[X] Steal Random Artifacts From Museums
33 + 3 = 36
Henchmen 21 and 24 take some JackBots raid a nearby museum to be certain there's no Shen Gong Wu. Just your luck, there really weren't any!
Though you DO get The boots of world famous World Martial Arts Champion Mr. Hercule Satan, plus some T. Rex bones. Sooooo... That's something, you guess.
Gained Mr. Satan's Boots and some T. Rex Bones; Can Either Sell for Some Cash on the Black Market or ??? (To be revealed in the next Research Action Section)
[X] The "Ungrounding"
You try to get an appointment with Bling Bling Boy's Mother, but she's so dang busy you simply can not successfully do it. You could always barge in... But she sounds scary. And that probably wouldn't sit well with your minion.
[X] Buy Out Wacko's Toys
After you show Wacko's shareholders some evidence of his quite frankly insane nature, they happily boot him out and Sell the Place to you. The nut roars and swears vengeance as he drives away in a clown car, which doesn't really concern you.
Gained Ownership of Wacko's Toys; Gained an Enemy in Wacko
[X] Recover Bling-Bling's Stuff
58 + 27 = 85
Huge Success!
"Alright, baby, I just have one question," Scaramouche began to ask over his comms, even as he kicked a sabertooth tiger into a gold plated wall, "why are there so many of these giant cats and lizards on your island?"
"Eh, thought that bringing back the dinosaurs and a few Ice Age era mammals would win Susan's heart." Bling Bling starts off sounding hopeful, but his tone slowly becomes more depressed as he continues. "It didn't work."
"No harm, no foul. Still, I'd appreciate a better warning next time." The assassin android replies, as he grabs a massive, almost comically, large barge filled red energy drinks. "And, on the topic of 'telling me things', why do I need all this 'Red Gush'?"
"It's your escape plan. Just trust me on this. Now, just go find my garage, and get inside the only thing in there that has a massive drill on it."
Scarsmouche nods, even as he continues to battle off the island's not-so-native wildlife. Eventually, he finds where BBB stores all of his vehicles, including a giant rocket powered drill that's held up in the air and pointing straight at massive hole in the ground. Scaramouche rushes towards the drill, ripped the door door open, and runs to the driver's seat, and slams a key that BB Boy had given him earlier into the ignition.
"Oh, also, since the tunnel has already been made, this will go really, really fa-"
Even as Bling-Bling says, Scaramouche jumps into the driver seat as the drill goes from zero to a trillion, the massive machine more like a rocket than a drill.
"Now this is a getaway!" The robot chuckled as he watched countless miles of tunnels pass him by in mere seconds. But, soon enough, thanks to just how fast the drill is going, the ride comes to an end.
Following BBB's next instructions, Scaramouche kicks open the drill's door and throws the insane amount of energy drinks outside... right in front of a mass of mole people. The mole people, most of whom wear stereotypical leather biker clothes, stare at the bag, at the red gush with awe. Then each of them, even one wears a crown, pull a sombrero from behind their backs and, as one, slam it onto their heads.
The only one who doesn't look like a biker mole, one who were a robe and, before the sombrero covered it up, a crown cries, "It's time for a FIESTA!"
Rewards: Gained a Hydro Cruiser (a speed boat with pre-set coordinates to Bling Bling's Island. Complete with nitro rope, foam and licorice; can be reprogrammed); One super drill vehicle that's gold plated; New Diplomacy action unlocked with a DC reduction. Unlocked the Mole King's sheet.
[X] Metal Maker
5 + 10 = 15
Complete Failure!
Wow, you were good, but this tech was just nuts! You couldn't fathom how anyone could possibly BUILD this thing! After the third explosion, you throw up your hands and give up.
The Temple Is Damaged
[X] What Can We Be Build For You?
10 + 35 = 45
"So, uh, are they supposed to be covered in gold?" You ask as you examine the, actually somewhat intimidating, golden construction bots, who have an array of metal hands, buzzsaws, blowtorches, and other such tools spread out between them.
"Completely gold?" The pre-teen scoffs. "Sadly, no. This is just an old pseudo-gold playing I made so I could cover everything in 'gold', but so I wouldn't have to steal stuff from Fort Nox. Without that gold-making ray, precious metals don't just grow on trees."
"... Huh." You mutter, before shrugging. "Well, I just wanted to make sure you weren't blowing all our money in this. Sure, I like making my robots cool looking, but there's a rims and a place dude."
Reward: 50 Construction Bots created. +10 to building Stewardship options. If you are attacked, they act as guards that have +15 Martial, and can create makeshift fortifications on the fly.
[X] Study Le Mime's Magic
Complete Failure!
As if Le Mime wasn't bad enough, trying to discover how his magic works just gives you a headache and gives the jerk ample time to annoy you. Sooooo... That could've gone better.