Prepared to be Jacked Up: Electric Boogaloo (Jack Spicer Cartoon Network Villains Victorious Quest)

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(Version of my CNVV Quest about Jack Spicer that cuts out the more wacky Additions for streamlining)

After Getting exiled from the Heylin following a rather huge mistake, Jack Spicer decides to become his own Villain again! He struggles but maybe he can do it? ....Maybe.
Jack Spicer was many things. Determined, kind of a loser (not that he would admit it), AN EVIL BOY GENIUS!

But he was most proud of being a member of the Heylin Empire!

….At least until he wasn't anymore. Jack had pushed his luck too far, he supposed. Who knew making a Robot Chase Young could go so horribly, horribly wrong? He shuddered thinking of the details.

Chase at least didn't consider him worth killing and simply exiled him from his ranks. So, Jack, his JackBots and Le Mime (Jack Really wasn't sure why that last guy was coming along; probably annoyed Chase as well and just couldn't say because… mime) were on their own, staying at Jack's house until they came up with a real plan.

"This bites. I can't believe Katnappe, Tubbimura, not even CYCLOPS wanted to come!" Jack griped.

"I can." Robo-Jack Spicer deadpanned from nearby.

"....Why did I rebuild you again?" Jack murmured. Suddenly, things got windy and dark as a mysterious, darkly dressed man appeared.

"AHHHHHH! Where did you come from?!" Jack screamed.

"Oh, I am from around. Are you Jack Spicer?" The man stated simply.

"Y-Yeah?" Jack gulped, reaching for the Monkey Staff just in case.

"Good, good. I'm Dr. Henry Killinger. I am here to help you unlock your potential." The now identified being nodded.

Jack could tell this was going to be a crazy ride….

Starting Location (Pick One):

[] Parents' mansion (west coast USA, high resources but some restrictions)

[] Xiaolin temple ruins (somewhere in China, no industry but good starting point for magic)

[] Industrial factory (east coast USA, good resources but a lot of competition)

Rule Sheet:

For each vote you make, I'll take a D100 dice and roll it. How high the dice lands determines how well you succeeded on that particular action. Relevant Additions from the stat of that particular Action will be added.

Other Notes:

Although this is a version of my Jack Spicer Quest that cuts down on the Wackier additions (aka, only Cartoon Network Originals, Hanna Barbera, Looney Tunes and a few stuff connected to Cruel Network stuff already added not from those categories are allowed to be used) but the original version isn't cancelled and will (hopefully and eventually) continue.

Dr. Henry Killinger is similar to the Advisors from AladdinQuest, another DVV Quest, where he assists but isn't technically a Hero Unit.

There will be other Advisors here, but they will be from a list of Villains (or at least people who could arguably be convinced to work for a villain as lame as Jack through some means) I will stick into a randomizer. So cross your fingers you get someone good XD

Have fun everyone!
Player Character Sheet (you, Jack Spicer!)


Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown)

Martial: 5 (Jack has no real physical training, unless you count ice skating, and is overall kind of a weakling)

Diplomacy: 10 (Though they usually end up betraying him because he's such a loser, Jack IS fairly Capable in forming alliances)

Stewardship: 12 (Jack's family is implied to be rich, and his inventions' parts can't come cheap, implying he may have picked up some of their know how)

Intrigue: 11 (Jack has no issue lying and stealing, although he is also pretty easy to browbeat and frighten into revealing things)

Learning: 41 (Jack is, for as much as a bumbler as he is, HIGHLY tech savvy, able to build Advanced robots with limited resources in his basement)

Occult: 26 (The usage of Shen Gong Wu make Jack a magical force to be reckoned with)


"I Can't Believe He Can Ice Skate!", Jack is highly trained in the art of ice skating, to the point that the moment you put him on ice he is practically untouchable. When Put in icey environments, Jack is physically much more effective. (When put in an icy environment, Jack gets a +15 to Martial Rolls)

"EVIL BOY GENIUS!", Jack is a proud, self-proclaimed evil genius. He is more effective when put on robotics based missions. (When doing Learning Actions that involve Robotics, Jack gets a +10 to Rolls)

"*Incoherent Screaming*", Jack is, to put it bluntly, a humongous coward. When doing something scary, he becomes a little less effective. (-5 To all Rolls to do something that would be highly likely to kill you if Jack is aware it is that dangerous)
Hero Units and Advisors
Le Mime (Xiaolin Showdown)

Your only friend from the Heylin who stuck by you. Granted, this seems to mostly be because he was exiled too, but occasional pranks aside, he does seem loyal to you.

