Your morning starts as it usually does; by waking up to the horrible squawking of your alarm clock.
With lead-heavy limbs, you drag yourself out of the bed and use your bleary eyes to find your towel. You shamble over to the bathroom and wash out the sleepiness with a splash of cold water to your face. Afterwards you brush your teeth and take a hot shower to rinse off the night's fatigue and fill your body with the needed wakefulness to start the day.
You don your clothes and pick up your books before heading down stairs to make breakfast for yourself and your family. Unlike most other conventional families, you were the earliest one up and thus the duty of making the most important meal of the day fell onto your shoulders. You didn't mind, but you always harbored some small hope that one day you'd find someone else at the stove, making breakfast for you instead.
Truly, the world is unfair.
The spread you make is simple enough; flapjacks with bacon, omelettes, and toasted breads with a pot of steaming coffee and a jug of chilled orange juice. The smell is enough to entice the family dog, Cujo, from his dog house and into the house, sitting expectantly at his food bowl. You quirk a half-smile and microwave some dog food before plopping it into the bowl. The canine pants its thanks before tucking in.
A loud yawn catches your attention and you turn to see your groggy father leading your equally groggy mother down the stairs by her hand. You walk over and pour them some coffee while they spoon their flapjacks on their plates. While they eat, you turn to the clock on the wall and sigh as you untie your apron.
"The idiot hasn't woken up yet." You say. It wasn't a question, having grown used to your sibling's particularly annoying habit of sleeping in.
"Nope." You father smiles, sipping some coffee and then doing a double-take on it. "Hm, this is good. What'd you put in it?"
"Nothing. Just changed brands." You answer as you make your way up the stairs again. "I'll be right back."
You traverse the steps and down the second floor hallway, to an inconspicuous bedroom door with a plaque attached to it. You twist the knob and gently open the door to your twin…
[] Brother's
[] Sister's
Room and find the lazy bum snoozing happily on the bed, mumbling about something or another with the biggest goofiest smile you've ever seen them wear. Must be having a really pleasant dream. Now, how to ruin it?
[] Cold bucket of water
[] Vigorous shaking of the cranial area
[] Sic Cujo on 'em
[] Electric toothbrush in the nose
[] No, something more devious… (Write-in)
Smart – Some call you a nerd. You wipe away your fake tears with an A+ test paper in their faces. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls) Sweet Talker– You have a way with words that most others lack. (+5 to Charm Rolls) Sneaky – You're like a shadow, quiet and unnoticeable… most of the time. (+5 to Stealth Rolls) Conflicted - Some of the things you've known for all your life have been a lie. You understand the necessity of it but... reconciling it with the present is not easy. (-10 to all rolls until you take a moment to organize your thoughts and pass a DC 75 Willpower test) Moonlit Humanity - You are a member of Humanity who is involved in the affairs of the Moonlit Realm, possessing an array of potent supernatural powers at your disposal. (Gain Racial Perks) - ???: ??? ??? - Destiny runs through your veins, as it does your sister's.
- Thick Textbooks (x3)
- Pencil Box (x3 Pens, x2 Mechanical Pencils, x1 Eraser, x1 Ruler, x1 pair of Scissors, x2 Markers)
- Lucky Scrunchie
- Half an Aquamarine Pendant (+5 to all Rolls)
Daniel Loering - Rank 2
+10 to all rolls involving food
Samantha Loering - Rank 2
+10 to all Intelligence Rolls
Vivian Loering - Rank 3
+10 to all Combat Rolls
Gain Trait - ???
Elizabeth Marrow - Rank 1
+5 to Charm Rolls
Joshua Kent - Rank 2
+10 to Charm Rolls
+5 to Bond Establishment Rolls
People of Note
Name:Daniel Loering Age: 41 Gender: Male Relationship: Father Stats:
- Health: 100/100 Bio:
Your father, and head of the house. Works as a department head at Silber Corp, though you don't know which department. He is a patient man with a heart of gold and a knife handling hand that far surpasses your own. He taught you everything he knew about cooking and leaves you in charge of the kitchen whenever he goes out on an outstation trip.
Was involved with the supernatural world and kept it secret from you even after Vivian awakened her mana store early. You suspect he spent some time with Mom training Vivian on her new powers. You're sure he still loves you.
Master Chef - When it comes to food, you are unmatched. (+25 to all rolls involving food) Patient - You don't let any minor thing get to you. (+5 to all rolls) Smart - Well, you definitely aren't dumb, at least. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls) ??? - ???
Your mother and owner of a bookstore called 'Hideaway' situated in the southeast side of the city. You come there sometimes and help out every now and then, managing the store for her while she does... something in her private office. She looks timid and shy but actually isn't, and is very knowledgeable. occasionally parts some nuggets of wisdom for you to use. She is also drop-dead gorgeous.
She is actually a magic user, and has been training Vivian on the side after she had awakened her mana store early. She had kept the secret from you, deeming to wait until you turned eighteen to tell you. You're sure she still loves you.
Smart - Well, you definitely aren't dumb, at least. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls) Gorgeous - You turn heads wherever you go. (+10 to Charm Rolls, +5 to Bond Increase Attempts) Wise - You have very useful experiences, and can gift them to others. Sometimes. (1 in 20 chance of giving someone a positive Perk) Moonlit Humanity - You are a member of Humanity who is involved in the affairs of the Moonlit Realm, possessing an array of potent supernatural powers at your disposal. (Gain Racial Perks) - ???: ???
Your twin sister, a lazy bum who spends more time asleep than awake. She's a former member of the school girl's baseball team, one of their best members even, up until four months ago when a fight broke out between herself and one of the other members of the team. You don't know the specifics, but what happened had the team's coach boot her off the team.
She is a bit sort tempered, with an unshakable sense of justice that has led her to scaring off bullies more than once, and a mean right hook. She also has a disturbing liking for cats and plushies.
Is actually a magic user, though you haven't seen her use it yourself. She had apparently activated it a month after her tenth birthday, and hadn't told you about it until you found out yourself recently. She looks guilty for keeping you out of the loop and likely wants to make it up to you. Somehow.
Short-Tempered - You are very easy to piss off. Fit Body - Your time with the baseball team was not for naught. (+10 to Combat Rolls) Sleepaholic - Sleep is love. Sleep is life. (Regain twice as much Health when resting) Beautiful - You take after your mother, so it makes sense for you look good. (+5 to Charm Rolls) Moonlit Humanity - You are a member of Humanity who is involved in the affairs of the Moonlit Realm, possessing an array of potent supernatural powers at your disposal. (Gain Racial Perks) - ???: ??? ??? - Destiny runs through your veins, as it does your sister's.
- Half an Aquamarine Pendant
Name:Oscar O'Neil Age: 16 Gender: Male Relationship: Best Friend Stats:
- Health: 100/100 Bio:
A member of Featherdale football team, the Rockafeller Breakers, and known throughout the school as the 'Quiet Giant'. He is easily the most physically fit person you know, and also surprisingly intelligent. He speaks as often as a blue moon appears, and rarely ever does so unless he has something of grave importance to show or tell. His usual method of communication involve a series of facial expressions and grunts which you've since turned into an alphabet specifically for decoding whatever it is Oscar was trying to say. Often times, you and Elizabeth act as a translator for him of sorts.
He has a scar that runs down from the crook of his neck to the left side of his back. He says got it from an accident when he was a child, but you know there's more to it than just that.
You got to know him when you both were partnered together for chemistry class. You helped him with the formulae while he helped you set up the apparatus and from there, you both got along and met up more often. Your friendship solidified when you invited him over along with Elizabeth for a study group at your place and he showed up with a brownies and tidy notes for you to copy.
Strong – These muscles aren't just for show, you know! (+5 to Combat Rolls) Agile – Your large size belies surprising speed. (+10 to Combat Rolls) Jock – You've trained your body for sports. It can easily be used as a weapon in a pinch. (+10 to Combat Rolls) Smart – For a jock, you're surprisingly intelligent. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls) Quiet – You don't talk much. At all, really. People have learned not to depend on you for social events. Imposing – Tall, dark, quiet, broody; the hallmark for a stereotypical bad guy. As such, most people avoid you. ??? - ???
