then comes the response from the wider sector. Dozens of Imperial Guard regiments, including several of the famous Vanaheim Valkyries, arrive, but nothing beyond what the rebels expected after they took Hive World Scato and its many manufactorums. What the heretics did not expect was the presence of the Strike Cruiser Talon of Ragnarok and the 7th Company of the Storm Avengers.

Yet the presence of the Angels of Death did not make the fight an easy one for the Imperial Guard, just a winnable one. The rebellion may have had only a few years to entrench themselves on Hive World Scato, but the heretics made good use of that time. Countless hivers were enticed with promises of power and a better tomorrow while countless more were enslaved and brainwashed. Hive cities were fortified and turned into death traps for any liberating armies.

Or least they would have been if it wasn't for the Storm Avengers. Improvised citadels and fortified hive blocks made to bloody any Imperial Guard regiment were broken by 7th Company. Key points in the heretical defensive lines were shattered by the Storm Avengers, allowing thousands of Imperial Guardsmen to flood into the breach. What could have been a decade or more of fighting was ended in half that time thanks to the valiant efforts of the Storm Avengers, even the heavy city fighting reaped a toll upon the Angels of Death.

While other worlds in the Skadi Sub-Sector still lay within heretical hands, Hive World Scato and its vast manufactorums have reclaimed for the Asgardia Sector in a timely manner and within acceptable levels of casualties.

3 Battle-Brothers are killed. 3 Gene-Seed Recovered. (7th Company).


Even as the Storm Avengers rushed to deal with the threats of the Asgardia Sector, they could not deal with every enemy of Mankind bearing down on the sector. While the heretics in the Idunn and Skadi Sub-Sectors were beaten back with the aid of the Storm Avengers, the same could not be said of the Ymir Sub-Sector.

Despite Lord Sector Reximus sending reinforcements to the embattled sub-sector like he did with the other too, the rebels made great headway. World after the world fell to ferocious and zealous cultists, sometimes even before their Imperial Guard reinforcements could make landfall. Within mere years, three quarters of the Ymir Sub-sector had fallen under rebel sway.

As if the ongoing conflicts weren't enough already, yet more threats emerge to threaten the faithful citizens of the Asgardia Sector. The Dark Elder raiders spew forth from their accursed webway to prey upon the Asgardia Sector, but in a stroke of luck, the xenos find themselves running into the mighty warships of Battlefleet Asgardia. The ensuing engagement sees their defeat for now and it is the only reprieve that the sector has for now.

The Pirate Lords continue to prey on the shipping of the Asgardia Sector with Pirate-Lord Grinner and Pirate-Lady Harmonia Quiss being especially prominent as they plunder the hulls and cargobays over a dozen merchant ships each. The Strulrot Empire once again prove themselves a threat to the Asgardia Sector as they invade a neighbouring feral world, doing their utmost to slaughter every human on the planet.

And that isn't the end of the new threats in the Asgardia Sector. Waaagh! Megadakka is reported to have entered and the latest dispatches indicated that the Ork Warlord is heading directly for the Thor Sub-Sector. Fresh from a rampage in the neighbouring Choth Sector, the Ork invasion force is glutted with ships and supplies with Megadakka's flagship being a Deadnot with a score of lesser capital ships accompanying it.

You also receive troubling reports from Lord Sector Reximus that a Black Legion Warband has entered the Odin Sub-Sector, a corrupted battle barge at the head of their fleet. While the sector lord doesn't recognise the particular markings of the warband, every true Storm Avenger knows of the Prodigal Brethren as that band of traitors were responsible for the death of your Chapter's greatest legion, Antonius Forgeson. A bitter enmity runs deep between the Storm Avengers and the Prodigal Brethren and you doubt their arrival in the Asgardia Sector so soon after your own is coincidence.


"Four worlds have fallen and another nine are currently under invasion," says Captain Rod Forgeson of 3rd Company to Captain Peder Freeson of 9th Company as he highlights the worlds in question on the holographic display of the sub-sector, "Only Beowulf is free of invading greenskins though only the Emperor knows just how many feral Orks plague its surface.

"Huntrin will likely hold," replies Peder as he indicates towards the Knight World on the holographic map, "As for the others, as much as I hate to admit, the feral worlds are going to fall before we can save them. We could attempt to evacuate some of the surviving population. The only upside of this situation is their populations are small enough that such measures are possible."

"We should prioritise the Feudal Worlds," argues Rod, "We have a chance of holding those. Either that or we take out the Ork warships. Without their fleet, any reinforcements or resupply will be cut off and we can crush them as needed."

"The Ardent Storm and the Unyielding Defiance can handle that," says Peder, "The Orks don't have any warships more dangerous than a Terror Ship or Kill Kroozer."

"It would be a waste of time and resources to evacuate the feral worlds," points out Rod.

"They are faithful citizens of the Emperor," replies Peder, "We have a duty to protect them."


Creh runs as the laughter of the green monsters pursue him. For many winters, the hunter has lived on the world, tracking down and slaying beasts to provide meat, bones and hides to his tribe. That is the way of his people and the way it has always been. The tribe hunts the beasts, the tribe wanders the world, the tribe trades with other tribes and the tribe gives tribute to the Star-God when His Sky-Tribe come to the world.

Except this time the Metal Sky-Beasts didn't bring the Sky-Tribe of the Star-God. Creh had thought they looked wrong, but he had been ignored by most of his tribe. He had been told that only the Sky-Tribe had tamed the Metal Sky-Beasts so who else could they be. Yet Creh had been proven right in the worst way possible as instead of the Sky-Tribe, it had been the green monsters who had exited the strange Metal Sky-Beasts.

The green monsters were nothing new to Creh and his tribe. The world had green monsters and the tribe knew how to deal with them. But these green monsters from the Sky were different, beyond the green monsters of the world the same way that His Sky-Tribe was beyond Creh's own tribe. They have Thunder-Weapons like the Sky-Tribe and they have lesser Metal Sky-Beasts, ones that roam the ground instead of the sky.

Half the tribe had died before they had gotten away from the green monsters and Creh had a horrible suspicion that it was only because the green monsters hadn't been trying. Had the green monsters really wanted them dead, not a single member of the tribe would have survived. Now, they flee as the green monsters hunt them like the tribe hunts beasts.

Coming to a stop, Creh spins around and throws his hunting spear at the approaching green skin. Against one of the world's green monsters, it should have been enough to slay it or at least cripple it. Against these green monsters of the sky? It merely bounces off of their Sky-Metal clothing.

"Stupid 'umie," chuckles the green monster as his fellows break out in laughter, "Ya fink yer stick iz gunna hurt me?"

"Perhaps now, xenos, but my bolter will," comes a voice, one of power and heroism.

Creh watches with awe as a Sky-Man in Sky-Metal clothes of red, white and gold, wielding a Thunder-Weapon that butchers the green monsters with the might of the Sky-God.

"Young warrior," calls the Sky-Man with his booming voice, "Rejoice for the Emperor's Angels of Death have come. Does your tribe still live or are you the last?"

Creh just stares because he has no idea what words the Sky-Man is saying, having never learnt Low Gothic.


In the end, the Orks are only partially repelled from Sub-Sector worlds. Huntrin and two of the Feudal Worlds break their invading armies while the last three Feudal Worlds merrily manage to grind down the greenskins on their planetary surfaces to manageable levels. All five Feral Worlds are lost to the invading Orks through Peder and 9th Company were able to save a substantial amount of their meagre population.

Using the cargo hold of the Bane of Heresy along with a lumbering heavy transport that they press into service, 9th Company is able to rescue almost three million citizens from the Feral Worlds. The Storm Avengers deposit the Feral World refugees on Beowulf, whose populace is awed at the heroic efforts of the God-Emperor's Angels of Death and eagerly accept the culture-shocked refugees onto their world.

Before 9th Company leaves Beowulf behind, Chief Apothecary Bruce Boltson checks the Feral Worlders for suitable aspirants for the Chapter, finding almost a hundred candidates amongst the tribal boys. With such a bounty, he doesn't bother checking the Feudal Worlds for aspirants as the Chapter only has so much gene-seed to spare.

For their part, 3rd Company breaks the Ork invasion of the Beowulf Sub-Sector. The Storm of Wrath, Ardent Storm and Unyielding Defiance hunt the Ork fleet. One Terror Ship, four Kill Kroozers, a pair of Lite Kroozers and over a score of greenskin escorts are hunted down and eliminated as the Storm Avengers prowl the voidlanes of the sub-sector. With their ships lost, there are no more greenskin invasions and there are no more reinforcements for the armies that have already landed.

While the number of Orks that had already descended on the Feudal Worlds might have been enough to overwhelm the defenders, both 3rd Company and 9th Company came to their aid and that proved to be sufficient. The Knight World Huntrin went without receiving any aid from either company of the Storm Avengers, but rather than get offended, the local Knight Houses decided to take it as a point of pride that their world alone of the sub-sector didn't need to be saved by the Angels of Death.

Yet the most important part of the Storm Avengers' actions in the Beowulf Sub-Sector might be the former Imperial warship hulls they reclaimed from the Orks. Both of the Lite Kroozers had originally been Dauntless-class Light Cruisers while one of the Kill Kroozers had been built around a mostly intact hull of a Lunar-class Cruiser and one of the xenos escorts is a former Gladius-class Frigate. Recognising their value, Captain Rod and 3rd Company made a point to recover all four warships intact so that their hulls might once again see service in the name of the Emperor.

92 Aspirants found from the Feral World refugees.
4 Battle-Brothers are killed. 4 Gene-Seed Recovered. (3rd Company).
1 Battle-Brothers promoted to Veteran Sergeant. (3rd Company).

No plan voting.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the Lunar-class Cruiser hull?
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the Lunar-class Cruiser to Battlefleet Asgardia. Gain one Major Favour from Battlefleet Asgardia.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the Lunar-class Cruiser to Forge World Thor. Gain one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the first Dauntless-class Light Cruiser hull?
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the first Dauntless-class Light Cruiser to Battlefleet Asgardia. Gain one Minor Favours from Battlefleet Asgardia.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the first Dauntless-class Light Cruiser to Forge World Thor. Gain one Minor Favours from Forge World Thor.
[ ] The Storm Avengers refit the first Dauntless-class Light Cruiser into a Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances). Costs one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.
[ ] The Storm Avengers refit the first Dauntless-class Light Cruiser into a Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Lances). Costs one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the second Dauntless-class Light Cruiser hull?
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the second Dauntless-class Light Cruiser to Battlefleet Asgardia. Gain one Minor Favours from Battlefleet Asgardia.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the second Dauntless-class Light Cruiser to Forge World Thor. Gain one Minor Favours from Forge World Thor.
[ ] The Storm Avengers refit the second Dauntless-class Light Cruiser into a Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes). Costs one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.
[ ] The Storm Avengers refit the second Dauntless-class Light Cruiser into a Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Torpedo Tubes). Costs one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the Gladius-class Frigate hull?
[ ] The Storm Avengers restore the Gladius-class Frigate for their Chapter Fleet. Costs one Minor Favour from Forge World Thor.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the Gladius-class Frigate to the Iron Sentinels. Gain one Minor Favour from the Iron Sentinels.


I would call this an okay turn with the only thing keeping it from being an outright good term being the number of fires being lit in the background. Because boy did the background rolls set the Asgardia Sector on fire, even more so than it already was. Like both Waaagh! Megadakka and the Prodigal Brethren each only had a 5% chance of showing up and you were unlucky enough to get both on the first turn.

On the up side, I feel it is capturing the grim-darkness of the 40k galaxy fairly well. Your victory in the Beowulf Sub-Sector means you have only lost five worlds to the Orks while victory in the Iron Sentinels civil war leaves the chapter a shadow of its former self with another couple of new threats still out there. Your victories over the heretic uprising has merely driven them back rather than outright defeating them while there are two new major threats bearing down on you on top of some minor threats as well.

On the bright side, you found a good number of Aspirants to the point you are going to be running low on gene-seed.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Turn 2/505-509.M41
[X] The Storm Avengers give the Lunar-class Cruiser to Forge World Thor. Gain one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.
[X] The Storm Avengers refit the first Dauntless-class Light Cruiser into a Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances). Costs one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.
[X] The Storm Avengers refit the second Dauntless-class Light Cruiser into a Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes). Costs one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.
[X] The Storm Avengers give the Gladius-class Frigate to the Iron Sentinels. Gain one Minor Favour from the Iron Sentinels.

"The whole situation is a mess right now," says Stefan, "Between the xenos and the heretics, the Asgardia Sector is beset upon on all sides."

"The Forge Worlds cannot fall," says Horwan with his mechanical warble, "Thor is responsible for production of Astartes wargear in the sector, including strike cruisers and battle barges and Odin has the only battleship yards in the entire sector. Losing either one of those would be a crippling blow, but to let them fall into the hands of Megadakka or the Prodigal Brethren? It would be a total disaster and calamity for the Asgardia Sector."

"The Iron Sentinels will be moving to defend Forge World Thor," says Grimvard, "Even in their weakened state, they cannot and will not let their main Forge World fall without a fight, especially since three of their four remaining strike cruisers are there."

"And we have two strike cruisers of our own at Thor's shipyards," mutters Karl.

"Battlefleet Asgardia will be going to Odin to protect their shipyards there," reports Stefan, "They cannot afford to lose them though I have my doubts about how successful they'll be. The Prodigal Brethren are dangerous enough to have survived this long and Battlefleet Asgardia doesn't have any warships capable of matching their battle barge."