Martial: 13 (Le Mime can put up a fight without using his magic. But, that's about it.)

Diplomacy: No/0 (Le Mime is an obviously evil mime. And, even if someone was foolish enough to not realize that, he also can't speak. Or, at the least, he just chooses not to. Because... He's a mime.)

Stewardship: 7 (You don't actually know if Le Mime is good at the kind of thing.)

Intrigue: 17 (Nobody expects that it's the mime that's going to knock them out!)

Learning: ??? (You're pretty sure that Le Mime isn't an idiot, but, thanks to his whole "mime routine", you're not sure what would happen if you actually ordered him to research something.)

Occult: 28 (Le Mime is a magical mime. What else were you expecting?)


- Mime Magic: Le Mime is a magic mime. So, yeah. (Le Mime can create magical constructs to trap enemies in. If they fail an Occult roll, they'll be trapped until Le Mime is beaten.)

- Copycat: Just don't let him punch himself in the face again. (Using his Occult stat, Le Mime can copy the Martial stat of one enemy essentially becoming their equal in battle. As long as their Martial stat is 23 or below. This limit can be raised if Le Mime's Occult skill is increased.)

- Silent History: You... Don't actually know much about Le Mime. Well, besides the obvious fact that he's a magical mime. (???)

Regular Jack Bots (Xiaolin Showdown)

Robo-Jack Spicer, Cheerleader-Bots and Chameleon-Bot (Xiaolin Showdown)

Your seemingly endless army of Jack-Bots. They are immensely loyal and make up for a lack of competence and strength in terms of numbers. Amongst their ranks are the last few of your more Elite Jack-Bots who weren't accidentally destroyed in the exiling incident.

These consist of:

Robo-Jack Spicer, pretty much just you but a robot. He is hyper critical and sarcastic, but he has given up on overthrowing you at least.

Cheerleader-Bots, an often fluctuating in number team of cheerful but powerful cheerleaders.

Chameleon-Bot, arguably your greatest creation. He sustained some damage and can only turn into Chase Young and Omi right now, but this is obviously still quite Useful.

Martial: 10 (while the regular Jack-Bots usually go down in one or two hits and the Elites have some specific weakness that can be exploited to defeat them quicker, their numbers nontheless make them more effective than just kind of existing)

Diplomacy: 2 (most Regular Jack-Bots and Chameleon-Bot straight up can't talk and the Cheerleader-Bots aren't too bright. It's only not a zero due to Robo-Jack, but he is prone to outbursts of anger)

Stewardship: 26 (Considering you can and have programmed them to do pretty much whatever, some have even learned to be good at this without extra programming, albeit with ALOT of effort)

Intrigue: 41 (each have something about them that makes them be good at this at varying levels; Regular Jack-Bots can enter a silent mode, Robo-Jack Spicer and Cheerleader-Bots can pass as regular people with some effort and Chameleon-Bot... Well that's obvious XD)

Learning: 41 (they are robots that can be pretty easily programmed and reprogrammed to know pretty much anything)

Occult: 5 (they aren't completely unaware of Occult stuff because they were created by you, but they aren't exactly gonna be casting Fireballs any time soon)


Live to Serve: They are loyal to you no matter what. (Unless they are somehow all completely destroyed, no matter what, you will always have at least one Jack-Bot)

Potential for Growth: Robo-Jack is the only one who can really be considered 100% unambiguously on the sapience level of a real person, but he does show such a thing is possible.... (The Jack-Bots are all not just easy to reprogram and program to do almost anything, but have the potential to become.... something more.)

Charlie the Robot (Scooby Doo)

A gift from Huck regardless of if you buy his town or not. He appears to be an old carnival robot. He is in state where unless you repair him, he can function, but just barely... Or at least he was before you repaired him and accidentally upgraded him!

Martial: 42 (His strength is oddly high for a carnival robot)

Diplomacy: 0 (Charlie is a rather obedient guy and would no idea whatsoever on how to be a leader)

Stewardship: 15 (he was taught how to manage the carnival's money in a pinch, but he is pretty average at it)

Intrigue: 17 (he can be shockingly sneaky and also knows how to pretend to be a statue)

Occult: 1 (he ran into a few mysterious things, but is by no means a wizardry expert)

Learning: 30 (while he very rarely endeavors to learn anything he doesn't have to, Charlie is a quick learner when he decides to)


Cheerful Blind Obedience: Being a Robot is good for you. (No matter what you say or do, Charlie will always be loyal to you)

AI Growth: Your accidental upgrade hopefully doesn't bite you in the butt. (despite the previous trait, you accidentally upgraded Charlie's AI and he will grow and grow each turn until he is as smart as you. Whether you nurture or try to squander this determines the benefits)

Huckleberry Hound (Jellystone!)

