Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

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Play as a Space Marine Chapter Master as he and his brothers turn their backs on the Imperium of Man and attempt to continue serving the Emperor and Mankind as they arrive in an abandoned sector.
Storm Avengers Space Marine Chapter

Storm Avengers

Founding Chapter: Ultramarines
Founding: M32/Fourth Founding
Chapter Master: Torvald Thunderson
Homeworld: Midgardia (Current), Ragnarok (Former)
Fortress-Monastery: Aula Fortis (Current), Aula Occisi (Former)
Speciality: Combined Arms, Naval Warfare & Boarding Actions.
Colours: Red and white with a golden trim.
Symbol: Crossed golden lightning bolts behind a red lambda 'A'.
Battlecry: "We are the Avenging Storm!"
Chapter Creation
Southampton, Great Britain
It is half way into the 41st Millennium and you have betrayed the Imperium of Man. More precisely, the Storm Avengers Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes has turned their backs on the Imperium. You are Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson and while you and your brother still consider yourselves faithful to the God-Emperor, your Chapter no longer considers itself answerable to the High Lords of Terra.

For seven and a half thousand years, the Storm Avengers have safeguarded mankind from its plethora of foes since the Chapter was established in the 4th Founding. Claiming the lineage of Roboute Guilliman and the Ultramarines, the Storm Avengers have served faithfully and vigorously. During that time, the Storm Avengers have gathered plenty of accolades to their name.

The Storm Avengers fought against the Frateris Militia in the Age of Apostasy and committed forces to more than one Black Crusade. Your Chapter recovered an STC for Tarantula Turrets mounting either multi-lasers or assault cannons and it was your brothers who broke Waaagh! Bonekrusha before it could consume the Athena Sector. It was the Storm Avengers who saved Forge World Antax when a warband of the Dark Mechanicus fell upon it and later put down the Tekona Rebellion before the uprising could spread beyond its sub-sector.

Now you continue to fight for the Emperor and Mankind, you just no longer do so for the Imperium of Man. And perhaps that is for the best.

Why did the Storm Avengers go renegade? Choose one.
[ ] Crossing the Inquisition. Seeking to do the right thing by the Imperium, the Emperor and Humanity, the Storm Avengers crossed the Inquisition one time too many and found themselves being declared traitors by a vengeful cabal of Inquisitors.
[ ] Disgusted by the Imperium. After centuries of witnessing the slow crumble of the Imperium, brought about by massive amounts of corruption and inefficiency, the Storm Avengers turned their backs on the Imperium and now seek to serve the Emperor by other means.
[ ] Heretical Innovation. Rather than wallow in past glories that have been long lost, the Storm Avengers attempted to improve upon their situation to better serve both the Imperium and the Emperor. In doing so, they ran afoul of various Imperial factions and found themselves declared heretics.
[ ] Bureaucratic Betrayal. Whether through incompetent or maliciousness, the bloated and inefficient bureaucracy of the Imperium has failed the Storm Avengers. After warnings failed to be passed on and reinforcements denied caused the loss of their homeworld, the Storm Avengers decided no more and left the Imperium behind.

Unfortunately, the flight from the Imperium on top of prior battles has left your chapter depleted. The Storm Avengers could be worse off, but as things are, the Chapter is lacking some critical specialist expertise amongst your surviving brothers.

It isn't just experienced battle-brothers that the Storm Avengers have a shortage of either. The recent fighting has left your armouries short on reserves and spares, especially in some specific areas. The harshest loss would be some of the STC copies that your Chapter has as the flight from the Imperium forced you to leave them behind. Something you hope to change upon arriving in the Asgardia Sector but with the Imperium of Man as your nominal enemy, your Chapter will no longer have access to the usual resupply methods. One way or another, you'll have to adapt to the new circumstances that you find yourself in.

You start off with zero points to spend. You may go into the negatives for Chapter Creation. Your point total at the end of Chapter Creation will carry over to Sector Creation, where you must end it with zero or higher points.

Use plan voting.

What expertise do the Storm Avengers have a shortage of? You must choose one and every additional choice grants one point.
[ ] Apothecaries. Your chapter lacks experienced Apothecaries, forcing you to rely upon self-trained and inexperienced rookies to tend to your wounded and collect the geneseed of the dead.
[ ] Chaplains. Your chapter is lacking Chaplains despite its continued faithfulness to the God-Emperor. You have no doubts that you and your brothers will stay in His Light, but plenty of those who pledged themselves to Chaos started out thinking the same.
[ ] Librarians. Your chapter currently has no Librarians amongst its number, making any psyker abilities amongst initiates a notable concern in the future.
[ ] Techmarines. Your chapter lacks Techmarines, forcing you to make do with subpar maintenance unless you are willing to go to one of the local Forge Worlds.
[ ] Veterans. Your chapter lacks a 1st Company as all of your space marines are either in positions of leadership or too inexperienced to count as veterans.
[ ] Scouts. Your chapter lacks a 10th Company as your flight from the Imperium has seen all of your scouts either promoted or killed.

