Prologue 2: Wit and Wisdom
Prologue 2: Wit and Wisdom

(Crimson POV)

You considered yourself surprised when you found yourself thinking that using Logic puzzles and Laws could help you get into the Town given you knew nothing about the situation.

But you considered it more of a Mental exercise then a challenge more then anything else. Because after several months in Smash Manor doing spar's and minigames...you needed an honest challenge at this point.

The rangers weren't dumb. There was a reason the Education requirement existed.

Travel to Po Town Roll DC: DC: 5/55/70
Rolled: D100 => 85-20 (Pouring Rain)=65

Dispite the rain and struggle that came with it, your progress wasn't hindered in any way, shape or form. For one thing, the whole attack from whatever sent you here had left them hot and tired and you were going to get them nice and cool, sure if they got some sniffles you'd get them warm but it was a different idea at this point.

All you wanted was that phone call. But It wasn't that bad, the rain, it was better then the scorching brightness that you remember seeing.

Must have been a fire type who was WAY too into it?

As you approached Po Town, you could already tell that it was a rundown Place. Many buildings looked damaged or abandoned, Graffiti sprayed everywhere. And on the streets...well, the Figures you were seeing must be Team Skull.

...Jeez, they really went all out with the Teen-Punk-Delinquent-Look, didn't they?

Well, here went nothing.

You decided to just confidently walk into the town. After all, you just needed a Phone Call. No need to act all sneaky and suspicious about it.

Plus, you assumed it would confuse the Grunts in the Streets and those standing Guard...which it did. For a short time.

After a few seconds of bewilderment at watching this complete stranger just walk into their turf, with a bunch of Pokémon - among them a LATIAS - by his side, two Grunts finally got up and blocked your way.

"Ey yo, yo, Dude! You crazy or somethin' to just stroll on Team Skull's Turf?! Who are you and what's you game, huh?!"

Intrigue Check: Hide Identity for Now (DC: 40)
Rolled: D100 + 15 +5=118

You shrugged, they had such punchable faces...but starting a fight this early would only lead to trouble,

"Akira." You said. Ren had told you that it would make a damn fine Alias, so might as well use it.

"So...AKIRA!! What you doing in SKULL TERFF HOMIE!" He said shouting. "Hey look at this guy...his body betray's his squareness...are you a square buddy?"

Great a smart ass.

"I'm just looking for a phone to call my girlfriend...nothing more." You said calmly.

"He answered only one question R...Whats his game, that's a Latias. so what is he playing?" The punk female said.

Bitch was trying to throw off your game.

"I ain't a square dog...and my Latias is none of your damn business." You growled. "Now let me walk, or I'll walk all over you like the load of Growlithe shit you are. I'm just a guy passing through, and you've seen the likes of me all the time, I follow the damn rules because trouble isn't something you want."

They nodded approving some form of honesty that seemed quite rare. "Right you are Akira...Its another drifter."

He then opened the gate. "First thirty minutes in Po Town are free...after that...there's a Tax you see."

Pokemon Morale Roll: D100 => 68-20 (Pouring Rain)=48

Despite the rain, Latias was in good spirits.

It was a shame that everyone else at the party didn't seem to share her enthusiasm for the rain.

Ahh, she'd learn to hate it eventually, but not today.

She was trying to see how many raindrops she could cut with Ariel slash...it was adorable.

The rest of the Pokemon would be hopeful to get dry quickly.

Being spoiled little shits made them have an attitude...Samus spoiled them with Pikachu.

Damn...now you feel sad. You hoped more of them got out.

Learning Check: Local Laws and Customs and Team problems(DC:30)
Rolled: D100 + 21 + 5 => 118

You looked around the Town and sighed as the groups of hoodlums looked at you for the briefest instance of curiosity, and as quickly as they appeared they vanished back into the hidy holes or the Pokemon Center or even into the sewers.

You count at least seventeen counts of vagrancy, forty-two counts of loitering on private property...if you could call any of this private property?

Oh...that was illegal pokemon fighting without a set-up arena, leading to property damage?

That was ten years for Pokemon Abuse and Property endangerment.

Holy shit this was awful.

Now you knew that Alola was a bit more different than Kanto, owing to the connection to Unova and their strange, strange culture.

Freedom was everything...but freedom without responsibility is nothing but a cruel and unfortunate flaw.

Team Skull…also had alot to answer for in their conduct.

Petty crimes are one thing...but running amuck in a city?

How the hell did this happen?

Learning Check: Po Town Local History (DC:???)
Rolled d100 + 21 + 5 => 73

Ahh, there goes the information...you think it was a passing legendary...something about displeasing local tribal and pokemon spirits to the point it was more or less abandoned by many of the locals due to the rain and the supposed curse bringing the worse of society.

Ahh, it was one of those messes.

