Powers Quest (Original/The Gamer) [Sort-of Hiatus]

[X] Double thumbs up at them. "Hey, don't mind me, just here to provide the background music!"
[X] Double thumbs up at them. "Hey, don't mind me, just here to provide the background music!"
Was there any other choice? Also what time is it? We still need to be on time for the witch doctor I think. Also don't forget to add the plus five to people not minding us.
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[X] Double thumbs up at them. "Hey, don't mind me, just here to provide the background music!"
I hope our guys actually know they are supposed to evacuate that building. if they are just sitting there instead of running for safety then buying time isn't actually helping.
maybe we can text them?
I hope our guys actually know they are supposed to evacuate that building. if they are just sitting there instead of running for safety then buying time isn't actually helping.
maybe we can text them?
You have no idea what the guys are doing. You can't see where Mina is, either, so whether she followed you or not is unknown.

Right. If there's one thing you've learned since getting these Powers...

Okay, you haven't really learned anything important. Except how to sing. And you're damned if you're going to fail to distract such an important audience from, uh, potentially smashing the crap out of your friends. Lackeys. Whatever.
{Remembering Opera roll = 57 + 8 = 65 = Decent success!}
Stepping slightly out of the alley, the better to direct your voice, you take a deep breath, dredge up some of the opera from your quick studies - there's no music, that's bad, but you're sure you can work without it (maybe).
{Singing roll = 59 + 32 = 81 = Great success!}
As the Golem winds its arm back to throw, you open your mouth, spread your arms - and opera things the fuck up.

The Golem stops. Armory stops. The few people remaining freeze even more still than before. Multiple heads turn almost in unison towards the guy standing on the pavement near a Powered fight, clad in spiked black armour and providing an impressive, bass performance that charges the atmosphere with an exhilarating tension - probably less so, if people knew you're mostly throwing insults at them and their mothers in amongst the actual singing.

Eh, their problem for not being multilingual.

Belting out two verses of sheer dramatic magnificence, you come to a graceful pause as everyone continues to stare at you. One of the hiding civilians starts applauding, before trailing off into an awkward silence.

"You needed something to class it up a bit," you say, giving a small shrug. Geez, what's their problem? At least you've scored an extra 30 seconds or so for the guys to evacuate. "A grudge match needs opera like a tragic backstory needs a creepy uncle."

They... keep staring.

[ ] Double thumbs up at them. "Hey, don't mind me, just here to provide the background music!"
[ ] "Oh, and I'm here to fight
-[ ] Armory."
-[ ] the Golem."
-[ ] both of you."
[ ] "Now, both of you idiots get out of my territory."
[ ] "By the way, if I keep singing, you'll all die. Shall I continue?"
[ ] Write in.
I find myself disappointed that the site doesn't have a, 'Perfection' rating.
I was hoping I merely missed it. so yea, we fucked up by not actually telling them to leave the building and run before even starting the whole opera skit
To be fair, you had no idea where they actually WERE in the building, so you'd have spent a couple of minutes looking for them! Presuming the Golem didn't smash through the building and kill you in the meantime.
[X] "By the way, if I keep singing, you'll all die. Shall I continue?"

This is a terrible idea and therefore I have to vote for it.

Their attention firmly grabbed, you grin widely - unseen behind the helmet - before flashing a double thumbs-up at them in your gauntlets. "Hey, don't mind me, just here to provide the background music!"

Armory sneaks a quick glance at the Golem, obviously unsure what the hell's going on. That's fine! You're not entirely sure what the hell's going on either. "In that case, uh... can you do Eye of the Tiger?"

[ ] Look, buddy, it's opera or nothing.
[ ] ... Sure, why not.
[ ] Can I?! Hell YEAH, I can!
[ ] A classic of your mortal music!
-[ ] Of course!
-[ ] Naturally, It's beneath the great me.
[ ] Write in
Depends what kind of mad science. Building giant steampunk robots and deathtraps would need different skills than creating gentically engineered monstrosities.
Well while steampunk is awesome and I do want to get into that later I'm thinking more weirdly magical rays. Gender benders, taco-transmuters, cloud salsafiers that kind of thing. And robots. Can't miss robots.