What equipment do the Storm Avengers have a shortage of and lack STCs for? You must choose two and every additional choice grants one point.
[ ] Terminator Armour. Your armouries lack any suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armour or as it is more commonly none, Terminator Armour.
[ ] Artificer Armour. Your armouries lack any suits of Artificer Armour.
[ ] Power Weapons & Jump Packs. While you still have chainswords, combat knives and a few relics, your armoury is devoid of any standard power weapons, hindering the melee effectiveness of your space marines. You also have no remaining jump packs in your armoury.
[ ] Heavy & Specialist Weapons. There are no heavy or specialised weapons within your armouries, limiting your ability to unleash heavy firepower upon your foes and deal with enemy vehicles and hordes.
[ ] Dreadnoughts. You have no Dreadnought chassis in reserve and if you have any grievously injured space marines, you won't be able to let them fight on as Dreadnoughts.
[ ] Rhinos & Razorbacks. Your chapter lacks any standard APCs, forcing your space marines to either fight on foot or seek unconventional means of transportation.
[ ] Vindicators & Whirlwinds. Your chapter lacks tanks thanks to the lack of functional Vindicators & Whirlwinds, something that will sharply limit your ability to deploy armoured elements.
[ ] Predators. Your chapter lacks tanks thanks to the lack of functional Predator Battle Tanks, something that will sharply limit your ability to deploy armoured elements.
[ ] Land Raiders. While most chapters only have a few Land Raiders, your chapter has none at all. The lack of these valued and deadly war machines will be felt.

Starting advantages and disadvantages.
[ ] Mostly Full Strength. Despite your flight from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers are close to full strength with around nine hundred space marines within the Chapter. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Full Strength, Understrength & Greatly Understrength.
[ ] Full Strength. Despite your flight from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers are currently at full strength with around a thousand space marines within the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Understrength & Greatly Understrength.
[ ] Understrength. The flight from the Imperium has left the Storm Avengers beaten, but not broken as you only command half a chapter of space marines. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Full Strength & Greatly Understrength.
[ ] Greatly Understrength. The flight from the Imperium has left the Storm Avengers almost broken as you only command three companies' worth of space marines. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Full Strength, & Understrength.
[ ] Elite Warrior-Serfs. The Huscarls that serve aboard your warships are notably high quality, equal to Storm Troopers or elite regiments of the Imperial Guard. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Plentiful Gene-seed. As a silver lining in these dark times, the Storm Avengers were able to flee with a vast reserve of their gene-seed. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Loyalist Brothers. One of your companies has remained loyal to the Imperium, taking their strike cruiser with them on top of the hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to hunt you down once they have recovered their strength. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Many Loyalist Brothers.
[ ] Many Loyalist Brothers. Two of your companies have remained loyal to the Imperium, taking both of their strike cruisers with them on top of the two hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to hunt you down once they have recovered their strength. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Loyalist Brothers.
[ ] Faithless Brothers. One of your companies has not only turned on the Imperium, but also forsaken their faith in the Emperor as well. They are taking their strike cruiser with them on top of the hundred brothers that are breaking away from the Chapter. They will seek to forge their own way within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Many Faithless Brothers.
[ ] Many Faithless Brothers. Two of your companies have not only turned on the Imperium, but also forsaken their faith in the Emperor as well. They are taking both of their strike cruisers with them on top of the two hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to forge their own way within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Faithless Brothers.
[ ] Friendly Angels. Over their long existence, the Storm Avengers have made friends across the galaxy and even recent events aren't enough to change that. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Very Friendly Angels.
[ ] Very Friendly Angels. Over their long existence, the Storm Avengers have made many friends across the galaxy and even recent events aren't enough to change that. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Friendly Angels.
[ ] Hostile Angels. Over their existence, the Storm Avengers have antagonised another faction within the Imperium to the point of a notable grudge being held against them. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Very Hostile Angels.
[ ] Very Hostile Angels. Over their existence, the Storm Avengers have antagonised multiple other factions within the Imperium to the point of notable grudges being held against them. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Hostile Angels.
[ ] Arsenal of Relics. The Storm Avengers have accumulated an abnormally high number of Terminator Armour, Artificer Armour, Land Raiders and other relics and were able to flee with them. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Armoury of Vehicles. The Storm Avengers have a large number of vehicles in their service, each one having its own dedicated crew. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Reliquary Flagship. The Battle Barge Might of Storms once served in the Great Crusade and thanks to its lengthy history, it contains technology long lost to mankind and a legacy that lets it fight beyond its nominally capabilities. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Archeotech Warships. Over their long history, the Storm Avengers have been able to upgrade more than one of their capital ships with archeotech technology. Costs 2 Points.
[ ] Auxiliary Warships. When they fled from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers were accompanied by a few former Imperial Navy vessels that threw their lot in with the Chapter. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Auxiliary Fleet.
[ ] Auxiliary Fleet. When they fled from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers were accompanied by several former Imperial Navy vessels that threw their lot in with the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Auxiliary Warships.
[ ] Auxiliary Regiments. When the Storm Avengers fled the Imperium, they were accompanied by a few Imperial Guard regiments who decided to back the Chapter. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Auxiliary Army.
[ ] Auxiliary Army. When the Storm Avengers fled the Imperium, they were accompanied by several Imperial Guard regiments who decided to back the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Auxiliary Regiments.