Intrigue Check: Team Skull Organization Knowledge(DC:???)
Rolled: D100 + 20 => 41

Having spent time undercover in Team Rocket gave you a good Idea of how Gangs were usually structured...and how to spot hints to a new Gangs Organization. From what you could gather out of Conversations between Grunts you overheard, seeing them go about their day and how they carried themselves, this was clearly more of a Street Gang then an organized Criminal Enterprise.

Most of the Goons here seemed to be in it to simply find a place to be after failing in other walks of live, mostly as Pokémon-Trainers. In Team Skull, they could wallow in their Failure together and rage against the rest of the World and it's Systems...but at least they had Company in their Misery.

Also, judging by the looks of their Outfits and equipment, either Team Skull was really good at keeping it's stuff intact - unlikely, given everything else you discovered - or they had only very recently formed and had been active only for a shot amount of time.

Learning Check: Rule Lawyering
Rolled: D100 + 21 => 64+5 (Pokemon Ranger)=69

Now...To destroy this you neded to target the Head, the head of the snake as it were, and you were going to use your power and intellect to make it so.

You looked at the slime and motioned "Where's your big man...I'm gonna need to talk with him."

The Goons looked at you perplexed.

One of the Grunts narrowed his eyes. "Yo, Dude! What gives you the right to demand a meeting with the Boss, huh?!"

You glared at the Goon. "Do you know how many bones a Slowpoke can destroy with a tackle at full tilt...very few people have even considered it...now get me to your Boss, he has broken some rules and it needs to be addressed."

Though you were short, you were still an imposing presence thanks to the projection of authority and power.

The goons were smart at least. "Oh...I think we got a tough guy. Boss likes tough guys."

He then marched you into the shodily made throne room on the second floor.

"BOSS, we got a tough guy!!" The grunt said.

"A Tough guy… let's bring him in, I'll teach him the manners he lacks," Guzma said in a faux refined manner.

"That will not be necessary...what will be necessary is the Pokemon league Rule Violations and Alola Vagrancy Laws that you've broken. Not good for a man and his gang...How tough do you think you are if you can't even follow basic safety laws. I mean I counted so many crimes and ill-gotten trash its a wonder Po Town hasn't collapsed under its own weight with what you're doing in it." You said not letting Guzma take charge.

Sure you might not have a warrant but you are still a ranger.

Guzma seemed to perk up at your assistance. "I didn't take you for a Blue?"

You smiled "Let's just say when blue fails they go to the Orange and Red." The way you said it and how much confidence you said it in, more or less blared who you were, but they didn't react to it.

Guzma for his part leaned forward. "Well, you say I'm not running a good ship here eh?"

"Part of it might not be your fault...but I'm of the opinion that even with the marks this seemed to have acquired before your arrival. You have broken several laws just by being here."

The Leader's Ruling defense!!
Rolled: D100 + 8 => 79

Guzma stood up from his chair with a cocky grin. "I have built things..."

You raised an eyebrow. "Have you, now?"

"Sure I have. I built a community for the lost. The displaced. The scorned and those tossed aside."

He gestured to some of his Grunts. "You know who most of my Guys and Girls were before they came here, buddy? Poor saps who fell on hard times in life, through little fault of their own. Gettin fired because their bosses were assholes...getting their life saving stolen from them by greedy bastards...losing their Families and Friends in accidents or conflicts. Just plain bad luck all around. Their lives went to shit and fell apart and all they could do was watch."

He looked at you and pushed you slightly...the man knew his exercise regime of surfing and chasing pokemon.

"They lost things, Pokemon were forced to be let go due to costs. The work of trial captains and trainers beating them down it was all pressure to win, even when they put their heart and SOUL! Into it...for years they worked and failed only to be beaten by CHILDREN!! TO BE BEATEN BY TOURISTS!! TO thrown aside because the Trial Captains didn't think they were challenging enough to test the mettle of the trainers!"

You raised an eyebrow. Well, that sounded rather personal... Was that his own backstory too, maybe?

Damn...he was raising points on the failure of the League's social Support network for struggling trainers...

You feel so attacked right now.

How are you supposed to build an argument when is facts make sense?

"And besides", Guzma continued, "you know who else I keep out of this Place by setting up shop with Team Skull? Bastards like the Mafia or the Yakuza, who'd take advantage of my Crew! Also, you'll notice I kept the Pokémon Center operational? I'm not gonna let our Partners suffer like some scumbags out there do."

There was a certain sincerity in his voice. If nothing else, he did seem to genuinely care for Pokémon, especially his own.

Shame he had chosen this path.

But wait...his operation of a Pokemon Center?

Crimson Learning Check: POKE HOLES IN ARGUMENT!!
Rolled: D100 + 21 => 98


"What?" He said.

