[X] Keep calm and focused, start another sweep for any anomalies in NERVs systems, the Geofront itself, the city and the shelters, brainstorm with Ritusko about any physiological clues that may be showing, and what she recommends, be confident, we will find the Angels core, kill it, and we will all go back to our normal lives, also give Ibuki a hug.
For the citizenry:
[X] Send whatever PR people are available down on a reassurance tour; the message is that the Angel is still alive, and that it's just taking time to kill rather than being a threat. Have them also tasked with performing surveys of the people and shelters to determine if anything is out of place; to be extra paranoid, visit one or two yourself.
You've seen enough. You tell Asuka that you're heading back. You have to repeat yourself several times to be understood. Asuka complies, grumbling about how she didn't get to see much of anything, and the two of you head back to base.
[Q] Joke about how we didn't either. When we're safe from the Void and whatever's jamming our communications.

Ritsuko thinks you're in a computer simulation of some kind. Gendo thinks you've somehow been eaten by or merged with the Angel. Aoba thinks you've all somehow died. Shinji thinks he's asleep and that this is all a dream, and that you're all figments of his imagination.
I see some people have watched the same sci-fi anime as we have.

All I can really say is I don't feel like any of this adds up to a greater whole. We're obviously not meant to get near the edge of reality, but I'm not sure how the expedition team never reported back.
Depending on which of our wards/colleagues have the least wrong ideas, they might not have existed in the first place, and simply been unloaded from memory when they got too close to the Void. But if they do exist, they probably fell into the Void somehow.
[X] Keep calm and focused, start another sweep for any anomalies in NERVs systems, the Geofront itself, the city and the shelters, brainstorm with Ritusko about any physiological clues that may be showing, and what she recommends, be confident, we will find the Angels core, kill it, and we will all go back to our normal lives, also give Ibuki a hug.
For the citizenry:
[X] Send whatever PR people are available down on a reassurance tour; the message is that the Angel is still alive, and that it's just taking time to kill rather than being a threat. Have them also tasked with performing surveys of the people and shelters to determine if anything is out of place; to be extra paranoid, visit one or two yourself.

It could be that we're each in our own little reality, where people are seen as just slightly more idealized, but still seen realistically, so we don't realize something's off
[X] To NERV personnel: make them busy collecting evidence to corroborate their respective ideas. Some hints are: study the sun, stars and constellations to confirm location; investigate water supply - if we're cut off, the rivers shouldn't flow; try to procure a sample of the void; get to a microscope and take a good look at bacteria / viruses (how detailed the simulation is); analyze air composition; satellites reachability; high-altitude images; how high can we fly; how deep can we drill; make Shinji read/write something and so on. Suggest a brainstorm session some time later to discuss the evidence.

[X] Open some of the shelters while watching how it affects the world/simulation and the void. All of them if nothing noteworthy happens. The people can only take so much shelter abuse. And if it's a sim, the Angel will have to allocate more resources to run it.
It could be that we're each in our own little reality, where people are seen as just slightly more idealized, but still seen realistically, so we don't realize something's off
If so, it's doing a mediocre job. Could be worse, but people are realizing something's off.

[X] To NERV personnel: make them busy collecting evidence to corroborate their respective ideas. Some hints are: study the sun, stars and constellations to confirm location; investigate water supply - if we're cut off, the rivers shouldn't flow; try to procure a sample of the void; get to a microscope and take a good look at bacteria / viruses (how detailed the simulation is); analyze air composition; satellites reachability; high-altitude images; how high can we fly; how deep can we drill; make Shinji read/write something and so on. Suggest a brainstorm session some time later to discuss the evidence.
I like the idea of having different people investigate their own hypotheses. It covers all our bases and makes people think about how to prove their pet hypothesis. Better than the vague predominant plan, I feel.