The Chapter Fleet of the Storm Avengers. Each Point spent gives you 20 Fleet Points. Start off with 50 Fleet Points plus 25 Fleet Points for the additional warships gained in the original quest.

[ ] Battle Barge. First time taken costs 8 Fleet Points. Second time taken costs 9 Fleet Points. Third time taken costs 10 Fleet Points. Fourth time taken costs 11 Fleet Points.
[ ] Strike Cruiser. Costs 4 Fleet Points.
[ ] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances). Costs 5 Fleet Points.
[ ] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Torpedo Tubes). Costs 4 Fleet Points.
[ ] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Bombardment Cannon). Costs 4 Fleet Points.
[ ] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Lances). Costs 3 Fleet Points.
[ ] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Torpedo Tubes). Costs 3 Fleet Points.
[ ] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Bombardment Cannon). Costs 3 Fleet Points.
[ ] Nova-class Frigate. Costs 3 Fleet Points.
[ ] Gladius-class Frigate. Costs 1 Fleet Point.
[ ] Hunter-class Destroyer. Costs 1 Fleet Point.


Inspired by this, this is a reboot of my quest here you get to play as a space marine chapter master whose chapter has turned their backs on the Imperium without falling to Chaos. Unlike in the original quest, you won't be starting already established in the Asgardia Sector and instead will be newly arrived in it, having to set up shop from scratch.

Once again, while inspired by quests like Death or Glory & From The Brink, I'm not going as mechanically heavy as those quests because I don't want too much workload from this quest. Unlike the original quest, you will be able to play at being the Sector Lord or setting up your own private empire if you feel like it. This is because I have a better idea of what I'll be doing and I feel it would be a waste to have the sons of Guilliman not engage in any government stuff.

As this is a reboot of the original quest, Torvald and the Storm Avengers will be mostly the same as in the last quest. The biggest change will be the starting circumstances of the chapter differing depending on how this vote plays out.

One final thing, this quest will also be hard mode like the last and some choices will have unstated effects that you won't find out until you take them.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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Feel free to start voting. No reserved pages or anything.
Okay, gonna give my thoughts before I try to make a Plan.
Why did the Storm Avengers go renegade? Choose one.
[ ] Crossing the Inquisition. Seeking to do the right thing by the Imperium, the Emperor and Humanity, the Storm Avengers crossed the Inquisition one time too many and found themselves being declared traitors by a vengeful cabal of Inquisitors.
[ ] Disgusted by the Imperium. After centuries of witnessing the slow crumble of the Imperium, brought about by massive amounts of corruption and inefficiency, the Storm Avengers turned their backs on the Imperium and now seek to serve the Emperor by other means.
[ ] Heretical Innovation. Rather than wallow in past glories that have been long lost, the Storm Avengers attempted to improve upon their situation to better serve both the Imperium and the Emperor. In doing so, they ran afoul of various Imperial factions and found themselves declared heretics.
[ ] Bureaucratic Betrayal. Whether through incompetent or maliciousness, the bloated and inefficient bureaucracy of the Imperium has failed the Storm Avengers. After warnings failed to be passed on and reinforcements denied caused the loss of their homeworld, the Storm Avengers decided no more and left the Imperium behind.
Of these, Disgusted by the Imperium and Bureaucratic Betrayal appeal most to me. Crossing the Inquisition will mean we have a group of Inquisitors with a personal reason to want us dead. Heretical Innovation has something similar with the Imperium declaring us Heretics, and if we were declared heretics before leaving, there's probably an Imperial force that'll be thrown at us sooner or later.

Disgusted by the Imperium or Bureaucratic Betrayal meanwhile, seem to fit most narratively with an Ultramarines renegade. Particularly if we decide to do some personal kingdom-building.

What expertise do the Storm Avengers have a shortage of? You must choose one and every additional choice grants one point.
[ ] Apothecaries. Your chapter lacks experienced Apothecaries, forcing you to rely upon self-trained and inexperienced rookies to tend to your wounded and collect the geneseed of the dead.
[ ] Chaplains. Your chapter is lacking Chaplains despite its continued faithfulness to the God-Emperor. You have no doubts that you and your brothers will stay in His Light, but plenty of those who pledged themselves to Chaos started out thinking the same.
[ ] Librarians. Your chapter currently has no Librarians amongst its number, making any psyker abilities amongst initiates a notable concern in the future.
[ ] Techmarines. Your chapter lacks Techmarines, forcing you to make do with subpar maintenance unless you are willing to go to one of the local Forge Worlds.
[ ] Veterans. Your chapter lacks a 1st Company as all of your space marines are either in positions of leadership or too inexperienced to count as veterans.
[ ] Scouts. Your chapter lacks a 10th Company as your flight from the Imperium has seen all of your scouts either promoted or killed.
I think the only two we can afford to take would be Veterans and Scouts. The other specialists are too important and basically irreplaceable. A Chapter without Apothecaries is gonna die a slow death, Chaplains are important for maintaining internal unity, Librarians will be needed to set up an independent Psyker tradition. Techmarines are usually trained on Mars IIRC if a Chapter needs more, but that sure won't happen when we're renegades. Which would mean getting more Techmarines would require indebting ourselves to a local Forge World further.

