Battle of Eastpoint
Part 2
The Alliance Army advanced slowly, its final formation taking shape. The troops of Lordaeron held the right, led by Lieutenant General Aedelas Blackmoore, with Durnholde Keep strongly garrisoned, dwarf riflemen and mages reinforcing the vital structure and company size detachments covering the small distance to the mountains and the center.
The left was where the great militia mob gathered, led by Captain Ironhill Thane of Dun Garok, reinforced by hundreds of heavily armed and armored dwarven fighters that would supply the practically unarmored troops with a solid core of heavy troops and some mages and paladins.
The center was where the main body of the Stromguard infantry gathered, rank upon rank of heavily armed and armored footmen, many of them veterans of the Second war and practically every single one of them an experienced fighter from the constant border skirmishes with the Trolls and Ogres that infested Arathi.
Several squadrons of knights, often led by paladins were trotting back and fro behind the main line, platoons of riflemen were spreading out in front of the infantry line while several mortars were already making ranging shots.
Right opposite this gathering of martial might, were ranks upon ranks of undead, hordes upon hordes of the misshapen, drooling creatures milling about on both sides of the river. Zombies and Ghouls made up the bulk of the sea of undead, while the ogre like forms of leaking and hurriedly stitched together Abominations could be seen in clumps on various positions. Necromancers, draped with skeletal fetishes and wreathed in black green flame were riding herd over the gargantuan concentrations, their fell presence filling the creatures around them with even more vigor.
More worrying were certain areas in various locations that were shrouded in darkness and gloom, the rays of the rising sun failing to penetrate the obscuring smog and magic.
As the distance between the two armies lessened and the first mortar shells started landing on the massed undead ranks, great clamps of undead broke in to an uneven, ground eating shambling charge. Zombies and Ghouls run forward, the air filled with their inarticulate gibbering, while clumps of waddling Abominations followed close behind, hook studded hands clenching and unclenching, their mad, childlike giggling providing a disturbing counterpoint to their shambling lessers.
The riflemen opened fire by platoon, felling dozens of the lesser undead, their deadly bullets punching fist sized holes in the putrid, reanimated flesh, while the mortars blasted gaping wounds in the undead ranks, wounds that were quickly filled with even more fell creatures. Next came the mages, as fire, ice and arcane spells wrecked untold havoc upon the advancing Scourge ranks. Zombies were immolated, Ghouls reduced to gory chunks of flesh and Abominations were frozen solid but the undead kept advancing, caring naught for casualties of wounds in their eagerness to come to grips with the living soldiery.
Their job done for the moment the ranged units retreated behind the slowly advancing lines of infantry and the mortar teams sought targets further back to avoid hitting friendly targets.
There was an earth shaking impact as the ocean of undead flesh run head first in the massed ranks of the allied infantry. Furious melee erupted all along the left flank, as furious militiamen started hacking away at the undead with their axes, Thane Ironhill laying about him with rune hammer and war axe, limbs and bisected bodies filling the ground around him with every strike.
In stark contrast to the swirling melee of the left, the center was more a case of a nearly unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. The screaming, chittering mass of lesser undead smashed right in to the allied shield wall, failed to achieve any sort of breakthrough and recoiled as the ranks of footmen started hacking them down like wheat before the thresher. Undead rubbery flesh, unnatural fell strength and resilience; reinforced tooth and claw met discipline, heavy armor and sharp steel and came out the lesser. Dozens of undead were falling with every passing moment while here and there an unlucky footman would be dragged away despite the furious efforts of his fellows to protect him.
The battle kept on that tempo for nearly half an hour, screeching undead throwing themselves at the allied ranks, mortar shells raining with clockwork timing on their rear, before the scourge pressure lessened, not because of any hesitation from the undead but because a veritable wall of bodies was stacked in from of the allied shield wall, making any effort to reach the footmen formations problematic at best.
It was then, when the undead opposite the center attempted to reform their milling ranks and the furious melee continued unabated at the left flank that the ranks of footmen parted, allowing squadrons of heavy horse to charge right in to the middle of the undead, proud knights and paladins in wedge formation crashing with devastating results deep in to the reeling undead ranks, great swords and hammers reaping a fearsome toll on the unclean creatures.