[X] Send whatever PR people are available down on a reassurance tour; the message is that the Angel is still alive, and that it's just taking time to kill rather than being a threat. Have them also tasked with performing surveys of the people and shelters to determine if anything is out of place; to be extra paranoid, visit one or two yourself.
Let's not use civilians as guinea pigs if we can avoid it. Let's instead try to calm people!
[X] To NERV personnel: make them busy collecting evidence to corroborate their respective ideas. Some hints are: study the sun, stars and constellations to confirm location; investigate water supply - if we're cut off, the rivers shouldn't flow; try to procure a sample of the void; get to a microscope and take a good look at bacteria / viruses (how detailed the simulation is); analyze air composition; satellites reachability; high-altitude images; how high can we fly; how deep can we drill; make Shinji read/write something and so on. Suggest a brainstorm session some time later to discuss the evidence.
[X] Send whatever PR people are available down on a reassurance tour; the message is that the Angel is still alive, and that it's just taking time to kill rather than being a threat. Have them also tasked with performing surveys of the people and shelters to determine if anything is out of place; to be extra paranoid, visit one or two yourself.

Keep calm and carry on investigating this dream realm we are stuck in.
[X] To NERV personnel: make them busy collecting evidence to corroborate their respective ideas. Some hints are: study the sun, stars and constellations to confirm location; investigate water supply - if we're cut off, the rivers shouldn't flow; try to procure a sample of the void; get to a microscope and take a good look at bacteria / viruses (how detailed the simulation is); analyze air composition; satellites reachability; high-altitude images; how high can we fly; how deep can we drill; make Shinji read/write something and so on. Suggest a brainstorm session some time later to discuss the evidence.
[X] Send whatever PR people are available down on a reassurance tour; the message is that the Angel is still alive, and that it's just taking time to kill rather than being a threat. Have them also tasked with performing surveys of the people and shelters to determine if anything is out of place; to be extra paranoid, visit one or two yourself.

Yeah I like Solark's idea.
[X] To NERV personnel: make them busy collecting evidence to corroborate their respective ideas. Some hints are: study the sun, stars and constellations to confirm location; investigate water supply - if we're cut off, the rivers shouldn't flow; try to procure a sample of the void; get to a microscope and take a good look at bacteria / viruses (how detailed the simulation is); analyze air composition; satellites reachability; high-altitude images; how high can we fly; how deep can we drill; make Shinji read/write something and so on. Suggest a brainstorm session some time later to discuss the evidence.

[X] Send whatever PR people are available down on a reassurance tour; the message is that the Angel is still alive, and that it's just taking time to kill rather than being a threat. Have them also tasked with performing surveys of the people and shelters to determine if anything is out of place; to be extra paranoid, visit one or two yourself.

Sounds reasonable
Days V: Suspicion
[X] To NERV personnel: make them busy collecting evidence to corroborate their respective ideas. Some hints are: study the sun, stars and constellations to confirm location; investigate water supply - if we're cut off, the rivers shouldn't flow; try to procure a sample of the void; get to a microscope and take a good look at bacteria / viruses (how detailed the simulation is); analyze air composition; satellites reachability; high-altitude images; how high can we fly; how deep can we drill; make Shinji read/write something and so on. Suggest a brainstorming session sometime later to discuss the evidence.

You decide to have your staff gather as much information as possible on the environment to test these various theories. Most of them aren't falsifiable, unfortunately, but you do what you can.

The first major survey is the astrological survey. Not that it's hard. While the brightest and most visible stars are still where they're supposed to be, more or less, anything dimmer is entirely absent. You confirm this by temporarily disabling the power aboveground. Any stars normally blotted out by the city lights do not appear. The moon appears to be present with most of its most obvious topological features, but suffers from the same blurriness as the outer limits of…wherever you are…when examined with a telescope. The lunar phases are also cycling slightly too quickly, apparently.

The hydrographical survey does not find anything unusual. Lake Ashi is a volcanic crater lake fed by groundwater and rain, so there's no rivers flowing into it to survey. The waters flowing out of it follow their regular course before disappearing beyond the mountains, presumably into the abyss.