The Mayor of the ruined town of Jellystone. A simple and humble man, his only long term desire is for his town to be remembered.

Martial: 11 (he is pretty durable, but in a straight fight he would be useless)

Diplomacy: 35 (He was a Mayor after all)

Stewardship: 33 (Being a mayor requires quite a bit of money management)

Intrigue: 20 (he picked up some minor disguise skills and is, like all politicians, good at dancing around an issue in a seemingly reasonable way)

Occult: 5 (a witch lived in his town. That's about the extent of his knowledge)

Learning: 15 (Huck is a simple dog and seems to be of pretty average intelligence)


Oh My Darling: He doesn't do it much anymore, but his terrible singing is still infamous. (if Huck sings during an Action, everyone, Ally or enemy, must roll a d20. 1-10 they are merely agitated, but 11-20 the music is so grating everyone takes a -6 malus)

That Old Jellystone Mayor Charm: His town's current state a side, he was still a rather respectable Mayor. (+10 to Rolls involving dealing with officially elected leaders)

Princess Looma Red Wind (Ben 10: Omniverse)

Former Vilgax prisoner, Your bride to be and fearsome warrior princess.

Martial: 45 (in terms of pure strength Looma's species are often feared for good reason!)

Diplomacy: 20 (though more prone to fighting, she WAS still a princess)

Stewardship: 16 (she has learned somewhat above average money handling skills but it was mostly handled by advisors)

Intrigue: 4 (HA HA HA HA HA HA H- NO)

Occult: 4 (has some knowledge due to proximity but not much)

Learning: 12 (by no means an idiot but isn't exactly a brain when she has brawn)


The Future Mrs. Spicer?: god damn it Charlie! (While Her loyalty to you rivals even the The robots, she will also be annoyingly aggressive towards females she Percieves as threats towards your courtship)

Intrigue/Learning: Dr. Henry Killinger (The Venture Bros.)

A mysterious man who has taken an interest in nurturing your evil. He isn't always available because he does this for quite a few people, but his advice is invaluable when he's around. (Killinger will add +10 to any intrigue or Learning Rolls if you convince him this is going to be a Useful teaching tool, which isn't hard admittedly)

Stewardship: Don (Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race)

The chill host of a cancelled Amazing Race style show due to people feeling it's just too dangerous now, he nontheless managed his money from the few produced episodes pretty well and offers financial advice. Like Dr. Killinger, he isn't always available due to not solely working for you though. (+7 to Stewardship rolls if asked)

Diplomacy: Unikitty (Unikitty!)

The eccentric and emotional Ruler of a kingdom absorbed by Charmcaster's Kingdom. She has reflected on her more strange leadership decisions that lead to her kingdom's takeover and Become much better. (+8 to Diplomacy rolls if asked)

Martial: Tom Cat (Tom and Jerry)

A strangely durable housecat. He will do whatever as long as he has food and a home. (adds +6 to Martial when asked)

Occult: Charmcaster (Ben 10 2016)

An alternative timeline version of one of the more fearsome Occult Kings. She is a bit grouchier and and has hidden insecurities, but she has nothing else to do, she supposes since this timeline version of her won't return hee calls. (Adds +5 to Occult Rolls)

Pakmar (Ben 10: Omniverse): an unlucky shopkeeper prone to facing unfortunate consequences of others' actions. How exactly he ended up captured by Vilgax or why is unknown, but he is willing to assist you now that you rescued him, though he may be a little grouchy. Adds +5 to Stewardship

Advisor Notes:

Due to Dr. Killinger not wanting you to be overly reliant on them, You can only ask one Advisor for help on a Roll per turn for the first 6 turns. Afterwards, Klinger will be assured you can be a good Villain without being overly reliant on others and you can ask for as as many of them to help as you wish.

Killinger and Don, as noted, don't work exclusively for you and will unavailable on random turns.
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Fates of the Monks
I will say now so it's not a constant worry about them that the Monks are all alive but no longer really going to be an issue for the most part:

Master Fung was hit hard enough to be comatose. He is recovering in a hospital, watched over by Dojo, who has amnesia from the same attack but feels compelled to assist him still.