Any mortal enemy should have been broken. Orcs mad with bloodlust, trolls in the throes of religious ecstasy, Ogres in magic induced frenzy had broken in past battles, but the enemy facing the allied troops this day was no mere flesh and blood. Ever so slowly the initial charge stalled as the press of putrid bodies became too much, spooked horses unfamiliar with the stench of undeath sought to run away and furiously hacking knights begun to be dragged down to the slavering jaws of the awaiting Ghouls.
Trumpets sounded and the cavalry wedges begun to untangle themselves from the melee as footmen shoved aside the barricade of bodies and begun advancing, closing ranks as the last of the knights got out of the press and the shield wall reformed, denying the furious undead their prey.
It was then, when the lines were still hopelessly jumbled and confused that the undead mages and artillery decided to strike.
From all over the front, shadow bolts struck, stripping unlucky soldiers from their flesh, showers of green meteors battered various points of the line burning and crashing undead and human alike and great war machines, bizarre amalgamations of catapults and butcher carts rolled out of the obscuring haze lobbing acidic pieces of bodies and other putrid substances on the allied ranks. Flesh darkened and withered where the projectiles fell and soon cracks developed in the embattled footmen shield wall.
Cracks that fresh clamps of abominations took full advantage, bulldozing their way past the front lines and striking at the rear ranks of the allied heavy infantry. To make matters worse, dozens of banshees chose that exact time to materialize all along the wavering lines, their shrieks shattering them further as men dropped dead on the spot or tried to run away in terror.
King Thoras dodged a wicked hook and with an almost elegant slash of his very well enchanted sword disemboweled the raging abomination, letting his sweating bodyguards finish off the toppling creature. One crack closed yet dozens were still gaping and getting worse. He dispersed a shrieking banshee with yet another slash and in the momentary lull begun bellowing orders to the trailing heralds and messengers.
The day was long and likely to get longer but he still had to play his hand. The battle was wavering on a razor's edge but it could be won.
He would make certain of it.
Trumpets blared and the panic slowly subsided as dwarven riflemen started mass firing on every enemy caster in sight, the reordered cavalry squadrons attacked the abominations enmasse, paladins and priests begun dispersing the specters and carefully hoarded reserves pushed forward closing up the gaps.
Mages and mortars begun countering the Meat wagons and managed to lessen their impact.
The scourge responded by sending even more lesser undead in to the melee, their ranks being continually reinforced by the bridge fording the river, allowing the multitudes to pass unmolested and trickles kept making their way across in various points despite the river current carrying many of the creatures to their doom.
Great flights of gray skinned Gargoyles took flight as the Scourge kept pressing, only to be met in the air by hammer totting dwarven gryphon riders, a deadly ballet starting between the embattles flyers as rune empowered lightning bolts stunned and charred grey flesh and stone hard talons sought to rent the furious griffons to pieces. Bits and pieces of griffon and gargoyle started raining down, crushing anyone unfortunate enough to be at the impact point.
Durnholde Keep beat off a daring undead attack, lordaeron soldiers cheering at the sight of the fleeing and broken undead, Aedelas Blackmoore first among them.It was a hard fought and costly victory in a day filled with such but it did go a long way to restore morale in the bigger kingdom troops.
The sun was well past its Zenith and slowly sinking in the west when Thoras Trollbane decided to employ his carefully hoarded ace.
"Send out the signal!" the King ordered as yet another Ghoul fell to his blade. " It is time! All forces advance! It is time to show these undead scum that they are no match for our steel! Throw them back men of the Alliance! Throw them back in to the river!"
Trumpets blared and flares arched in to the sky catching the attention of friend and foe alike.
As the signal went out all allies reserves were thrown in to the fight.
The center begun pushing back the flailing undead, gaining ground a blood soaked inch at a time, slaying the frenzied undead in great numbers and accepting the resulting casualties with grim determination. Paladins and Priests as one called upon the light and mocking their necromancer counterparts cast the greater spell available to them. Dozens of the slain were raised and healed in a single glorious instance, badly draining the casters but adding a badly needed boost in morale and manpower to the advancing lines but the real hammer blow came to the badly flagging left flank.
The sorely pressed militia was slowly pushed back despite the furious efforts of Thane Ironhill to hold the line, despite the dwarves downing 5 undead for every one of their fallen. They had fought and held magnificently for most of the day but the practically unarmored militia was at the end of its rope, its ranks badly depleted, the remaining men exhausted fighting an untiring and impeccable enemy.