Meanwhile, Veterans can be gained through experience (though make no mistake, not having them will hurt), while Scouts we just need to find a recruiting world. And if we're coming in with a Chapter Fleet, if all else fails we can find a Feral/Feudal World, plop ourselves in orbit, and say "we're gonna recruit from here" and there's really not much anyone can do about it.

Lacking those will hurt, definitely. But of all the options, they're the most replaceable.

So overall, I'd say Scouts as our first pick, Veterans if we want another point.

What equipment do the Storm Avengers have a shortage of and lack STCs for? You must choose two and every additional choice grants one point.
[ ] Terminator Armour. Your armouries lack any suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armour or as it is more commonly none, Terminator Armour.
[ ] Artificer Armour. Your armouries lack any suits of Artificer Armour.
[ ] Power Weapons & Jump Packs. While you still have chainswords, combat knives and a few relics, your armoury is devoid of any standard power weapons, hindering the melee effectiveness of your space marines. You also have
[ ] Heavy & Specialist Weapons. There are no heavy or specialised weapons within your armouries, limiting your ability to unleash heavy firepower upon your foes and deal with enemy vehicles and hordes.
[ ] Dreadnoughts. You have no Dreadnought chassis in reserve and if you have any grievously injured space marines, you won't be able to let them fight on as Dreadnoughts.
[ ] Rhinos & Razorbacks. Your chapter lacks any standard APCs, forcing your space marines to either fight on foot or seek unconventional means of transportation.
[ ] Vindicators & Whirlwinds. Your chapter lacks tanks thanks to the lack of functional Vindicators & Whirlwinds, something that will sharply limit your ability to deploy armoured elements.
[ ] Predators. Your chapter lacks tanks thanks to the lack of functional Predator Battle Tanks, something that will sharply limit your ability to deploy armoured elements.
[ ] Land Raiders. While most chapters only have a few Land Raiders, your chapter has none at all. The lack of these valued and deadly war machines will be felt.
Ow, oof, this hurts. Okay then...

I can think of a couple ways to take this. If we decide to not take Veterans, then while it'll still hurt, it won't hurt as much to not take Terminator Armour or Artificer Armour, since most of the SMs who'd normally get equipped with that aren't available anyway. No Artificer Armour would mean our officers are more vulnerable, but no Terminator Armour blocks off some very particular approaches (though if we have no Veterans, we don't have those pathways really available anyway.)

For the motor pool meanwhile...I could see some possibilities. I think we want Land Raiders though. For a Space Marine Chapter, it's all about force concentration, force concentration, force concentration. Land Raiders concentrate force like little else for rapid mechanized assaults.

Theoretically, we could trade out either Vindicators & Whirlwinds or Predators, and then maybe take Auxiliary Regiments/Army so the IG could provide the armoured elements. Another idea would be to lose our Rhinos & Razorbacks. Most of our Battle Brothers would be lacking an organic troop transportation method, but we'd have the Land Raiders to provide an elite mechanized fist, and we could rely heavily on aerial insertion in the meantime. Rhinos/Razorbacks would also be the vehicle we would most likely to be able to get replacements for at a later date, since it's not just Space Marines that make use of the Rhino.