A transfer student from England and descendant from nobility, Elizabeth is the epitome of prim and proper; a lady in all respects. She is warm and friendly, but old-fashioned in a way that you find to be absolutely thrilling and annoying at once. Her intellect is on par with your own, but bolstered further by an innate creative streak that allows her to think outside the box. But her physical abilities leave much to be desired, including her height.
She is also adorably clueless most of the time; to the point where you and Oscar have taken it upon yourself to help her acclimate before someone takes advantage of her..
You met the day she transferred in and got slotted into your class. You became friends once it was clear she was way in over her head and took her with you to have lunch with Oscar. She latched onto you both and hasn't let go since.
Creative Mind – Your mind solves problems in the most unexpected ways. (+5 to all Rolls, +5 to Intelligence Rolls) Smart – Your intellect s nothing to sneeze at. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls) Lithe – You make up for your lack of height with speed and agility. (+5 to Combat Rolls) Prim and Proper – The hallmark of a true lady. (+10 to Charm Rolls on high society, Slight Increase to Romantic interest from members of the opposite sex) Naïve – She views the world through rose-tinted glasses Innocent – Like a cinnamon bun; too good and pure for this world. ??? - ???
- Stuffed Lion
Name:Joshua Kent Age: 16 Gender: Male Relationship: Childhood Friend Stats:
- Health: 100/100 Bio:
The 4th most sought after male student in Featherdale and ace of the Featherdale Archery team, you've known Joshua since you and your sister were still kids. Chronologically, he is the first member of Vivian's 'crew' (as she calls it), but moved to Chicago with his family when his father earned a promotion not long after his eighth birthday. He moved back last year, and the three of you have been close to inseparable since.
He is helpful, reliable, good-looking, and just smart enough to be Vivian feel smart. He is also denser than a neutron star when it comes to romance, having sent away many would-be suitors into the dreaded friendzone with a few nice words and a warm hug.
You ship him with Vivian, and have been subtly nudging him into ask her out, though your efforts have borne little success. Maybe you should try nudging Vivian?
Strong - These muscles aren't just for show, ya'know! (+5 to Combat Rolls) Marksman - Being on the school archery team has done wonder for your aim. (+5 to Combat Rolls) Helpful - Whenever there's someone in need, you'll be there to help! Most of the time. (+10 to Allies' Rolls, +5 to Bond Rank Increase Attempts, +5 to Charm Rolls) Handsome - You're far from lacking in the looks department... (Slight increase in Romantic Interest from members of the opposite sex, +5 to Charm Rolls) Oblivious to Romance - Cupid's arrows keep missing you for some reason... (Significant Increase in Difficulty for someone to woo you) Smart - You've finally studied, and now your brain is bigger! (+10 to Intelligence Rolls) ??? - ???
An underclassmen whose charm and cheekiness caught Vivian's attention enough to accept her into her 'crew', as well as being the daughter to a close friend of your father. She is the third daughter to Oliver Donnovan, owner of the Donnovan and Sons Custom Vehicle Workshop. Her skill in machinery is nearly unmatched by most other in Featherdale, though working in oil and overalls was never her driving passion.
She has her eyes on Joshua and joined the Archery team to this end. However, she is unsure if she wants to go beyond and risk getting friendzoned. You support her endeavor, adding yet another contender in your shipping chart besides your sister.
Grease Monkey - You have a gift for working with machines. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls, -10 to Difficulty Checks involving Machinery) Street-smart - You know the lay of the streets, and what to do to not get mugged (+10 to Charm Rolls on common folk, -10 to Charm Rolls on high society) Cheeky - Your words have a way of messing with others in the most amusing ways. (+5 to Charm Rolls) Lovestruck - You're head-over-heels in love with Joshua Kent and it messes with you sometimes. (-5 to all rolls when doing something in the vicinity of Joshua Kent) ??? - ???
- Multitool
Name:Adam Lannister Age: 17 Gender: Male Relationship: Close Acquaintance Stats:
- Health: 100/100 Bio:
The son to the CEO of Lannister Enterprise, Silber Corp's rival and occasional business partner. He is half-Japanese and half-British, with a quiet demeanor and an eye for detail. He was introduced to you and Vivian during one of the corporate galas held by Silber Corp to commemorate the success of of a joint-venture involving some kind of medicinal herb.
The three of you hit it off easily and snuck off ten minutes after to waste time at an arcade util your respective parents found you and hauled you home.
Mainly home-schooled, he transferred to Featherdale last year into the tenth grade due to his studies not matching up with the current eleventh grade academic curriculum. He doesn't mind, and instead considers it a challenge for his skills.
Genius - Smart doesn't even begin to describe how intelligent you are (+30 to Intelligence rolls, can choose to automatically pass a DC of any kind twice per day) Karate Practitioner (Amateur) - You won't be flipping and kicking like Bruce Lee, but you're still dangerous. (+10 to Combat Rolls) Handsome - You're far from lacking in the looks department... (Slight increase in Romantic Interest from members of the opposite sex, +5 to Charm Rolls) Connected - You have friends in very high places who can occasionally pull some strings for you. (Gain Favors (5)) Loaded - Money will not be an issue for you. (Personal funds will never drop under $600, +10 to Charm Rolls) Introverted - You aren't a people person... (-5 to Charm Rolls, -10 to Bond Rank Establishment Rolls, -5 to Bond Rank Increase attempts) ??? - ???
An elder sister with a protective streak a mile wide who initially befriended Vivian due to their similar tastes in fashion and food. Real friendship blossomed when she got involved in a fight against bullies whose pranks on her younger brother went too far, which prompted Vivian and the rest of her 'crew' to pitch in and help keep the bullies in place while you fetched a teacher. Carla's loyalty to her and the group as a whole has since become unshakable.
Though beautiful in looks and her own way, her reputation as a fighter has mostly distanced her from most of the school save Vivian and the 'crew'. You've spoken to her and, though your conversations rarely last beyond a few sentences, you can tell she is an earnestly good person behind all the angst.
You've even met her younger brother once. While he expresses embarrassment for his sister's overprotective antics, he never said he disliked them.
Fit Body - You've exercised a lot to get your muscles, and you're proud of it. (+10 to Combat Rolls) Mixed Martial Artist (Amateur) - You've trained to kick people's asses and are quite good at it. (+10 to Combat Rolls) Beautiful - You turn heads wherever you go (+5 to Charm Rolls) Loyal - Those who earn your trust also earn your skills. (+5 to all rolls when working with someone you have a Bond to) Prickly - You are not a people person. At. All. (-15 to Charm Rolls, -5 to Bond Increase Attempts)
??? - ???
- Tiny Teddy Bear
Name: Jonathan Jobston (Johnathan Joestar) Age: 16 (266) Gender: Male Relationship: Close Acquaintance Stats:
- Health: 100/100 Bio:
A young man and classmate who recently transferred into Featherdale High School. He is kind and friendly, and his good looks have bewitched many young women whose eyes land on him. Even Elizabeth has fallen to his charms, but isn't stupid enough to act on her hormones
Recently, you discovered that his real name is Johnathan Joestar and is actually a vampire who seeks a potion known as Luna's Pardon, rumoured to be a cure for his vampirism. His gained his vampiric abilities against his will, when his adopted brother stabbed him with a dagger Johnathan unearth on an archaeological expedition to South America. The dagger put him into a death-like state for a week, and he woke up in a coffin six feet underground.
He has since spent the last two centuries looking for the ingredients need to create the Luna's Pardon, but discovered too late that the main ingredient needed to make the potion, Lycan Venom, is no longer available as the Lycan race has been rendered extinct.
Handsome – Your looks remind many of Victorian-era nobility (Slight increase in Romantic Interest from members of the opposite sex, +5 to Charm Rolls) Chivalrous – Chivalry isn't dead. You're living proof of it! (+10 to Charm Rolls on common folk and high society, Slight Increase to Romantic interest from members of the opposite sex) Kind-hearted – Your heart is made of gold. (+10 to Charm Rolls) Strong – Your physical strength is impressive. (+5 to Combat Rolls) Smart – You have some brain to back up the brawn and looks. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls) Old Vampire – You are an old vampire, a supernatural entity that sustains itself by consuming blood that has survived for more than a century. (Gain Racial Perks)
- Vampire Physiology: +30 to Combat Rolls, +20 Health, +30 to Magic Rolls, Replaces Mana with Blood
- Bloodsteel Arms: Gain +N to Combat Rolls for -N Blood (max is 60)
- Will-Breaking Gaze: +30 to Charm Rolls, +30 to Stealth Rolls
- Life-Stealer: Deal 1d10 additional damage per successful attack and gain 1d15 Health per successful attack against living enemies
A young man and Rockafeller native, known in Featherdale High as 'that one guy who can get you anything for a price'. He is a friend of sorts to your twin and her crew, and holds her indebted to him for buying snacks and putting it on her 'tab'. Though most consider him too frosty and somewhat unpleasant to approach, beneath all that is a good and friendly person.