"Speaking of battle barges, Karolf and the Huntress of Heresy are still out there," says Karl as the Master of the Fleet looks about the room, "They haven't fully descended into madness yet, but Khornates like them will sit idly by as they bide their time. They will make a move and it will be sooner rather than later."

"The other band of Iron Sentinels will also be a problem," says Bruce as the Master of Sanctity speaks up, "They may be few in number, but they have the gene-seed and expertise to rebuild their strength. Even if the threat they pose is low for now, it will not remain that way."

"They may go to Ymir Sub-Sector or Skadi Sub-Sector instead of laying low," suggests Rod, "The heretics in those sub-sectors worship Sabraella Celeste as well so the Slaaneshi Iron Sentinels might feel obligated to go to their aid. And since the subject has come up, I feel obliged to bring up the fact that the heretics are gaining ground in the Ymir Sub-Sector even if they have been beaten back in the Idunn and Skadi Sub-Sectors."

"Steffen, have your visions turned up anyway?" you ask the Chief Librarian, hoping that the three century old gamma-grade psyker might have some insights to share.

"My vision of the future is clouded," admits Steffen, "My visions reveal little more than what we already know. Dark flames beset us from all sides and we stand alone. There is no outside aid coming and while there is hope, it must come from within."

"So nothing useful," says Horwan, "Torvald, I strongly recommend we get some dreadnought chassis built now the Iron Sentinels have provided us with their STCs. We have not any need for them so far, but it will be better to require them and not need them then

"We will also need to look into reforming 10th Company," says Grimvald, "The new aspirants means that will be a concern."

"That can wait until we have neophytes ready to become Scout Marines," replies Stefan, "I believe that Clin Boltson is the candidate for captaincy."

"He was the most senior sergeant in 10th Company before we disbanded it," says Rod.

"When we reform 10th Company, Clin will be the first choice for its captain, providing that he is still amongst the living when the time comes," you confirm, "But that will not be for another decade as our promising aspirants need time to become new Scout Marines of the Chapter."

Free Actions (Choose up to three)
Perform actions that don't fall under Production or Chapter Deployment. Also includes non-Codex compliant changes to your chapter organisation.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in.
Skald Action
A diplomatic venture taken by your skalds such as calling in a Favour or reaching out to another faction.
[ ] Write-in.
Chapter Deployment
[ ] Torvald and his Honour Guard are injured and currently unavailable for combat missions.
[ ] 1st Company is unassigned and currently available
[ ] 2nd Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 3rd Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 4th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 7th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 8th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 9th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Requilary Battle Barge Might of Storms is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance is unassigned and currently available
[ ] Battle Barge Ardent Storm is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Battle Barge Void Thunderer is unassigned and currently available

Production (11 Points & 8 Techmarine available)
[ ] Write-in.
Chapter Organisation (Optional)
This is here so you can make Codex-compliant changes to the chapter to suit your preferences. Think things like assigning vehicles or warships to a company or replacing losses in a battle company from a reserve company. Most of this will happen automatically and will be sorted out by me, the QM, but here is the option if anyone wants to do it themselves.
[ ] Write-in.



Beowulf Incursion (Beowulf Sub-Sector): The Beowulf Sub-Sector is under threat from the Ork empire located in the neighbouring Grendel Sub-Sector with feral worlds having fallen to the greenskins. While cleared of human life, these worlds belong to the Emperor and allowing the Orks to get entrenched will likely lead to trouble in the future. Threat Level Low.
Khornate Sentinels (Asgardia Sector): While Karolf the Blood Drinker and his band of traitors were driven from Mjolnir, they did so with a decently sized fleet, including the Iron Sentinels' only battle barge. Led by a Daemon Prince with about a hundred Astartes at his command, this band of heretics could do some serious damage to the Asgardia Sector is left undealt with. Threat Level Extreme.
Daughters of Celeste (Asgardia Sector): While the majority of the Slaaneshi Iron Sentinels are slain at Mjolnir, their Daemon Princess leaders were able to escape aboard a damaged Strike Cruiser with the majority of the Iron Sentinel gene-seed reserve. Hunt them down before they can rebuild their strength and grow into a greater threat. Threat Level Extreme.
Feral Ork Purge (Asgardia Sector): Thanks to a series of past Waaaghs, a good many of the worlds in the Asgardia Sector have a populace of Feral Orks. While the greater threat of these primitive xenos is usually nominal, every Space Marine knows what the Orks can do when left unchecked. Conduct a purge on the Feral Orks to curtail their threat. Threat Level Low.
Freeboota Hunt (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector has several Ork Freebootas operating within it, with more than ten different Ork Kaptins being identified. Go to the usual hunting grounds of the Freebootas and attempt to eliminate some of them. Threat Level Medium.
Pirate Lord Hunt (Asgardia Sector): Even before the Imperium's withdrawal, the Asgardia Sector had a pirate problem and the lack of greater authorities has allowed these pirates to come out into the open. Go to the last known hunting grounds of the so-called Pirate Lords and do your best to end them. Threat Level Medium.
Patrolling (Asgardia Sector): There are many minor threats to the Asgardia Sector and the loyal Imperial citizens calling it home. Having forces patrol the sector will allow the Chapter to proactively deal with any threats that unexpectedly appear in the sector. Threat Level Variable.
Raiding (Asgardia Sector): There are many threats within the borders of the Asgardia Sector, from Orks to heretics to minor xenos powers. Sending forces to raid these foes can weaken them by hitting targets of opportunity. Threat Level Variable.
Heresy in Ymir (Ymir Sub-Sector): There is a large-scale uprising in the Ymir Sub-Sector. While the sub-sector capital is holding and reinforcements have arrived, the majority of the sub-sector has fallen into the hands of the heretics. Regiments of the Vanaheim Valkyries are currently here. Threat Level Medium.
Heresy in Skadi (Skadi Sub-Sector): There is a large-scale uprising in the Skadi Sub-Sector. While Hive World Scato and its many manufactorums have been reclaimed, the heretics still hold half of the sub-sector. Regiments of the Vanaheim Valkyries are currently here. Threat Level Low.
Driving Back the Dracs (Alfheim Sub-Sector): The Dracs Coalition is the biggest threat of the minor xenos powers. Undermining their control over human worlds and targeting their war machine would slow down their expansion into the Asgardia Sector. Threat Level High.
Purging the Strulrot (Jormungandr Sub-Sector): The Strulrot Empire is an expansionist and highly aggressive xenos empire. In a fit of daring and foolish audacity, these aliens have conquered a feral world and purged it of its human populace. Threat Level Medium.
Waaagh! Megadakka (Thor Sub-Sector): Fresh from a successful rampage in the neighbouring Choth Sector, Megadakka has a substantial warband at his back and a looted Imperial battleship as his flagship. Now the warboss is bearing down on Forge World Thor and the rest of the Thor Sub-Sector. The Iron Sentinels will attempt to defend Forge World Thor. Threat Level Extreme.
The Prodigal Brethren (Odin Sub-Sector): The Prodigal Brethren are old foes of your Chapter and you doubt their presence in the Asgardia Sector so soon after your arrival is coincidence. Now these Black Legion dogs have arrived in the Odin Sub-Sector with a heretical battle barge at the head of their fleet. Battlefleet Asgardia will attempt to defend their most important shipyard. Threat Level Extreme.

Points of Interest

The Forge Worlds of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector has six remaining Forge Worlds in it. Forge World Odin is the primary supplier of Battlefleet Asgardia, capable of producing Retribution-class Battleships, Mars-class Battlecruisers & Overlord-class Battlecruisers. Forge World Freya is capable of producing Mars-class Battlecruisers while Forge World Loki can produce Overlord-class Battlecruisers.
Forge World Baldur is home to the only remaining Titan Legion as Legio Fulgaran refused to abandon its home. Forge World Thor is the primarily supplier of the Iron Sentinels with its shipyards being able to produce Adeptus Astartes warships. Forge World Sif is the least notable Forge World beyond its close relationship with the Order of the Sacred Storm.
The Order of Sacred Storm (Sif Sub-Sector): Located in the Sif Sub-Sector, the Adepta Sororita order is infamous for their isolationist nature and considering themselves answerable to only to the God-Emperor. Located on the capital of the Sif Sub-Sector, the Shrine World Gunnerheim, the Order of the Sacred Storm have made sure to maintain a close relationship with the rest of their sub-sector. A close relationship that has led to the sisters becoming the rulers of the Sif Sub-Sector after the Imperium abandoned the Asgardia Sector.
Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus (Asgardia Sector): Through a mixture of legitimacy, force and charisma, Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus managed to maintain his dynasty's ancestral control over the Asgardia Sector. With the famous Vanaheim Valkyries of his homeworld and suborning what remains of Battlefleet Asgardia, Sigurdr Reximus will likely be a invaluable ally to the Chapter.
Hell Forge Heimdall (Heimdall Sub-Sector): Taken by the Ruinous Powers a few centuries ago, the Hell Forge Heimdall was the primary supplier of a massive rebellion that swept over the entire sector. Even centuries later when the rebellion was crushed long ago, Heimdall is a major supplier to Chaos cults and heretic uprisings across the Asgardia Sector and is currently attempting to entice external allies to bolster its strength.
Kabal of the Black Reaping (Asgardia Sector): The Kabal of the Black Reaping are Dark Eldar pirates who prey upon the worlds and shipping of the Asgardia Sector. These xenos specialise in close combat and boarding actions with a noted tendency to steal everything that they can where they will then sell their captured vessels, cargo and loot in exchange for even more slaves.
Greenskins of Grendel (Asgardia Sector): The Grendel Sub-Sector is home to a Orkoid Empire known as the Greenskins of Grendel. The xenos have resisted every minor attempt to purge them and have yet to receive the attention of a major attempt at elimination due to greater threats to prioritise. They regularly spill out into neighbouring sub-sectors, especially the Beowulf Sub-Sector as the greenskins seem to have some fascination with the Fortress World Beowulf.
Knight Worlds of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): Thanks to its long and storied history, the Asgardia Sector is home to dozens of Knight Worlds, whose brave and noble defenders refused to leave with the Imperium. Now they fight to protect their homes, either independently or under the banner of House Reximus or one of the Forge Worlds.
Pirate Lords of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): In the build up to being abandoned by the Imperium, the Asgardia had a severe pirate problem and now that the Imperium has withdrawn, these self-proclaimed Pirate Lords have grown bold enough to come out into the open. Now a Pirate King supported by two subordinate Pirate Lords and two subordinate Pirate Ladies preys upon the worlds and trade lanes of the Asgardia Sector.
Inquisitorial Fortress (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector was said to have an Inquisitorial Fortress, belonging to a cabal of the Ordo Malleus. While this band of Inquisitors are nominally focused on other threats, you have no doubts they won't take kindly to you and your brothers. To make matters worse, you have no idea where their fortress is located or what assets they can bring to bear in the Asgardia Sector.
Xenos Presence (Asgardia Sector): There are four minor xenos species of note in the Asgardia Empire. The first is the Larant High Kingdom, a feudal Avian species that lacks unity, but makes up for it by controlling three sub-sectors that each have a large number of inhabited worlds. The second is the Mahenessian Republic, an isolationist and defensive democracy of aquatic shellfish. The Mahenessi are relatively small with just seven systems across a single sub-sector.
The third is the Darcs Coalition, who originate from a shattered world that is infested with advanced technology of unknown xenos origin and another democracy, one that attempts to subject all those around them. The Darcs Coalition controls over sixty worlds, including several which once belonged to the Imperium, across nine sub-sectors and have technology approaching equality with the Imperium.
The final xenos empire is the Strulrot Empire, militaristic reptilians who consider a religious mandate to kill anyone not of their kind. Led by an Arch-Khan, they are aggressive and have spread out across ten worlds over two sub-sectors with a noted preference for mobile and mechanised warfare.


The degrees of Reputation you can earn range from Despised, to Hated, to Bad, to Suspect, to Neutral, to Good, to Liked, to Honoured, to Exalted.
Favours range from Minor to Major to Honourbound.

Owed to the Storm Avengers
Iron Sentinels = 1 Honourbound Favour, 1 Minor Favour.

Owed by the Storm Avengers
Forge World Thor = 1 Major Favour.

Adeptus Mechanicus = Liked.
-Forge World Baldur = Good?
-Forge World Freya = Good?
-Forge World Loki = Good?
-Forge World Odin = Good?
-Forge World Sif = Good?
-Forge World Thor = Good.
Adeptus Administratum = Good.
Adeptus Astartes = Neutral.
-Blood Angels & Successors = Good.
–Carmine Talons = Honoured.
-Ultramarines & Successors = Neutral.
–Storm Avengers (Loyalists) = Despised.
–Iron Sentinels = Honoured.
Adepta Sororitas = Neutral.
-Order of the Sacred Storm = Neutral.
-Order of our Enchanting Lady = Despised.
Aristocracy of Asgardia = Neutral.
-Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus = Good.
Ecclesiarchy = Neutral.
Imperial Guard = Neutral.
Imperial Navy = Neutral.
-Battlefleet Asgardia = Neutral.
Ordo Hereticus = Despised.
-Inquisitor Astrid Reximus = Despised.
Ordo Malleus = Hated.
Ordo Xenos = Hated.
Pirate Lords of Asgardia
-Pirate-King Dean Falcon = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lord Grinner = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lady Harmonia Quiss = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lord Viktor Savage = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lady Lilith Panem = Suspect.