Kimiko and Raimundo were forced to return home by their respective families.

Clay was thrown a cliff and survived, but like Dojo, has amnesia and is currently working as a bartender.

Omi, in a fit of desperation, tried to use a spell he found to trap the Heylin in an impenetrable jail cell, but it backfired and trapped him instead. He is still in said cell, right near the back door of the temple, trying to escape. You discovered him a bit ago, but Jack always had a soft spot for Omi and keeps him alive with meals he gives him in secret. Omi is well aware of what is happening, but is smart enough to realize Jack will get emberassed and stop if called out.
Week 1 Votes
You can only assign one hero unit to an action unless they're Jack

[][Jack] As the boss, you can assign Jack to two actions per turn, and you can assign one additional unit to help him on either action.
-[] Assign Jack.
-[] Assign Jack.

[][Jack-Bots] Assign Jack-Bots to an Action
-[] Assign Jack-Bots

[][Le Mime] Assign Le Mime to an action.
-[] Assign Le Mime

As Mentioned, you can only ask one Advisor for assistance on an Action per turn for the first 6 Turns
-[] Ask Killinger?
-[] Ask Don?
-[] Ask Unikitty?
- [] Ask Tom?
-[] Ask Charmcaster?
-[] Ask None?

[] Raid Aku's Prisons: Sure, he's a scary demon guy with an army of murderous robots but... hey, maybe some do-gooding idiot got themselves caught by him and would be very happy to work with their rescuer? (DC: 55/85) (Reward: Possibility that you rescue a hero unit that Aku captured.)

[] Raid Vilgax's Prisons: Sure, that creepy alien guy is tough... but, that just means that any of his prisoners, human or alien, are also pretty tough. (DC: 50/80) (Reward: Possibility that you rescue a hero unit that Vilgax captured.)

[] Take Over the Nearby Town: You are well aware a random Chinese town isn't exactly the most valuable territory, but everyone has to start somewhere, ya know? (DC: 55) (Reward: You gain mayorship of the town nearest to the Temple)

[] Steal Random Artifacts From Museums: You never know where a Shen Gong Wu is going to be stuck in a museum. Send some thugs out to steal whatever they can. (DC: All rolls get you something, though actual Shen Gong Wu require higher rolls.) (Rewards: Possible Shen Gong Wu. Other ancient artifacts you can... hang up on the walls? Sell?)

[] Attack A Faction: You're going to be the biggest bad guy in the world, so you'll need to teach these other guys just what their place is. (DC: Variable) (Reward: Chosen faction weakened.)

-[] What faction do you attack? You must spy on other factions before you get a guess on how high an assault DC is for them.

[] Attack A Hero/Villain: Some of these small fries could do a decent job, if they worked for you. But some people are just too stubborn, and can become problems later. So, you'll need to rough them up a bit. (DC: Variable) (Reward: Targeted unit may be wounded for a number of turns or captured. Cannot use this on faction leaders.)

-[] Choose who to attack. DC is dependent on their combined Martial and Intrigue stats.

[] Awkward Family Reunion: It will be awkward, but you suppose asking your parents for one last thing before you permanently are out of their hair can't go that bad... Right? (DC: 60) (Reward: Your relationship with your parents ends on a positive note; They give you some money to send you off)

[] Not Awkward Family Reunion!: Your Grandma always supported you. You're not sure if she was actually a Villain herself or if she's just a little senile, but apparently she's sick, and you feel it necessary to be there for her... Just in case... (Auto Success) (Reward: You visit your Grandmother; she'll be grateful and give you a reward dependent on the Roll you get)

[] An Eye for an Eye, a Claw for a Claw and a Sword for a Sword: Turns out that while they didn't like you enough to risk coming with you, Cyclops, Katnappe and Tubbimura do still consider you a friend and are willing to talk when they have the free time. You're a little hurt by their continued loyalty to Chase, but damn it, they're your friends! (DC: 25) (Reward: Make ties with your three old Heylin buddies; they will assist in subtle or not so subtle ways when they can risk it depending on the Roll)

[] Cats, Cats, They're Cats!: Apparently Tom ran with an Alleycat Gang before settling down as your advisor. They still respect him quite a bit and are willing to assist you just by your connection to him, on the caveat you wow them. (DC: 45) (Reward: Get an alley cat spy Network)

[] my Cousin the Pain in my Neck: Your disdain for your cousin Megan is clear and mutual, but apparently she's graduating high school and no one else can attend. You suppose putting your pride aside to support her can't make things worse between you two. (DC: Auto Success) (Reward: Megan will be shocked but grateful you came and will be a little less rude to you. She will also help out when she can if you ask.)