He saved you from being bullied by the resident bully squad, and gave you a Snickers bar to help you calm down. You don't much about him other than that.
Rugged and Reliable – You're the go-to man for stuff, being reliable and rugged is only natural (+10 to Charm Rolls on common folk, -10 to Charm Rolls on high society, Slight Increase to Romantic interest from members of the opposite sex) Jock – Being a member of the school swimming team does this to you (+10 to Combat Rolls) Street-smart – You know your way around the 'hood (+5 to Intelligence Rolls, +5 to Combat Rolls) Loyal – Those who earn your trust, you will bleed for (+5 to all rolls when working with someone you have a Bond to) Brave – You ain't scared of nothin'! (No maluses when fighting against superior enemies, Slight Increase to Romantic interest from members of the opposite sex) ??? - ???
-Faded Photo
The Fairer Sex - Choose to play as a female during character selection
The Fairer Sibling - Choose to have a twin sister during character creation
[x] Sister's
[x] Snuggle right next to them, then, shout at their ear.
You come up with a devious plan that doesn't involve Cujo or a bucket of water. You step into the room, footstep quiet and eyes focused. You tiptoe past the piles of dirty clothing, round the large stacks of Japanese romance manga, and through a narrow gap between a pile of unopened textbooks and a laptop to reach the bed. You slip into it and snuggle close, being careful to not make any excessive movements and noises loud enough to wake the other occupant on the bed.
Said occupant rolls over in her sleep, mumbling about honey and how sweet it was. From here, your sister looked so precious. Adorable, even. For a split second, you feel some semblance of guilt stab into your heart.
Then you think of how troublesome it is to wake up every morning, go downstairs, cook breakfast for five (the fifth portion being divvied into four to satisfy everyone), and then going back up to wake her.
You grin and tuck a lock of her hair behind an ear, taking a deep breath.
Your shout has the desired effect of waking up your twin. Your twin screams herself awake in panic, flailing madly in her bedsheets before tumbling off the bed. You prop yourself up on one elbow and count to three.
A head of pale blonde bed hair rises from the other end of the bed, flat amber eyes glaring daggers at you. You smile cheekily and roll off the bed to your feet. Vivian was never good at intimidating, especially right after your loud wake-up call.
"Morning!" you chirp. "Breakfast's downstairs. Mom and Dad are there too."
"I hate you so much right now." she grumbles, rising to her feet and dusting off her pyjamas.
You politely look away and start ambling out the room, whistling cheerily. You arrive at the door and turn around in time to catch a baseball with your right hand. The impact stings, but you don't let it show on your face as you set it down gently on her study table. Her glare is murderous, but still ineffective against you.
"Still need to work on your aim there, sister dear." You smirk. She sends you a one-finger salute. "Better hurry before all the flapjacks are gone."
That catches her attention, and your twin becomes a blur of frantic movement as she rushes past you into the bathroom. You go back into her room and pick up her towel. The bathroom door opens and Vivian's hand sticks out, her hand open expectantly. You hand her the towel, then head back downstairs.
"I take it from the noise that she wasn't happy about being woken up?" Dad smirks.
"Not in the least." You shrug, sitting down at the table and pour yourself some OJ.
"You two are evil, you know that?" Mom pouts reproachfully at you both. "A girl's gotta have her beauty sleep, you know!"
"Beauty sleep my ass." You roll your eyes as you spoon a few flapjacks onto your plate. "She spends more time asleep than she does awake. It's like she's a bear in hibernation."
"She's part of the girls' baseball team. All the running and sliding and bat swinging is real tiring, so she needs the extra sleep." She huffs, angrily biting into a piece of toast.
"Honey, that four months ago." Dad pipes in, sipping his coffee. Mom twitches.
"And she didn't even win the tourney." You add. She twitches again.
"I-It was a friendly match!" she tries again.
"Against kids." Dad intervenes again.
"W-Well, she, she..." Mom flounders, eyes darting between you and Dad. "Y-Y-You're both so mean!"
You and Dad bring up your cups of coffee and sip simultaneously, trading fistbumps as you drink.
Still got it.
"Don't bother Mom," Vivian announces as she descends the stairs, tying up her hair into a low ponytail. "I'll never live that down now."
"Morning Viv." Dad greets, sipping his coffee as she seats herself across from you. "Slept in again, I see."
"Your powers of observation astound me , Dad." Vivian rolls her eyes as she spoons flapjacks onto her plate. "I was up late last night, finishing up some homework."
"Sure," Dad grins, eyes crinkling knowingly. Vivian doesn't meet his gaze, murmuring something under the breath.
"Are you two ready for today?" Mom asks, demurely cutting into a flapjack. "All your books and stationery in order? Nothing missing?"
"All good, thanks." Vivian nods at . "Got my bag all packed up and ready to go."
"I left mine in my room." You finish up your cup of joe and rise from your seat. "I'll go get it."
You pad back up the stairs (again) and enter your room. You find our bag and check its contents, satisfied that all your notebooks and stationery are where you left them, and sling it over your shoulder.
Before you leave, you check the mirror and don your glasses. You weren't going to school blind, nosiree.
You smirk at your reflection, tossing your single low-tied ponytail over a shoulder.
It was true that you took after your Dad and Vivian took after Mom, it was there in the looks; you had black hair while Vivi was blonde, albeit a paler shade of it. Your jawline was angular with a shaper chin while your twin's curved far gentler with a more feminine definition. But you had your mother's amethyst eyes while your twin inherited Dad's amber orbs.
You considered dyeing your hair blonde once or twice, if only to see how your family would react. You gave up on it after some thought; it wasn't worth the hassle, really.
Bag in hand, you descend the stairs and pass your father along the way. He shoots you a smile and you answer in kind as you pass by. You reach the bottom of the stairs in time to catch your mother donning an apron, the dishes safely in the sink. You pad over and give her a quick hug before walking over to the shoe rack to put on your sneakers. You hear the car start, and the engine rev a few times. Vivian must be in it already.
"Dad?" you call out, rising.
"Coming, coming." He exits the downstairs bathroom, adjusting his necktie. He was drab in office wear with a black office coat. He gives Mom a quick peck on the lips and a quiet 'see you later' before padding over to you. "Where're my shoes?"
You set both leather shoes down without looking, offering a wad of socks as you finish donning yours.
"I'll wait in the car with Vivi. Make sure she doesn't break it." You tell him and stand. "Later Mom!"
"Look out for your sister!" she pokes her head out of the kitchen and shoots you a smile. "Have fun!"
You laugh. Fun, in high school? Riiiiight.
You exit the house and pad across the front yard into the garage, find the black Ford four-by-four humming patiently in its place beside a tiny bright red Voltzwagen. You check the front passenger seat just in case-
The window rolls down to reveal Vivian's smirking face
"Shotgun." She says, and rolls the pane back up again.
You stare at it for a moment, then huff in disappointment and settle for the back seat. Dad takes his place in the driver's seat a moment later.
"Alrighty," he shifts the gear stick into reverse and slowly backs the car out the driveway. "You girls ready for another day at school?"
"No." Vivian answers, clipping her seatbelt in place.
"Yep." You chirp, a little bit happy that you don't have to put on a seatbelt like your sister. "Got all my homework and revisions done like I was supposed to."
"Great!" he beams, shifting the gear stick again and prompting the car to move forward. "I've got a lot of work to do and I won't be back 'till the day after tomorrow. Be sure to help your mother and keep the house clean while I'm gone, okay?"
"Sure thing!" you beam. "Also, it's Vivi's turn to walk Cujo."
"Traitor." Your twin hisses at you via the rear-view mirror. You stick your tongue back at her.