Available Output
Output is available for a single turn and cannot be stockpiled. Any Points not spent during the turn will be lost and won't be available in any following turns. The exception to this is points from Adeptus Mechanicus Favours, which can be stockpiled for later use. Any wargear that requires a Techmarine to build purchased via an Adeptus Mechanicus Favour costs triple.

10 Points from Techmarines.
1 Points from Forge World Thor.
0 Points from Forge World Odin.
0 Points from Forge World Loki.
0 Points from Forge World Sif.
0 Points from Forge World Baldur.
0 Points from Forge World Freya.

Adeptus Mechanicus Minor Favour is worth 20 Points or it can be used as a Techmarine substitute.
Adeptus Mechanicus Major Favour is worth 100 Points
Adeptus Mechanicus Honourbound Favour is worth 500 Points

Equipment Costs
Power Armour, Boltguns, Bolt Pistols & Chainsaws are standard issue.

5 Power Weapons = 1 Point
5 Specialist Weapons = 1 Point
5 Heavy Weapons = 1 Point
5 Jump Packs = 1 Point

1 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour = 5 Points (Takes 3 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Iron Halo = 5 Points
1 Rosarius = 5 Points

2 Bikes = 1 Point

Vehicles Costs
3 Tarantula Turret (Heavy Bolter) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Lascannon) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Multi-Laser) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Assault Cannon) = 1 Point
1 Rhino = 2 Points/1 Crew
1 Razorback = 3 Points/1 Crew
1 Land Speeder = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Storm = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Tornado = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Typhoon = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Vindicator = 3 Points/2 Crew
1 Whirlwind = 3 Points/2 Crew
1 Predator Destructor = 4 Points/2 Crew
1 Predator Annihilator = 4 Points/2 Crew
1 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought = 4 Points (Requires Techmarine)
1 Contemptor-pattern Dreadnought = 10 Points (Takes 3 & Requires Techmarine)
1 Stormtalon = 6/1 Crew
1 Stormraven = 10/2 Crew (Takes 2 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Phobos = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 6 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Crusader = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 6 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Redeemer = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 6 Turns & requires Techmarine)

Escort = 1 Minor Favour/1 Turn
5 Escorts = 1 Major Favour/1 Turn
30 Escorts = 1 Honourbound Favour/5 Escorts per 1 Turn.
Cruiser = 1 Major Favour (Forge World Thor)/3 Turns
3 Cruisers = 1 Honourbound Favour (Forge World Thor)/1 Cruiser per 3 Turns
Battle Barge = 1 Honourbound Favour (Forge World Thor)/10 Turns

1 Minor Favour can be used to refit a Strike Cruiser or Battle Barge.

Chapter Status

Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson: Worthy Thunderer, Aegis of Antonius, Timeless Liberty.
Chapter Champion Sig Stormson: 1/1 Power Weapon, Invictus Iron
9/Honour Guard Squad Zero-Zero: 9/9 Power Weapons, 0/9 Artificer Armour.

Master of the Keep (1st): Grimvard Thunderson
Master of the Watch (2nd): Stefan Freeson
Master of the Arsenal (3rd): Rod Forgeson
Master of the Fleet (4th): Karl Voidson
Master of the Marches (5th): EMPTY
Master of the Rites (6th): EMPTY
Chief Victualler (7th): Scottus Lightson
Lord Executioner (8th): Halla Stormson
Master of the Relics (9th): Peder Freeson
Master of the Recruits and Reconnaissance (10th): EMPTY
Master of Sanctity: Jannis Hopeson
Total/Spare Chaplains: 10/3 (10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Rosarius)
Master of the Apothecarion: Bruce Boltson
Total/Spare Apothecaries: 17/10
Gene-seed: 8
Chief Librarian: Steffen Strangeson
Total/Spare Librarians: 15/8 (15/15 Power Weapon)
Master of the Forge: Horwan Forgeson
Total/Spare Techmarines: 17/10 (17/17 Power Weapon)

Unassigned Power Weapons: 13
Unassigned Specialist Weapons: 50
Unassigned Heavy Weapons: 41
Unassigned Jump Packs: 43

Unassigned Iron Halo = 10
Unassigned Rosarius = 6
Unassigned Artificer Armour = 5
Unassigned Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour = 2
Unassigned Cataphractii-pattern Terminator Armour = 0
Unassigned Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour = 0

Unassigned Bikes = 35
Assigned/Worthy Thunderer: Master-crafted Thunder Hammer (No penalty to initiative)
Assigned/Timeless Liberty: Storm Shield (Adamantium aka Unbreaking, Boosts Willpower)
Assigned/Aegis of Antonius: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (3+ Invulnerable Save, Feel No Pain, Eternal Warrior, It Will Not Die)
Assigned/Wings of the Wasp: Jump Pack (Inbuilt power source means it can be used indefinitely, including to hover.)
Assigned/Storm Stinger: Master-crafted Plasma Pistol (Extra attack)
Assigned/Mighty Goliath: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Increases wearer's strength)
Unassigned/Hawk's Faith: Master-crafted Sniper Rifle (Instant Death, Rending)
Assigned/Black Claws: Master-crafted Lightning Claws (Stealth)
Assigned/Green Fury: Master-crafted Power Fist (Bonus against Greenskins)
Assigned/Avenging Iron: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Volkite Caliver)
Assigned/Ice Warden: Artificer Armour (Resistance to Fire/Flames)
Assigned/Invictus Iron: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Iron Halo)
Assigned/Just Saviour: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Storm Bolter)
Assigned/Monsterslayer: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Bonus against Monstrous Creatures)
Assigned/Silver Sentinel: Artificer Armour (Improved Warp Resistance)
Unassigned/Warrider: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Inbuilt Master-Crafted Autocannon in shoulder in addition to regular weaponry)
Assigned/Wrath of Hallr: Thunder Hammer (Boosts Strength & Toughness)
Assigned/Repulsion of Heresy: Master-crafted Plasma Gun (Boosts Ballistic Skill)

Lost/Stormbringer: Master-crafted Thunder Hammer (Boosts Toughness & Willpower)
Lost/Red Rage: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Grants 1 Additional Melee Attack, Feel No Pain)

1st Company (Veteran Company)

Captain Grimvard Thunderson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Mighty Goliath
Champion Haldor Voidson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Valentin Voidson
Chaplain Stefan Stoneson
Apothecary Wulf Voidson
Techmarine Birger Snowson

3/Command Squad One-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Terminator Veteran Squad One-One (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Terminator Assault Veteran Squad One-Two (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Three (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Four (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Five (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Six (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Eight (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Ten (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens
2 Land Raiders Phobos
1 Land Raider Crusader
1 Land Raider Redeemer

Assigned Warships
None at the moment.

2nd Company (Battle Company)

Captain Stefan Freeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, Storm Stinger, 1/1 Iron Halo, Silver Sentinel
Champion Robert Strangeson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Epistolary Thord Lightson
Chaplain Ogmund Flameson
Apothecary Bjorn Thunderson
Techmarine Einar Freeson

3/Command Squad Two-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Two-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Two-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Two-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Two-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Two-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Storm of Vengeance
-2 Gladius-class Frigates

3rd Company (Battle Company)

Captain Rod Forgeson: Green Fury, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Ice Warden
Champion Asvald Hopeson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Arn Flameson
Chaplain Stein Stoneson
Apothecary Alfgeir Freeson
Techmarine Ivan Flameson

3/Command Squad Three-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Three-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
8/Tactical Squad Three-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Five (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Assault Squad Three-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Three-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Devastator Squad Three-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Three-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Storm of Wrath
-2 Gladius-class Frigates

4th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Karl Voidson: 1/1 Power Weapon, Repulsion of Heresy, 1/1 Iron Halo, Wings of the Wasp
Champion Harald Rainson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Arndor Strangeson
Chaplain Oskar Skyson
Apothecary Esjar Stoneson
Techmarine Samuel Hopeson

3/Command Squad Four-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Bike Squad Four-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Three (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Four-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Four-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Four-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Four-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Light of Guilliman
-2 Gladius-class Frigates

7th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Scottus Lightson: Black Claws, 1/1 Iron Halo, Avenging Iron
Champion Mikael Gustson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Paul Season
Chaplain Bard Boltson
Apothecary Svart Waveson
Techmarine Brand Season

3/Command Squad Seven-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Bike Squad Seven-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Seven-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Assault Squad Seven-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Devastator Squad Seven-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
9/Devastator Squad Seven-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Talon of Ragnarok
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers

8th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Halla Stormson: Wrath of Hallr, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Just Saviour
Champion Sigbrand Rainson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Ruben Iceson
Chaplain Erlend Hailson
Apothecary Simen Rainson
Techmarine Torbjorn Voidson

3/Command Squad Eight-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Eight-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Eight-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Eight-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Eight-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Eight-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Avenging Thunder (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers

9th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Peder Freeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Monsterslayer
Champion Mord Lightson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Heimir Skyson
Chaplain Bentley Hopeson
Apothecary Johannes Iceson
Techmarine Stein Lightson

3/Command Squad Nine-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Nine-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Nine-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Nine-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Nine-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Nine-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Bane of Heresy (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers

Chapter Vehicles

None at the moment.

None at the moment.

168 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
168 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
168 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
168 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
21 Land Speeders
21 Vindicators
21 Whirlwinds
21 Predator Destructors
21 Predator Annihilator
28 Stormtalons
28 Stormravens
2 Land Raiders Phobos
1 Land Raider Crusader
1 Land Raider Redeemer

Chapter Fleet

Battle Barges can carry up to three companies (300).
Strike Cruisers can carry up to one company (100).

All warships have increased speed from improvements to their engines.
All warships have superior sensor arrays for tracking and identifying targets.
All warships have a targeting matrix that links their weapons to sensor arrays for either greater general accuracy or targeting precise points.

Reliquary Battle Barge Might of Storms (Archeotech Agility & Firepower, Subpar Durability)
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Ardent Storm
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Void Thunderer
-3 Gladius-class Frigates

Strike Cruiser Storm of Vengeance
-2 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Storm of Wrath
-2 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Light of Guilliman
-2 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Talon of Ragnarok
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers
Strike Cruiser Avenging Thunder (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers
Strike Cruiser Bane of Heresy (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers


Alright, the second turn is here. Even more things are on fire than the first turn, but at least you aren't alone in trying to put them out. Anyway, both of the strike cruisers will be available at the start of the third turn as this turn will be the turn where they are being rebuilt.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Turn 2/505-509.M41 Results - Part I
[X] Standing Against the Darkness
-[X] Send the Skalds to Sif to meet with the Order of the Sacred Storm. Talk of how despite what the Inquisition says of us, we are here to help protect the Emperor's faithful, and how several heretical followers of the False Saint Celeste have "ascended" to Daemon Princedom and it would be best if we got as much assistance as we could in silencing them before they go to ground and build up a base.
-[X] Survey worlds to find an ideal candidate for a new Fortress-Monastery
-[X] Now that the Black Ships won't come anymore, look into setting up a replacement system to handle psykers in the Asgardia Sector.
-[X] After fighting off the Prodigal Brethren, talk to Forge World Odin and discuss the possibility of access to their forges for our equipment and pledge an Honorbound Favour in exchange for 30 Escorts (x24 Gladius', x6 Hunters)
-[X] Chapter Organisation
—[X] 3rd Company (Warrider)
—[X] 4th Company (Ice Warden)
-[X] Deployment
—[X] Khornate Sentinels (1st Company, 2nd Company, Might of Storms)
—[X] Waaagh! Megadakka (3rd Company, 9th Company, Unyielding Defiance)
—[X] The Prodigal Brethren (4th Company, 8th Company, Ardent Storm, Void Thunderer)
—[X] Heresy in Ymir (7th Company)
-[X] Production
—[X] x2 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnoughts
—[X] x1 Razorback

The hunt for the Huntress of Heresy and her attendant fleet proves to be more difficult than anticipated. Rather than stay conveniently still for the Storm Avengers to hunt, the heretical Iron Sentinels dart about the sector, leading their pursuers on a chase. The traitor Space Marines jumped across dozens of systems before the Storm Avengers caught up with their quarry.

In the end, the Might of Storms and the superior realspace speed of the loyalist vessels proved to be key to forcing an engagement. Coming along one flank with the Storm of Vengeance while the Might of Storms came at the heretics from the other flank, the Storm Avengers were able to pin down their heretical kin as the traitors preyed upon a hapless transport.

Not that it stopped the surprisingly cautious Khornates from trying to flee at the sight of the loyalist Astarte fleet. As the Storm Avenger fleet bore down on them, the traitor Iron Sentinels attempt to retreat into the warp and they are only partially successful. Both of their Gladius-class Frigates died to the lances and plasma marcocannons of the Might of Storms whilst battle-brothers from both 1st Company and 2nd Company stormed aboard one of the two strike cruisers.

Fighting the Angels of Death is always a dangerous prospect and so despite having a clear numerical advantage, multiple fatalities were sustained clearing out the two squads of Khornate Space Marines aboard the strike cruiser. One veteran from the 1st and four brothers from the 2nd met their ends in the same battle that saw a score of their traitorous kin fall in battle.