Currently owned locations:
- Xaiolin Temple (Four upgrades left.)

[] Jellystone Ruins Could Be Useful.. maybe?: Apparently some town called Jellystone got teleported to China in an accident, turned itself into a tourist trap and then ran itself into the ground and became ruins only inhabitated by it's former mayor Huckleberry Hound. He's Reluctant, but he needs the money to such a ridiculous extent he is willing to sell the old place to whoever for whatever price, with the only caveat being he gets to keep living there. (DC: 20) (Reward: Get the ruins of Jellystone to do as you wish with; Mayor Huckleberry Hound will be grateful and be willing to spy for or give you money and/or leadership advice you in a pinch)

[] Build A Basic Lab: So, while you are smart enough to make things without a lab... it wouldn't hurt to actually build one. (DC: 50) (New research action available. Takes up one upgrade space.)

[] Burn It Down: There's not much room to expand the temple itself in any direction besides up and down. But, if you could carve out a few of the nearby mountains, and have the Jack-Bots chop down that forest over there, you'd have a lot more room to work with. Of course, doing that will make it harder to hide out in the temple. (DC: 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/95) (Reward: More space is opened up for the temple. Chances that someone discovers that you've been altering the landscape. Other things. ???)

[] Defenses: Sure, you may have quite a few B
Jack-Bot defenses in place already... but you can never be too prepared.) (DC: 20/40/60/80/90) (Reward: Additional defenses built for the temple. How good they are and how much space they take up is dependent on the roll.)

[] Break Room: Robo-Jack keeps whining he wants a break room and you want him to shut up. Win win! (DC: 15) (Reward: You make a break room for your minions. They will be grateful and may work a little harder depending on how good it is from the Roll)

[] Search For Shen Gong Wu: Now, where can you find more of them? (DC: 60/70/80) (Reward: Sheng Gong Wu discovered.)

[] Spy On A Faction: You need to know more about your enemies. (DC: Variable.) (Reward: Info about things happening with other groups and countries.)

-[] US. (DC: 40/90)
-[] Chase Young and his band of jerks. (DC: ???)
-[] Vilgax (DC: 80)
-[] Aku (DC: 130)
-[] Endsville (DC: 99)
-[] Chris and his half of Canada. (DC: 70)
-[] Peridot and her half of Canada. (DC: 140)

[] Search For More Potential Employees: You need a LOT more help. (DC: Variable.) (Reward: New characters added to the soon to be made "Potential Allies" threadmark.)

[] Search For Magical People: Really, the only ones that can help you with magic stuff are Le Mime and Charmcaster right now. You should change that. (DC: Variable.) (Rewards: Magical units added to the soon to be made "Potential Allies" threadmark.)

[] Search For Heroes: Sure, they may be self righteous, but they'll probably be willing to help you fight the big guys around you. (DC: Variable.) (Rewards: Heroic units added to the soon to be made "Potential Allies" threadmark.)

[] Search For Villains: Right now, it's a pretty good time to be a bad guy. But, there's also quite a few smaller groups and loners out there that keep getting crushed by the guys who currently rule most of the world. Maybe they'll be interested in a partnership? (DC: Variable) (Reward: Villain units added to the soon to be made "Potential Allies" threadmark.)

[] Study Le Mime's Magic (Le Mime must be assigned): You don't actually know how Le Mime's Magic works. (DC: 80?) (Rewards: ???)

[] Teach The Occult (Must assign one hero unit Occult +15 and one with Occult under 15): So, not everyone knows or believes that magic and the like exist. Including some of your minions. That really needs to change. (DC: Variable.) (Reward: The hero with the lower Occult stat has their Occult stat trained/raised.)

[] Hang with Charmcaster: Charmcaster hates putting in more than the bare minimum with you, but she is willing to attempt a magical hang out off hours. She doesn't admit it, but you think she just wants friends. (DC: 75) (reward: You and Charmcaster have a shockingly good time and she teaches you a little magic she didn't have to)

[] Killinger is a Name, Huh?: This Dr. Killinger guy is someone you are grateful to, but you don't really trust. You're not sure if the fact he states this is a fair and Smart feeling to have is good or bad. (DC: 25) (Reward: You hang out with Killinger and study him off the clock)

[] All that Glitters is Gold: Chameleon-Bot stole blueprints to making a gold machine on the way out of the Heylin. You really need to give that guy some quality oil or something. (DC: 75) (Reward: You make a machine that turns stuff into gold)

[] Take Out the Garbage and the Trash: You hate chores! They're lame! (DC: 30) (Reward: You make a speciality Jack-Bot that does chores you don't want to. Though if you treat him badly, that could have potential consequences...)