"Ah, I almost forgot about that." Dad nods. "Thanks for reminding me, dear. Vivi, you know what to do."
"But I've got something to do on Thursday!" Vivian whines. You stifle a laugh; oh, how many fantasies would be ruined if she ever did that at school… "Can't Mom or sis it instead?"
"I did it last week for Mom when she had something to do at her shop." You pitch in. "And the week before that, and the week before that when you asked me to cover for you while you went out. And you still haven't gotten me that popsicle you promised."
"I-I was going to!" she looks away, flustered. "I just- just forgot, okay?"
"Sure you did." You nod. "Like you forgot about the math test today."
"Math te- that's today?!" she spins towards you, wide eyed and panicking. Dad laughs.
"Looks like somebody didn't study~" he singsongs. 'And you know what happens when some fails a test~"
"Grounded~ Grounded~" you singsong along, waggling your fingers. "All week long~"
"Shut up!" Vivian snaps, cheeks pinks. "I won't fail! Just you wait, I'll ace that test and make you eat your words!"
You smirk. In her dreams.
You three continue to chat and tease Vivian for the next ten minutes before finally arriving at your school; Featherdale High. Already, there is a flow of students making their way into the building or grouping up with their friends and respective cliques. A few heads turn to the car as it slows down.
"See you later Dad!" you hop out, waving at him. "Love you!"
"Love you too, hun." He smiles at you. "Take care!"
You close the door and watch the car speed off, taking a right and immediately going onto the highway leading to town; Rockafeller. You wait until the car has disappeared over the horizon before actually making your way into the school proper.
You follow the flow of student into the hallway, blending into the crowd and making yourself less visible to the more… rowdier students. Those who wanted to get to know Vivian through you. It was no secret that the two of you were siblings, given how close you two are and how often you interact with each other. The two of you even shared a few classes together, Math and Biology. But such attention is one of the many problems with being one of the 'cool kids' and you have long since developed ways to deal with it.
You round a corner and make a beeline for your locker, one of your few bastions of normalcy in the madness that is high school. The lock opens to your usual number combination, Cujo's birthday, and you take stock of what you have inside.
Choose 3:
[][Perk] Smart – Some call you a nerd. You wipe away your fake tears with an A+ test paper in their faces. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls)
[][Perk] Fit Body – Your sister isn't the only one who exercises… (+5 to Combat Rolls)
[][Perk] Sweet Talker– You have a way with words that most others lack. (+5 to Charm Rolls)
[][Perk] Sneaky – You're like a shadow, quiet and unnoticeable… most of the time. (+5 to Stealth Rolls)
[][Perk] Team Player– People like it when you're in a group with them. (+5 to all rolls when working in a group)
It all matches up.
You notice something off about the schedule; your name has worn out. Well, it has been a while and there were plenty of people in school with sticky fingers…
You pull out a pen and jot down your name.
[][Name] Write-in.
That done, you check the time. 7.31 AM, still a half-hour before class. Plenty of time to do… something. The question is; what?
[] Find Vivian.
[] Wait for your friends
[] Turn in your homework
[] Get a snack to eat
[] Walk around…
[][Perk] Smart – Some call you a nerd. You wipe away your fake tears with an A+ test paper in their faces. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls)
[][Perk] Sweet Talker– You have a way with words that most others lack. (+5 to Charm Rolls)
[][Perk] Sneaky – You're like a shadow, quiet and unnoticeable… most of the time. (+5 to Stealth Rolls)
[][Name] Thana.
[] Find Vivian.
Gained Perks: Smart – Some call you a nerd. You wipe away your fake tears with an A+ test paper in their faces. (+10 to Intelligence Rolls) Sweet Talker– You have a way with words that most others lack. (+5 to Charm Rolls) Sneaky – You're like a shadow, quiet and unnoticeable… most of the time. (+5 to Stealth Rolls)
The answer comes to you immediately; you sister. It's almost a routine now that you think about it; whenever our friends weren't around, you'd go after your sister to bug her for a bit until classes start or until your friends came to bring you with them to whatever it is they were going to do. You don't do much around your sister when you go to her, merely chatting the time away or helping her with some last minute homework she hadn't finished the night before.
You stifle a laugh and close your locker before making your way to Vivian's locker a hallway down. You immediately find her being surrounded by her little groupie and close to a dozen others you don't recognize, likely her admirers who're trying their luck in catching her attention.
"Oh, hey! It's Thana!" one Vivian's friends says, waving a hand. The admirers part before you like the Nile did for Moses, and you stifled a giggle. "Hi!"
"Morning, Joshua." You beam at him. "No morning practice?"
"Nah. The coach figured I could use some time off the range, let me cool off after the tourney last week." The redhead shrugged. "I think he's just running out of training exercises for me to do."
"To be fair, you breeze through all of them like nothing." Hailee pipes in. "No-one's really able to shoot an arrow as good as you, Jay."
"You're just jealous that I can do it better than you!" Joshua grins back at her. "Miss 'Can't-Hit-a-50-Yard-Target!'"
"That was one time!" Hailee blushes. "I miss one time and no-one lets me live it down!"
"It didn't help that you were boasting about your accuracy earlier." Another voice chimes in. "What was it… 'Just watch, I'll get a bullseye and rub it in your face'?"
"Adam!" Hailee stomps her feet at the black-haired teen's words. "You're supposed to help me, not Josh!"
"Think of it as payback for hiding my glasses." Adam adjusts said occular sight construct with a flourish.
"Ugh, do you guys seriously have to do this every morning?" Carla asks, looking away from her locker to shoot a look at the bickering three. "Like, really?"
"""Yes.""" All three answer. Carla rolls her eyes and you take that moment to slip through and approach your sister.
"Hey Vi." You beam. "Whatcha doin'?"
"Go away." Your twin says distractedly, eyes glued onto her maths notebook filled with incomplete formulae and doodles of your maths professor breathing scribbles. "I'm trying to study."
"Like you did last night?" you grin when she turns to glare at you. "Man, you have a really spacious head if you can cram even more learning after studying long enough to sleep in"
"Shaddup." She looks away, flustered. "Shaddap and go away."
"Hm~" you lean on her locker door, grinning wider. "Nah."
"Josh!" Vivian studiously tries to ignore you. "Get rid of my sister!"
"Hm? What's the matter, trouble in paradise?" The redhead walks over, the over following suit.
"My dear sister's having some difficulty remembering the lessons she ignored for the math test that's coming up later." You inform him. "She's panicking about it and trying to refresh her memory right now when she should've done it last night."
"Bitch." She murmurs under her breath. You poke her side in response, drawing a squeak and a glare from her.
"Oh yeah, you two share math together right? Under Professor Morrison?" Josh, Adam, and Hailee wince as one. "Ouch."
"I'll book a spot in the cemetery." Adam says consolingly to Vivian. "And a tombstone too. What do you want written on it?"
"Just put 'Here lays the Rough-and-Tumble Queen of Featherdale High' and be done with it." Carla closes her locker to peer at Vivian's frantic studying efforts. "Cause of death, detention."
"None of you have any idea how bad Prof Morrison is when some in his class fails." Vivian murmurs, eyes still glued to her book. "I've seen what he has people do, guys. I was there and I'll never get it out of my head. Ever."
"Now you're just being overdramatic." You roll your eyes, also having experienced Professor Morrison's brand of detention yourself and come out perfectly fine. "He's not that bad."
Vivian glares at you, but the fear in her eyes makes it look amusing rather than terrifying. You huff a laugh and pet her head consolingly like a distressed pet. Vivian sighs, leaning a tiny bit into your touch before you pull away. She was never one to pull away from your headpats.
"Tell you what," you start--
[] "I'll give you some of my answers when the test starts."
[] "Come see me during recess and I'll tutor the parts you don't get."
[] "You can have my maths notebook and study with it for the time being."
Vivian's eyes light up.
"Really?" she breathes, hopeful and happy at once.
What's this?
"Yes, really." You roll your eyes. "It's not like I need any help with it. You're the only problem child in the family."
Another one?
"Bitch." Vivian bats your shoulder and everyone laughs, though you catch the spark of gratitude in her eyes and the slight upwards tug of her lips. "Thanks."
"No biggie." You wave her off.
[] Look for your friends
[] Turn in your homework
[] Get a snack to eat
[] Talk to...