"An Unqualified Center that cannot meet the League Standards for Pokemon Veterinary leads to Pokemon that cannot operate at full skill and capacity due to mishandling of equipment, lack of Dietary means and supplements during the healing process and leads to Pokemon feeling anxious, moody and prone to violence." You said.

However, Guzma then took a deep breath through his nose, calming himself. The anger somewhat left his eyes and his cocky smirk returned.

"Your smart, strong and intelligent. I like that in a trainer." He said. "With an open mind and a clear head, one can do anything."

Guzma Martial Check: Intimidate for Pokemon
Rolled: D100 + 20 => 93

"Like running you down and Taking what YA don't need...like the cloaths off your back. Your shoes...or even YA Pokemon." He tapped your chest in a defiant manner. "Now... if you smart, we can take one off your hand, you don't have the cash to support them."

"Or what?" You said.

"Or we'll feed them to our own pokemon, fresh meat is good for the omnivores and the carnavores if my knowledge on their diets is right, and sometimes Pokemon eat each other all the time." He said

He didn't just-

With a white flash, your Pokemon exited their Pokeballs. Turning around, you looked at them.

Reaction from Pokemon:

King: D100 => 90
(Is Cool as a Cucumber)

King just looked at Guzma with a slightly raised eyebrow, clearly not impressed or intimidated by the Guy whatsoever.

Eevee: D100 => 32
(Trembling in Fear)

Eevee, by contrast, was trembling with fear, shaking like a leaf in the wind. If not for King's calming presence besides her, you suspect she might have just bolted.

Growlithe: D100 => 51
(Giving Death Glares)

Growlithe looked at Guzma with bared fangs, a low growl emerging from his throat and glaring so hard as if he was trying to set the leader of Team Skull on fire with it.

Vulpix: D100 => 74
(Subdued Anger)

Vulpix seemed calm at first glance...but upon closer inspection, her fur was bristling and her eyes narrowed as she looked at Guzma.

And Latias...

Latias: D100 => 1

Your eyes widened.

Your eyes widened.

Ahh, she was still a child and assumed that they were going to eat her "LATIAS!! LATIAS!" <THEY GONNA EAT ME! DADDY HELP!!"

Little tears were flying around as she flew around shouting she was terrified!

Crimson Piety Check: Hold it together...try to calm Latias down
Rolled: D100 + 16 + 5 => 109

"Latias...come here." It was your calming voice and presence that caused her to stop flying around like a mad Cyndaquil on chocolate.

You then hugged her as she shivered for a moment trying to calm down.

Crimson Diplomacy Check: Control your Anger!

He made your little flyer cry...

Now that just can't do.

You needed to make that clear that such things were no longer tolerated.

Crimson Martial Check: LAY DOWN THE LAW!! (DC:50)
Rolled: D100 + 23 + 5+10 => 121


Rolled: D100 + 20 => 102

Guzma's eyes widened as you began to walk towards him, clenching your fists and a dangerous glint in your eyes. You glare at him was so cold that Kyurem would've gotten a shiver from it.

He stepped back in fear. "Hey now...I was just playing tough."

"I was playing tough." He said as the other Grunts and even what appeared to be his friends looked at him with a hint of disgust and apprehension at what lit you off.

"YOU Threatened MY LATIAS!! DO you know who I am you LITTLE SHIT!!" You said feeling your voice boom in anger as you belted him across the face.

"My Name is Crimson Mura of the Pokemon Rangers, I am the Judge, Jury, and Executioner of scum and filth in this world! And all who harm Pokemon are my enemy!! TELL ME LITTLE GUZMA!" You shouted as he struggled to rise and punch you.

He actually landed a hit on your forehead with a great deal of force you didn't even flinch from as he looked in horror.

"Are you my enemy!?" You said calmly as he looked in shock and fear.

The force of everything seemed to make something break as if this action and the response to it ended an era here.

Submit Authority (Grunts) : D100 => 74

"I'm not going back to Juvie again." One of the Grunts said.

"Your selling out to a Ranger?" Another said.

"I am gonna fight for the guy who beat our man Guzma, he looked like he's got the smarts to do it. Maybe he can do as much as Guzma did." He said.

Reward: They recognize your authority.

Submit Authority (Plumeria) : D100 => 15

"I ain't selling out Man...but Guzma, what you did was a dick move, and I can't stay if you're going that low." She said.

"You threatened to feed a baby pokemon to the Muk...why the hell did you think that was okay if you were playing tough." She said.
She looked at you "Clear his head and fix his shit...then look for me...I can't follow you if he's acting out...and breaking promises like that."

"But I also can't trust you for lying to us so brazenly."

Reward: She's not staying due to Guzma's shit, and will go off to try and live on her own for a bit, see if she's successful.

Submit Authority (Gladion) : D100 => 7

"The Money...its gone." A grunt said.

"Oh no...Gladion took it…"Another said.

