Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

[X] People around you have always patronizingly referred to you as a LITTLE PROFESSOR. But despite their scorn, your intellectual pursuits are of vital importance! You simply can't let your academic career go to ruins at the tender age of eleven, and must get back to your research as soon as possible.
The last thing you can remember, your teacher was taking you on a class field trip and then <I̵̡̕T ͝H̢͏̧ÙR͏TS̸͏ ̡I͞҉Ţ̡ ͟͏H͞U͘͠҉Ŗ̕T̷́͝S̀҉ ̛͠I̧T̀ ̛͞H͏͡ÙR͠T̕S̢ Į̸̡T̡ H̀͜U̷͞R͠͞T̶Ş҉ ͢҉̵I̴͡T̀͝ ͡H̴̢͘U̶͞R̛T͘͜S> you can't remember much of anything.

y'know, your usual run of the mill field trip

[x] You've always had a reputation as somewhat of a JUNIOR SLEUTH, even if the biggest crimes to be solved were missing cats and stolen lunchboxes. This is a classic story - you wake up in a room, no memory of why you're here. There's a mystery to be solved here, and by gum are you going to solve it.

[x] Lucy Calloway
[X] You've always had a reputation as somewhat of a JUNIOR SLEUTH, even if the biggest crimes to be solved were missing cats and stolen lunchboxes. This is a classic story - you wake up in a room, no memory of why you're here. There's a mystery to be solved here, and by gum are you going to solve it. [The JUNIOR SLEUTH class has a MOXIE/ACUMEN SPECIALTY]

[X] Jacqueline Mick

For some unfathomable reason, I simply can't resist the name Jacqueline... even if I haven't ever quite figured out how to pronounce it.
[X] You've always had a reputation as somewhat of a JUNIOR SLEUTH, even if the biggest crimes to be solved were missing cats and stolen lunchboxes. This is a classic story - you wake up in a room, no memory of why you're here. There's a mystery to be solved here, and by gum are you going to solve it. [The JUNIOR SLEUTH class has a MOXIE/ACUMEN SPECIALTY]

[X] Eleanor Sutcliffe
[x] You'd never admit it, of course, but you're a SOCIALITE RAPSCALLION and you thrive on the company of other people. You don't think you can stay here for very long on your own without getting sickeningly lonely. [The SOCIALITE RAPSCALLION class has a MOXIE SPECIALTY]

[x] Amelia...who doesn't remember her own last name yet
[x] You've always had a reputation as somewhat of a JUNIOR SLEUTH, even if the biggest crimes to be solved were missing cats and stolen lunchboxes. This is a classic story - you wake up in a room, no memory of why you're here. There's a mystery to be solved here, and by gum are you going to solve it.

[x] Lucy Calloway
[X] People around you have always patronizingly referred to you as aLITTLE PROFESSOR. But despite their scorn, your intellectual pursuits are of vital importance! You simply can't let your academic career go to ruins at the tender age of eleven, and must get back to your research as soon as possible.
I'll be tallying final votes and writing the next update this afternoon, in nine hours or so.
Current tally:
> Lucy: Begin clock room puzzle
The closer you get to the door, the more worried you feel about what you might find on the other side. But you can't let fear get the better of you! After all, you are LUCY CALLOWAY, JUNIOR SLEUTH EXTRAORDINAIRE. As far back as you can remember, you've always been fascinated by whodunnits and detective films. You got your first deerstalker as a birthday gift when you were seven, and haven't stopped solving crimes (or at least, trying your best to) ever since. Your triumphs include among them The Adventure of the Stolen Yugi-Oh Cards, The Adventure of Mrs. Barnaby's Lost Cat, and The Adventure of the Not-Really-Very-Lost-At-All Lunchbox.

But enough reminiscing on your past victories! There's no time for resting on your laurels! There's a mystery here, and you're determined to get to the bottom of it if it's the last thing you do. Or... maybe not, if it really would be the last thing you do. In fact, you quickly put any thoughts of dying out of your mind altogether. It's mystery-solving time, dammit! One deep breath, two deep breaths, three deep breaths, and you finally find the courage to push open the door.

It swings open with ease, giving a view of a room completely unlike the small, square, almost hospital-esque room you woke up in. It's a spacious room, large, with a varnished wood floor and clean white walls. The ceiling is high and domed, painted like a starry night as well as decorated with various astrological signs, and a chandelier hangs from the center of it. On the opposite side of the room to you is a DOOR that looks exactly like the one you just came through. To your left is a LARGE GRANDFATHER CLOCK that is CURIOUSLY SILENT, with two PORTRAITS hung on the wall on either side of it.

To your right is a hefty MAHOGANY TABLE, upon which is mounted a large AQUARIUM. There are a pair of BEAUTIFUL TROPICAL FISH swimming idly inside, and for a few moments you find yourself envying their carefree existence. You feel drawn to the aquarium, and before you know it, you're standing in front of it, looking at your own reflection in the glass. It takes you a few seconds to recognize yourself, but you're definitely... you.

[] Write-in: Appearance description.