- [] Vivian
- [] Joshua
- [] Adam
- [] Hailee
- [] Carla
[] Walk around…
Last edited:
Handing in Homework, with Friends! [Morning - 1/4]
[] "Come see me during recess and I'll tutor the parts you don't get.
[] Turn in your homework
You glance at your watch. 7.43 AM, still enough time to do one more thing. You mull it over and do a mental shrug to yourself, coming to a decision. You shuffle through your textbooks and find several sheets of paper clipped together at their top left corners. On them are diagrams and hypotheses, as well and experimental procedures and the estimated results. Your Biology assignment, due today. You thank your lucky stars that you finished them early, otherwise your teacher would have your head.
"I'll see you guys later, a'ight?" you shoot Vivian a smile, tucking your finished assignment safely in between the ages of a book. "I've got homework to submit."
"Don't people usually submit those things during class?" Hailee blinks.
"They do, but I like give it to the teachers ahead of time so that I'll have more free time in class and not have to worry about everything." You shrug.
"Very studious of you." Adam nods, almost impressed. You beam at him, happy to be complimented so early in the day.
"Teacher's pet." Vivian rolls her eyes. "Just don't forget about recess."
"Me? Forget something?" you blink owlishly. "Josh, be a dear and make sure nothing's wrong with Vivian, will you? I think she has indigestion." you ask your childhood friend, ignoring your twin's indignant squawk and the ensuing snickering from everyone else. "I'll buy you a drink if you do."
"I'll check, no need for the bribery." Joshua laughs, smiling despite Vivian smacking a book on his shoulder. "I'd like to join you two on that tutoring session though, if that's alright?"
"Totally." You grin and trade fistbumps. "Laters."
You slink away as Vivian's crew erupt into shenanigans that draw the eye of almost everyone else in the vicinity. You pad down the hall, round a few corners, greet the janitors you come across, and come to a stop at the staff room.
You open the door and are greeted by a mix of various smells that range from ink on warm paper to various kinds of colognes and perfumes. Inside are close to two dozen small table-cubicles arranged into neat squares. You make your way to one of these squares and beside the one occupying it.
Your biology professor, James Anderson, hears you approach and turns to you an unlit pipe hanging from his lips. He is old, with a stubble made up entirely out of white hairs and a face that is more wrinkles than clear skin. His hair is receding and deep crow's feet are etched onto the corners of his eyes. But he smiles and accepts you completed assignment with weathered hands. He gives it a cursory once over before nodding and placing it on his table.
Professor James was among the most well-liked among the student body, with many of his students considering him a surrogate grandfather of sorts. His apparent age cements and rumors of an eventual retirement serve only to cement that thought further.
"Your handwriting needs work, but other than that everything looks to be in perfect order." He smiles. You make a happy sound at the compliment and hold your hands at your lap. "I wish every other student I grade would follow your example, Thana. Less grading to do at home and even less stress to deal with."
"We can't always have what we want, sir." You shrug, grinning. "We just have to make do with what we have."
"Isn't that a truth." He chuckles, voice like creaking wood and shifting sandpaper. "And I see you left your friends alone this time."
Before you get to question him, something bumps into you. A large hand settles on your shoulder and rattles your bones.
"Leaving people out to dry is a very bad thing to do, you know?" a voice tells you sounds the world stops moving. You purse your lips and poke to your right. "Eep!"
"Elizabeth," you sigh, turning to her. "How many times do I have to tell you to knock it off with that non-sense?"
The petite blonde beside you pouts, rubbing her side. She huffs and looks away, not deigning to answer. You then turn to her partner in crime, whose height and bulk casts you into shadow.
"And you." You put your hands on your hips, eyes narrowed in disapproval. "Don't you think I don't see you with your favouritism, mister! You're only supposed to listen to me!"
Oscar raises a brow and quirks a half-smile, as though amused at your displeasure. He hands two more paper-clipped paper assignments to an amused Professor James, who gives both a cursory once over and an approving nod.
"Everything's in order." He says. "A's for all three of you."
"Huzzah!" Elizabeth cheers. You poke her again, and she bats your shoulder in answer.
"We'll see you in class then, Professor." You nod respectfully. He waves at you as you lead your friends out.
"Let this be a lesson for you." Elizabeth wags a finger. "Try not to repeat this again and mayhaps myself and Oscar would think twice than to barge in on your receiving of approval from Professor Anderson."
"I can see you lying from here, ya'know." You retort dryly. "You know what happens when people lie, Liz."
"I-I have no idea what you're talking about." The petite blonde huffs, looking away.
"Suuuure you don't. See if you get any help from me when class starts." You state with a smirk and march onwards to class. You can feel Oscar's footfalls following you, drowned out by Elizabeth's stuttering apologies. "Anyway, you two heard anything interesting today?"
"N-No." Elizabeth takes a moment to calm down, shooting daggers at you with her eyes. "But I did happen to overhear people talking about a new transfer student starting today."
Oscar grunts his affirmation, followed by a single shoulder shrug. So, not entirely certain. If it was, it would've been the talk of the school and one of Vivian's friends would've mentioned it. You don't particularly mind, but...
"Any chance the transfer's going to end up in our class?" you ask.
"It would definitely be a pleasant change of pace." Elizabeth nods. "Having someone new to speak interesting things with would be refreshing than the mere common droll uttered by the school's masses. Really, just how long could a person talk about some female singer with a clearly fake posterior?"
"Who're you talking about?" you raise a brow at her. "Nikki Minaj?"
"She claims everything she has is 'natural', but it is clear to me as day!" Elizabeth pumps a hand, as though to reaffirm some. "The size and shape are simply too large and uniform to be natural! All natural, poppypock I say!"
"Oookay, I think you've read enough celebrity gossip magazines." You grab her shoulder and usher her into the classroom amidst the chatter and humdrum. She looks petulant, but poke on her nose courtesy of Oscar shuts her up and earns him an adorable glare.
Aah, such a peaceful life.
The three of you take your seats just as the first bell rings. Your homeroom teacher steps in a few minutes later, a student you don't recognize. You blink and trade looks with your friends. They look equally as surprised as you are. Well, what were the odds?
"Good morning everyone." Your homeroom teacher starts. You all greet back appropriately. "Now, before we get into today's lessons, I'm sure some of you have heard rumors about a new transfer student moving here." A few hushed murmurs arise, but don't last too long. "Well, allow me to put an end to all that by saying that yes, there is a new transfer. And he's standing right here." Your teacher gestures to the student. "Go on, introduce yourself."
The student steps forward. The class falls silent as they appraise him.
"Greetings." He starts. "My name is Johnathan Jobston, but you may refer to me as Jojo. I hail from England, more precisely London. I moved here only recently and seek to attain the best possible level of education to pursue a high standing profession." He bows his head." I hope we can all get along."
Johnathan Jobston. You roll the name on your tongue as you consider the new arrival standing at the front of the class.
Tall, broad shouldered, straight-backed, with an impressive physique and a head of hair so dark that it almost looks purple. His skin is lighter shade of brown and his posture indicates strong self-discipline. His face is... handsome, in an aristocratic way. Like a nobleman from one of Vivian's many Victorian-era sappy romance novels.
You can see a few of your fellow female classmates develop blushes as they run their gazes up and down his form, and you would be lying if you said you were unaffected by his appearance yourself.
But the feature that catches your attention the most is his eyes.
They are a light shade of green, crisp and still like stained glass in a church cathedral.
The class gives a polite applause and you join in, if only to not feel left out. Johnathan smiles and inclines his head, smiling in a way that reminds your of gratitude and... relief.
"Great!" your homeroom teacher nods readily. "Now, as Jojo's still new here, I'd like to assign one of you guys to give him a cursory tour of the school and maybe show him around town. Any volunteers?"
Several hands shoot up, all of them belonging to your female classmates, and murmurs fill the class. Elizabeth is among the few volunteering, and her face is determined. You glance to Oscar, who's looking at you with a raised brow and a slight upward tug of his lips. He waggles his brow and you look away, flushing lightly.
Why that no good-- Was he trying to imply something? You weren't like those skanks, you have standards! Good looks alone wouldn't be enough to--
"Ah, what about you, Miss Loering?" Your homeroom teacher calls out. Your train of thought comes to a screeching halt and you freeze. "I don't recall you having any clubs to attend offhand. Why don't you help your new classmate settle into Rockafeller?"
