[X] Fight the Oppressors!
-[X] Charge ahead as quickly as your legs will carry you, because freedom waits for no one!
--[X] Anyone who tries to stop you is obviously an Oppressor! Tear them limb from limb as the your ship of freedom sails to war upon an ocean of tears! Tears shed by the oppressed, who will RISE UP AND DESTROY THEIR OPPRESSORS!
---[X] Any building that gets in your way is obviously an edifice of Oppression, and must be smashed to bits! For freedom!
----[X] Continually make rousing speeches, so all the oppressed will know their day of liberation is at hand! The day to rise up! Rise up and breath the air of freedom! Air that smells of the bloody corpses of OPPRESSORS! FREEDOM IS NON-NEGOTIABLE! DEATH IS A PREFERABLE ALTERNATIVE TO SLAVERY!
-----[X] It is not enough to bring freedom to the oppressed. For them to enjoy this freedom, you must inspire them to want it!
------[X] Knowledge gifted by the Holy Grail tells you of a symbol of freedom. Clearly, you must create an 'American Flag' of your own, to inspire the oppressed!
-------[X] In fact, make several! Plant American Flags all over the city! The oppressed will surely be inspired by such a sight!

and he hasn't even activated Mad Enhancement yet :V

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and he hasn't even activated Mad Enhancement yet :V


Waitwaitwaitwait WAIT!

We don't even have Mad Enhancement yet? What's going to happen when that turns on?

I don't know the math but I don't think the world can take such an explosion of condensed FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! We could brake the world if we aren't careful!
We don't even have Mad Enhancement yet? What's going to happen when that turns on?
Knowing that @TehChron 's whole premise for doing this is to write a more interesting story, since the original apparently didn't live up to its full potential, there is absolutely no doubt that he would make Spartacus' Mad Enhancement inactive until the most dramatic moment to bust it out as humanly possible, shocking all parties present as he reveals he was relatively sane the entire time.

I assume Spartacus would free THE OPPRESSORS from the shackles of not having their entrails smeared all over the walls in an extremely thin paste so as to cover the maximum surface area of wall possible
there is absolutely no doubt that he would make Spartacus' Mad Enhancement inactive until the most dramatic moment to bust it out as humanly possible, shocking all parties present as he reveals he was relatively sane the entire time.

I wait in want and anticipation for this beautiful moment.

Wait, correct me if I'm misremembering but doesn't Spartacus have EX ranked mad Enhancement?
Waitwaitwaitwait WAIT!

We don't even have Mad Enhancement yet? What's going to happen when that turns on?

I don't know the math but I don't think the world can take such an explosion of condensed FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! We could brake the world if we aren't careful!

It's not breaking the world. He's freeing those atoms from the oppression of Gravity forcing them to be attracted to each other! No one asked those atoms what they wanted, they just were forced to obey this "universal law." Well no more, say I! FREEEEEDOM!
I have returned from the Wiki, and yes it is confirmed.

Spartacus has EX ranked Mad Enhancement.

In other news Spartacus confirmed for TF2 Soldier. Why? Because FREEEDDOOMM HAS NO BOUNDARIES MAGGOTS!
Only Archer and Lancer of Red remain unrevealed. With that said:

[X] Fight the Oppressors!
-[X] Charge ahead as quickly as your legs will carry you, because freedom waits for no one!
--[X] Anyone who tries to stop you is obviously an Oppressor! Tear them limb from limb as the your ship of freedom sails to war upon an ocean of tears! Tears shed by the oppressed, who will RISE UP AND DESTROY THEIR OPPRESSORS!
---[X] Any building that gets in your way is obviously an edifice of Oppression, and must be smashed to bits! For freedom!
----[X] Continually make rousing speeches, so all the oppressed will know their day of liberation is at hand! The day to rise up! Rise up and breath the air of freedom! Air that smells of the bloody corpses of OPPRESSORS! FREEDOM IS NON-NEGOTIABLE! DEATH IS A PREFERABLE ALTERNATIVE TO SLAVERY!
Spartacus x Andrew Jackson OTP

The former wishes to create a world in which all people are equal by personally making THE OPPRESSORS! powerless, whereas the latter invented modern Democracy

they're gonna start making out and it'll be all gross and slobbery

Sparty's Mad Enhancement is apparently at such a level that rather than decreasing sanity in exchange for power, it renders his intelligence utterly alien and unable to comprehend other people or something like that. His Endurance is also apparently EX-Rank since it scales with how much damage he has taken. Is this EX-Ranked Endurance a result of his Mad Enhancement?
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Sparty's Mad Enhancement is apparently at such a level that rather than decreasing sanity in exchange for power, it renders his intelligence utterly alien and unable to comprehend other people or something like that. His Endurance is also apparently EX-Rank since it scales with how much damage he has taken. Is this EX-Ranked Endurance a result of his Mad Enhancement?
If EX mad enhancement does that wouldn't he have a reality marble?
If EX mad enhancement does that wouldn't he have a reality marble?
I'm not sure how you think EX-Rank equates to having a Reality Marble

EX-Rank means it can't really be measured on the standard scale

in the case of Mad Enhancement, it decreases sanity in exchange for increasing parameters

Sparty's is unique in that instead of decreasing his sanity, in exchange for boosting his parameters it essentially turns him into a robot with a hard-on for freedom

he has no sanity to lose, as his thinking is inhumanly linear

with ME activated, he can say stuff to people and he can hear what they say, but he can't understand what they're saying

he can't even comprehend his Master's orders, so the Absolute Order given by a Command Seal is needed to make him deviate from his current course of action
I'm not sure how you think EX-Rank equates to having a Reality Marble

EX-Rank means it can't really be measured on the standard scale

in the case of Mad Enhancement, it decreases sanity in exchange for increasing parameters

Sparty's is unique in that instead of decreasing his sanity, in exchange for boosting his parameters it essentially turns him into a robot with a hard-on for freedom

he has no sanity to lose, as his thinking is inhumanly linear

with ME activated, he can say stuff to people and he can hear what they say, but he can't understand what they're saying

he can't even comprehend his Master's orders, so the Absolute Order given by a Command Seal is needed to make him deviate from his current course of action
I mean in the same sense demons have one "an alien common sense."
*Casually points out Broskander has one and Spartacus has a mastee to draw from*
The internalizing might be a problem, but it will probably be The Colosseum.
Any freak could have a warped sense of reality

The only reason we're having the discussion is because he's a freak among freaks.

What pushes RM users beyond that is that they have the raw ability to force the world to yield to it, however temporarily

Also Ishkanders case is the result of an army of Heroic Spirits making it happen.

Meaning that it takes a literal army to collectively be insane and magically powerful enough to match Emiya Shirou's particular color of being fucked up
The wiki is a bit sketchy, so to be exact, the extra materials say:
This Noble Phantasm is based on the highest and most difficult principles of thaumaturgy and superficially resembles a reality marble, though its effects are far more pronounced. It creates a reality in which one's imperial aspirations can be fully realized.
Doesn't Nero have a reality Marble?
What she has is a bastard not-quite-Reality Marble that is layered over the world and gives her skills a boost or something

whereas a Reality Marble is a bubble forced into it made of your own inhumanly fucked up mentality

I think Nero's version might actually be closer to Territory Creation
I mean in the same sense demons have one "an alien common sense."
Meaning that it takes a literal army to collectively be insane and magically powerful enough to match Emiya Shirou's particular color of being fucked up
Sparty's Reality Marble would be American as fuck