"How the heck am I supposed to figure that out" is still a valid question, if the philosophical part needs to be dropped.
Tatsuya is not a humanitarian. @AuraTwilight is right here, him coming from a crapsack world will not give him sudden capacity to care. He's not Madoka, people. When it's survival to the fittest, other people just fell to the wayside.

However, if he sees 'suffering' as a measure of "how long until this girl turn Witch", then I can accept that line.

@Hyp3rB14d3 has the right idea here, no matter how absurd.
Yeah, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, finding the Magical Girl who's suffered the most is not exactly an easy thing, so at least asking Ryubey if he has any advice for how to go about doing so would be good.
[x] Wait. If we stole the Devil's magical girl potential, won't that make her a really weak magical girl? Should I just pick off the weaklings?

Yay! This vote!
I don't see why it's important tbh.

Someone tell me, because I've been thinking about it and nothing really comes to mind.
It's important because it means that Tatsuya is questioning what his goal is. He doesn't understand what Ryubey is telling him to aim for and needs it explained better.
"Just find out what miseries every magical girl you meet has suffered. Talk to them. Ask them about it. It's not that hard, you stupid human."
Ryubey = Ruby.

What color is a Ruby? Red.

What does red rhyme with? Dead.

Deadpool is composed of eight letters.

Ryubey is composed of six letters.

8 - 6 = 2.

There are three people in Mami's apartment right now.

3 - 2 = 1.

Mami's table is a single three-sided triangle.

Illuminati confirmed.