The geological survey finds no irregularities. The composition of the earth beneath the Geofront and other parts of the Hakone crater seems normal, and matches known geological data about the volcanism in the area. You do not have the means to drill deep into the earth's crust, but however far down it goes, it's beyond the reach of whatever tools you have.

The atmospheric survey finds that the air is roughly 78% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, 1% water vapor, 1% argon, and trace amounts of other gases. In other words, totally normal. Meteorological conditions remain uncertain due to lack of satellite imagery or contact with weather stations outside the caldera. So far, conditions have been clear, hot and humid. A balloon launched into the atmosphere ceased communication at around a height of 14 kilometers. It is unclear what happened to it. Visual contact was lost well before reaching that height.

All images taken above 8 kilometers are black. The images taken below are of the general northern region of the Hakone caldera. The images become noisier and more corrupted at higher altitudes. The void stretches infinitely beyond in all directions in the photographs taken from the camera facing out. To your dismay, the void has advanced further on the caldera, and apparently at a much more rapid rate than anticipated. There is a circular area roughly 14 kilometers in diameter around the middle of the caldera of traversable land, with blurriness occurring around 12 kilometers out. Despite the encroaching void, fully detailed landforms are not becoming blurry as the radius shrinks. There are no signs of your lost expedition, or your beloved penguin, for that matter.

The microbiological survey similarly does not find any irregularities, though the expected bacteriological density aboveground is very slightly lower than expected. All organisms examined appear normal.

The survey team sent to procure a sample of the void did not return.

You weren't checking for this specifically, but Ritsuko informs you that there are egregious coding errors in Casper. While the other two MAGI appear to be roughly as Ritsuko remembered them, Casper has a number of irregularities, and some so unusual that Ritsuko is confused as to how Casper is able to function at all. It's safe to say that the MAGI should be considered compromised and unreliable.

No irregularities were found in the Evangelions, at least in aspects you're able to check for. Anything regarding programming code or synchronization rates or the like have to go through the MAGI, so that data is useless. For the record, the MAGI report everything's normal, for what that's worth, which is nothing.

[X] Send whatever PR people are available down on a reassurance tour; the message is that the Angel is still alive, and that it's just taking time to kill rather than being a threat. Have them also tasked with performing surveys of the people and shelters to determine if anything is out of place; to be extra paranoid, visit one or two yourself.

You send a joint Public Relations/Intelligence team up to the shelters to reassure the public (and to spy on them). Seeing the nerdy and/or flamboyant PR men next to the no-nonsense scary men in sunglasses and suits is comical. The two groups eye each other distrustfully before setting off. You go with one team to check out the scene up there.

The shelters consist of a collection of inverted skyscrapers jutting from the roof of the Geofront like a chandelier, having been retracted shortly after the appearance of the Angel. Each shelter largely consists of several large communal rooms lined with mats where the public sleeps and for the most part, remains within, during an Angel attack, as well as restrooms, laundry rooms, and "quiet rooms", mostly reserved for mothers and infants. Rations are handed out at designated mealtimes by NERV personnel, which largely consist of food that is technically edible, clean water, and basic toiletries as needed. Refuse is collected daily by staff and disposed of. A single shelter is capable of running for around three months.

The mood is dismal. This is the longest stretch of time the population of Tokyo-3 has remained in the shelters since the Angel attacks began, and the cramped, bland conditions within are clearly wearing on them. The rooms themselves have little in the way of architectural flair; each is essentially a box with a blue tile floor and white walls adorned with broad horizontal red or blue stripes. The lighting is a soft bluish fluorescent light, which is dimmed at night. All of this contributes to the listless, exhausted mood pervading the air in the rooms.

