Where does Rider feature in all this?

"Achilles! If there is some transcendental force or law that controls our fate, then there is certainly no relationship better calculated than ours! We are one and the same in this world of ours, thus...I must take the body of the only person in this world I respect, make it my own, and live out eternity! That is my destiny! BY THE POWER OF MY COMMAND SEAL, LIVE AS ONE WITH ME AS MY BODY, RIDER!"
"Achilles! If there is some transcendental force or law that controls our fate, then there is certainly no relationship better calculated than ours! We are one and the same in this world of ours, thus...I must take the body of the only person in this world I respect, make it my own, and live out eternity! That is my destiny! BY THE POWER OF MY COMMAND SEAL, LIVE AS ONE WITH ME AS MY BODY, RIDER!"

Well Master, if you insist... *Achilles begins to take off his clothes*
"Achilles! If there is some transcendental force or law that controls our fate, then there is certainly no relationship better calculated than ours! We are one and the same in this world of ours, thus...I must take the body of the only person in this world I respect, make it my own, and live out eternity! That is my destiny! BY THE POWER OF MY COMMAND SEAL, LIVE AS ONE WITH ME AS MY BODY, RIDER!"
You know, he might be able to pull this off with Shakespeare in there. Not as part of the fusion, but using Enchantment to make it work. Possibly just transferring Rider's Stats and/or NPs rather than actual fusion.
So he isn't fixating on Yg because of a command seal?
"Achilles! If there is some transcendental force or law that controls our fate, then there is certainly no relationship better calculated than ours! We are one and the same in this world of ours, thus...I must take the body of the only person in this world I respect, make it my own, and live out eternity! That is my destiny! BY THE POWER OF MY COMMAND SEAL, LIVE AS ONE WITH ME AS MY BODY, RIDER!"

I haven't read canon.

I didn't think he was just this easily lead.

Ok, I can see how you might think that but I'll just say how easy it was to get Sparty to attack Yg on his own. Just look over the past couple of pages with everyone laughing at 'Murican Spartacus. All of the talk with how he must over throw his oppressors and free his slave comrades is not far off from what he is.

Spartacus' mentality is so far out there that his only real use in a grail war is as a blind attack dog. Every order you give him he will just throw off or do the opposite just to spite you. Combine this mentality with his EX in Mad Enhancement and you get a servant that is near uncontrollable. That's how Shakespeare was able to convince him so easily. He just played on Spartacus' mentality of freeing the slaves and he got him to quite literally walk into Vlad's fortress without a second thought going through Spartacus' mind.
While it is true that Sparticus is easily lead onto a path, getting him off a path he is already on is pretty much impossible.

Have fun trying, I'll be watching with a telescope a country away. Don't worry it'll be fine, keep in mind that this guys responds to getting impaled by Vlads spikes, shot by Atlanta, and had a golem melted atop of him was to grin. FREAKING GRIN!!!
Depending on the year, he could just get introduced to Tumblr.

Well Apocrypha is supposed to be around the time of the fifth war. So around 2006 give or take a year or two. I don't know when Tumblr came out but if we gave that to Spartacus...........We wouldn't even need the rest of the servants, that would be a prefect story just by itself.
Wasn't Sparticus's fate in canon him turning into a Resident Evil boss abomination and exploding? He is metal as fuck.
Actually, wait, why not just tell him about the Middle East?

Because "Make a desolation and call it peace" was a criticism of the Roman Empire being masssacre happy nut jobs, not an example to emulate?

I mean, to people who aren't Spartacus his whole "FREEDOM! LIBERATION!" schtick is hard to distinguish from "Nuke'em till they glow then shoot'em in the dark".
Because "Make a desolation and call it peace" was a criticism of the Roman Empire being masssacre happy nut jobs, not an example to emulate?

I mean, to people who aren't Spartacus his whole "FREEDOM! LIBERATION!" schtick is hard to distinguish from "Nuke'em till they glow then shoot'em in the dark".

There's a difference!?


BTW, can I sign that second part?
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