- Location
- Down Under
[X]Plan Gamefreak1ed
- Don't blame her though since the dice roll made us into horrible parent.
This has my vote[X] Meet with Ms. R: You now know where the rumors came from. Time to clear them up. (Meet up with Ms. R; Possibly unlock a Social Link; ???)
[X] Take Anastasia out somewhere: You can't keep her cooped up in the house forever. (Raise Trust/Satiety with Child even more. May cost Money depending on where you go)
-[X] The Park
[X] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)
Don't worry it was a success barely here is how rolls work
Here's how I will do rolls in this game:
1 = Crit Fail
2 - 19 = High Fail
20 - 39 = Fail
40 - 69 = Success
70 - 99 = High Success
100 = Crit Success
Here's the difference:
High/Crit Results shall earn you a negative or positive Perk or effect dependent on the roll.
*cocks shotgun* oi you treat her bad and you'll deal with her old man!"You remember the plan, right?"
"Of course I do. The question is, do you remember?"
You nodded your head while keeping your eyes on the road, "We're going to head into the school, go to the principal, say that I was able to find that baby's parents, and returned it to its rightful home," you say the entire thing as if you have rehearsed it about a hundred times in a mirror.
Which you had.
"Splendid. And in some strange coincidence, you happened upon another child in need of a parental figure; me," you're always amazed at how nonchalant Anastasia sounds when she talks. You wouldn't be surprised if someone mistook her for a 35 year old CEO of a well known conglomerate, "After filling out the required documents, you officially adopted me and have brought me here to enroll me in your school."
You nod, pulling into your spot in the school's parking lot. You jump out while adjusting your striped red tie. Your driver side door closes at the same time Ana's does, and you both walk around the car to meet in front of the hood.
Hand in hand, you start walking towards the front door of the school. The sun's yellow rays beat down on the both of you as you walk towards the main entrance. You tug a bit at your collar, sweat starting to collect on your forehead. Whether that's from nerves or the heat, you're not sure. Your shoes clack loudly against the white pavement, in complete contrast to your daughter whose rather plain sneakers make no noise as they hit the ground.
You take a small glance at her, double checking her uniform. The school doesn't have any hard dress code, so the kids usually wear whatever they want. This has caused many kids to adopt the habit of putting on the flashiest clothes possible. As if having the latest and greatest of T-shirts was of the utmost importance.
In contrast, Anastasia seems to have gone with the most plain clothes possible. Then again, that's all you were really able to afford. Her hair was drawn up into a ponytail, which hung down to her shoulder blades. A bluish, plaid shirt complemented her matching skirt that hung down to her ankles. All in all, she looked like a normal everyday kindergartener.
She notices your staring and smiles up at you. You return the smile, and look up ready to meet the day.
Howard Class Roll: 71 +15 = 86 = High Success
Your luck has just been phenomenal lately. Not only do the students keep quiet and listen to you, but you actually find that quite a few of their overall GPAs have been going up! You even pull a surprise quiz on them, and only 10% of the class scored below and 80. Considering your class is at least 20-25 kids, that's rather astounding for them.
This streak had better last for a while. You're not sure you could stomach these kids acting up right now.
As you get up to collect the quizzes, your thoughts turn towards your daughter. Thankfully, the principal bought your story, and you were able to enroll her into kindergarten and have her attend class today. Though she's more than capable of handling herself, you still worry about her day. You're pretty sure that her classmates won't find that a child that acts waaaay older than she looks will be very popular among kids whose biggest concern is which superhero is stronger than the other.
Hopefully, she'll be ok.
Ana Class Roll: 66 + 5 = 71 = High Success
"Ok everyone! It's play time!"
The rest of the children all shriek in glee, and instantly start running around to join up with their respective groups. The room soon divulges into a lot of screaming, jostling, and random chatter about one topic or another. To be truthful, you don't even bother trying to make sense of much of what they talk about.
The teacher starts to advance on your table, a smile permanently etched upon her face. She's wearing a frock that is almost similar to yours, along with two small pairs of glasses on held on the bridge of her nose. She moves through the room with rapid ease, weaving through the scattered toys and books to sit down in the seat next to yours.