Not only are Ryubey and Deadpool the same person, but there's a third persona we've yet to uncover. The conspiracy goes deeper.
Vote Tally : Puella Magi Interficio Antitheus | Page 40 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.5.11
[X] Wait... isn't "suffering" subjective and not easily measurable? This won't be that simple, will it.
[x] How did you manage to send us through two Universal Resets and steal the Devil's potential? Isn't she using it?
[x] What do you mean when you say you 'weren't active'? Where did you come from?
[x] Do you actually know what my abilities are, exactly?
[x] If I don't need Grief Seeds, do I have unlimited magic?
[x] Do you know why the Devil is obsessed with my sister anyway?
[x] Do I need to worry about causing time paradoxes, or anything?
[x] What do you plan to do after I kill the Devil? Aside from the obvious of the universe not being dead and dying, what do you get out of this?
[X] Once I've found someone I think is the Devil, is there any way for either of us to confirm this? Or do I just shoot anyone who might possibly meet the bill? Because that seems like it might attract the future Devil's attention.
[X] On that note, I'm guessing that I should both keep quiet about my backstory around depressed magical girls, and avoid making too much of a mess until I'm sure I've found the Devil. Do you have any other tips for staying off Her radar?
[X] Wait, the Devil is obsessed with my sister, right? Does that mean that she is someone Madoka already knows?
[X] Why do the Incubators do what they do? Do you share the same goals as them?
[X] What's going to happen to me once I've killed the Devil? Do I stay here? Jump back to the future? Evaporate?
No. of Votes: 8
[X] *Facepalm* You're aware that "suffering" is subjective and not easily measurable, yes? This will not be simple.
[X] Once I've found someone I think is the Devil, is there any way for either of us to confirm this? Or do I just shoot anyone who might possibly meet the bill? Cos that seems like it might attract Future!Devil's attention.
[X] On that note, I'm guessing that I should a) keep quiet about my backstory around depressed magical girls, and b) avoid making too much of a mess until I'm sure I've found the Devil. Any other tips for staying off Her radar?
[X] Speaking of depressed magical girls, is there anything I can do to help them stop witching out?
[X] Wait, the Devil is obsessed with my sister, right? Does that mean that she is someone Madoka already knows?
[X] Aside from killing the Devil, what is your motive? What's in it for you?
[X] Why do the Incubators do what they do? Do you share the same goals as them?
[X] What's going to happen to me once I've killed the Devil? Do I stay here? Jump back to the future? Evaporate?
[X] Leave through the window and into the city, you need to ponder on what you have just heard.
No. of Votes: 4
Dark Lord Potato
Rei of Sunshine
[x] How did you manage to send us through two Universal Resets and steal the Devil's potential? Isn't she like...using it?
[x] What do you mean when you say you 'weren't active'? Where did you come from/how did you come into being?
[x] You still haven't exactly explained what my abilities are.
[x] If I don't need Grief Seeds, do I have infinity magic?
[x] Do you know why the Devil is obsessed with my sister anyway?
[x] Did I receive a wish, and if so, what did I wish for?
[x] Do I need to worry about causing time paradoxes, or anything?
[x] What do you plan to do after I kill the Devil? Aside from the obvious of the universe not being dead and dying, what do you get out of this?
No. of Votes: 4
[x] Aside from killing the devil, what is your motive? What's in it for you?
[x] Why do the Incubators do what they do? Do you share the same goals as them?
[X] Leave through the window and into the city, you need to ponder on what you have just heard.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Wait. If we stole the Devil's magical girl potential, won't that make her a really weak magical girl? Should I just pick off the weaklings?
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Do you know what the Devil looks like?
[x] Will killing that magical girl actually harm the Devil?
[x] What changed between the current timeline and the one after the retroactive changes.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Can Ryubey figured out all the Magical Girls Kyubey contracted with?
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 20
Vote Tally : Puella Magi Interficio Antitheus | Page 40 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.5.11
[X] Wait... isn't "suffering" subjective and not easily measurable? This won't be that simple, will it.
[x] How did you manage to send us through two Universal Resets and steal the Devil's potential? Isn't she using it?
[x] What do you mean when you say you 'weren't active'? Where did you come from?
[x] Do you actually know what my abilities are, exactly?
[x] If I don't need Grief Seeds, do I have unlimited magic?
[x] Do you know why the Devil is obsessed with my sister anyway?
[x] Do I need to worry about causing time paradoxes, or anything?
[x] What do you plan to do after I kill the Devil? Aside from the obvious of the universe not being dead and dying, what do you get out of this?
[X] Once I've found someone I think is the Devil, is there any way for either of us to confirm this? Or do I just shoot anyone who might possibly meet the bill? Because that seems like it might attract the future Devil's attention.
[X] On that note, I'm guessing that I should both keep quiet about my backstory around depressed magical girls, and avoid making too much of a mess until I'm sure I've found the Devil. Do you have any other tips for staying off Her radar?
[X] Wait, the Devil is obsessed with my sister, right? Does that mean that she is someone Madoka already knows?
[X] Why do the Incubators do what they do? Do you share the same goals as them?
[X] What's going to happen to me once I've killed the Devil? Do I stay here? Jump back to the future? Evaporate?
No. of Votes: 8
[X] *Facepalm* You're aware that "suffering" is subjective and not easily measurable, yes? This will not be simple.
[X] Once I've found someone I think is the Devil, is there any way for either of us to confirm this? Or do I just shoot anyone who might possibly meet the bill? Cos that seems like it might attract Future!Devil's attention.
[X] On that note, I'm guessing that I should a) keep quiet about my backstory around depressed magical girls, and b) avoid making too much of a mess until I'm sure I've found the Devil. Any other tips for staying off Her radar?
[X] Speaking of depressed magical girls, is there anything I can do to help them stop witching out?
[X] Wait, the Devil is obsessed with my sister, right? Does that mean that she is someone Madoka already knows?
[X] Aside from killing the Devil, what is your motive? What's in it for you?
[X] Why do the Incubators do what they do? Do you share the same goals as them?
[X] What's going to happen to me once I've killed the Devil? Do I stay here? Jump back to the future? Evaporate?
[X] Leave through the window and into the city, you need to ponder on what you have just heard.
No. of Votes: 4
Dark Lord Potato
Rei of Sunshine
[x] How did you manage to send us through two Universal Resets and steal the Devil's potential? Isn't she like...using it?
[x] What do you mean when you say you 'weren't active'? Where did you come from/how did you come into being?
[x] You still haven't exactly explained what my abilities are.
[x] If I don't need Grief Seeds, do I have infinity magic?
[x] Do you know why the Devil is obsessed with my sister anyway?
[x] Did I receive a wish, and if so, what did I wish for?
[x] Do I need to worry about causing time paradoxes, or anything?
[x] What do you plan to do after I kill the Devil? Aside from the obvious of the universe not being dead and dying, what do you get out of this?
No. of Votes: 4
[x] Aside from killing the devil, what is your motive? What's in it for you?
[x] Why do the Incubators do what they do? Do you share the same goals as them?
[X] Leave through the window and into the city, you need to ponder on what you have just heard.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Wait. If we stole the Devil's magical girl potential, won't that make her a really weak magical girl? Should I just pick off the weaklings?
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Do you know what the Devil looks like?
[x] Will killing that magical girl actually harm the Devil?
[x] What changed between the current timeline and the one after the retroactive changes.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Can Ryubey figured out all the Magical Girls Kyubey contracted with?
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 20