Intelligence gets to their snooping while Public Relations begins making plans for an assembly in each room to deliver the official message. You find nothing out of the ordinary, though the palpable misery in the room makes you feel depressed. For the most part, the younger children seem to be in good spirits, if a little bored, and you can tell some parents or older siblings are trying to grin and bear it to keep up appearances around them. Lots of crying babies though.

Many people recognize you and ask what's going on. Not in an accusatory way (usually), thankfully. You can feel how much the people around you trust you and are depending on you. Seems your marketing campaign and interviews were more successful than you thought. Unfortunately, you can only tell them you don't have any news to share right now, but tell them that PR will be making a statement very soon. The reaction is always one of disappointment, or in the case of particularly surly citizens, disgust.

Shortly before the assembly, you bump into the Horaki sisters. Hikari seems exhausted, but hopeful, while Kodama just seems exhausted. She doesn't even bother to glare at you, barely looking up from the fetal position she's sitting in. According to Hikari, Kodama's worried about their father, a NERV Cleanup technician. You feel a pit in your stomach and mentally make a note to make sure that he isn't among the missing. Nozomi seems bored, though she's happy to see you and asks when they're gonna let her out. You grimace and admit you don't know right now. Nozomi sulks. She shoulda brought one of her train books with her.

Hikari, in her infinite graciousness, asks after Rei and the others. Are they alright? Are you alright? Is everyone getting along? You say that you think so, that you're managing well enough, and that yes, everyone is getting along, and it's beginning to freak you out a bit. Hikari looks relieved. She talks a little about how things have been going here (not great, but could be worse) and that she's worried about the amount of school they've been missing. Hikari's been occupying her time mentally organizing and preparing herself for the make-up work she's going to have to run off and hand out to everyone. Nozomi blows a raspberry, earning her a glare from both her older sisters. Oh please, Hikari can't seriously tell Nozomi that she's not enjoying the opportunity to skive off school and spend more time with her boyfriend in the level below them. Hikari turns tomato red and says that Suzuhara is not her boyfriend. She just has to keep an eye on him so he doesn't get himself into trouble. That's all. Nozomi rolls her eyes.

PR interrupts your catching-up session to call the people in the shelter together and deliver the bad news. Worried tittering ensues, mixed in with some groans. You take some time to personally reaffirm your commitment to protecting the city and swear you'll kill the Angel and get them out of here as quickly as you can. You get some applause for this. It's good to be liked. Morale doesn't seem to have improved that much, though some people seem relieved that there is no immediate danger, and perhaps a little more hopeful.

You say your goodbyes and return to HQ, feeling the weight of your mission on your shoulders.

Upon arriving, the first thing you do is look into the status of Hikari's father. To your relief, he is accounted for.

The next thing you do is call everyone together to discuss your findings. In addition to your own investigations, Gendo informs you that the layout of Central Dogma does not match his recollection. It is very similar, but some aspects of it are altered. It took some investigating to come to that conclusion. Gendo feels the Angel may have produced a weak psychological effect to weaken perception of irregularities like this. Most other staff members present mention that they have gotten lost once or twice as a result. Good to know you weren't losing it.

Shinji notes that the written text of many of his textbooks is riddled with poor typesetting, spelling mistakes, and other anomalies. It's the strangest thing; until you pointed it out, he hadn't really noticed. Other members of NERV agree on the state of written materials, though most text on terminals and screens appears largely unaltered, for some reason.

Hyuga reports that aerial surveys also report minor but noticeable alterations to the borders of and configuration of ruined areas in and around Tokyo-3 from prior Angel attacks; e.g., the burn scars from the previous Angel's detonation do not match Cleanup's recollection (though it is consistent with the MAGI's records).

Whatever this is, the copy of Tokyo-3 and the Hakone Caldera is slightly imperfect. The real question is whether this is real and you've been physically transported elsewhere, or whether this is some kind of mass delusion. Everyone agrees that this is probably the work of the Angel, though Aoba still thinks there's a nonzero chance you're in some kind of purgatory. Putting that aside, there's also the question of whether the Angel is alive, whether it's present, and whether it's actively maintaining this place somehow. These are the most important questions to answer, you think.