But you can't keep looking at yourself in the mirror forever! I mean, you could, but no matter how cute you are, you're not going to let it distract you from some good, old-fashioned, JUNIOR SLEUTHING. As you look around the room, you feel positively overwhelmed with all the items that you can EXAMINE. Perhaps some of them will turn out to be CLUES! The very thought of finding clues thrills you to the core. You also hope that you'll be able to get out of this room and not be trapped here forever. That would also be pretty cool. What will you do?

[] Write-in: It's puzzle solving time!

We now have a CHARACTER SHEET!
As far as puzzle solving goes, you can get more details on your surroundings and the items in them by EXAMINING them. For example, the command [X] EXAMINE CLOCK will cause Lucy to check out the clock and give a detailed description of it. When it comes to puzzle solving, actions will not be decided by vote: instead, every individual vote/command will be enacted separately by Lucy, or at least considered: Lucy is only an 11-year-old girl, and so won't be able to do a lot of things; she will also flatly refuse to do anything dangerous or too outrageously silly. Good luck!
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... Wait, can we do more than one command per "voter"? That would make things faster, but it'd probably also make things degenerate into chaos pretty quickly, too.
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You wander over to the PORTRAITS. One of them depicts a SNOBBISH-LOOKING RED-HAIRED GIRL of around your age with ribbons in her hair, while the other depicts a RED-HEADED MAN with glasses and a bit of a smug smirk. The RED-HAIRED GIRL looks kind of punchable. There seem to be SMALL HOLES where the pupils of the RED-HEADED MAN should be painted.

... Wait, can we do more than one command per "voter"? That would make things faster, but it'd probably also make things degenerate into chaos pretty quickly, too.
(I reckon that one command per voter is probably the wisest way to go here - however, multi-stage commands such as '[X] EXAMINE ITEMS and then TAKE them' are permissible.)

Peep holes? Or are we supposed to put something in them? (Wondering out loud, don't mind me)
You look intently through the SMALL HOLES. A camera lens looks back at you from a dimly lit alcove. Hello there.

[X] EXAMINE the clock. What time does it say?
The GRANDFATHER CLOCK appears to be STOPPED at TWELVE O'CLOCK. A PENDULUM dangles loosely in the GLASS BODY of the CLOCK, which appears to be missing SEVERAL GEARS. There is a SMALL BRONZE PLAQUE underneath the clock face that reads:
Doors open at twelve and six, and three and nine.
Ahahahahahaha why am I surprised.

Let's do some more exploring; I want to see if we can find those missing gears, anyway.

[X] EXAMINE MAHOGANY TABLE. Are there any compartments, hidden or otherwise?
[X] Try to manipulate the hands of the clock face. If we can, set it to 12:30 or 3:45
The HANDS of the GRANDFATHER CLOCK are firmly stuck! If only it wasn't missing so many GEARS, you bet you'd be able to move the hands around all you wanted!
[X] EXAMINE MAHOGANY TABLE. Are there any compartments, hidden or otherwise?
The MAHOGANY TABLE is large and extremely heavy - it has to be, to hold up the AQUARIUM. It has ONE DRAWER, which is LOCKED.
[x] PUNCH the RED-HAIRED GIRL PORTRAIT, if it looks punch-able, you should definitely punch it
You wind up your fist and throw a MIGHTY PUNCH, or at least, as mighty as a punch can be for someone with such a low FISTICUFFS stat. Your FIST goes through the painting's smug face and - OW! Hits something metallic! It looks like there's something behind the PORTRAIT.
[X} EXAMINE whatever is unveiled
[X] Examine the aquarium more closely. Is there anything in it besides the fish? Can we identify the fish?
[X} EXAMINE whatever is unveiled
You take down the obnoxious PORTRAIT and put it in your INVENTORY for safe-keeping. Not that you, an ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL, are consciously aware of such MECHANICAL ABSTRACTIONS. Behind it is a COMBINATION SAFE with a twelve digit combination lock. You briefly consider starting at 000000-000000 and going up from there before realizing that idea is OBJECTIVELY AWFUL.
[X] Examine the aquarium more closely. Is there anything in it besides the fish? Can we identify the fish?
There is nothing much in the AQUARIUM besides the TROPICAL FISH. You think about all the books you've ever read about fish, but even with your HIGH ACUMEN STAT you don't recognize them. Something seems... weird about these fish, but you'd have to get a closer look to put your finger on it.
[x] CHECK if the other DOOR is locked or not
Of course, why didn't you think to check the DOOR first? You find to your delight that the other DOOR is not locked! Yes! You're free! You're free! You pull it open, to reveal...
A brick wall. Wow. Now that's just cruel.
I just realized no one sent in an appearance description. Erm, I guess I'll go ahead and throw one in?

[X] A tall, slightly gangly girl with wide blue eyes and curly brown hair.

[X] COVER the RED-HEADED MAN's PORTRAIT with the RED-HAIRED GIRL's PORTRAIT, so that the camera can't see you
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Oh oh I'll add in an appearance description too!
[x] A slightly tall lanky child with brown eyes and a black bobbed haircut

[x]CHECK the insides of the GRANDFATHER CLOCK