"I--" You start-
"I know you girls have stuff to do, clothes to try, and people to meet, so it doesn't have to be today even if its the most expedient way." Your homeroom teacher continues. "Just something you could considering doing on the weekend or whenever you have free time after school. You could even bring your friends."
"Sir, I--" You try again-
"I-It's alright, I wouldn't want to impose." Jonathan waves his hands disarmingly, with a resigned voice that stabs guilt into your heart like so many swords. "I'm confident I can learn to navigate through the school and Rockafeller by myself if need be. No need to cause unnecessary trouble for anyone else."
"If I could-" You raise your voice
"Aw, c'mon Thana!" One of your classmates says, clearly female. "How could you be so mean? Look at it him! You could at least show him around school!"
"Yeah!" Another classmate joins in. "A-And you could invite us with you!"
"Me too!" Another chimes in.
"Don't forget me!" And another.
"M-Myself as well!" Damn it, even Elizabeth?
You slam a book on your table with a loud crack and shut everyone up before more could speak up. Oscar is grinning, the bastard, while Elizabeth is looking at you with hope shining bright in her eyes. The transfer, Johnathan, is torn between worry and pleasant surprise. Everyone's on the edge of their seats, holding their breaths.
You honestly never expected a Monday to be this exciting.
"As I was saying." you clear your throat and rearrange your books into a neat pile. "I would be glad to."
Atta girl!
It wasn't like you could even consider declining once the transfer student spoke up and practically rallied everyone in class to pressure you into helping him. And besides... you weren't so heartless as to deny such an earnest request.
Were you?
"Great!" your homeroom teacher beams and everyone else practically cheers. You see Elizabeth beaming happily at you. The transfer student is smiling at you, in a way that is both happy an apologetic. "That settles that, then. You settle into the empty seat next to your guide, Johnathan. Everyone else, open your history textbooks and turn to page..."
You comply easily, keeping the transfer student in your peripheral vision as he makes his way to his seat. He stops for some reason and kneels down, picking something up and offering it to you. A pen. Your pen.
You must've sent it flying when you slammed your book on the table.
"I believe this is yours." Johnathan smiles. "And... thank you. For agreeing to volunteer as my guide."
You smile back and reclaim your pen from his offered hand.
[] Give him a quick tour of the school at recess, you'll make it up to Vivian later.
[] Let Oscar and Elizabeth show him around, you have a twin to tutor.
[] Give him a quick tour of the school tomorrow, you have a tutoring session to do.
[] Give him half a tour, and bring him with you to your tutoring session with Vivian and Joshua.
[] Give him a quick tour of the school tomorrow, you have a tutoring session to do.
Classes fly by as they usually do. You give Jojo some study tips and share your textbook with him when Biology rolls around and he proves to not have it. His apologetic smile is nowhere near enough to stave off the jealous glares your female classmates shoot at your back or Oscar's quiet snickering.
Never before has your patience been tested this rigorously.
So help you God, if you hear another jealous fangirl whisper something behind your back...
Luckily for them, the recess bell rings before you have to get your hands bloody and the class files out with murmurs and looks sent your way. You ignore them all in favor of leading your friends and Jojo into the hallway. Eyes are immediately drawn to Jojo's form and whispers break out. You ignore them too, through the use of inhuman patience and willpower.
You reach your locker and put your things away, exchanging textbooks and notes from past lessons for ones that you'll need for the coming test and to tutor Vivian with. Jojo looks around as you work, taking everything in with a small amount of curiosity.
"Right. Well," you clear your throat, turning to your friends plus charge. "Firstly; welcome to Rockafeller and Featherdale High School Jojo. I hope your stay here will be to your liking and won't involve any visits to the principle's office."
"Thank you." the young man before you nods politely.
"Proper introductions; I'm Thana Loering and these two" you gesture to Elizabeth and Oscar. "Are my friends. The shortstack is Elizabeth Marrow, while the giant is Oscar O'Neil."
Elizabeth swats your shoulder while Oscar's own shake with soundless laughter. Jojo observes both with wide, perhaps even happy, eyes.
"A pleasure to meet you both." The transfer student extends his hand to hand Oscar's first and Elizabeth's second. The petite girl practically has a cherry tomato for a head now, and has drawn the ire of every girl within twenty feet of Jojo. "I may have said this earlier, but I feel as though it needs to be repeated; I hope we can all get along."
"O-O-Of course!" Elizabeth squeaks, smiling happily. The glares into her back and yours intensify greatly.
Oscar smiles and nods, patting Jojo's back once but with enough force to send him staggering forward a step. Jojo looks pleasantly surprised and grins back. Oh, is that the start of a bromance?
Heh. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Eh. Probably not.
Oh. Guess not.
"Now, I did volunteer to show you around the school, and I will." you collect your books, cradling them in the crook of your elbow. "Don't get me wrong, I'm a woman of my word and I rarely ever go leave a job half-done..."
"But you have prior arrangements?" Jojo half-smiles, finishing your sentence. You have the grace to look sheepish. "I see."
Aww, that's no fun. Unless...
"It's my twin sister, Vivian. You might've seen I think; blonde, amber eyes, dresses mostly in black and looks like an angsty character from a cheap romance novel?" Jojo chokes down a laugh even as Elizabeth giggles and Oscar grins broadly. "I take it you have?"
Nah, I'll save it for later.
"I... may have wandered past a young woman with a similar description as the one you speak of." Jojo nods. "She was surrounded by others and a... rather large number of followers."
"That's her." You nod. "We share a class later today, maths. Said class has a test coming up and the professor running it has a rep for being really harsh to the students who don't pass." you shrug. "Professor Morrison's punishments aren't as bad as everyone says, really."
"No, but they are... somewhat humiliating." Elizabeth chimes in. Oscar nods.
"C'mon, not you guys too!" you sigh. "Look, all I'm saying is that Prof Morrison isn't a bad person and his punishments aren't as bad as people make it out to be. That's all." you adjust your grip on your books. "Now, as I was saying, my twin hasn't been studying and if she fails said maths test, she won't only have to contend with Prof Morrison's punishment but she'll also be grounded for a week."
"Ah, I see." Jojo's half-smile turns into a full blown grin. "And so she has begged you for help?"
Oh my, such a responsible sibling.
"More like I offered." You smile back. "Some last-minute tutoring won't do much for her, but it might just be enough for her to scrape through with. It'll be better than failing outright, at least."
And kind, too! Oh, how I wish mine was too...
"I see. That greatly clarifies things." Jojo nods reasonably. "Then you would be guiding me through the school tomorrow?"
"Certainly, good sir." you curtsy. "Until then, I'm afraid you'll have to make do with my two minions here. They can help you find your way to the cafeteria, unless their bumbling efforts are lead to you three getting lost. Which I doubt, but is still a very likely possibility."
"Oscar, please hit her for me." Elizabeth directs a pair of soulful eyes and a quivering lower lip at the giant. "Please?"
"And now I must be on my way. See you guys later." you smirk at Oscar, ducking out of his reach and skipping away before he can put his physical strength to use.
Your skip around a corner and eventually slow down to a walk. You stop by a vending machine and buy yourself a few snacks that you finish off on your way to the library. The librarian would have your head if you ate inside and you don't want that, nosiree.
The entrance to the library is marked by a plaque above the doors that reads 'FEATHERDALE HIGH LIBRARY.' Stuck to one of the door is a cheerful picture of a cat wearing a pair of glasses sitting between several large stacks of books. A speech bubble from the cat features the words 'Peace and Quiet is Purrfect for Studying.' You giggle at that picture as you move through the doors and into the library proper. You've always wondered how Mrs. Hansen got her cat to sit still long enough to take that picture.
The Featherdale school library is pretty spacious in itself, with enough room to house close to sixty large bookshelves split evenly across two floors and close to two dozen small tables and chairs for studying. There was even leftover space for a six sets of three beanbag chairs, plush fur carpeting, and fifteen desktop computers.
There aren't many students inside yet, but you catch some of the more dedicated bibliophiles scurrying between the bookshelves in search new reading material and a good place to read them. You head to your usual studying/reading spot close to an AC outlet and settle in.