[] Give Me an E-V-I-L!: the Cheerleader-Bots are... Not bright. But they aren't exactly doomed to be that way. (DC: 85) (Reward: the Cheerleader-Bots are made Smarter)

[] Smart House: You may have been watching too many old movies... Sounds Useful anyways! (DC: 25) (Reward: Make an AI that watches over the house and handles security systems. On a Bare Success or Regular Success it will have a notable wacky character flaw, the Success being a less notable one, on a Critical Success the Character flaw will still happen but the AI will grow out of it quicker and will also connect itself to the Jack-Bots, forming a psuedo hive mind that increases efficiency)

[] It's all Fun and Games Until a Robot Happens: Even if you don't buy Jellystone, Huckleberry will be appreciative you considered and send you an old blue carnival robot. You suppose checking him out won't hurt? (DC: 15) (reward: You get a repaired Charlie the Robot as a security guard)

Keep in mind that the Family Related Diplomacy actions I all like enough that even if you don't pick them, they will probably still happen as Omakes, if that affects anything XD
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Potential Allies
Omi (Xiaolin Showdown)

One Your oldest enemies, albeit the one you got along best with. He's currently stuck in an impenetrable jail cell in the back of your new base, but the little queball could nontheless be useful in the long run if you convince him to help.

Martial: 47 (Omi was a long time monk warrior and he didn't give the Heylin trouble through luck, you'll admit that much)

Diplomacy: 11 (Omi isn't completely useless here, but he was always kind of soically inept and his extended time trapped in a cell completely alone hasn't helped)

Stewardship: 5 (To be honest, you're not even sure Omi knows what money is based on his lifestyle)

Intrigue: 20 (While a bit prone to being easily fooled, it's obvious Omi also knows how to play to others to trick them when necessary)

Occult: 29 (His knowledge on Shen Gong Wu and secret monk techniques are very clear)

Learning: 30 (while by no means a genius in traditional book smarts, Omi is a quick learner when it comes to most areas)


Spicer, you are a Skullnumb: While Omi always had a bit of a soft spot for you and wished to help you become good, he is also not exactly going to go out of his way to do it most of the time, and his sympathy for you has kind of dried up mostly considering his current situation. (If you Recruit Omi, he will have a -5 Malus on all Actions until you manage to gain his friendship, or at least his respect)

The Cage is In Your Mind.... And Literal: this isn't the best situation for the poor guy. (Omi is stuck in an impenetrable magic jail cell. Until you can free him, any actions that would require him to travel anywhere aren't available to him)

I Lend You My Knowledgeable Knowledge: Hw isn't a genius in a traditional sense, but you can admit he knows quite a bit you don't. (Omi adds +10 to all Rolls involving Shen Gong Wu)

Huckleberry Hound (Jellystone!)

The Mayor of the ruined town of Jellystone. A simple and humble man, his only long term desire is for his town to be remembered.

Martial: 11 (he is pretty durable, but in a straight fight he would be useless)

Diplomacy: 35 (He was a Mayor after all)

Stewardship: 33 (Being a mayor requires quite a bit of money management)

Intrigue: 20 (he picked up some minor disguise skills and is, like all politicians, good at dancing around an issue in a seemingly reasonable way)

Occult: 5 (a witch lived in his town. That's about the extent of his knowledge)

Learning: 15 (Huck is a simple dog and seems to be of pretty average intelligence)


Oh My Darling: He doesn't do it much anymore, but his terrible singing is still infamous. (if Huck sings during an Action, everyone, Ally or enemy, must roll a d20. 1-10 they are merely agitated, but 11-20 the music is so grating everyone takes a -6 malus)

That Old Jellystone Mayor Charm: His town's current state a side, he was still a rather respectable Mayor. (+10 to Rolls involving dealing with officially elected leaders)

Nyancy Chan (Ben 10: Omniverse), Butch (Tom and Jerry), Sylvester J. Cat (Looney Tunes), Furrball (Tiny Toon Adventures) and Benny (Jellystone!)

A quartet of eccentric alley cats (and a weird human) who hung with Tom when he was first done with his Cat and Mouse game. They continue to be a local nuisance, and Would be willing to help their old buddy out If need be.

