He watched the terrain pass him by at a snail's pace, the seat beneath him awkward and hard, long bereft of creature comforts such as
cushioning. The boy had been beaten. Humiliated. Robbed and then tossed around like trash, before being discarded and picked back up by the man next to him.
Sagiri Hyouma did not know how he came to be naked, save for his underpants, but he was relatively sure that the blond man next to him knew the answer. He turned a petulant glare at him, before shivering slightly from the rapidly cooling air as it drew goosebumps from his bare skin. His nostrils were filled with the acrid smell of gasoline, and the seat below him lurched wildly as the engine coughed.
"…So." The second rate began, looking towards his would be rescuer, partner, and now driver, "Why leave Assassin behind?"
The blond man merely shrugged indifferently, one hand guiding the steering wheel of the vehicle while the other expertly handled the stick shift.
"He can take care of himself."
Hyouma looked at him skeptically, recalling the Masters of Red. That orange haired girl. That blond buffoon.
Hyouma shuddered again, this time from a chill that had nothing to do with the air around him.
"You're very lucky, you know." The younger magus snapped a glare at the older one, "If I had prioritized taking down one of the enemy Masters, I could have taken out one of them before the War had truly begun.
"Although doing so would have ensured that you would be lost in the process."
"Then why do it?" Hyouma spat, "Why save me, when you could have just taken down one of the enemies weak points instead?! There's no reason for it!"
The ancient automobile continued chugging along, even as it was outpaced by several small children running alongside it. It's driver took his eyes off the road, and Aaron Gentles Yggdmillenia stared at the Japanese magus he had saved.
"I am not in the habit of giving things up, Hyouma." His gaze returned to the road ahead as the car jostled itself on the well-maintained road, "I take and keep things. I do not lose them."
"Is that why you're still driving this rusted old hunk of scrap around?" Hyouma replied, refusing to meet the Master of Black's gaze as he rapped his closed fist against the metal door of the vehicle.
A click echoes in Hyouma's ear as the hammer of a massive black pistol is pulled back, the barrel a mere inch from the boy's skull.
"The Model T Ford is the
oldest automobile model in existence, Hyouma. Treat it with respect." Aaron replied, his eyes still on the road, "Or I'll splatter your brains all over the side of the road like my last name was Gallagher."
"Oh you are just
asking for me to kill you, aren't you?" The barrel of the pistol began nudging Hyouma in his face, trying to push him against the door of the car, "Out, get out. I'm going to kill you now and I don't want a mess on my precious Baby T. Get the fuck out, Hyouma."
A cold sweat formed all over Hyouma's body as he paled dramatically, "But…I thought you said you don't like giving up things!"
"I don't." Aaron agreed, continuing to smack Hyouma with his gun, "But in this case I'm just throwing out some trash, now get out and be quick about it."
"Bu-but, the other Masters!"
"I'll figure something out." Was Gentles response as the barrel of the pistol came to a rest against the boy's cheekbone, pointing upwards.
"This works."
"Pl-please d-don't…" Hyouma began whimpering pathetically, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
"Hmmm..." Aaron paused thoughtfully, finally bringing the vehicle to a rest, "Still no." And the Model T lurched back to life, as if it had never stopped to begin with.
At least until it stopped
again, this time as it was cut off by a bulky, tan, jeep, driven by a blond woman with a trail of dust and exhaust following closely behind her.
"Rider." The blond magus intoned, tilting his head in greeting.
"Hello, Gentles." The now identified Servant of Black replied, carefully stepping out of her vehicle, "Is that Hyouma?"
"It is." Aaron replied instantly, keeping his gun pressed against the boy's skull.
"H-Help me! PLEASE!"
Rider merely tilted her head at the display, "Do you really have to kill him?"
"No, but it would make me feel better." Aaron replied without skipping a beat.
"Then why not hand him over to me?" The Servant said, looking back and forth between the two humans.
Her expression betraying a wry amusement.
"I don't see why not." Aaron answered, shrugging. He then turned, staring at the younger magus. "Which would you prefer?"
And then?
[] Hyouma got into the car with Rider of Black
[] Hyouma continued to ride with Aaron
[] Perspective Change
[] Write-In