Starting advantages and disadvantages.
[ ] Mostly Full Strength. Despite your flight from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers are close to full strength with around nine hundred space marines within the Chapter. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Full Strength, Understrength & Greatly Understrength.
[ ] Full Strength. Despite your flight from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers are currently at full strength with around a thousand space marines within the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Understrength & Greatly Understrength.
[ ] Understrength. The flight from the Imperium has left the Storm Avengers beaten, but not broken as you only command half a chapter of space marines. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Full Strength & Greatly Understrength.
[ ] Greatly Understrength. The flight from the Imperium has left the Storm Avengers almost broken as you only command three companies' worth of space marines. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Full Strength, & Understrength.
[ ] Elite Warrior-Serfs. The Huscarls that serve aboard your warships are notably high quality, equal to Storm Troopers or elite regiments of the Imperial Guard. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Plentiful Gene-seed. As a silver lining in these dark times, the Storm Avengers were able to flee with a vast reserve of their gene-seed. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Loyalist Brothers. One of your companies has remained loyal to the Imperium, taking their strike cruiser with them on top of the hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to hunt you down once they have recovered their strength. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Many Loyalist Brothers.
[ ] Many Loyalist Brothers. Two of your companies have remained loyal to the Imperium, taking both of their strike cruisers with them on top of the two hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to hunt you down once they have recovered their strength. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Loyalist Brothers.
[ ] Faithless Brothers. One of your companies has not only turned on the Imperium, but also forsaken their faith in the Emperor as well. They are taking their strike cruiser with them on top of the hundred brothers that are breaking away from the Chapter. They will seek to forge their own way within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Many Faithless Brothers.
[ ] Many Faithless Brothers. Two of your companies have not only turned on the Imperium, but also forsaken their faith in the Emperor as well. They are taking both of their strike cruisers with them on top of the two hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to forge their own way within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Faithless Brothers.
[ ] Friendly Angels. Over their long existence, the Storm Avengers have made friends across the galaxy and even recent events aren't enough to change that. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Very Friendly Angels.
[ ] Very Friendly Angels. Over their long existence, the Storm Avengers have made many friends across the galaxy and even recent events aren't enough to change that. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Friendly Angels.
[ ] Hostile Angels. Over their existence, the Storm Avengers have antagonised another faction within the Imperium to the point of a notable grudge being held against them. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Very Hostile Angels.
[ ] Very Hostile Angels. Over their existence, the Storm Avengers have antagonised multiple other factions within the Imperium to the point of notable grudges being held against them. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Hostile Angels.
[ ] Arsenal of Relics. The Storm Avengers have accumulated an abnormally high number of Terminator Armour, Artificer Armour, Land Raiders and other relics and were able to flee with them. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Armoury of Vehicles. The Storm Avengers have a large number of vehicles in their service, each one having its own dedicated crew. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Reliquary Flagship. The Battle Barge Might of Storms once served in the Great Crusade and thanks to its lengthy history, it contains technology long lost to mankind and a legacy that lets it fight beyond its nominally capabilities. Costs 1 Point.
[ ] Archeotech Warships. Over their long history, the Storm Avengers have been able to upgrade more than one of their capital ships with archeotech technology. Costs 2 Points.
[ ] Auxiliary Warships. When they fled from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers were accompanied by a few former Imperial Navy vessels that threw their lot in with the Chapter. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Auxiliary Fleet.
[ ] Auxiliary Fleet. When they fled from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers were accompanied by several former Imperial Navy vessels that threw their lot in with the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Auxiliary Warships.
[ ] Auxiliary Regiments. When the Storm Avengers fled the Imperium, they were accompanied by a few Imperial Guard regiments who decided to back the Chapter. Costs 1 Point. Incompatible with Auxiliary Army.
[ ] Auxiliary Army. When the Storm Avengers fled the Imperium, they were accompanied by several Imperial Guard regiments who decided to back the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Auxiliary Regiments.
I don't want to take Loyalist or Faithless Brothers. One will give us an Imperial faction with a very personal grudge against us and desire to go hunting us down the moment they think they have the firepower, the other will give us a faction of renegades who will likely do things in the Sector that damage our reputation.

Additionally, I would like to take at least Friendly Angels. With us severing ties from the Imperium and being newcomers to the Sector, a good reputation will be invaluable in helping us set down roots. Hostile Angels might be interesting from a narrative perspective if we want to build up to a showdown with at least a section of the Imperium, but I personally would like to avoid it if possible.

Arsenal of Relics is definitely tempting, but I should point out that most of my prior suggestions for what to trade away would run counter to it. Still, if I alter my plans, it would allow us to have an immense level of force concentration, even by Space Marine standards.

Auxiliaries is both tempting but also comes with notable drawbacks. They'd round us out with a lot of mass and supplement the Space Marine doctrine, but they'd also increase our logistical tail, and mortal troops have a much slower pace of operations compared to what Space Marines can send out on their own. Of the two, Imperial Guard appeals to me more than the Navy. A Space Marine fleet is already gonna be one of the biggest kids on the block (average Sector Fleet is like, 75 ships total, and is lucky if even one of those is a Battleship, while we're rocking around with likely at least 1 or 2 Battle Barges, and the lack of specialization in space combat is made up for by higher overall ship & crew quality plus boarders.) Imperial Guard would give us manpower and mechanized vehicle mass.
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Power Weapons & Jump Packs cuts off at the end

Hmmmm.... honestly I want to take both Faithless and Loyal brothers at the same time. If the Loyal brothers come back to hunt it down then they might target the traitors first, killing 2 birds with 1 stone
I think the Faithless Brothers will be our problem long before they're the Loyal Brothers' problem, and that we'll probably have dealt with the Faithless by the time the Loyalists come around.