Martial: 40 (they are all shockingly durable and living on the streets taught them a thing or two)

Diplomacy: 15 (can be charming if they need to, but overall are pretty average)

Stewardship: 5 (the main reason they seem to be living in an alley despite their many scams is they are all terrible at money management)

Intrigue: 45 (they really know how to play up their lot in life and overall manipulate to get what they want)

Occult: 6 (they have each encountered magic, but they aren't exactly good at it)

Learning: 7 (calling them idiots would be a stretch, but they aren't exactly super smart Either)


I Know a Guy: They seem to be... Weirdly connected. (When assigned to an Action, the Alley Cats rolls a d20. The higher the number the more personally close the person they know are to the person they are confronting or the station and the roll will get a + modifier depending on that)

Those Darn Dirty Cats: Cats are the second most likely animal to be pitied after dogs. (+11 intrigue when it comes to tricking people. If they have already met, this doesn't apply, or drops to +2 if the person Is really dumb)

There we go! Phew.
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Clarification on Megan
Oh, by the way, I realize the Megan Diplomacy action might cause some confusion, so clarification:

For whatever reason, the fusing of the worlds resulted in a Megan who is slightly older than Jack. Only He remembers her previous age, but he doesn't consider it worth looking crazy by mentioning since nothing else really changed about their relationship otherwise
Week 1 Results
[x] Steal Random Artifacts From Museums: You never know where a Shen Gong Wu is going to be stuck in a museum. Send some thugs out to steal whatever they can. (DC: All rolls get you something, though actual Shen Gong Wu require higher rolls.) (Rewards: Possible Shen Gong Wu. Other ancient artifacts you can... hang up on the walls? Sell?)

Rolled a 94; No additions due to no one specifically assigned to this action.

Result: 94

.....Ok, you had to be honest, you really did not expect to get this friggin lucky on your first search.

The Golden Tiger Claw?!

Like, you aren't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, but this was just nuts.

....What was that saying from anyways? It was weird.

....Oh, right, you were grabbing the Shen Gong Wu from a museum security guard while the guy was asleep, let's get back to that.

Reward: You get the Golden Tiger Claw. It can make travel to literally anywhere so easy vehicles might as well not exist XD

[X] my Cousin the Pain in my Neck: Your disdain for your cousin Megan is clear and mutual, but apparently she's graduating high school and no one else can attend. You suppose putting your pride aside to support her can't make things worse between you two. (DC: Auto Success) (Reward: Megan will be shocked but grateful you came and will be a little less rude to you. She will also help out when she can if you ask.)

Rolled a 57; add Jack's 10 Diplomacy

Result: 67

To be continued In Omake "High School Not A Musical"

[X] Jellystone Ruins Could Be Useful.. maybe?: Apparently some town called Jellystone got teleported to China in an accident, turned itself into a tourist trap and then ran itself into the ground and became ruins only inhabitated by it's former mayor Huckleberry Hound. He's Reluctant, but he needs the money to such a ridiculous extent he is willing to sell the old place to whoever for whatever price, with the only caveat being he gets to keep living there. (DC: 20) (Reward: Get the ruins of Jellystone to do as you wish with; Mayor Huckleberry Hound will be grateful and be willing to spy for or give you money and/or leadership advice you in a pinch)

Rolled a 89; add 7 due to asking Don to assist

Result: 96

Huge Success!

Don gives you some advice on the amount of money you should give to make Huck Happy, but not give the impression you are easy to convince to throw away cash. You feel bad for the former mayor and sympathize with his desperation and decide to follow Don's advice but throw in another 100 dollars.

"...Thank you, Mr. Spicer. This... This means alot." The blue dog stared at you with tears in his eyes.

"....Those are tears of misery, right?" You realize you might have been a bit soft.

"....Yep. Definitely."

"Awesome!" You cackled.

Reward: You gained the ruins of Jellystone as a new Territory you can do whatever you wish with; DC to recruit Huckleberry Hound MASSIVELY decreases!

X] Spy On A Faction: You need to know more about your enemies. (DC: Variable.) (Reward: Info about things happening with other groups and countries.)
--[X] US

Rolled a 62; add 41 from the Jack-Bots' Intrigue

Result: 103

Huge Success!

To be continued in Omake "Good Morning USA"

-[X] Killinger is a Name, Huh?: This Dr. Killinger guy is someone you are grateful to, but you don't really trust. You're not sure if the fact he states this is a fair and Smart feeling to have is good or bad. (DC: 25) (Reward: You hang out with Killinger and study him off the clock)

Rolled a 89; add 23 from Le Mime's Occult

Result: 112

to be continued in Omake "A Mime and an Investor Walk into a Bar..."