"Why?" The grunt said.

"Ranger's put men like him in jail or in the ground."

Submit Authority (Guzma) : D100 => 40

"You turned them away from me! After we promised to stay together no matter what!"

"You did that yourself man." You said.

"I didn't mean to!?" He said slouching on his throne.

"No one ever means to do a lot of shit...take it from me." You said. "Now I got a deal, I take over and fix up this mess of a problem, and you help me...but I'm in charge and you listen."

"And If I don't?" He said.

"I'm gonna throw most of you in prison simple as that. Mostly on Vagrancy charges, you'll lose a year of your life to the system but it's got free food." You said.

"Or...you can work for me, and I get you all on the right path."

Guzma looked at you as he thought about his options. "So this is...work rehabilitation?"

"You catch on fast...now...I have a phone call to make."


Your Call Cannot Connect due to System Overclock, please try again later.

Well, that was unfortunate.

Now you are stuck here.


Crimson is now in Command of Team Skull!

Guzma has Been Demoted to Second in Command (Administrator) and begrudgingly works for you out of atonement.

You now have a place to sleep.

New Actions Available!

AN: The Finished Product.

Took a long time to make.

Lets hope that Turn 1 doesn't take so long.

It's part of the reason it took so long.

And if you think things are out of Charecter.

Blame what caused the world to be messed up and a biased POV.
OK I was going to say. Team Skull is very much well. There not 100% evil. Another thing is they really wouldn't care for laws. Those are the two main things that stick out to me.
Guzma quest:
Wait, we intimidated a Latias -interrupt- What the hell happened. Welp, there goes team skull...

The guy in the negaquest whom suggested the possibility of Po town going under new management is gonna be both smug because he was right. And a bit shaken over being right.
OK I was going to say. Team Skull is very much well. There not 100% evil. Another thing is they really wouldn't care for laws. Those are the two main things that stick out to me.
This is a World where The Pokemon League is a bit more...strict, and the laws are mostly there to protect people from Property Damage and the Pokemon.

As well as protect the pokemon from humans.
The guy in the negaquest whom suggested the possibility of Po town going under new management is gonna be both smug because he was right. And a bit shaken over being right.
They should have studied up on what Rangers were, they would have been able to deal with him.
OK I was going to say. Team Skull is very much well. There not 100% evil. Another thing is they really wouldn't care for laws. Those are the two main things that stick out to me.
This is a World where The Pokemon League is a bit more...strict, and the laws are mostly there to protect people from Property Damage and the Pokemon.

As well as protect the pokemon from humans.
Also, part of how things went was Guzma very much stepped out of bounds trying to play tough against the random trainer radiating strength...
Laws might be a bit of an issue, but things might have played out differently if he had went for different words.
Edit: At least it seems that way.
Also, part of how things went was Guzma very much stepped out of bounds trying to play tough against the random trainer radiating strength...
Ehh, he was acting tough, and didn't mean it, but his words have concequences.
Laws might be a bit of an issue, but things might have played out differently if he had went for different words.
Yep...it might have been peaceful.

Alas, he needs to get his act together and become a bit more respectible.
This is a World where The Pokemon League is a bit more...strict, and the laws are mostly there to protect people from Property Damage and the Pokemon.

As well as protect the pokemon from humans.
I mean that not what I am talking about. But I am guessing, I am a minority right now. I also have things else. SO I might come back into this later.
I mean that not what I am talking about. But I am guessing, I am a minority right now. I also have things else. SO I might come back into this later.
Its the In Universe reasoning I'm using, and the last quest tells that the Rangers are bit more hands on with certain things.

But I understand there is some disconnect, It took me along time to write this.
Your Call Cannot Connect due to System Overclock, please try again later.

Well, that was unfortunate.

Now you are stuck here.


Crimson is now in Command of Team Skull!

Guzma has Been Demoted to Second in Command (Administrator) and begrudgingly works for you out of atonement.

New Actions Available!
So, I guess we are now doing advisor quest?
So, he has a baby latias, and we not only incurred his wrath, but at the same time essentially destroyed our own position...
GUZMA, WHYYY!!! :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
You know full well what group you lead. So why the hell did you self-detonate your leadership like that!?!?!?!?
We shouldn't have gone for that gambit...
I didn't expect the new management to be of our own creation though.
All the ranger wanted to do was use the flipping phone. And he managed to get us to self-destruct in the process and STILL CAN'T USE THE PHONE!:lol::rofl::lol::rofl:
When I saw the Latias freak out, I was wondering if it might not be as much of a train wreck as the words Immediately made it seem to be.
Well, That escalated quickly.
So, anyone have an idea who he was trying to call?
Might have been trying to get into contact with other rangers.
...Why do I feel the Gambit may be at least partly responsible for Guzma's very poor choice of words?
Besides the ranger event only being because of that choice.