In the end, the battle was undeniable a victory for the Chapter even if it wasn't a complete one. While Karolf might have gotten away with the Huntress of Heresy, the other strike cruiser and at least eighty of his turncoat brothers, two enemy warships had been destroy, two squads of traitor space marines have been killed and a strike cruiser had been reclaimed for the Iron Sentinels.

Unfortunately, the hunt had to be called to a close shortly after the battle. The strike cruiser had been a treasure trove of information on the traitors, who had been revealed to have renamed themselves as the Bloody Steel. Karolf and his misbegotten followers had claimed the planet Tyrfing as their new home.

The Fortress World had once been a bastion of Imperial strength before the bloodlust of its defenders had seen the world fallen into the throes of Khorne. Now the planet stands as a foothold into the Asgardia Sector for the Blood God, one that the Imperium did not have time to crack open before it withdrew from the sector entirely.

It isn't an insurmountable problem, but a heretical Fortress World backed by Chaos Space Marines will require more than two companies and a battle barge to handle.

Strike Cruiser recovered for the Iron Sentinels. Iron Sentinels owe the Storm Avengers one Major Favour.
1 Battle-Brothers are killed. 1 Gene-Seed Recovered. (1st Company).
4 Battle-Brothers are killed. 2 Gene-Seed Recovered. (2nd Company).
1 Battle-Brothers promoted to Veteran Sergeant. (2nd Company).
1 Battle-Brothers promoted to Vanguard Veteran Sergeant. (2nd Company).


"Damn monsters," curses Captain Scottus Lightson of 7th Company, "And accursed xenos as well. One of them we could handle, but both of them at once is proving troublesome. Paul?"

"I am still unable to track the moments of the Daemon Princess," replies the Librarian assigned to 7th Company, "I do not how, but her mastery of the warp exceeds my own."

"Her skill is to be expected," says Chaplain Bard Boltson, "This Invictaa Silvana is the former Chief Librarian of the Iron Sentinels."

"Remind me again, why did the abomination change her name?" inquires Company Champion Mikael Gustson as he fiddles with his power sword.

"In High Gothic, feminine names usually end in an 'a' while masculine names end in an 'us'," answers Bard, "But it does not matter what the daemon calls herself. Our mission is to end the heresy in the Ymir Sub-Sector."

"Which is easier said than done when you have a Daemon Princess propping up the rebels on one side and you have Dark Eldar pirates plaguing the supply lines of the Imperial Guard," complains Scottus, "It has been years and we have only liberated half of Vesta."

"An unpleasant outcome, but still preferable to many of the alternatives," warbles Brand Season as the Techmarine joins the conversation, "Our progress may be slow, but it is still superior to nonexistent progress of the heretics."


Things had gone even worse for the Asgardia Sector in the Skadi Sub-Sector than the Ymir Sub-Sector. Despite their loss on Scato, fresh shipments of war material and the inspiring presence of Lucreus Aronus had reinvigorated the rebellion and with fresh fervour, the heretics had thrown themselves at the invading Imperial Guard regiments. Combined with opportunistic Ork Freebootas biting at the interstellar supply lines, it was only reinforcements diverted from the Idunn Sub-Sector that had saved the invasions from being total disasters.

As things are, the rebels have held their own and inflicted heavy casualties on the loyalist forces. The only silver lining would be unconfirmed reports of Lucreus Aronus suffering crippling injuries.


Waaagh! Megadakka had taken the Thor Sub-Sector by storm, blitzing past the defences of Fortress World Torunn, heedless of the damage inflicted upon their fleet. Warboss Megadakka had his sights set on a prize and that prize was Forge World Thor.

Of all the Forge Worlds in the Asgardia Sector, Forge World Thor is undeniably the most militant of them. Yet even the fearsome might of its defensive fleet and Tech-Guard faltered in the face of the ferocity of the greenskins. Had Forge World Thor stood alone, it would have been embroiled with greenskins for years or even decades, perhaps even ultimately failing to the Ork invaders.

But Thor did not stand alone for the Emperor's Angels of Death stood with them. Rather than risk their remaining fleet whilst it was being repaired in the shipyards of Forge World Thor, the Iron Sentinels had assigned their reconstituted 2nd Company and the survivors of their 1st Company to protect the strike cruisers. And so a hundred and one score of Iron Sentinels held the line at Thor.

Yet the Iron Sentinels weren't the only sons of Guilliman to come to the aid of Thor. The 3rd and 9th Companies of the Storm Avengers, supported by the battle barge Unyielding Defiance arrived not long after the fighting began.

Warboss Megadakka had amassed a mighty fleet, including a deadnot, with half of it being former Imperial warships and his flagship being a former Emperor-class Battleship from Battlefleet Choth. For most, it would be a terrifying force to face, but for the Iron Sentinels and Storm Avengers? It was naught, but an opportunity for in their eyes, the Orks had merely brought the hulls to a Forge World where they could be claimed and restored.

The Storm Avengers engaged in a multitude of boarding actions and taking the lead from their elder brothers, the Iron Sentinels joined in. Busy rampaging across the surface of Thor, Warboss Megadakka only found out what was happening to his proud fleet when he tried to return to his flagship only to find it was now answering to Rod Forgeson and not him. Cursing the 'beakies' for ruining all of his hard work, Megadakka vowed vengeance as he fled aboard one of his kill kroozers with only the lesser half of his fleet remaining.

While Waaagh! Megadakka would continue to plague the Thor Sub-Sector for at least some years to come and Forge World Thor still had to purge its surface of greenskins, the backbone of the Ork fleet was broken. Yet it wasn't without cost as the defenders and surface of Thor were ravaged while the Unyielding Defiance had suffered severe damage to her hull.

Nevertheless, a mighty Waaagh had been broken and nine warships of Battlefleet Choth had been reclaimed for the Emperor's service even if they wouldn't serve the Imperium again. For their part, the Iron Sentinels would be once again taking inspiration from the Storm Avengers as they gave the Gothic-class Cruiser and Armageddon-class Battlecruiser to Forge World Thor in exchange for converting both Dauntless-class Light Cruisers into new strike cruisers. The Endeavour-class Light Cruiser they captured was traded in for the construction of a new squadron of Gladius-class Frigates.

Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance is crippled and will require one Major Favour to repair. Out of gratitude, Forge World Thor has waived the usual costs.
Forge World Thor owes the Storm Avengers one Honourbound Favour.
Forge World Thor Relationship changed to Liked.

No plan voting.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the Emperor-class Battleship hull?
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the Emperor-class Battleship to Battlefleet Asgardia. Gain one Honourbound Favour from Battlefleet Asgardia.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the Emperor-class Battleship to Forge World Thor. Gain one Honourbound Favour from Forge World Thor.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the Emperor-class Battleship to Forge World Odin. Gain one Honourbound Favour from Forge World Odin. Lowers relations with Forge World Thor.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the Tyrant-class Cruiser hull?
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the Tyrant-class Cruiser to Battlefleet Asgardia. Gain one Major Favour from Battlefleet Asgardia.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the Tyrant-class Cruiser to Forge World Thor. Gain one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the first Lunar-class Cruiser hull?
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the first Lunar-class Cruiser to Battlefleet Asgardia. Gain one Major Favour from Battlefleet Asgardia.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the first Lunar-class Cruiser to Forge World Thor. Gain one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the second Lunar-class Cruiser hull?
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the second Lunar-class Cruiser to Battlefleet Asgardia. Gain one Major Favour from Battlefleet Asgardia.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the second Lunar-class Cruiser to Forge World Thor. Gain one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.


Semi-successful turn. You won against the Khornates, but it wasn't a complete victory while you stalemated in the Ymir Sub-Sector. Over there, the presence of 7th Company was the only thing that kept things in the Asgardia Sector's favour rather than suffering reversal like in the Skadi Sub-Sector.

You did definitely win against Megadakka though it wasn't a death blow and the Orks will still be causing trouble next turn. Still, you were able to capture a good number of former Imperial warships between your own high rolls and those of the Iron Sentinels though it wasn't without a cost as the Unyielding Defiance will be out of action for the next couple of turns.

And sorry about how relatively undetailed this update is. RL has been busy for me thanks it being Easter and I haven't had much inspiration on the mind for wordy writing.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Turn 2/505-509.M41 Results - Part II
[X] The Storm Avengers give the Emperor-class Battleship to Battlefleet Asgardia. Gain one Honourbound Favour from Battlefleet Asgardia.
[X] The Storm Avengers give the Tyrant-class Cruiser to Battlefleet Asgardia. Gain one Major Favour from Battlefleet Asgardia
[X] The Storm Avengers give the first Lunar-class Cruiser to Forge World Thor. Gain one Major Favour from Forge World Thor
[X] The Storm Avengers give the second Lunar-class Cruiser to Forge World Thor. Gain one Major Favour from Forge World Thor

When the Storm Avengers arrive at Forge World Odin, they are greeted by wreckage of the forge world's orbital defences and fleet whilst the Prodigal Brethren engage in a fighting retreat against the warships of Battlefleet Asgardia. The Chaos Space Marines sacrifice their escorts to slow the ferocious tide of Imperial Navy vessels as they attempt to get in a position to jump to the warp.

A closer look quickly reveals that the Black Legion warband has been successful in their objectives as amongst their heretical vessels are several almost finished warships. Once meant for Battlefleet Asgardia, a Retribution-class Battleship along with three cruisers have been seized by the Prodigal Brethren.

And so it falls to the Storm Avengers to cut off their escape. With two battle barges and two strike cruisers, the sons of Guilliman fall upon their treasonous cousins. Caught between two fleets, the Prodigal Brethren threw themselves at the Storm Avengers, clearly intent on fighting through the loyalists.


"For the Emperor!" cries Halla Stormson as he fights his way through the horde of cultists, misforgotten and blighted fools who forsaken their souls for the Ruinous Powers.

A single swing of his thunder hammer is enough to slay half of those heretics as the shockwave is enough to send them flying, shattering bones and rending flesh. Those that live soon feel the fury of his other relic as the storm bolter built into his armour mows them down.

Bolter fire from the pistols of Eight-Eight finish off the handful of survivors as mere mortals cannot stand before the Angels of Death. It is unfortunate that the other side has space marines of their own and Halla's thought also applies to them. The brave sailors of Battlefleet Asgardia will do their best, but it will be up to the Storm Avengers to put a stop to the plans of the Prodigal Brethren.

The Argent Storm is duelling with the enemy flagship while the Void Thunderer and the strike cruisers attempt block the escape of the lesser Chaos vessels until the warships of Battlefleet Asgardia can catch up. For his part, Halla and his 8th Company will be attempting to take down one of the three Murder-class Cruisers from within.

"Lapdogs of the Corpse-Emperor!" roars a booming voice as an armoured figure in black and covered in spikes and sigils strolls down the corridor with a fresh wave of cultists at his back, "Perpare to die."

"It will not be us who will be dying today, heretic," retorts Halla as he eyes up the traitor Astartes.

"You lapdogs always talk of heresy yet you know nothing of the truth," mutters Chaos Space Marine even as the cultists open fire with their autoguns, "Whether it be the real truth of the galaxy or the Imperial Truth that your precious Corpse-Emperor preached whilst he was still alive."

"It matters little," says Halla as he charges forth, unleashing his storm bolter into the heretics, cutting down the cultists even as their autofire bounces off of his power armour, "For today, you die."

"You have a point there, mutt," agrees the Chaos Space Marine, "Today is not for philosophy, but a day of action. My name is Lord Borandon Harrowskein and I shall be your doom, Storm Avengers."

Halla doesn't waste time bandying words with the heretic as he swings his hammer into an unfortunate cultist, completely obliterating the heretic and killing two of her fellows with the shockwave. Eight-Eight descends upon the traitorous mortals alongside Halla and the Captain of 8th Company focuses on the Chaos Lord as he runs one of Eight-Eight through, stabbing Halla's brother right where his gene-seed is located.

"Come and face me, Captain," taunts Borandon as he pulls his blade out of the fallen Storm Avenger, "See what it means to fight a Veteran of the Long War."

"We are the Avenging Storm!" cries Halla in lieu of words as he ignites his jump pack to throw himself directly at Borandon.


In the end, the Prodigal Brethren escape from the Odin system and while the battle is nominally a victory, it certainly doesn't feel like one for the defenders of the Asgardia Sector. A single Murder-class Cruiser was captured by 8th Company while the guns of Battlefleet Asgardia saw the end of four Infidel-class Raiders and five Idolator-class Raiders. Yet the defences of Forge World Odin lay in ruin while the Black Legion warband escapes with its quarry. Two brothers of 8th Company were slain while the Void Thunderer will require a decade of repairs before the battle barge is fit to return to service.

On the bright side, Forge World Odin is open to the large order of new escorts for the Chapter through the Tech Priests report that it will take three decades before the last of the new warships are finished.

2 Battle-Brothers are killed. 1 Gene-Seed Recovered. (8th Company).
1 Battle-Brothers promoted to Veteran Sergeant. (8th Company).
3 Battle-Brothers promoted to Veteran Sergeant. (4th Company).
Battle Barge
Void Thunderer is crippled and will require one Major Favour to repair.
Forge World Odin downgrades the Honourbound Favour to five Major Favours.
Forge World Odin Relationship changed to Liked.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the captured Murder-class Cruiser?
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the Murder-class Cruiser to Battlefleet Asgardia for future service. Gain one Major Favour from Battlefleet Asgardia.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the Murder-class Cruiser to Forge World Odin to study its technology. Gain one Major Favour from Forge World Odin.
[ ] The Storm Avengers have the weapons systems pulled from the Murder-class Cruiser for their own warships before turning the hull over to Battlefleet Asgardia.