Asuka interjects. Aren't you forgetting something? If this isn't Tokyo-3, and just a copy of it, isn't it possible that some people here are just copies, too? She looks at Rei as she says this with a scowl. It's very clear what she's insinuating. Rei says she is not a copy in a quiet but firm voice. Shinji tells Asuka to lay off. Asuka asks why he's so sure Rei's who she says she is. Don't you have something you want to share with us, Shinji?

Shinji looks away. He's hiding something. You open your mouth to press him, but Gendo does it for you. He orders Shinji to reveal what he's hiding in a low, cold voice. The effect is immediate and uncomfortable. Shinji shrinks and avoids eye contact. Asuka volunteers to tell everyone, if he won't. Shinji mumbles something. Gendo says to speak up, Shinji.

Shinji says Rei has been standing in his room at night, watching him. And adds he told Asuka this information in confidence. He gives Asuka a bitter glare. Asuka shrugs.

Gendo asks Rei if this is true. Rei says it is not. She occasionally checks on him at night if she hears him having a nightmare. She does not linger for more than a minute. And she does not enter the room. Shinji must have been having a night terror. And Sohryu is feeding the delusion. Rei says this neutrally and confidently. If she's lying, it's difficult to tell. Gendo seems to accept this explanation, though you can see the gears turning in his head as he listens. Shinji frowns in confusion.

Rei knits her brows together. Why is it that Sohryu is so insistent that there's an imposter anyway? If Rei didn't know any better, she'd think Sohryu is deliberately attempting to undermine the unity of NERV. Rei's insinuation is also abundantly clear. Asuka huffs and crosses her arms. Whatever. Sorry for trying to be helpful.

Gendo says enough of this. It is imperative that the whereabouts of the Angel be determined, and the Angel destroyed.

You don't have many leads to go on.

Where and how will you search for the Angel?
[ ] Write-in
Hmm. I'm of a mind this place is a copy of the real Tokyo 3. What I don't get is why it's dissappearing. And that Rei thing is also weird... unless this mass delusion isn't in sync. Rei, from her perspective, could indeed never go in Shinji's room. But what Shinji see's is different.

This might be a time to fessup that to Misato, everyone is acting slightly odd. Just be upfront about it, and ask if, to them, she's been doing anything strange. Beyond some of the normal kinda weird stuff she does.
Asuka sus. :V

This Angel feels like a combo of Leliel/Iruel, but if Asuka is Sus-ka, Rebuild Bardiel got thrown in as a bonus gift.
Wow. That did give us some important insights, and it was a really engaging chapter despite still not having anything to shoot at. What Rei supposedly did, or what Shinji had seen her do, was downright scary. I might have started locking my bedroom door if I were him.

As I thought, the people in the shelters are suffering, and I don't think they're any safer in there than outside, considering the absence of immediate danger and the nature of what's going on. Well, at least we don't have to worry about keeping them off the edge of the world.

So, we're on timer, surrounded on all sides, possibly inside the Angel's stomach, on a piece of altered reality, and are being made not to notice it. Any ideas?
Very engaging; some things add up, others don't, and we really need to improve shelter quality at some point because we're definitely due for another siege down the line. I'm at something of a loss myself as to how to actually proceed.

To try and pull things together; the Angel is having a hard time simulating/reproducing information, as opposed to physical things. Hence only the brightest stars showing, the phases of the moon being off, the books and Caspar's code - all of these are information, either directly (books/code) or indirectly (stars and moon phases being "outside" its bubble). More testing would be useful - have someone who isn't aware the books are weird copy out the text, for example - but I'm not sure how much longer we have. And, of course, I might not be interpreting things correctly!

Venturing a possible solution:
[] Have the pilots synchronise with their Evangelions and project an AT Field, concentrating on something they each know to be a true, objective fact. Meanwhile, have a team monitor the ongoing strangeness for consistency - do the stars shift, errors in books/code change, etc.