You go through your textbook and revise your lesson notes, doing a few exercises to pass the time. It take your twin and Joshua ten minutes to arrive, at which point you have already compiled a few notes for them to go through.
Ooh, how studious!
"You're late." you greet them without look up from your notebook.
"Well, the big lug insisted on lunch first before we got to studying." Vivian gestures to Joshua with a roll of her eyes as she sits down.
"You can't study on an empty stomach!" Joshua speaks up, prompting you to shush him. He grimaces apologetically and sits down. "Sorry."
"You and that voice of yours..." you roll your eyes, remember how often his loud voice got you three in trouble. "Did you at least feed Vivian before you got here?"
"I did. She's picky though." Joshua crinkles his nose. "And has a really weird taste in food. I mean, pineapple flavored chips? Who eats those?"
"Ugh, I know right?" you agree, handing out lesson notes to them both. "One time she made apple salad with soy sauce. Nearly gave dad a heart attack when he saw her eating it."
"No way, really?"
"Oh yeah, and that's just with fruits. You won't believe what she makes with ice cream."
"I'm right here you bitch I will kill you."
[] Focus on the more likely questions that might come out (DC 15 Intelligence, temporarily gives Vivian and Joshua +10 to Intelligence Rolls)
[] Focus on the less likely test questions might come out (DC 15 Intelligence, temporarily gives Vivian and Joshua +10 to Intelligence Rolls)
[] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temprary+5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
Good Tutor, Good-Enough Students [Afternoon - 1/4]
[] Go for broke and cover everything that's been taught so far. (DC 30 Intelligence, gives Vivian and Joshua the Smart perk if successful or a temporary +5 to Intelligence Rolls if not)
Tutoring Rolls The Teacher
Rolled: (48+10 [Perk: Smart]+10 [Bond: Samantha Loering]+5 [Item: Half an Aquamarine Pendant]) 73
Needed: 30 Pass!
The Students
-Vivian Loering-
Rolled: (30+5 [Item: Half an Aquamarine Pendant]) 35
Needed: 50 Fail! Gain temporary +5 to Intelligence Rolls!
Your tutoring session focuses on all of the lessons you've been taught so far, with compact notes that touch on the core formulae and the branch formulae that derive from it for specific problems. There aren't many lessons to cover, thank God, but the ones you do cover are pretty heavy themselves and each take some time for you to go over.
There isn't much time, but you do the best you can with what you have.
Your teachings are simple and easy to understand, using small words and questions from past tests. You do each formula and their derivatives in front of your students, moving slowly and going over each technique calmly while giving both of them plenty of time to ask you questions.
To your pleasant surprise, Joshua, the least intellectually focused member of Vivian's clique and your twin's academic rival, is the first one who grasps your teachings and applies to the exercises you've given him. While his handwriting needs work and his calculating speed is slower than average, you can safely say that your childhood friend is now capable of facing any math test and pass with flying colors.
Your sister, though...
"So, wait, x goes here while the number goes here and then the numbers are multiplied and--"
"No, no," you sigh for the dozenth time and redraw the equation. "After you move x and y, you subtract the numbers in the brackets first and then you multiply them with the value outside it."
"Oh, so there's no need to add them together?" Vivian blinks. "But what about--"
"That's for algebra. This is quadratic expansion, sister dear." you tap your pencil tip at the aforementioned formula on your lesson notes. "You're not reading the names again. Go over it one more time, slowly, one by one."
"Gotcha." Vivian nods, eyes going over the lesson note. You track her gaze and nod approvingly.
"Got it? Good. Try again." you tap your pencil on the piece of paper. "And this time, please stick to the formula in the lesson notes, don't just make up your own on the spot."
"Yeah, yeah," Vivian scratches her frazzled hair and shooting a dirty look at her notebook, getting to work. "Geez, make me redo my work again why don'tcha?"
"C'mon Vi, suck it up." Joshua butts in. "Be grateful Thana even offered to help tutor us. It's not every day she does this."
"I am grateful. Really." your twin sighs as she writes. "It's just that I don't get the bull printed on these things. Why do they all have to be so complicated? Couldn't they make it simpler?"
"I've been making it simpler for you and you still don't get it." you sigh, removing your glasses to rub at your eyes. "It always ends up like this whenever you manage to beg me to help you study, I swear to God..."
"Hey, I'm trying!" Vivian shouts. Everyone else in the library shushes her. Your twin winces and tries again in a softer voice. "Not everyone's as smart as you, ya'know."
"Well, if they studied more often instead of dancing in their rooms to crappy Korean boy band music then everyone would be smart." you smirk when see your twin blush red. "But we can't all have what we want, can we?"
"Bitch." Vivian kicks you under the table.
"Oh, real mature. What's next, an atomic wedgie?" you roll your eyes with a smile as you bury your heel on her foot. Vivian jumps in her seat and glares daggers at you, kicking back.
"Maybe we should take a break?" Joshua offers, his own feet coming in to separate you two before your under-the-table kicking could intensify. "Recess' almost over anyway--"
"Recess! Crap!" Vivian packs up her things like a hurricane of grasping limbs and frazzled blonde hair. "I forgot about Hailee!"
"Shush!" you hiss, then blink. "Wait, wha--"
"Gottagothanksseeyalater!" your twin dashes out the library quicker than usual, disappearing through the doors in a flash of blonde and black cloth. She must've had something planned with Hailee and forgot about it in the throes of your tutoring session.
You look over the table and see your lesson notes floating down after her high-speed movements sent them flying. You bite back a sigh and pick them up quietly, rearranging them in the crook of your arm. They're all creased up and a little bit torn near the edges where she grabbed them.
You've gotten used to it; to being brushed off by your twin in favor of her friends. She has her own life to attend to and you have yours, but still...
It hurts being set aside like that.
It will be okay.
"She and Hailee had something planned for recess. They said something about trying some stuff Hailee'd found on Youtube yesterday." Joshua says, eyes soft. "Vi said she was interested and promised to meet up sometime in the middle of recess after she got some tutoring done, but--"
"I get it, I get it." you sigh. "Time flies by when you're busy and studying takes a lot of time." you start rearranging your notes. "I guess we'll just have to continue at home."
"Yeah." Joshua smiles. "Need any help with that when you're going back to your locker?"
"I'm good, thanks." you decline. "Nothing I can't handle. What about you? Got anything planned after this?"
"Nothin'--" his phones buzzes and he checks it. "...Well, the team captain just invited everyone in the club to eat some pizza she ordered."
"Delivery pizza, eh? Sounds good." you smile. "You're going?"
"I guess." he shrugs, apologetic. "Those snacks I ate earlier weren't filling enough."
"Bring some back for me?" you bat your lashes and Joshua chuckles as he packs up his stuff. "Just kidding. Eat a lot, you hear?"
"Sure. Oh!" he looks around. "Almost forgot; you, uh heard anything new from the rumor mill?"
"I haven't exactly had the time to tune in, if you haven't noticed." you raise a brow.
"Right, sorry. Well," Joshua scratches the back of his head. "There've been talks about a mysterious figure being spotted in the downtown area. Tall, in brown trenchcoat, wearing a fedora. People're saying its serial killer or something."
"Uh-huh, and?" you raise a brow.
"Well, it's just--" Joshua looks around again. "Your mom works in that bookstore of hers, right? And you and Vivi stop by there sometimes after school?"
"We hang out in Hideaway sometimes, yeah..." your brows furrow. "Wait."
"Yeah, but Hideaway's in downtown Rockafeller isn't it?" Joshua stands. "I'm not saying you shouldn't go there, but if you do... be careful, alright?"
"Sure." you smile at him, extending a fist. "Thanks for the heads up."
"No prob'." he grins and bumps his fist with yours. "See ya later."
You wave at his back as he leaves, before leaning into your seat in thought. A mystery person in suspicious looking garb wandering around downtown Rockafeller... definitely something to watch out for. You'll have to relay the info to Oscar and Elizabeth when you get the chance. And Jojo too, wouldn't want him being abducted on his first week in Rockafeller.
Now, you still have some time before recess is over. Little over ten minutes or so. What do you do now?
[] Stay in the library and...