When the signal came, all remaining mortars shifted aim and started pounding the undead ranks facing the left, staggering them and then the mages expended the last of their reserves obliterating hundreds of undead in a fierce display of arcane might.
That gave the chance for the militia to open its haphazard ranks and allow one thousand knights to charge, a full half of the Stromguard cavalry fresh and hoarded for this exact moment. A solid wall of barded horseflesh hit the undead ranks like an avalanche, scything right through them, the enraged horses trampling every unnatural creature in sight. The charge covered a full half of the distance to the river before it even begun slowing down, but even then they pressed on, plunging deep in the collapsing scourge ranks, hammers crushing, iron shod hooves obliterating everything around, great teeth tearing chunks of mortifying flesh from the unnatural creatures they faced.
The center was not far behind; their stately advance no less deadly no less impeccable, reaching the halfway mark as well.
It was as the battle was turning and the undead were being just a few hundred meters from being thrown in to the river when they struck.
Out of the concealing gloom they came, dozens of black armored pale forms, riding skeletal mounts with green flames for eyes and armed with great rune blades.
As one they countercharged the struggling allied cavalry and the advancing footmen lines, great blades reaping a fearsome toll on the spent troops. The battle turned back in to a quagmire, a morass greedily swallowing man and beast as the newly arrived Death knights restored the balance with their rune blades and fell magic, turning whole areas in death filled voids, summoning skeletons out of thin air and even pushing the line back in places. The spent paladins and knights did what they could to counter them but they were spent after a full day of fighting.
Still they were close, so very close...
Thoras wiped the blood and grime from his brow, pulling his sword from the carcass of one of these newly arrived Death knights. They could be killed after all but this one in particular had managed to give him what he suspected was a permanent scar. A few more inches and he would have had his eye as well.
He quickly surveyed the battlefield.
The cavalry to the left was almost at the river but they were all but spent, the center was almost locked in place trading dead for undead filth in a rate that was not acceptable , the casters were spent, the riflemen were reduced to wielding their rifles as clubs and the mortars were so hot from overuse that many were cracked right down the middle. It was a testament of Dwarven engineering that none had blown up but they were no going to be firing any time soon.
He had nothing more to throw in to this fight. Everyone was fighting, pushing for just a few more inches of ground. Even the wounded were crawling with swords and knives in hand, eager to strike at least one last blow but even that was not enough...
He was forcefully drawn out of his thoughts as a young man in the livery of a herald pushed his way to him.
"You Majesty! Please your majesty you must hear me before it's too late! D-Disaster you majesty, please-"
Fighting down the bile, King Thoras slapped the hysterical herald. "Calm down! Calm down damn you! What happened? Tell me!"
"Durnholde keep sire" said the young man in the monotone voice of the truly gone "When the General saw the army advance ordered the men to sally forth. He- He was drunk you majesty! He would not listen to anyone! He screamed that yours would not be glory alone your majesty! He took almost all the guards and fell on the undead of the flank. They broke. But it was a trap your Majesty. Once the garrison was almost at the river, spiders the size of horses burst out in the inner courtyard. They were led by a Giant beetle your majesty and undead surged forth in vast numbers. We could not hold them sire. Durnholde keep will soon fall if it has not fallen already..."
He felt the icy grip of dread clutch his heart. If Durnholde keep fell-
"You! Sound the retreat damn it! Do it now. Right now!"
He ignored the baffled looks of the trumpeters and heralds, him mind working furiously. If they slowed for even a moment they would be surrounded with their backs to the sea and then...
No the thought was not even worth thinking.
The allied troops gaped in disbelief as the new signal blared mournfully across the battlefield.
They gaped but were quick to respond, redressing their lines and starting a slow but sure footed retreat.
It should not come as a surprise that they managed to retreat in good order.
Many a battle of the second war were bloody day long affairs, Horde and Alliance troops grinding each other in horrifying battles of attrition only for the side with the fewest men on the field to be forced to retreat.
It did not reduce the heartache, as the remnants of the allied army retreated back, to the imposing ruin of Thoradin's wall.
It was the Scourge that held the field as the last rays of the sun fell on Eastpoint. They held the field and the rich bloody bounty it contained...
AN: /swirly eyed