I'm not voting for it because I'd like feedback and suggestions.
I've just re-read the update and seems like we have a hint regarding what should we look into:
Putting that aside, there's also the question of whether the Angel is alive, whether it's present, and whether it's actively maintaining this place somehow. These are the most important questions to answer, you think.
Any ideas about what can be done to have these answers?

Meanwhile I think we should turn off MAGI. Or turn off the compromised core and see what the remaining 2 have to offer.
And I'd still like to open the shelters.

Some points that are bugging me and don't click together with anything yet:
- why the Angel stopped it's counter-attack on Asuka back then?
- what does our penguin have to do with all this?
[X] Have Ritsuko perform another brain metric scan on Shinji while he focuses on his perception of memory of Rei standing in his room at night, and on Rei while she tells her counter story.
-Inquire into the situation with Casper, could it become a threat, can she explain what coding errors, also ask Ritsuko in her opinion if it is possible that instead of being compromised Casper is the only one that has been uncompromised.
-Make an inquiry with NERVs civil departments on the number of missing pets reported since the current Angel.

Perception alternation Is my guess here (a powerful one) why everything is the same but with a haze drawn about, the area outside the city supposedly crumbling away into a void, the Angel is interfering with our ability to perceive the world as it is, it might not have even moved, and is still in the same exact position it was when this battle started, anyway with that in mind my point of view is to try and disprove or confirm such a theory.

So first things first, another brain metric scan, except this time while they are focusing on the memories that have a high chance of being influenced by said perception alternation, the hope is that if they are concentrating on memories that have been influenced by the Angel something will show this time, since we have created conditions in order for such thing to be seen/picked up.

Also if such a theory is right, then Pen2 never went anywhere, he is still living with us, but with the Angel interfering with our perception we can not see him, or even notice the things he is doing, like food disappearing, him using the bathtub, and so on and so forth, the Angel being unable to influence animals, if so then a number of other pets should have gone "missing" as well.

The final thing is Casper, she is the woman aspect of Naoko, and so the coding errors that Casper is showing have me intrigued, to best of my knowledge Casper has always been the more independent one of the Magi, more likely to do what the aspect it was coded with wants then conforming to the other two Magi (Casper betraying Ritsuko during EOV comes to mind) so should probably look into said coding errors further.
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Also if such a theory is right, then Pen2 never went anywhere, he is still living with us, but with the Angel interfering with our perception we can not see him, or even notice the things he is doing, like food disappearing, him using the bathtub, and so on and so forth
Food and bath maybe, but no Angel could possess the godlike power that would make Misato overlook the disappearance of her beer.
[X] Search for the Angel in the MAGI and the electronic records of NERV. Organize lots of manpower to inspect the systems for anything irregular. Try a complete reboot of the MAGI systems.

Shinji notes that the written text of many of his textbooks is riddled with poor typesetting, spelling mistakes, and other anomalies. It's the strangest thing; until you pointed it out, he hadn't really noticed. Other members of NERV agree on the state of written materials, though most text on terminals and screens appears largely unaltered, for some reason.
Hyuga reports that aerial surveys also report minor but noticeable alterations to the borders of and configuration of ruined areas in and around Tokyo-3 from prior Angel attacks; e.g., the burn scars from the previous Angel's detonation do not match Cleanup's recollection (though it is consistent with the MAGI's records).

Electronic records are the odd duck here, in that they are actually crisp and sensical, as opposed to written/printed text and the physical landscape, which gets garbled.

They are also in sync with the Angel-constructed world but out of sync with people's memories. Very fishy, I think.

I have a hunch that the Angel has hijacked the MAGI and is using their computational power to simulate this imperfect copy of Tokyo-3. Something like that. Even if that's not quite correct...the Angel obviously had limited resources with which to construct this world. It couldn't replicate the entire planet, only Tokyo-3, and that imperfectly. But it chose to devote its scarcre resources to a high-fidelity version of the computer systems. Why? I want to investigate.

