Prologue: The Life and Times of a Brawl
(Crimson POV)
"Well we have to die of something don't we?" You said as you saw the beams of light starting to rise across the sky.
"Slowpoke" King said. <I wish I was in the Suit Ladies Armor...we'd be safer there?">
"Don't worry about it...we'll be fine... I hope." You said.
"Eyes up ladies!! This is gonna hurt!" Snake screamed
"King... " You calmly state as attack gets closer "Use Teleport"
He then caughed. "Slowpoke" <I don't know that TM.">
You then raised an eyebrow. "Ah shit...I thought we" Then you went to the Pokedex comm and then looked at the TM loader, shit it crashed "...SNAKE WE HAVE A PROBLEM!"
Just then, hails of Light start hitting around, Pit and Palutena beside you turning to stone as King barely managed to pull you out of the way.
Pit Sighed "I know...that seal isn't gonna hold forever!"
"Why did we trust Bayonetta with this plan!" Captain Falcon said getting a rock to take cover behind.
Oh...the Plan...the Plan.
Yeah this is what you get for trusting Bayonetta's plan.
"The PC is down!!" You shouted.
That meant the Battlenet was in Choas and you were all going to have to wing it from here. and By Wing it, you mean struggle on until Bayonetta can fix this problem.
Her plan...her responsability.
Now... "King...I'm sorry I accepted that Invitation...if we die...I just want you to know that."
<That your my best friend> He finishes, before pink envelops your mind as your tossed as far away as you can be and then hell you don't remember what-
You coughed...and then realized the cold. "Arceus!!"
You then looked down to see the sand, and then looked at your pants. "Oh..still have pants....thank goodness."
King was swimming the ocean, relaxing, and seemingly not giving a damn.
Eevee was off running around with a Coconut husk and chewing on it as Vulpix appeared to be trying to scream at the water to stop moving.
Growlithe playfully sat down in the sand, nearly burying himself in it as he steeply dug down.
"Oh, my head...what did we do last night?" You said trying to stand.
"Hey!! you with the Pokemon!! You don't look very good are you okay!" It was Officer Jenny on patrol.
You looked "I don't really know...where am I?"
"So...uhh, is there a Pokemon Center I can go to...I need to make a phone call." You asked.
"How desperate are you to make that call?" She said.
"Uhh, very?" You said.
"Po town still has a working phone line in the Pokemon Center you can use, but don't stay for to long team Skull is a bad crowd and day no to anything they offer you." She said.
"Bye.." She then ran off.
Oh...oh no that's just great. At least you have your ID card on you? Wait, was it?
Alright, you really needed to make that Phone Call and nothing was going to stop you from doing it. to get into that Po Town?:
[]Walk in and Ask if you can use that Phone: Alright clearly you need to use the phone, and you think the simplest answer is...just walking up and asking? (Diplomacy Check.)
[]Full on Tactical Assult: These are untrainned Children against a Pokemon Ranger, they can't hope to stop you! (Martial Check)
[]Try to Con them: Alright time to use your tried and true criminal skills to get them to give up everything they own. (Stewardship check)
[]Try to Sneak in: Yeah lets keep it simple, use a box, climb over the wall, like that one guy you know, what was his name. (Intrigue Check)
[]Get into Intense debate and Rule Lawyer them all: You know what, you can tell them they are doing it all wrong and that will get to a point where they're going to give up. (Learning Check.)
AN: Choose wisely...because this will effect what happens and what you get during the First Turn.