[X] It's all Fun and Games Until a Robot Happens: Even if you don't buy Jellystone, Huckleberry will be appreciative you considered and send you an old blue carnival robot. You suppose checking him out won't hurt? (DC: 15) (reward: You get a repaired Charlie the Robot as a security guard)

Rolled a 71; add 41 from Jack's Learning; add "EVIL BOY GENIUS!" trait's +10

Result: 122

Critical Success!

To be continued in Omake "Ruh Roh, Charlie's Better"

(....Jesus Fucking Christ, can we acknowledge how insanely good these rolls were for a Turn 1?! It's like the universe itself wants to throw Jack a bone, dear lord lol)
High School Not Musical
You were Megan Spicer and you grunted as you looked around.

You couldn't believe this! It was your big day! When you graduated high school and officially became an adult! And no one could come!

Grandma Jacqueline made sense, she was sick (and you make a mental note to visit her; you two weren't super close, but you by no means disliked each other). But your parents and aunt + uncle were really too busy with Business meetings?! They couldn't reschedule just once?!

And your stupid cousin was -

"Wandering around nearby trying to find ya!" A pink bunny cheerfully stated as she played with seltzer water nearby.

"Babs, I told you not to interrupt my internal mono- Wait, what?" As you fully process what she said and turn to see that, indeed, Jack had shown up.

"....Hey." you two say in awkward unison.

"Wow, Meggy, I thought you were cousins, not creepy twins." Babs snorted, leaning on you.

"Shut up." You eyeroll with any real venom.

"Nah, ya love my personality, toots."


You were Jack Spicer, and you were squinting.

Megan and this rabbit girl were casually bantering with nicknames, leaning on each other, holding hands...

Does Jack realize the VERY OBVIOUS implications?

Jack vs Megan Intrigue Roll

Jack: 77 + 11 = 88

Megan: 23 + 0 (Due to having no Modifiers yet) = 23

Jack Success!

It clicks.


It's clear that based on how she doesn't deny it despite her clear flustered nature what the answer is.


It was very clear that Babs' clear amusement was the only thing keeping Megan from clobbering you. Hoo boy were you gonna get alot mileage out of this one.

"Your cousin Is decently funny." Babs smirked.

"Please don't encourage him...." Megan mumbled.

For your part, you decide to continue the tease train later.

"So, When's the graduation?" You shrug.

"You... Really came for it?" Megan blinked.

"Megan, you're an obnoxious brat, but you're still family." You shrug.

"Hardy har har, ya Dr. Evil albino." Megan grunted though there was infinitely less bite than usual as the three of you continue on.

"Heh, I like this family." Babs commented.

*I would hope so with you dating the squirt."

"Jack, I am only two feet shorter than you, shut it."

As the three of you bantered until the graduation ceremony started and then had a nice afterparty, you smile.

Maybe your familiar relationships are worth more than they seemed?

Reward: Your relationship with Megan is pretty patched up! You met your hopeful Future Cousin-in-law Babs Bunny! You will tease Megan mercilessly!
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Good Morning USA!
You were Nicole Watterson, President of the USA.

.... You suddenly feel a weird alternate timeline shudder.

Anyways, It was a tough job, even tougher than it would be before all this chaos. Honestly, most US government positions had pretty much become figureheads meant to give the allusion people still had a choice.

Some of the madmen running about were actually pretty easy to placate. Stroke Eddy's ego and throw him a little cash and he would be good. Same for Boxman.

Father was a bit harder when he got into a mood, and quite frankly Mandark and his Think Tank gave you a headache.

And Mandy....



Well anyways, you still had SOME duties you had to take care of as you look over the few things you can still sign off as on your own.

"Not what I was expecting..." You mumble.

You suddenly had a bad feeling. like you were being watched....

You looked outside and squinted. Seeing nothing you return with a grunt.


You were Jack-Bot 7613 and you were glad you didn't mess up your first mission.

For reasons you did not parse, the robotic version of your creator seemed annoyed to not be in charge. This was a logical choice. He had proven himself disloyal and giving him a leadership role would quickly inflate his ego.

Nontheless, you exit your hiding spot and leave with your brethren, grabbing a few files for later study.


You were Stan Smith.

You stared at the broken safe.

"....I am so fired."

Reward: Learned the messed up political landscape of the US and got some juicy files!
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