After all, it's gonna take quite some time before the Loyalists have built up their strength and/or gathered enough allies that they'd feel confident with taking us down, since they'd be starting with 1 or 2 Companies & Strike Cruisers. Meanwhile the Faithless Brothers will be in the same sector as us doing shenanigans.
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[X] Bring Back the Age of Technology
-[X] Heretical Innovation. Rather than wallow in past glories that have been long lost, the Storm Avengers attempted to improve upon their situation to better serve both the Imperium and the Emperor. In doing so, they ran afoul of various Imperial factions and found themselves declared heretics.
-[X] Veterans. Your chapter lacks a 1st Company as all of your space marines are either in positions of leadership or too inexperienced to count as veterans.
-[X] Scouts. Your chapter lacks a 10th Company as your flight from the Imperium has seen all of your scouts either promoted or killed.
-[X] Dreadnoughts. You have no Dreadnought chassis in reserve and if you have any grievously injured space marines, you won't be able to let them fight on as Dreadnoughts.
-[X] Power Weapons & Jump Packs. While you still have chainswords, combat knives and a few relics, your armoury is devoid of any standard power weapons, hindering the melee effectiveness of your space marines. You also have no remaining jump packs in your armoury.
-[X] Understrength. The flight from the Imperium has left the Storm Avengers beaten, but not broken as you only command half a chapter of space marines. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Full Strength & Greatly Understrength.
-[X] Plentiful Gene-seed. As a silver lining in these dark times, the Storm Avengers were able to flee with a vast reserve of their gene-seed. Costs 1 Point.
-[X] Hostile Angels. Over their existence, the Storm Avengers have antagonised another faction within the Imperium to the point of a notable grudge being held against them. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Very Hostile Angels.
-[X] Archeotech Warships. Over their long history, the Storm Avengers have been able to upgrade more than one of their capital ships with archeotech technology. Costs 2 Points.
-[X] Battle Barge. X2 (17 points)
-[X] Strike Cruiser. X2 (8 points)
-[X] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances). (5 points)
-[X] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Bombardment Cannon). (4 points)
-[X] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Lances). X3 (9 points)
-[X] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Torpedo Tubes) X2 (6 points)
-[X] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Bombardment Cannon). X2 (6 points)
-[X] Gladius-class Frigate. X10 (10 points)
-[X] Hunter-class Destroyer. X10 (10 points)
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[X] Understrength. The flight from the Imperium has left the Storm Avengers beaten, but not broken as you only command half a chapter of space marines. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Full Strength & Greatly Understrength.
[X] Plentiful Gene-seed. As a silver lining in these dark times, the Storm Avengers were able to flee with a vast reserve of their gene-seed. Costs 1 Point.
[X] Hostile Angels. Over their existence, the Storm Avengers have antagonised another faction within the Imperium to the point of a notable grudge being held against them. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Very Hostile Angels.
[X] Archeotech Warships. Over their long history, the Storm Avengers have been able to upgrade more than one of their capital ships with archeotech technology. Costs 2 Points.
[X] Battle Barge. X2 (17 points)
[X] Strike Cruiser. X2 (8 points)
[X] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances). (5 points)
[X] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Bombardment Cannon). (4 points)
[X] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Lances). X3 (9 points)
[X] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Torpedo Tubes) X2 (6 points)
[X] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Bombardment Cannon). X2 (6 points)
[X] Gladius-class Frigate. X10 (10 points)
[X] Hunter-class Destroyer. X10 (10 points)
You will need to put a '-' in front of the '[X]' if you want the tally to count your plan properly.
[x] Plan: a Fleet with space marines
-[x] Bureaucratic Betrayal
-[x] scouts
-[x] Terminator Armour.
-[x] Rhinos & Razorbacks
-[x] Land Raiders.
-[x] Predators.
-[x] Vindicators & Whirlwinds.
-[x]Greatly Understrength.
-[x] Many Faithless Brothers.
-[x] Many Loyalist Brothers
-[x] Reliquary Flagship.
-[x] Archeotech Warships.
-[x] Auxiliary Fleet.
-[x] Elite Warrior-Serfs.
-[x] Hostile Angels.
-[x] Plentiful Gene-seed.
2 points left for sector creation

-[x]Fleet creation
-1 point for fleet creation
--[x] 4 battle barges
--[x] 6 strike Cruisers
--[x] 16 gladius class frigates
--[x] 17 hunter class destroyers

redid the plan to focus less on space marines. And way more on the fleet. I am saving the two points to put us in a good place for sector creation. Though I'm considering instead spending it on more ships. Not at my computer so I'm not really sure or able to do the math though.