Perhaps turning the MAGI off and on again will solve our problems? It usually works for my computer-related issues. :V
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[X] Search for the Angel in the MAGI and the electronic records of NERV. Organize lots of manpower to inspect the systems for anything irregular. Try a complete reboot of the MAGI systems.

Electronic records are the odd duck here, in that they are actually crisp and sensical, as opposed to written/printed text and the physical landscape.

They are also in sync with the Angel-constructed world but out of sync with people's memories. Very fishy, I think.

I have a hunch that the Angel has hijacked the MAGI

Normally I would agree with this, but if the Angel is playing around with our perception of the world, then all that manpower is essentially useless right now since any and all anomalies would/could not be noticed, as you have said it is operating with limited resources, and I willing to bet that a significant allocation of its power/ability will be allocated towards maintaining the secrecy of its attack.

Also I agree with the MAGI being targeted, except I think it is 2/3 of the MAGI that have been taken over, with Casper being the lone hold out, if true then the Angel is following the Ireul play method with a major twist, take over NERV headquarters while also insuring that we can not even notice what is happening... or at least that is my theory.

Also if true it would make sense, the MAGI control our electronic records, and if 2/3 have fallen under the Angels control, then the records would naturally reflect what the Angel wants them to reflect, so any written material would be the only thing outside its ability to actively cover up.
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Normally I would agree with this, but if the Angel is playing around with our perception of the world, then all that manpower is essentially useless right now since any and all anomalies would/could not be noticed
I don't think a presumption that our efforts will be nullified gets us anywhere. Particularly since Nega-Tokyo-3 is very obviously imperfect. Not only does written/printed text and the landscape fade away into noise, but the clean-up crew were actually able to say "hey, these electronic records don't match up with what we remember."

At the very least, I think a hard reboot of the MAGI is in order. If we're lucky and the Angel really does depend on the MAGI, that could shoot its plans in the knees right then and there.
I don't think a presumption that our efforts will be nullified gets us anywhere. Particularly since Nega-Tokyo-3 is very obviously imperfect. Not only does written/printed text and the landscape fade away into noise, but the clean-up crew were actually able to say "hey, these electronic records don't match up with what we remember."

At the very least, I think a hard reboot of the MAGI is in order. If we're lucky and the Angel really does depend on the MAGI, that could shoot its plans in the knees right then and there.

That was not my intent, I just think that, before we do a complete sweep of the MAGI and NERVs electronic records we should make make sure that my presumption is just that, either disproving or confirming my perception alternation theory, maybe combine plans?

Also I don't it is a good idea to try to hard reboot the MAGI just yet (assuming it can even be done) until we gather more data on the current situation, assuming my theory is correct a hard reboot could serve only to knock Casper's defenses down (so to speak) allowing the Angel to take it over as well, thus leading to a bad outcome, or it could do the opposite and purge the Angel entirely, not something I would like to bet on just yet.
There are multiple REI
My first thought was Rei with somnambulism. But how it came to exist? Does Angel pull the knowledge about the Reiquarium from Rei/Ritsuko minds? And why?
Frankly, we should go and check the Reiquarium and Terminal Dogma. They would be very interesting places. Unfortunately without metagaming this is not possible.
Multiple Reis is a good thing :tongue:
Shinji would agree. Asuka would not.
Are there any animals in this nega-Tokyo-3? Are the birds all gone? Is the zoo (if there is such a thing) suddenly empty? Are other people's pets gone?
IIRC there is "in reality" the Aquarium from Rebuild. Can we check this out here?

Small idea about Rei issue.
And why Shinji even told Asuka about Rei's "vigilance" in the first place?

[X] Check all CCTV/security tapes of Rei and Shinji, and their rooms. Geofront is probably its own surveillance state, so they will be available easily.