"Anastasia," she says your name with as much sweetness she can put on into her voice. As if you're one of those children who need to be treated with "extra care" and "extra love". If only she knew the truth, "I know you're new here, but one of the most important parts of going to school is interacting with others. Making friends and connections that will last a lifetime!"
She sounds like one of those actors on television that has clearly practiced this speech a thousand times over. Whether to herself, her proctor or to other students. You suspected this would happen, though. Whenever humans see one person not acting like the rest of them, they immediately cry foul and try to get them to "interact with the group".
You sigh, turning away from the book you and your father picked up at the library. It was the first of the coveted "Lord of the Rings" series, "The Fellowship of the Ring", "I was led to believe that 'playtime' meant 'time where we are allowed to play'," you hold the book up in one hand, "this is how I play."
"I understand that, and you are very much entitled to read that book. You read at a fifth grade level, and speak as if you have been doing it all your life!" for whatever reason, she grabs your free hand and holds it in both of hers, "You are a prodigy, the likes of which only comes around every few years. But no man, or woman, is an island. Standing on your own is a surefire way to get swept away by the tide of time. So, please? Just try?"
…..Well, she's right on one account.
"Very well," you push yourself up and walk around the bright red table, heading towards a congregation of the girls in your class. You glance at the brightly covered walls of the room, and the different posters with varying degrees of positive quotes. You roll your eyes over the most superficial ones, as you approach the group of three. You approach the one who seems to be talking the most, Monica you remember the teacher calling her, and tap her on the shoulder.
She turns to you, puffy face smiling as she holds one of those dolls you did your best to imitate in your form. After some opening dialogue and introduction, you discover that the girls are apparently playing pretend with their "dolls" as they call them. You inform them that you don't have a doll, so Monica let's you share with her.
You make a show of having fun, but you really aren't. This type of activity is hardly working out your brain at all. If anything, you feel yourself getting dumber just doing it. Why this is considered a fun pass time is beyond yo—
Supernatural Detection (Ana): 83 + 10 = 93 vs Supernatural Detection (???): 52 + 15 = 67 = Ana Wins!
On a whim, you take a glance behind you. A boy, almost as young as you appear is staring at you from one of the darkened corners. When he notices you staring at him, he looks back down at the floor. Strange, why has the teacher not convinced him to come and play with the other children? Looking around, you notice the other boys in the class all seem to purposely avoid him like the plague.
His being a social pariah, however, is not why you suddenly noticed him. You thank Monica for sharing with you, and leave the group. You make a beeline towards the child in the corner, walking with as much purpose as you can muster. You feel the eyes of many of the other children on your back, but it doesn't bother you. If they have something to say, they can say it to your face.
Or you could just read their minds.
Whichever is more efficient.
The boy has noticed you now. You see him glance around him, whether thinking you mistook him for someone else or trying to find a way to escape, you're not sure. Soon you are standing right in front of him, a smile on your face as you stare into his eyes. He's about your size, maybe just a small fraction of a head taller, and is sporting a pristine white shirt. His beige cargo pants lead down to some sneakers that no doubt have been patched up many a time. His hair is shaggy, giving him a look of permanent bed head.
His hazel eyes stare into yours, and you see the fear behind them. No, you can smell it on him. Either he knows what you are, or he's just never had someone so confident stand in front of him before.
Either way, it works to your advantage.
"Hello there, what's your name?"
He apparently didn't expect you to talk to him, as he jumps a bit when you ask. His eyes dart around, trying to focus on anything other than you as he speaks, "Ch-Chester. Chester Harrowmont."
"Anastasia Craft. A pleasure to meet you," you reach out a hand and scratch behind his ears. Almost immediately, his body relaxes into your hand, and he closes his eyes in contentment.
Just like you thought.
This is the same boy from last night. And now you know what he is;
A werewolf.
"I think we're gonna be great friends," your grin reaches up to your ears as you stand in front of your new "playmate".
(Anastasia has met Chester the Werewolf! New Actions will be made available! New Perk gained: Canine Friend!)
Just wanted to get this out. Next up will be Ms. R, Park, and Powers.
... Could we take Ana to an amusement park?
Is there an amusement park within easy driving distance?