edit: added many loyalist brothers for those sweet sweet points. One goes to plentiful geneseed because we are at 100 no matter what, and we need the gene seed. And added back the strike cruisers. Ironicly, this puts us at exactly 10 marines per capital ship. +command squad and company command squad
[] Plan: heretics require heresy!
-[] Heretical Innovation. Rather than wallow in past glories that have been long lost, the Storm Avengers attempted to improve upon their situation to better serve both the Imperium and the Emperor. In doing so, they ran afoul of various Imperial factions and found themselves declared heretics.
-[] Techmarines. Your chapter lacks Techmarines, forcing you to make do with subpar maintenance unless you are willing to go to one of the local Forge Worlds.
-[] Veterans. Your chapter lacks a 1st Company as all of your space marines are either in positions of leadership or too inexperienced to count as veterans.
-[] Terminator Armour. Your armouries lack any suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armour or as it is more commonly none, Terminator Armour.
-[] Rhinos & Razorbacks. Your chapter lacks any standard APCs, forcing your space marines to either fight on foot or seek unconventional means of transportation.
-[] Land Raiders. While most chapters only have a few Land Raiders, your chapter has none at all. The lack of these valued and deadly war machines will be felt.
-[] Predators. Your chapter lacks tanks thanks to the lack of functional Predator Battle Tanks, something that will sharply limit your ability to deploy armoured elements.
-[] Vindicators & Whirlwinds. Your chapter lacks tanks thanks to the lack of functional Vindicators & Whirlwinds, something that will sharply limit your ability to deploy armoured elements.
-[] Understrength. The flight from the Imperium has left the Storm Avengers beaten, but not broken as you only command half a chapter of space marines. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Mostly Full Strength, Full Strength & Greatly Understrength.
-[] Faithless Brothers. One of your companies has not only turned on the Imperium, but also forsaken their faith in the Emperor as well. They are taking their strike cruiser with them on top of the hundred brothers that are breaking away from the Chapter. They will seek to forge their own way within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Many Faithless Brothers.
-[] Reliquary Flagship. The Battle Barge Might of Storms once served in the Great Crusade and thanks to its lengthy history, it contains technology long lost to mankind and a legacy that lets it fight beyond its nominally capabilities. Costs 1 Point.
-[] Archeotech Warships. Over their long history, the Storm Avengers have been able to upgrade more than one of their capital ships with archeotech technology. Costs 2 Points
-[] Auxiliary Fleet. When they fled from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers were accompanied by several former Imperial Navy vessels that threw their lot in with the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Auxiliary Warships.
-[] Elite Warrior-Serfs. The Huscarls that serve aboard your warships are notably high quality, equal to Storm Troopers or elite regiments of the Imperial Guard. Costs 1 Point.
-[] Hostile Angels. Over their existence, the Storm Avengers have antagonised another faction within the Imperium to the point of a notable grudge being held against them. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Very Hostile Angels.
-[]Fleet creation
--[]1 point on fleet creation
--[] 4 battle barges
--[] 6 strike Cruisers
--[] 16 gladius class frigates
--[] 17 hunter class destroyers
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[X]Plan: Hope the future is brighter than this
-[X] Drawbacks
--[X] Heretical Innovation
--[X] Chaplains. Your chapter is lacking Chaplains despite its continued faithfulness to the God-Emperor. You have no doubts that you and your brothers will stay in His Light, -but plenty of those who pledged themselves to Chaos started out thinking the same.
--[X] Librarians. Your chapter currently has no Librarians amongst its number, making any psyker abilities amongst initiates a notable concern in the future.
--[X] Scouts. Your chapter lacks a 10th Company as your flight from the Imperium has seen all of your scouts either promoted or killed.
--[X] Terminator Armour. Your armouries lack any suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armour or as it is more commonly none, Terminator Armour.
--[X] Power Weapons & Jump Packs. While you still have chainswords, combat knives and a few relics, your armoury is devoid of any standard power weapons, hindering the melee effectiveness of your space marines. You also have no remaining jump packs in your armoury.
--[X] Dreadnoughts. You have no Dreadnought chassis in reserve and if you have any grievously injured space marines, you won't be able to let them fight on as Dreadnoughts.
--[X] Vindicators & Whirlwinds. Your chapter lacks tanks thanks to the lack of functional Vindicators & Whirlwinds, something that will sharply limit your ability to deploy armoured elements.
--[X] Loyalist Brothers. One of your companies has remained loyal to the Imperium, taking their strike cruiser with them on top of the hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to hunt you down once they have recovered their strength. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Many Loyalist Brothers.
--[X] Faithless Brothers. One of your companies has not only turned on the Imperium, but also forsaken their faith in the Emperor as well. They are taking their strike cruiser with them on top of the hundred brothers that are breaking away from the Chapter. They will seek to forge their own way within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Many Faithless Brothers.
--[X] Very Hostile Angels. Over their existence, the Storm Avengers have antagonised multiple other factions within the Imperium to the point of notable grudges being held against them. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Hostile Angels.

-[X] Boons
--[X] Elite Warrior-Serfs. The Huscarls that serve aboard your warships are notably high quality, equal to Storm Troopers or elite regiments of the Imperial Guard. Costs 1 Point.
--[X] Plentiful Gene-seed. As a silver lining in these dark times, the Storm Avengers were able to flee with a vast reserve of their gene-seed. Costs 1 Point.
--[X] Auxiliary Fleet. When they fled from the Imperium, the Storm Avengers were accompanied by several former Imperial Navy vessels that threw their lot in with the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Auxiliary Warships.
--[X] Auxiliary Army. When the Storm Avengers fled the Imperium, they were accompanied by several Imperial Guard regiments who decided to back the Chapter. Costs 2 Points. Incompatible with Auxiliary Regiments.
-[X] Ships (75 Pts
--[X] Battle Barge X2 (17pts)
--[X] Strike Cruiser X2 (8pts)
--[X] Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances) X2 (10pts)
--[X] Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Torpedo Tubes) X2 (6pts)
--[X] Nova-class Frigate X6 (18pts)
--[X] Gladius-class Frigate. X10 (10pts)
--[X] Hunter-class Destroyer. X6 (6pts)
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[ ] Heretical Innovation. Rather than wallow in past glories that have been long lost, the Storm Avengers attempted to improve upon their situation to better serve both the Imperium and the Emperor. In doing so, they ran afoul of various Imperial factions and found themselves declared heretics
If we pick this do we get to choose what we innovated? Or does it have no relevance to the quest.
By the way, you may go into the negatives for Chapter Creation. It just means you will start Sector Creation with negative points.
If we pick this do we get to choose what we innovated? Or does it have no relevance to the quest.
You don't get to choose, but it will have relevance.
[X] Disgusted by the Imperium. After centuries of witnessing the slow crumble of the Imperium, brought about by massive amounts of corruption and inefficiency, the Storm Avengers turned their backs on the Imperium and now seek to serve the Emperor by other means.