The Skalds of the Storm Avengers are sent to the Sif Sub-Sector to meet with the Order of the Sacred Storm and for once, everything seems to go to plan. The Adepta Sororitas are welcoming to your warrior-diplomats instead of turning them away and bonds of sisterhood are soon forged.

As for your requests, the Skalds report that while the Order of the Sacred Storm are open to helping, their duties to the Sif Sub-Sector take priority for the Sisters of Battle. Furthermore, what aid they can offer is limited as they no longer have any Inquisitoral contacts and their daemon banishment techniques consist of applying as much bolter, flamer and melta firepower as needed until the holy trinity sends the daemon in question back to the warp.


In the Imperium, the Black Ships have always been responsible for dealing with any psykers within the populace who survive long enough to receive official attention from the Imperial authorities and then also survive that attention. That is how things have been done in the Asgardia Sector for nine and half thousand years and yet that must change. For no more Black Ships will be coming while psykers will continue to appear amongst the populace.

While he has only held his title for a mere half a century, Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson is both a Gamma-Level pysker and has served the Emperor for over three centuries. He knows the warp and the terrors held within it. He is an Angel of Death and he has fought on countless battlefields, wielding the power of the warp. So when Chapter Master Torvald wanted someone to figure out how to handle the pyskers of the sector in the absences of the Black Ships, it was to Steffen that he turned.

On average, one psyker of notable strength is born amongst every million souls. These individuals are still weak by psyker standards and their notability is only such because their psychic strength is enough that it can be consciously controlled. Under the Assignment, those of Iota, Theta or Eta fall under this description, strong enough to be powerful on a personal scale, but only able to affect a battlefield as a group.

Next is those ranked Zeta or Epsilon under the Assignment with one appearing in every hundred million births. They are strong enough to affect a battlefield on their lonesome though they are rarely able to master more than a single psychic discipline. In fact, their power is such that unless discovered or contained quickly, they most likely die, either to their own power or fearful mortals, or worse, they are possessed by daemons.

The majority of the Librarium are at this level of psychic strength as any too weak to reach this degree of strength are also too weak to pass the trials to become a Storm Avenger. Even the weakest brothers in the Librarium can count themselves as Zeta-Level

Then appearing once for every billion births are those of Delta and Gamma ranks on the Assignment, powerful enough to dominate a battlefield and master multiple psychic disciplines, Steffen himself is Gamma-Level, the most powerful member of the Librarium in addition to being the oldest and most experienced. Unlike most at this level, Steffen was able to maintain his mental stability and the strength needed to maintain his sanity is what allowed him to both become a Storm Avenger and survive to his current age.

With hundreds of trillions living within the Asgardia Sector at a minimum, Steffen quickly realises that there are far more pyskers being born than the Black Ships can collect, especially since they only come once per century. A hopeful prospect as while many psykers are almost certainly killed by angry mobs or fearful individuals or the zealous faithful find out about their abilities, a good number must live their lives despite never stepping foot aboard a Black Ship.

They must just live out their lives despite their abilities and Steffen wonders if those who are born close to the arrival of a Black Ship feel cheated. A birth a decade or two later would have granted them a chance at a normal life.

No, a life in service to the Emperor is the highest of honours and the chance of a normal life is nothing compared to the chance of becoming an astropath.

And on the subjects of astropaths, Steffen wonders if they are irreplaceable as the Imperium claims. Officially, they are brought before the Emperor Himself and have their soul bound to Him's own. Their souls are reshaped and a fragment of His might is left behind, giving them enough protection to relatively safely cast their minds across the Immaterium. And that is why they must be brought to Holy Terra aboard the Black Ships.

Unofficially, Space Marine Librarians can perform similar feats and yet none of them have been brought before the Emperor. They are the sons of the Emperor's own sons and the Chief Librarian strongly suspects that is why he and his brothers can communicate across light years using their telepathy, but he cannot be certain.

Yet what if the pyskers don't require to be trained on Holy Terra. Steffen wonders just how true the official stance of the Imperium is and how much of its blind dogma that is obeyed without question. What if the pyskers don't need to be brought to Holy Terra for training or even just survival?

In the end, Steffen concludes it is something beyond the Chapter's ability to handle. They lack the infrastructure, connections and size to engage in such a widecasting task. To extend one's reach across the entire Asgardia Sector, that is the domain of the Lord Sector and so the Storm Avengers will need to enlist the aid of Sigurdr Reximus.


With your injuries preventing you from going into battle, you turned your hand to a more administrative task, the duty of finding suitable candidates for a new homeworld for the Chapter. Normally, such a task would fall to the Adeptus Administratum on the behalf of the High Lords of Terra, but the Imperium no longer resides in the Asgardia Sector. If the Storm Avengers are to have a new world to call home, the Chapter shall have to find and claim it themselves.

With it being impractical to personally inspect every possible candidate, you are limited to going through collected data and records on the planets in question. The information isn't always accurate, but you have enough of it to get an overall idea of each world in question.

The worlds of the Idunn, Ymir and Skadi Sub-Sectors are too suspect to truly consider while the Mjolnir Sub-Sector is claimed by the Iron Sentinels and the Order of the Sacred Storm hold dominion over the Sif Sub-Sector. The Vanir Sub-Sector has a couple of worlds that would be acceptable, but you would also be settling down in the personal fiefdom of the Reximus dynasty.

The Beowulf Sub-Sector has potential and the benefit of no other major faction laying claim to its worlds, but none of them really stand out to your eye. Likewise with the sub-sectors containing a Forge World as none of their planets are especially notable even if some of them meet your criteria.

In the end, you find the new homeworld not using modern Imperial records, but your Chapter's own ancient archives. Specifically, the Might of Storms as your flagship was once part of the Expeditionary Fleet that the Primarch used to claim the Asgardia Sector back in the days of the Great Crusade.

Midgardia is fairly desirable as habitable worlds go. The temperate planet is almost twice the size of Holy Terra with a local day of twenty-three hours while the local year is little over three hundred Terran Days. Gravity is slightly above the Terran standard while the atmosphere can be breathed without difficulty and the temperature is a little cold, but nothing unmanageable. The local terrain is primarily a mixture of grasslands, oceanic islands, towering mountain ranges, assorted forests and rocky ground.

And yet, modern records barely mention the planet. Just the odd mention here and there, just enough to confirm it still exists. Midgardia's Tithe Grade is Aptus Non despite the fact it should clearly be higher. Suspicious of whatever is going on with the world, you check with Steffen, to see what your Chief Librarian has to say.

For his part, Steffen surprises both you and himself by only getting position vision regarding Midgardia. Whatever secrets await on Midgardia, Steffen's divinations indicate that they are to be beneficial to the Chapter and the Asgardia Sector. And so once the Might of Storms and 1st Company return from their semi-successful hunt for the Khornate Iron Sentinels, you take the battle barge and the company of veterans to Midgardia for a personal inspection of the mysterious world.

It only takes you a few weeks of visiting Midgardia to conclude that the planet will be an ideal homeworld for the Chapter. A long-forgotten legacy from a bygone era, you have no doubt that someone hid Midgardia from Imperial records for their own purposes.

Originally settled during the Dark Age of Technology, Midgardia is one of the few worlds where Roboute Guilliman personally visited as the Primarch personally negotiated the planet's integration into the Imperium. It was your gene-father who set up the planetary government that still survives to this very day. A rare democracy where the local government both cares about providing strong leadership and about the rights and treatment of its citizens.

A Ramilies-class Star Fort is in geographical orbit above the planetary capital and lesser defensive space stations form protective battlelines in the void. Hundreds of anti-orbital weapons silos can be found scattered across the planetary surface, a mixture of missiles and lasers though there are more of the latter than the former. Even if there hasn't been internal warfare since the Primarch rebuilt Midgardia, a strong martial culture remains on the world.

Local law enforcers are numerous and they are as well-equipped as the few Arbites on the planet. The Midgardia PDF consists of dozens of regiments with high-end wargear with a large number of tanks and other armoured vehicles in addition to being backed by a militia of part-time soldiers who are several regiments strong. The martial culture also sees that wealthy individuals and organisations have their own private armies though their size is limited by local laws and their equipment is inferior to that of the PDF.

Interestingly, there are a number of mercenary forces on the planet, having recently flocked to Midgardia following the Imperium's withdrawal from the sector. Some of them are locals who have chosen to fight for wealth despite never leaving their home world while others are the remains of Imperial Guard regiments who didn't leave with the rest of the Imperial forces for whatever reason. Some are even xenos with an Eldar Corsair Princess having taken a contract with Midgardia's government while a band of Larants have chosen to take Midgardia's currency after they found themselves on the losing side of an internal conflict in the Larant High Kingdom. You politely ignore them to avoid causing an incident while the aliens do not.

Perhaps most intriguingly of all is the lack of Imperial authorities on Midgardia. There are no Astropaths while the Adeptus Administratum and the Ecclesiarchy have barely any presence in the capital and other major cities with only enough Adeptus Arbites on the planet to safeguard them. There are only a handful of official Tech-Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus on Midgardia, just enough to nominally approve of the technological efforts of the locals without any actual input or say.

In the end, Midgardia is a wealthy and martial world with advanced technology and extensive defences, one where your Primarch moulded its government and personally walked upon its surface. Compared to the lacklustre alternatives, there is no choice when it comes to taking Midgardia as the new homeworld of the Storm Avengers.

No, the question is where to put your new Fortress-Monastery.

Where do the Storm Avengers place their new Fortress-Monastery?
[ ] The peak of Mount Gardia, a holy site where the Primarch first set foot upon Midgardia. Your Fortress-Monastery will be defensive and imposing, but relatively isolated from the local government and populace.
-[ ] A normal Fortress-Monastery that is standard as far as things go. Costs one Major Favour from Forge World Thor. Will be ready at the start of Turn 4.
-[ ] An impressive Fortress-Monastery with all the bells and whistles. Costs one Honorbound Favour from Forge World Thor. Will be ready at the start of Turn 6.
[ ] The outskirts of Midheim, the planetary capital of Midgardia. Your Fortress-Monastery will be more exposed, but it will be more connected with the locals and you will have greater influence over them.
-[ ] A normal Fortress-Monastery that is standard as far as things go. Costs one Major Favour from Forge World Thor. Will be ready at the start of Turn 4.
-[ ] An impressive Fortress-Monastery with all the bells and whistles. Costs one Honorbound Favour from Forge World Thor. Will be ready at the start of Turn 6.
[ ] An ancient underground fortress of human origin there was discovered about a century back. Effectively ready-made to be your new Fortress-Monastery, minimal construction will be required though you do not know what may lie within its corridors and depths. Will be ready at the start of Turn 3.


First of all, no plan voting please. Secondly, the second half of the second turn is done. I was originally going to have you vote on what planet to settle on, but on the rolls for planet quality, you got one natural 100 and the rest were all under 20 so yeah. I couldn't really do with my original plan of letting you vote on what planet without telling you the quality roll for them without making it a trap vote so instead you get to vote on where the new Fortress-Monastery goes.

Also with the Prodigal Brethren and Forge World Odin, the former rolled good enough and the latter poorly enough that the damage was already done by the time the Storm Avengers showed up. You were rolling for damage control and unfortunately, it wasn't quite enough to stop things from effectively being a Chaos victory.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Last edited:
Turn 3/510-514.M41
[X] The Storm Avengers give the Murder-class Cruiser to Forge World Odin to study its technology. Gain one Major Favour from Forge World Odin.
[X] An ancient underground fortress of human origin there was discovered about a century back. Effectively ready-made to be your new Fortress-Monastery, minimal construction will be required though you do not know what may lie within its corridors and depths. Will be ready at the start of Turn 3.

The conversion of the underground bunker into your new Fortress-Monastery has progressed greatly even if you have only scratched the surface of the ancient fortress' depths. Still, it is enough for the Chapter's needs as your temporary headquarters aboard the Might of Storms is relocated into your new home on Midgardia.

"Our reserve of power weapons has run out," reports Horwan as soon as the meeting begins, "Between mission attrition and the planned reformation of 10th Company, we have run out. The armoury barely had enough for 10th Company and that is only because it is being reformed with nine squads instead of the usual ten."

"I see the reformation of 10th Company has gone ahead," says Peder, "Will that be causing you any problems, Grimvard?"

"One-Five will be missed, but I have no doubts that the squad shall be refilled with new veterans," replies the Captain of 1st Company with a smile, "As it is, I am pleased to see that the Chapter once again has a 10th Company and that Clin is the one to train our newest brothers."

"Speaking of Clin, should he be joining us now?" inquires Stefan as he gives you a look.

"Our newest captain is waiting until the first of our new Scout Marines have entered his company before he fully takes up the position of captaincy," you explain, "Right now, he is training the neophytes. Do you wish for me to call him here?"

"I do not require that," answers Stefan.

"With that in order, we shall address the state of the Asgardia Sector," you declare, "With bolstering from the Daughters of Celeste and inference from the xenos pirates, the uprisings in the Ymir and Skadi Sub-Sectors are still going strong. The Imperial Guard has them contained for now, but the heretics have had time to entrench."

"They are tough foes to dig out," says Rod, "7th Company has spent half a decade fighting the rebels and they have only liberated half of a world so far."

