And now, on '
I'm a Superpowered Gang Leader so I'm Going to Be an Opera-Singing Actor Quest'...
There can only be one answer. For you are... "Emperor Bob, THE LORD OF ALL EVIL," you declare, swinging up to your feet and striking a dashing and intimidating pose. Well, it's a pose anyway, and one out of three isn't too bad, right? "... At least, that's me in the web series." You grin. "In real life, I'm Alex. The guy who's gonna make you a star!"
The glowy-eyes stare at you, wide.
"Soooo, I kind of fell into a magic portal," you continue, motioning the unimportant matters away. "How did you get here?"
"Ah." Lifebane coughs slightly, reaching a bony hand up to delicately cover their mouth. Dude sure is big on politeness for a skeletal villain. "LIFEBANE was run- tactically retreating from an opponent that LIFEBANE could not be bothered to fight! Few heroes would be foolish enough to follow an enemy into a demon-plane, ha!"
Lifebane strikes a pose that, admittedly, looks several times more intimidating and dramatic than yours did. Seems like they can look the part, even if the actions themselves are a little more... failtacular. Well, you'll just have to work on it!
You continue admiring the pose for a few more seconds, as Lifebane obviously waits for you to get the full effect. "SO, fleshling," they finally announce, dropping back into a slightly more normal position, "tell m- LIFEBANE more of this 'web-series'."
It doesn't take long before you've explained the gist of the show, and the characters involved - leaving out mentions of your powers for now. Plus you gained a level 2 Heat Resistance during your talk, so that's a bonus. By the end of it - just several minutes later - Lifebane seems pretty much on board with the whole idea, except for the part for they want to be the big bad; and then, once you've you've insisted you're already signed on for that part, demands to be your main henchman. Hm.
[ ] Sure, Emperor Bob can have a skeletal henchman as superior to the four Dark Generals. Why not?
[ ] Five Dark Generals sounds like a safer bet.
[ ] How about a completely separate Big Bad?
[ ] You know, a skeletal good guy could be fun...
[ ] Write in
Once that's sorted, only the obvious remains.
[ ] Ask about where you've ended up
-[ ] Question write in
[ ] "So, uh, can you drop me off in Crime City?"
-[ ] Location write in
[ ] "Wanna come to Crime City with me?"
-[ ] Location write in
[ ] Request drop off to [write in other city/town]
[ ] Write in