[X] Plan: Ulse
-[X] Expertise Lack
--[X] Chaplains.
--[X] Scouts.
-[X] Equipment Lack
--[X] Artificer Armour.
--[X] Vindicators & Whirlwinds.
--[X] Predators.
--[X] Land Raiders.
-[X] Advantages
--[X] Mostly Full Strength.
--[X] Auxiliary Army.
-[X] Fleet 75p
--[X] 3 Battlebarges - 27p
--[X] 3 Strike Cruisers - 12p
--[X] 3 Strike Cruiser (No Launch Bays, Prow Heavy Lances). - 15p
--[X] 3 Nova-class Frigate. - 9p
--[X] 6 Gladius-class Frigate. - 6p
--[X] 6 Hunter-class Destroyer. - 6p
[X] Plan Heavy Metal
-[X] Heretical Innovation.
-[X] Scouts
-[X] Artificer Armour
-[X] Dreadnoughts
-[X] Rhinos & Razorbacks.
-[X] Many Loyalist Brothers.
-[X] Hostile Angels
-[X] Almost Full Strength
-[X] Elite Warrior-Serfs.
-[X] Reliquary Flagship.
-[X] Friendly Angels
-[X] Armoury of Vehicles.
-[X] Fleet (75 Points)
—[X] x3 Battlebarges (27 Points)
—[X] x4 Strike Cruisers (16 Points)
—[X] x2 Strike Cruisers (Torpedoes) (8 Points)
—[X] x18 Gladius Frigates (18 Points)
—[X] x6 Hunter Frigates (6 Points)

[X] Plan Even Heavier Metal
-[X] Heretical Innovation.
-[X] Scouts
-[X] Artificer Armour
-[X] Dreadnoughts
-[X] Rhinos & Razorbacks.
-[X] Many Loyalist Brothers.
-[X] Almost Full Strength
-[X] Hostile Angels
-[X] Elite Warrior-Serfs.
-[X] Reliquary Flagship.
-[X] Friendly Angels
-[X] Armoury of Vehicles.
-[X] Fleet (95 Points)
—[X] x4 Battlebarges (38 Points)
—[X] x4 Strike Cruisers (16 Points)
—[X] x2 Strike Cruisers (Torpedoes) (8 Points)
—[X] x1 Strike Cruiser (Bombardment Cannon) (4 Points)
—[X] x2 Vanguard Cruiser (Prow Lances (6 Points)
—[X] x17 Gladius Frigates (15 Points)
—[X] x6 Hunter Frigates (6 Points)
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[ ] Faithless Brothers. One of your companies has not only turned on the Imperium, but also forsaken their faith in the Emperor as well. They are taking their strike cruiser with them on top of the hundred brothers that are breaking away from the Chapter. They will seek to forge their own way within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 1 Point. Incompatible with Many Faithless Brothers.
[ ] Many Faithless Brothers. Two of your companies have not only turned on the Imperium, but also forsaken their faith in the Emperor as well. They are taking both of their strike cruisers with them on top of the two hundred brothers that are disavowing with you. They will seek to forge their own way within the Asgardia Sector. Grants 2 Points. Incompatible with Faithless Brothers.
THIS is definitely very interesting looking.

[x] Plan: heretics require heresy!
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By the way, I should mention that the Nova-class Frigates are overpriced due to their rarity thanks to political complications. They are only worth one Fleet Point, two at most. If you are getting them thinking you are getting three points worth of an escort ship, you will be disappointed.
Ok, plans [] Plan Heavy Metal and [] Plan Even Heavier Metal are posted. What this will do is that while replenishment is going to take a while and we aren't going to be very mobile, we're still going to be some very heavy hitters with a pretty big fleet with the Elite Thralls letting us have our Huskarls. On top of that, the Might of Storms is gonna be a archaeotech ship to really bring the hurt.

Even Heavier Metal is the same as the last, but it will put us an extra point into debt (-2 instead of -1) so we'll have ourselves an even greater fleet with another Battle Barge, a Strike Cruiser, 2x Vanguards and a couple more frigates.

Please, tell me what y'all think b/c I think this is a pretty good plan.