"We also have to worry about Megadakka," warns Rod, "We may have broken the main bulk of his strength at Thor, but he still has multiple capital ships and an army capable of conquering entire worlds. His strength may be spent for now, but it is not extinguished. We all know how dangerous greenskins can become even if left unchecked, even if they are apparently weak."

"Waaagh! Megadakka is another one of the many threats plaguing the Asgardia Sector," you say, "Others include our heretical brethren. The Bloody Steel and their new homeworld will require nothing less than a major invasion to take. Before its fall, Tyrfing was a major fortress world of the sector and being under the control of the Ruinous Powers has done nothing to diminish its strength. The Prodigal Brethren are old foes of ours and even if we won a tactical victory at Odin, they won a strategic victory with their stolen prize."

"Do we have any idea when they will be able to finish the stolen hulls?" inquires Grimvard.

"Karl?" you redirect the question to your Master of the Fleet.

"It will depend on what resources they have access to," answers the captain of 4th Company, "They could finish them within a few years or it might take them decades. I would advise going with the expectation they will be finished sooner rather than later."

"Do we even know if they will be staying around?" asks Stefan, "As much as it pains me to admit it, they could have just come here for the raid. With their prize claimed, it is possible that the Prodigal Brethren may just leave the Asgardia Sector behind rather than wait for our retribution."

"It is a possibility," you concede, "The Prodigal Brethren have an old rivalry with our Chapter and it is one that they remember even if it has been longer than any of our lifetimes since our Chapter last clashed with their warband. I would be surprised if they left without attempting to strike at us first."

"So an opportunity and a threat," says Rod.

"Indeed," you say, "We also need to worry about the piracy. There are too many pirates preying upon the Asgardia Sector. Not only is it damaging the trade routes, but it has hindered the campaigns in both the Ymir Sub-Sector and the Skadi Sub-Sector. We may not be able to extinguish the piracy in its totality, but we can certainly lessen it so it is not running rampant."

"That may be difficult to do with half of our battle barges in need of repairs," notes Karl.

"We shall make do," says Stefan, "Many Chapters only have two battle barges at all and rarely use them."

"Such is not the way of the Storm Avengers," scoffs Horwan, his mechanical warbling sounding disdainful, "Our wargear, no matter how ancient or valuable, is meant to be used in battle against Mankind's enemies, in service of the Emperor."

"Indeed," agrees Stefan.

Free Actions (Choose up to three)
Perform actions that don't fall under Production or Chapter Deployment. Also includes non-Codex compliant changes to your chapter organisation.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in.
Skald Action
A diplomatic venture taken by your skalds such as calling in a Favour or reaching out to another faction.
[ ] Write-in.
Chapter Deployment
[ ] Torvald and his Honour Guard is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 1st Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 2nd Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 3rd Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 4th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 7th Company is engaged in the Skadi Sub-Sector and currently unavailable.
[ ] 8th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 9th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 10th Company is undergoing reformation and currently unavailable.
[ ] Requilary Battle Barge Might of Storms is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Battle Barge Ardent Storm is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance requires repairs and is currently unavailable.
[ ] Battle Barge Void Thunderer requires repairs and is currently unavailable.

Production (19 Points & 7 Techmarine available)
[ ] Write-in.
-Battle Barge Void Thunderer will require one Major Favour from a Forge World to be restored to service.
-Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance will be fully repaired at the start of Turn 5.
Chapter Organisation (Optional)
This is here so you can make Codex-compliant changes to the chapter to suit your preferences. Think things like assigning vehicles or warships to a company or replacing losses in a battle company from a reserve company. Most of this will happen automatically and will be sorted out by me, the QM, but here is the option if anyone wants to do it themselves.
[ ] Write-in.



Beowulf Incursion (Beowulf Sub-Sector): The Beowulf Sub-Sector is under threat from the Ork empire located in the neighbouring Grendel Sub-Sector with feral worlds having fallen to the greenskins. While cleared of human life, these worlds belong to the Emperor and allowing the Orks to get entrenched will likely lead to trouble in the future. Threat Level Low.
Bloody Steel (Asgardia Sector): The Bloody Steel have fallen back to their new homeworld, the heretical Fortress World Tyrfing. Tyrfing on its own would be a very troublesome planet to invade, but the presence of a daemon prince, a battle barge and close to a company's worth of Chaos Space Marine increase the danger tenfold. Threat Level Extreme.
Daughters of Celeste (Asgardia Sector): While the majority of the Slaaneshi Iron Sentinels are slain at Mjolnir, their Daemon Princess leaders were able to escape aboard a damaged Strike Cruiser with the majority of the Iron Sentinel gene-seed reserve. Hunt them down before they can rebuild their strength and grow into a greater threat. Threat Level Extreme.
Feral Ork Purge (Asgardia Sector): Thanks to a series of past Waaaghs, a good many of the worlds in the Asgardia Sector have a populace of Feral Orks. While the greater threat of these primitive xenos is usually nominal, every Space Marine knows what the Orks can do when left unchecked. Conduct a purge on the Feral Orks to curtail their threat. Threat Level Low.
Freeboota Hunt (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector has several Ork Freebootas operating within it, with more than ten different Ork Kaptins being identified. Go to the usual hunting grounds of the Freebootas and attempt to eliminate some of them. Threat Level Medium.
Pirate Lord Hunt (Asgardia Sector): Even before the Imperium's withdrawal, the Asgardia Sector had a pirate problem and the lack of greater authorities has allowed these pirates to come out into the open. Go to the last known hunting grounds of the so-called Pirate Lords and do your best to end them. Threat Level Medium.
Patrolling (Asgardia Sector): There are many minor threats to the Asgardia Sector and the loyal Imperial citizens calling it home. Having forces patrol the sector will allow the Chapter to proactively deal with any threats that unexpectedly appear in the sector. Threat Level Variable.
Raiding (Asgardia Sector): There are many threats within the borders of the Asgardia Sector, from Orks to heretics to minor xenos powers. Sending forces to raid these foes can weaken them by hitting targets of opportunity. Threat Level Variable.
Home Guard (Gard Sub-Sector): As important as it is for the chapter to go out and slay the enemies of humanity, it is also important the chapter protects its home on Midgardia. Stationing forces on Midgardia will help deter opportunities or planned attacks on the fortress-monastery. Threat Level Variable.
Omnissiah Service (Asgardia Sector): A good relationship with a Forge World is vital for any thriving chapter and your Chapter is on fairly good terms with the Adeptus Mechanicus despite everything. Nevertheless, the tech-priests don't work for free and you will need to do something for them in exchange for their time and effort. Thankfully, the Adeptus Mechanicus won't say no to the aid of space marines as your assistance is too valuable to turn down. Threat Level Variable.
Heresy in Ymir (Ymir Sub-Sector): There is a large-scale uprising in the Ymir Sub-Sector. While the sub-sector capital is holding and reinforcements have arrived, the majority of the sub-sector has fallen into the hands of the heretics. Regiments of the Vanaheim Valkyries are currently here. Threat Level Medium.
Heresy in Skadi (Skadi Sub-Sector): There is a large-scale uprising in the Skadi Sub-Sector. While Hive World Scato and its many manufactorums have been reclaimed, the heretics still hold half of the sub-sector and have seen a recent resurgence. Regiments of the Vanaheim Valkyries are currently here. Threat Level Medium.
Driving Back the Dracs (Alfheim Sub-Sector): The Dracs Coalition is the biggest threat of the minor xenos powers. Undermining their control over human worlds and targeting their war machine would slow down their expansion into the Asgardia Sector. Threat Level High.
Purging the Strulrot (Jormungandr Sub-Sector): The Strulrot Empire is an expansionist and highly aggressive xenos empire. In a fit of daring and foolish audacity, these aliens have conquered a feral world and purged it of its human populace. Threat Level Medium.
Waaagh! Megadakka (Thor Sub-Sector): Despite his major defeat at Forge World Thor, Megadakka and his followers are still dangerous with several capital ships still under the warboss' command. Now the Orks are rampaging throughout the Thor Sub-Sector as they seek fights and attempt to rebuild their strength. Threat Level High.
Prodigal Brethren (Asgardia Sector): The Prodigal Brethren are old foes of your Chapter and you doubt their presence in the Asgardia Sector so soon after your arrival is coincidence. While they have fled with their ill gotten loot from Forge World Odin's shipyards, you may still attempt to hunt down the heretics in the hopes of dealing them another blow. Threat Level Extreme.

Points of Interest

The Forge Worlds of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector has six remaining Forge Worlds in it. Forge World Odin is the primary supplier of Battlefleet Asgardia, capable of producing Retribution-class Battleships, Mars-class Battlecruisers & Overlord-class Battlecruisers. Forge World Freya is capable of producing Mars-class Battlecruisers while Forge World Loki can produce Overlord-class Battlecruisers.
Forge World Baldur is home to the only remaining Titan Legion as Legio Fulgaran refused to abandon its home. Forge World Thor is the primarily supplier of the Iron Sentinels with its shipyards being able to produce Adeptus Astartes warships. Forge World Sif is the least notable Forge World beyond its close relationship with the Order of the Sacred Storm.
The Order of Sacred Storm (Sif Sub-Sector): Located in the Sif Sub-Sector, the Adepta Sororita order is infamous for their isolationist nature and considering themselves answerable to only to the God-Emperor. Located on the capital of the Sif Sub-Sector, the Shrine World Gunnerheim, the Order of the Sacred Storm have made sure to maintain a close relationship with the rest of their sub-sector. A close relationship that has led to the sisters becoming the rulers of the Sif Sub-Sector after the Imperium abandoned the Asgardia Sector.
Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus (Asgardia Sector): Through a mixture of legitimacy, force and charisma, Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus managed to maintain his dynasty's ancestral control over the Asgardia Sector. With the famous Vanaheim Valkyries of his homeworld and suborning what remains of Battlefleet Asgardia, Sigurdr Reximus will likely be a invaluable ally to the Chapter.
Hell Forge Heimdall (Heimdall Sub-Sector): Taken by the Ruinous Powers a few centuries ago, the Hell Forge Heimdall was the primary supplier of a massive rebellion that swept over the entire sector. Even centuries later when the rebellion was crushed long ago, Heimdall is a major supplier to Chaos cults and heretic uprisings across the Asgardia Sector and is currently attempting to entice external allies to bolster its strength.
Kabal of the Black Reaping (Asgardia Sector): The Kabal of the Black Reaping are Dark Eldar pirates who prey upon the worlds and shipping of the Asgardia Sector. These xenos specialise in close combat and boarding actions with a noted tendency to steal everything that they can where they will then sell their captured vessels, cargo and loot in exchange for even more slaves.
Greenskins of Grendel (Asgardia Sector): The Grendel Sub-Sector is home to a Orkoid Empire known as the Greenskins of Grendel. The xenos have resisted every minor attempt to purge them and have yet to receive the attention of a major attempt at elimination due to greater threats to prioritise. They regularly spill out into neighbouring sub-sectors, especially the Beowulf Sub-Sector as the greenskins seem to have some fascination with the Fortress World Beowulf.
Knight Worlds of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): Thanks to its long and storied history, the Asgardia Sector is home to dozens of Knight Worlds, whose brave and noble defenders refused to leave with the Imperium. Now they fight to protect their homes, either independently or under the banner of House Reximus or one of the Forge Worlds.
Pirate Lords of Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): In the build up to being abandoned by the Imperium, the Asgardia had a severe pirate problem and now that the Imperium has withdrawn, these self-proclaimed Pirate Lords have grown bold enough to come out into the open. Now a Pirate King supported by two subordinate Pirate Lords and two subordinate Pirate Ladies preys upon the worlds and trade lanes of the Asgardia Sector.
Inquisitorial Fortress (Asgardia Sector): The Asgardia Sector was said to have an Inquisitorial Fortress, belonging to a cabal of the Ordo Malleus. While this band of Inquisitors are nominally focused on other threats, you have no doubts they won't take kindly to you and your brothers. To make matters worse, you have no idea where their fortress is located or what assets they can bring to bear in the Asgardia Sector.
Xenos Presence (Asgardia Sector): There are four minor xenos species of note in the Asgardia Empire. The first is the Larant High Kingdom, a feudal Avian species that lacks unity, but makes up for it by controlling three sub-sectors that each have a large number of inhabited worlds. The second is the Mahenessian Republic, an isolationist and defensive democracy of aquatic shellfish. The Mahenessi are relatively small with just seven systems across a single sub-sector.
The third is the Darcs Coalition, who originate from a shattered world that is infested with advanced technology of unknown xenos origin and another democracy, one that attempts to subject all those around them. The Darcs Coalition controls over sixty worlds, including several which once belonged to the Imperium, across nine sub-sectors and have technology approaching equality with the Imperium.
The final xenos empire is the Strulrot Empire, militaristic reptilians who consider a religious mandate to kill anyone not of their kind. Led by an Arch-Khan, they are aggressive and have spread out across ten worlds over two sub-sectors with a noted preference for mobile and mechanised warfare.


The degrees of Reputation you can earn range from Despised, to Hated, to Bad, to Suspect, to Neutral, to Good, to Liked, to Honoured, to Exalted.
Favours range from Minor to Major to Honourbound.

Owed to the Storm Avengers
Iron Sentinels = 1 Honourbound Favour, 1 Major Favour, 1 Minor Favour.
Forge World Thor = 1 Honourbound Favour, 1 Major Favour.
Battlefleet Asgardia = 1 Honourbound Favour, 1 Major Favour.