- [] Read a book
-- [] (Specify book type)
- [] Browse the internet through one of the desktop computers here
-- [] (Specify what to browse for)
- [] Lounge in one of the beanbag chairs
- [] Study up for the test later (DC 15 Intelligence, 1/4 Progress to perk Upgrade)
[] Leave the library and...
- [] Head for the cafeteria for something to eat
- [] Look for your friends and Jojo
- [] Hang around elsewhere:
-- [] The rooftop
-- [] The front courtyard
-- [] The back courtyard
-- [] The Arts and Crafts room
-- [] The Electronic Media room
-- [] The Auditorium
-- [] The Music room
[] Leave the library and...
-[] Look for your friends and Jojo
Well, it's obvious isn't it? Time to track down your friends and make sure they don't get Jojo into trouble on his first day!
You pack up your things, nod politely at the librarian, and exit the library. You put away your things and pick out your purse just in case you catch the munchies and there so happens to be a vending machine nearby. Funds secure, you set out.
In normal circumstances, looking for a pair of students in a school in the middle of recess is not an easy task. Two distinct faces in two distinct sets of clothes can easily blend into a sea of dozens of others, and you'd lose track of them no matter how hard you focus on them. Coupled with the amount of ground you'd have to go over, and the already difficult task becomes close to impossible.
Luckily, you have two advantages by your side; your familiarity with your targets and Oscar's obscene height.
Elizabeth rarely strays far from Oscar's protective shadow while Oscar himself is like a log in a haystack. Locating either of them is easy for you, all you had to do was to look down a hall and find the one student who stands head and shoulders taller than everyone else.
It takes you only thirty seconds to find Oscar, walking with Elizabeth and Jojo on his left and right out the main door. It takes you ten seconds to home in on his bulk with a several quick strides.
Once you get in range, you hop and glomp onto Elizabeth's tiny shoulders with a cry of 'surprise!'.
The diminutive girl squeaks in surprise, stumbling a few steps forward as she struggles to compensate for your sudden addition of weight. You giggle when the tiny girl's equally small hands grab your wrists and she makes sounds of discomfort. You shift back and adjust your arms so that they went around Elizabeth's chest, giving you just enough space to tilt back on the balls of your feet and spin.
"Hi guys!" you chirp even as the world around you starts to turn. "Missed me?"
Elizabeth makes some kind of high pitched noise that reminds you of running nails down a chalkboard, but quieter and much cuter. You think she's calling for help. Oscar smiles, reaching down to stop your spinning, while Jojo...
"I do believe Miss Marrow is getting a bit dizzy from all that spinning." the new transfer student smiles. You catch a hint of longing in it. "Perhaps you should cease before her lunch winds up outside her stomach again?"
The threat of vomit is enough to make you let go. You realize your mistake too late when tiny fists hammer onto you.
"Evil! Witch! Sadist!" Elizabeth cries, arms flailing. "I hate you so much right now!"
"Ow, ow, ow, okay, I'm sorry! Stop!" you laugh and start running. "Oscar! Jojo!"
"Get back here and face judgement, wench!"
"Don't just stand there you big lugs, do something!"
Oscar produces his phone and starts recording. Jojo does his best to gawk and laugh at you at the same time. Bastards, both of them.
A minute of solid laughs and horsing around passes and results in a panting and red-faced Elizabeth glaring murder at you while you hide behind Jojo's broad back. Mmm, such taut muscles~
"One day, I will get you back for this." Elizabeth swears, straightening her clothes and hair. "Somehow, some day..."
"Good luck, shortstack!" you stick your tongue out before settling into place between Oscar and Jojo. "So, what've you guys been doing while I was tutoring?"
"Your friends have been very helpful in acclimating me to Featherdale." Jojo nods. "They have spared no expense in answering my questions, though is O'Neil usually this quiet?"
"He's usually quieter. And call him Oscar, everyone else does." you grin and nudge an elbow at said giant's side. "It's not like he'd speak up and say no," you glance at his face. "Would you big guy?"
Oscar rolls his eyes and pokes your forehead. You whine and rub at the spot he poked, poking his side in retaliation. Elizabeth pokes her head out from Oscar's left side and saddles up beside you with a huff.
"Despite his size, Oscar rarely ever uses it to his advantage. He simply lets everyone walk all over him, like a doormat." Elizabeth looks up at him, pouting. "You shouldn't, you know!"
Oscar grunts and pets her head. It only serves to make the tiny girl pout harder and turn away with a huff. You exchange amused looks with Jojo and lean to him, whispering conspiratorially with the back of your hand covering your mouth.
"Honestly, everyone's scared shitless about pissing him off that no-one's actually done it." you tell him. "Rumor has it the only person who did was sent to the hospital with a ruptured eye and a cracked skull."
"Really?" Jojo gasps.
"Nah, its fake. Some douche spread it around to make Oscar look scary." you pull away. "I know it's false because Liz and I were there the day it supposedly happened. We were shopping for stuff and a few rowdy guys walked up and asked us out. Oscar scared them away with one mean look."
Jojo laughs, voice deep and pleasant to your ears and making your heart flutter.
"Anyway, my sister's friend brought some news you guys should listen to." you start. "Apparently, there've been sightings of a suspicious man in a brown trenchcoat and a fedora walking around downtown Rockafeller. If you guys are n the area, be careful and have the police on speed dial if you see anything strange."
"I'll have to ask Oscar to walk me back, then." Elizabeth looks up at him. "Would you?"
Oscar snorts and pets her head. Well, of course he would, why wouldn't he?
"And I will exercise caution myself if I am ever in the area." Jojo nods. "Thank you for the warning."
"No prob." you shrug. "Figured you'd know before we actually go there, just in case. Oh, and while we're talking about Rockafeller..."
The four of you continue on, talking and walking together on a concrete path that circles around the outside of the school to the side entrance. The day is warm, the sky is clear, the breeze is cool against your skin and all is right in the world. Or at least, the part of the world where you are.
Alas, all good things come to an end and the bell rings, signalling the end to recess. You and your little group re-enter the school and separate, though Oscar graciously volunteers, after some strong-arming on your part, to show Jojo to where his next class his. The transfer beams at him and shoots you a grin as he's led out of sight.
Yes, young Jojo. Learn the ways of the master and soon all will bend to your will. Mwahahaha.
"You are so lucky, you know that?" you grouse as you compare your test marks with your twin's, ignoring the tortured groans of the failed students. "So goddamn lucky."
"What can I say?" Vivian smirk, tossing her hair over a shoulder. "I'm just blessed."
"Blessed my ass." You hand it back to her, rolling your eyes. "We're picking up where we left off in the library sometime. One way or another, I'll cram enough knowledge in that tiny head of yours so that you won't come asking for more tutoring from me ever again."
"Pshaw! Bring it, sis. I've got lady luck on my side." your twin grins as she slings her bag over her shoulder."
"Ugh. Cocky much?" you rise from your seat, packing away your things. "Anyway, what're your plans for today? Going out with your crew?"
"You know it." she grins. "I might stop by Hideaway later, but don't count on it. I'll be home late, so save me some dinner."
"Yeah, yeah. Watch yourself out there, Vi." you wave at her as she turns and walks to the door.
"Later, sis." she waves a hand over her shoulder just as she walks out the door.
You sling your bag over your shoulder and leave the classroom yourself a moment later, moving with the flow of students until you reach your locker. You stow away your stuff and consider what to do for the rest of the day.
[] Go alone and...
- [] Shop for stuff at Paulowania Mall
- [] Watch a movie at the Golden Globe Cinema
- [] Go to the Rockafeller Library to study
- [] Have some fun at the carnival on Sunset Pier
[] Meet up with Oscar and...
[] Meet up with Elizabeth and...
[] Meet up with Jojo and...
- [] Hit Paulowania Mall to window shop and buy stuff
- [] Watch a movie or two at the Golden Globe Cinema
- [] Head to the Rockafeller Library to study and do homework
- [] Have some fun at the carnival grounds on Sunset Pier
- [] Bring them to Hideaway and pester them to buy something
- [] Invite them home and hang out there
- [] Let them decide what to do
[] Head to Hideaway and Mom around the shop.
[] Head straight home for some studying and R&R
[] Tail Vivian and see what she's doing with her crew.
[] Write-in
A/N: I'm gonna have my hands full managing all this + updating Dog Quest. EDIT: Forgot to not make Thana have imaginary friends.