Owed by the Storm Avengers
Forge World Odin = 4 Major Favours.

Adeptus Mechanicus = Liked.
-Forge World Baldur = Good?
-Forge World Freya = Good?
-Forge World Loki = Good?
-Forge World Odin = Liked.
-Forge World Sif = Good?
-Forge World Thor = Liked.
Adeptus Administratum = Good.
Adeptus Astartes = Neutral.
-Blood Angels & Successors = Good.
–Carmine Talons = Honoured.
-Ultramarines & Successors = Neutral.
–Storm Avengers (Loyalists) = Despised.
–Iron Sentinels = Honoured.
Adepta Sororitas = Neutral.
-Order of the Sacred Storm = Neutral.
-Order of our Enchanting Lady = Despised.
Aristocracy of Asgardia = Neutral.
-Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus = Good.
Ecclesiarchy = Neutral.
Imperial Guard = Neutral.
-Vanaheim Valkyries = Good.
Imperial Navy = Neutral.
-Battlefleet Asgardia = Liked.
Ordo Hereticus = Despised.
-Inquisitor Astrid Reximus = Despised.
Ordo Malleus = Hated.
Ordo Xenos = Hated.
Pirate Lords of Asgardia
-Pirate-King Dean Falcon = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lord Grinner = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lady Harmonia Quiss = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lord Viktor Savage = Suspect.
-Pirate-Lady Lilith Panem = Suspect.


Available Output
Output is available for a single turn and cannot be stockpiled. Any Points not spent during the turn will be lost and won't be available in any following turns. The exception to this is points from Adeptus Mechanicus Favours, which can be stockpiled for later use. Any wargear that requires a Techmarine to build purchased via an Adeptus Mechanicus Favour costs triple.

9 Points from Techmarines.
5 Points from Forge World Thor.
5 Points from Forge World Odin.
0 Points from Forge World Loki.
0 Points from Forge World Sif.
0 Points from Forge World Baldur.
0 Points from Forge World Freya.

Adeptus Mechanicus Minor Favour is worth 20 Points or it can be used as a Techmarine substitute.
Adeptus Mechanicus Major Favour is worth 100 Points
Adeptus Mechanicus Honourbound Favour is worth 500 Points

Equipment Costs
Power Armour, Boltguns, Bolt Pistols & Chainsaws are standard issue.

5 Power Weapons = 1 Point
5 Specialist Weapons = 1 Point
5 Heavy Weapons = 1 Point
5 Jump Packs = 1 Point

1 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour = 5 Points (Takes 3 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Iron Halo = 5 Points
1 Rosarius = 5 Points

2 Bikes = 1 Point

Vehicles Costs
3 Tarantula Turret (Heavy Bolter) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Lascannon) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Multi-Laser) = 1 Point
3 Tarantula Turret (Assault Cannon) = 1 Point
1 Rhino = 2 Points/1 Crew
1 Razorback (Heavy Bolter) = 3 Points/1 Crew
1 Razorback (Heavy Flamer) = 3 Points/1 Crew
1 Razorback (Assault Cannon) = 3 Points/1 Crew
1 Razorback (Lascannon) = 3 Points/1 Crew
1 Land Speeder = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Storm = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Tornado = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Typhoon = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Vindicator = 3 Points/2 Crew
1 Whirlwind = 3 Points/2 Crew
1 Predator Destructor = 4 Points/2 Crew
1 Predator Annihilator = 4 Points/2 Crew
1 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought = 4 Points (Requires Techmarine)
1 Contemptor-pattern Dreadnought = 10 Points (Takes 3 & Requires Techmarine)
1 Stormtalon = 6/1 Crew
1 Stormraven = 10/2 Crew (Takes 2 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Phobos = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 6 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Crusader = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 6 Turns & requires Techmarine)
1 Land Raider Redeemer = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 6 Turns & requires Techmarine)

Escort = 1 Minor Favour/1 Turn
5 Escorts = 1 Major Favour/1 Turn
30 Escorts = 1 Honourbound Favour/5 Escorts per 1 Turn.
Cruiser = 1 Major Favour (Forge World Thor)/3 Turns
3 Cruisers = 1 Honourbound Favour (Forge World Thor)/1 Cruiser per 3 Turns
Battle Barge = 1 Honourbound Favour (Forge World Thor)/10 Turns

1 Minor Favour can be used to refit a Strike Cruiser or Battle Barge.

Chapter Status

Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson: Worthy Thunderer, Aegis of Antonius, Timeless Liberty.
Chapter Champion Sig Stormson: 1/1 Power Weapon, Invictus Iron
9/Honour Guard Squad Zero-Zero: 9/9 Power Weapons, 0/9 Artificer Armour.

Master of the Keep (1st): Grimvard Thunderson
Master of the Watch (2nd): Stefan Freeson
Master of the Arsenal (3rd): Rod Forgeson
Master of the Fleet (4th): Karl Voidson
Master of the Marches (5th): EMPTY
Master of the Rites (6th): EMPTY
Chief Victualler (7th): Scottus Lightson
Lord Executioner (8th): Halla Stormson
Master of the Relics (9th): Peder Freeson
Master of the Recruits and Reconnaissance (10th): EMPTY
Master of Sanctity: Jannis Hopeson
Total/Spare Chaplains: 10/2 (10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Rosarius)
Master of the Apothecarion: Bruce Boltson
Total/Spare Apothecaries: 17/9
Gene-seed: 19
Chief Librarian: Steffen Strangeson
Total/Spare Librarians: 15/7 (15/15 Power Weapon)
Master of the Forge: Horwan Forgeson
Total/Spare Techmarines: 17/9 (17/17 Power Weapon)

Unassigned Power Weapons: 0
Unassigned Specialist Weapons: 45
Unassigned Heavy Weapons: 29
Unassigned Jump Packs: 34

Unassigned Iron Halo = 10
Unassigned Rosarius = 6
Unassigned Artificer Armour = 5
Unassigned Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour = 2
Unassigned Cataphractii-pattern Terminator Armour = 0
Unassigned Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour = 0

Unassigned Bikes = 35
Assigned/Worthy Thunderer: Master-crafted Thunder Hammer (No penalty to initiative)
Assigned/Timeless Liberty: Storm Shield (Adamantium aka Unbreaking, Boosts Willpower)
Assigned/Aegis of Antonius: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (3+ Invulnerable Save, Feel No Pain, Eternal Warrior, It Will Not Die)
Assigned/Wings of the Wasp: Jump Pack (Inbuilt power source means it can be used indefinitely, including to hover.)
Assigned/Storm Stinger: Master-crafted Plasma Pistol (Extra attack)
Assigned/Mighty Goliath: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Increases wearer's strength)
Assigned/Hawk's Faith: Master-crafted Sniper Rifle (Instant Death, Rending)
Assigned/Black Claws: Master-crafted Lightning Claws (Stealth)
Assigned/Green Fury: Master-crafted Power Fist (Bonus against Greenskins)
Assigned/Avenging Iron: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Volkite Caliver)
Assigned/Ice Warden: Artificer Armour (Resistance to Fire/Flames)
Assigned/Invictus Iron: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Iron Halo)
Assigned/Just Saviour: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Storm Bolter)
Assigned/Monsterslayer: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Bonus against Monstrous Creatures)
Assigned/Silver Sentinel: Artificer Armour (Improved Warp Resistance)
Assigned/Warrider: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Inbuilt Master-Crafted Autocannon in shoulder in addition to regular weaponry)
Assigned/Wrath of Hallr: Thunder Hammer (Boosts Strength & Toughness)
Assigned/Repulsion of Heresy: Master-crafted Plasma Gun (Boosts Ballistic Skill)

Lost/Stormbringer: Master-crafted Thunder Hammer (Boosts Toughness & Willpower)
Lost/Red Rage: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Grants 1 Additional Melee Attack, Feel No Pain)

1st Company (Veteran Company)

Captain Grimvard Thunderson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Mighty Goliath
Champion Haldor Voidson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Valentin Voidson
Chaplain Stefan Stoneson
Apothecary Wulf Voidson
Techmarine Birger Snowson

3/Command Squad One-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Terminator Veteran Squad One-One (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Terminator Assault Veteran Squad One-Two (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Three (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Four (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
0/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Five (EMPTY)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Sternguard Veteran Squad One-Six (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Eight (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Vanguard Veteran Squad One-Ten (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens
2 Land Raiders Phobos
1 Land Raider Crusader
1 Land Raider Redeemer

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Burden of Justice (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances)
-3 Gladius-class Frigates

2nd Company (Battle Company)

Captain Stefan Freeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, Storm Stinger, 1/1 Iron Halo, Silver Sentinel
Champion Robert Strangeson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Epistolary Thord Lightson
Chaplain Ogmund Flameson
Apothecary Bjorn Thunderson
Techmarine Einar Freeson

3/Command Squad Two-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Two-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
8/Tactical Squad Two-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Two-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Tactical Squad Two-Six (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Assault Squad Two-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Assault Squad Two-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Two-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Two-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Storm of Vengeance
-2 Gladius-class Frigates

3rd Company (Battle Company)

Captain Rod Forgeson: Green Fury, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Warrider
Champion Asvald Hopeson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Arn Flameson
Chaplain Stein Stoneson
Apothecary Alfgeir Freeson
Techmarine Ivan Flameson

3/Command Squad Three-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Three-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
8/Tactical Squad Three-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Five (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Three-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
9/Assault Squad Three-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Three-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Devastator Squad Three-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Three-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Storm of Wrath
-2 Gladius-class Frigates

4th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Karl Voidson: 1/1 Power Weapon, Repulsion of Heresy, 1/1 Iron Halo, Ice Warden, Wings of the Wasp
Champion Harald Rainson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Arndor Strangeson
Chaplain Oskar Skyson
Apothecary Esjar Stoneson
Techmarine Samuel Hopeson

3/Command Squad Four-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Bike Squad Four-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Three (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Four-Six (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Four-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Four-Eight (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Four-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Four-Ten (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Light of Guilliman
-2 Gladius-class Frigates

7th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Scottus Lightson: Black Claws, 1/1 Iron Halo, Avenging Iron
Champion Mikael Gustson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Paul Season
Chaplain Bard Boltson
Apothecary Svart Waveson
Techmarine Brand Season

3/Command Squad Seven-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Bike Squad Seven-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Seven-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Seven-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Assault Squad Seven-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Devastator Squad Seven-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
9/Devastator Squad Seven-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
19 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
22 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
19 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
22 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Talon of Ragnarok
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers

8th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Halla Stormson: Wrath of Hallr, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Just Saviour, 1/1 Jump Pack.
Champion Sigbrand Rainson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Ruben Iceson
Chaplain Erlend Hailson
Apothecary Simen Rainson
Techmarine Torbjorn Voidson

3/Command Squad Eight-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Eight-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Three (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Eight-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Eight-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
9/Assault Squad Eight-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Eight-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
9/Devastator Squad Eight-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Avenging Thunder (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers

9th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Peder Freeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Monsterslayer
Champion Mord Lightson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Heimir Skyson
Chaplain Bentley Hopeson
Apothecary Johannes Iceson
Techmarine Stein Lightson

3/Command Squad Nine-Zero: 3/3 Power Weapons, 3/3 Specialist Weapons
10/Tactical Squad Nine-One (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Two (Veteran Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Three (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Four (Sergeant)/Stormraven: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Five (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad Nine-Six (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad Nine-Seven (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad Nine-Eight (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad Nine-Nine (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad Nine-Ten (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
24 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
24 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
3 Land Speeders
3 Vindicators
3 Whirlwinds
3 Predator Destructors
3 Predator Annihilator
4 Stormtalons
4 Stormravens

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Bane of Heresy (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers

10th Company (Scout Company)

Captain Clin Boltson: 1/1 Power Weapon, Hawk's Faith, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion EMPTY: 0/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Theodor Lightson
Chaplain Jonathan Hopeson
Apothecary Edvin Metalson
Techmarine Gudmund Freeson

0/Command Squad:
1/Scout Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
1/Scout Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
1/Scout Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
1/Scout Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
1/Scout Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
1/Scout Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
1/Scout Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
1/Scout Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
1/Scout Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
0/Scout Squad (EMPTY): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
None at the moment.

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Defiant Light (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Gladius-class Frigates

Chapter Vehicles

1 Razorback (Heavy Bolter)
2 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought chassis

None at the moment.

163 Tarantula Turrets (Heavy Bolter)
166 Tarantula Turrets (Lascannon)
163 Tarantula Turrets (Multi-Laser)
166 Tarantula Turrets (Assault Cannon)
21 Land Speeders
21 Vindicators
21 Whirlwinds
21 Predator Destructors
21 Predator Annihilator
28 Stormtalons
28 Stormravens
2 Land Raiders Phobos
1 Land Raider Crusader
1 Land Raider Redeemer

Chapter Fleet

Battle Barges can carry up to three companies (300).
Strike Cruisers can carry up to one company (100).

All warships have increased speed from improvements to their engines.
All warships have superior sensor arrays for tracking and identifying targets.
All warships have a targeting matrix that links their weapons to sensor arrays for either greater general accuracy or targeting precise points.

Reliquary Battle Barge Might of Storms (Archeotech Agility & Firepower, Subpar Durability)
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Ardent Storm
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Void Thunderer
-3 Gladius-class Frigates

Strike Cruiser Burden of Justice (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances)
-3 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Storm of Vengeance
-2 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Storm of Wrath
-2 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Light of Guilliman
-2 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Talon of Ragnarok
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers
Strike Cruiser Avenging Thunder (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers
Strike Cruiser Bane of Heresy (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Hunter-class Destroyers
Strike Cruiser Defiant Light (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes)
-2 Gladius-class Frigates


The third turn and you still got a bunch of fires to put out. Not too much to say except your mission attrition has seen you run out of power weapons so you should make some more of those. Otherwise, two of your battle barges are out of commission while 7th Company is still engaged in Skadi Sub-Sector.

I'm going to be spending some time fleshing out the Gard Sub-Sector since it is going to be your backyard and personal fiefdom. There isn't really anything else to say except 10th Company is back on the books in preparation for the new Scout Marines you'll be getting next turn.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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Turn 3/510-514.M41 Results - Part I
[X] Plan Strike Against the Heretics
-[X] Send the Skalds to meet with the Lord Sector along with Torvald. Announce your plan to take up where the duties of the Black Ships and would like his approval and assistance to enact it so we less rogue psykers to deal with, as well as try to establish communications for better coordination with our forces.
-[X] Call in a Major Favour with Battlefleet Asgardia to help us attack the Prodigal Brethren
-[X] Have the Master of Sanctity meet with the government of your new home world to ensure positive relations.
-[X] Attempt to setup lines of communication with the Iron Sentinels to better coordinate forces.
-[X] Deployment
--[X] Waaagh! Megadakka (3rd Company, Ardent Storm)
--[X] Daughters of Celeste (1st Company, 2nd Company, Master Librarian, x3 Spare Librarians, x3 Spare Chaplains)
--[X] Heresy in Skadi (9th Company)
--[X] Prodigal Brethren (4th Company, 8th Company, Might of Storms)
-[X] Production
--[X] 2 Land Speeder Storms (4 Points)
--[X] 25 Power Weapons (5 points)
--[X] Contemptor-Pattern Dreadnought (10 points)
--[X] Repair Battle Barge Void Thunderer at Forge World Thor (1 Major Favour)
--[X] Build a New Battle Barge at Forge World Thor (Honourbound Favour)
-[X] Chapter Organisation
--[X] Hand out Iron Halos to the Company Champions

"Still no sign of them?" asks Grimvard over the vox.

"None, my sources are turning up no answers or leads," answers Stefan from aboard the Storm of Vengeance, "Scottius reports that Invicta Silvana is still in the Ymir Sub-Sector, but I have found nothing else on the Daughter of Celeste."

"My divinations have turned up nothing either," reports Steffen as Chief Librarian walks into the bridge, "

"Do you think they may have just left the sector?" inquires Grimvard.

"Unlikely," replies Steffen without hesitation, "It would not fit with their beliefs and it would not explain why I am unable to come up with everything. They or someone else is hiding them from my sight. If they had merely left, my visions would have revealed that to me rather than the nothingness I am receiving right now."

"It is unfortunate, but not all of our enemies will conveniently reveal themselves for us to slay," says Stefan.

"Indeed, the foes of Mankind are not always so considerate," agrees Steffen, "For now, I purpose that we call a halt to our hunt. If we have not uncovered anything so far, I doubt we will in the immediate future and while my divinations have shown me nothing regarding our quarry, they do indicate that our presence will be needed at Midgardia."


In hindsight, they should have made sure that the locals were happy with the arrangement, but Midgardia was too good of an opportunity to pass up. And it isn't like the whole planet is against. Yes, the Grand Jarl and the lesser Jarls of his government might have secretly harboured resentment towards the Storm Avengers, but half of the public and a bit more than half of the military are welcoming of the Chapter.

It is those that aren't welcoming who are the problem. The government is effectively rebelling with support from the other half of the populace and a good chunk of the military even if it is a minority. And then there are all those mercenaries. Clin doesn't trust them, especially not the xenos. Midgardia should have never welcomed them and the fact they had been fired at all should have been the first sign that something was rotten in the local government.

As things are, Rogue Trader Gideon von Grom is posing a major problem to the Chapter as the Rogue Trader has decided to lay claim to Midgardia and is doing so with too much local support for Clin's liking. Technically speaking, it is in the right of the Rogue Trader as the Imperium doesn't consider Midgardia an Imperial world anymore and it is the duty and right of Rogue Trader dynasties to claim such worlds in the name of the Emperor. It isn't like the Imperium would recognise the Storm Avengers claiming Midgardia as their new homeworld.

Of course, Clin and his brothers have claimed Midgardia and the Storm Avengers will not just concede their new home to this upstart mortal without a fight. The key is to do so in a way that minimises any damage to Midgardia, which leads to the current actions of the Captain of 10th Company.

After rejecting the diplomatic overtures of Bruce, the Grand Jarl and his regime invited Gideon von Grom down for talks, one of which is happening right now. Lining up the Hawk's Faith, Clin aims his shot. He knows a few things from his time as part of an Inquistor's retinue. Kill one or both parties without getting caught and it should be fairly easy to get them to blame each other. Especially since he has the sergeants of his meagre company ready to leak rumours and suggestions to sympathetic parts of the military and general populace, which will then spread to disloyal portions.

Clin watches Grand Jarl Patrik Carlsen meets with Rogue Trader Gideon von Grom. The two men shake hands as they exchange greetings and Clin squeezes the trigger on his sniper. Patrik Carlsen topples over dead as the shot tears through his body. Without a moment's hesitation, Clin switches target to Gideon before his first victim has even finished falling. The first shot is blocked by a retractor field of some kind and the second rips into the Rogue Trader's shoulder before the man's bodyguards hurry their charge out of Clin's sight.

The Master of the Recruits sends off a pre-planned coded message before he withdraws. Patrik is dead and Gideon is injured while his sergeants have just received the message to spread rumours that the Rogue Trader launched a false flag operation to kill the Grand Jarl whilst taking an injury to divert suspicion from himself. Even if there are those who suspect the truth, most if not all of the rebels on Midgardia will be pointing fingers at their newfound ally for their leader's death.


The next few weeks are tense as there is a stand off between the loyalists, the rebels and the Rogue Trader in orbit. Gideon's flagship and its escorts aren't enough to threaten Midgardia's orbital defences while on the planetary surface, the two local factions are at each other's throats. A civil war has only been prevented over the uncertainty of who killed the Grand Jarl and the Storm Avengers getting their slight majority of loyalists to express restraint. After all, the Angels of Death only need to keep things calm for either their Chapter Master or one of their companies to return home.

As things are, it is those who left to hunt the Daughters of Celeste who return first. The Burden of Justice and the Storm of Vengeance return with their respective escorts, the former carrying the veterans of 1st Company while the latter strike cruiser transports 2nd Company. A brief exchange of messages is sufficient to bring the new arrivals up to speed on the situation. It is then that the two companies of Storm Avengers launch their assault on the Rogue Trader fleet of the von Grom dynasty.

A single cruiser with five escorts is little match for the Angels of Death, especially since their crews were completely caught by surprise. Within minutes of the boarding action beginning, the von Grom flagship had been seized by 1st Company with Gideon himself taken alive while 2nd Company had successfully captured all five escorts.

Which left the Storm Avengers with a captured fleet, an imprisoned Rogue Trader, the Warrant of Trade for the von Grom dynasty and a planet that is half loyal and half disloyal. The vengeance of the Chapter was unleashed upon Midgardia, but it was a just one not wrothful one. The most vocal and stubborn opposition to the Storm Avengers were removed both as examples and because they would only cause problems in the future. The rest were given a second chance to do better as the benefits of dealing with them weren't judged to be worth the ensuing civil conflict, not when the Chapter had so many other problems to deal with.

Midgardia's government has been toppled.
Rogue Trader Gideon von Grom has been captured albeit injured.
The Warrant of Trade for the von Grom dynasty has been captured.
Rogue Trade Cruiser captured.

Firestorm-class Frigate captured.
Sword-class Frigates captured.
Cobra-class Destroyer captured.

Use plan voting.

What do the Storm Avengers do with Gideon von Grom ?
[ ] The Storm Avengers execute the Rogue Trader.
[ ] The Storm Avengers keep the Rogue Trader as a prisoner.
[ ] The Storm Avengers let the Rogue Trader go.
[ ] The Storm Avengers ransom the Rogue Trader.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the Warrant of Trade for House von Grom?
[ ] The Storm Avengers keep it for now.
[ ] The Storm Avengers return to House von Grom.
[ ] The Storm Avengers sell it back to House von Grom.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the captured cruiser?
[ ] The Storm Avengers retain it for now.
[ ] The Storm Avengers convert it into a heavy strike cruiser. Costs one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.
[ ] The Storm Avengers study its abnormal technology.
[ ] The Storm Avengers return it to House von Grom.

What do the Storm Avengers do with the captured escorts?
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the escorts to Battlefleet Asgardia. Gain one Major Favour from Battlefleet Asgardia.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the escorts to Forge World Thor. Gain one Major Favour from Forge World Thor.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the escorts to Forge World Odin. Repay one Major Favour to Forge World Odin.
[ ] The Storm Avengers give the escorts to the Iron Sentinels. Gain one Major Favour from the Iron Sentinels.
[ ] The Storm Avengers claim the escorts for their Chapter Fleet.
[ ] The Storm Avengers claim the escorts for Midgardia's defence.
[ ] The Storm Avengers return the escorts to House von Grom.


Rather than leave the greenskin hurt, but unfinished, the Storm Avengers commit a single company backed up by one of their battle barges to end the threat that Megadakka and his followers posed. Still reeling from their defeat and grievous losses at Forge World Thor, Waaagh! Megadakka falls upon the civilised world Volla, bringing war to the world that has been peaceful for centuries.

3rd Company of the Storm Avengers along with the 2nd Company and 4th Company of the Iron Sentinels descent upon greenskins. A battle barge battles against ten times her number in Ork capital ships, but discrepancy in numbers matters little in the end for her duty is not to win alone. For the Ardent Storm is only the distraction to allow the three strike cruisers to deliver their respective companies to the planetary surface. With their payload deployed, the strike cruisers then strike into the rear of the Ork fleet, pinning the greenskin warships between two Astartes fleets.

The end result was never in doubt as a pittance of the Ork fleet survived the battle. A single terror ship and a dozen escorts were able to make emergency jumps to the warp while the Storm Avengers lost only two Gladius-class Frigates to take out nine greenskin capital ships and over fifty escorts.

The surface of Volla, things went just as well if not better. While Megadakka and his forces had prepared to face the Angels of Death once again, they had not predicted the ferocity which the Storm Avengers and Iron Sentinels would unleash upon them. Deploying from drop pods and thunderhawks alike, the space marines crushed the Orks even as the PDF struggled to hold firm against the green tide.

Predators duelled battlewagons and won while Whirlwinds bombard Ork positions. Tarantula turrets reinforced defensive lines while Devastators lay down covering fire even as Tactical Squads and Assault Squads led the charge. Captain Rod personally slew Warboss Megadakka in single combat, ending the Waaagh once and for all.

2 Gladius-class Frigates destroyed.
3rd Company gains the trait Orkslayers.


Despite the resurgence in arms and fervour just a few years earlier, the revolt in the Skadi Sub-Sector finally comes to an end. With the deployment of the Adeptus Astartes to the combat front once again, the Imperial Guard had what they needed to gain the upper hand. The Storm Avengers went in first, swift and brutal strikes taking out key parts of planet defences, allowing the Imperial Guard to make successful landings.

While the campaign was still brutal and cost many lives, the Storm Avengers were able to shatter rebel defences, creating weak points for the Imperial Guard to flood though. Without external aid or reinforcements, the rebel-controlled worlds fall one by one. Even if it will take some time for all of the heretic holdouts to be crushed, the rebellion in the Skadi Sub-Sector has been effectively broken.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the Ymir Sub-Sector. While the Imperial Guard finally reclaims the upper hand against the initial rebels, a new wave of heretical uprising wracks the sector as additional rebels pop up across the loyalist-controlled worlds. As chaos cultists rise up from the lower hives, the hive world Jotunheim falls swiftly to the Ruinous Powers. Any hope of reinforcements for the sub-sector capital are dashed as Dark Eldar raiders strike all across the sector, bringing Imperial supply lines to a crashing halt.

The only saving grace is that the xenos aren't limiting themselves to just the faithful servants of the Emperor as they strike all humans across the sub-sector. While the majority of the Imperial void transports are hit, millions of heretics are plucked from their rebelling.

Fighting grinds to a halt as both sides attempt to consolidate their gains and secure their remaining territory. Only the 7th Company of the Storm Avengers remain active in the chaos of the Dark Eldar raids as the sons of Guilliman hunt down the Daemon Princess Invicta Silvana. In the end, the Storm Avengers get the upper hand on their prey as rather than walk into one of her ambushes, they merely level the area from orbit with a sustained bombardment from the Light of Guilliman. While the damage is extensive enough to leave no body behind, Codicier Paul Season confirms that Invicta Silvana has been banished to the warp.


Chapter Master Antares Kjarl is very receptive to the idea of increased coordination between the Storm Avengers and his own Iron Sentinels. Communication lines have been set up between the two Space Marine Chapters via their respective Librarians.


A fairly mixed update so far, but I feel it is going at least somewhat in your favour. Things might not be going entirely your way, but you are coming out on top for the most part. Also, you have lucked into the chance to shape the future of House von Grom for good or ill.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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