Pebbles bounced her son Chip on her hip. "Shh sweetie, I'm almost done!" Where was that slate!? Oh! On the wrong side of her desk, why WOULDN'T she have misplaced it!? Good, that's everything.
Her little champion sniffled but stayed strong. Unlike his twin sister Roxy, who had inherited her father's insane self reliance and strength, Chip had more of her side of the family… Boisterous, with powerful emotions and a bubbling personality!
Until he had to separate from mommy. "Now let's go see your dad and sister, make sure that strange John fellow is feeling better." If not, she'd have to let Bamm-Bamm keep an eye on him while she ran off to not miss her meetings.
His tiny face pouted. "An."
Bouncing her little darling on her hip, she easily held the stone data slates in her other arm as she walked back to the front room. "Between you and me Chip? Going this long without SOMETHING smashing or banging around in the background? I think my little girl and Bamm-Bamm are up to something!"
Chip just clutched her clothing as she chuckled, moving into the other room… Which, pleasantly enough, WASN'T smashed or crumbling. Her little girl was being so good today! "Bamm-Bamm, my darling Roxy! How's our patient doing?"
The massive mountain of her man shifted to one side, their adorable and overpowered daughter casually held in one arm… Oh, there John was! Looks like he was just waking up from a light nap. It was always a bit tricky to see around her husband. "Thank goodness you're up! You gave me a bit of a scare earlier."
Absently shifting Chip to her other hip so he could better see his sister, she checked the nearest sundial. Still some time left. "Do you still feel woozy? Nauseous? Any aches or pains?"
John winced, and nodded. "My new Body is so adaptable and efficient it is converting anything I come in close contact with into something like cultivation resources."
…What? She felt so lost… "I'm sorry?"
He waved her off. "I'll be fine, now that I know of the issue I can set up some protocols to just store all that excess power away for me and the others so we don't start tripping balls… *COUGH* I mean, so we don't have bad side effects from simply taking a bath or eating supper. Just, you know, it all caught me off guard."
No, that didn't explain anything, or at least it didn't feel like it. "I'm sorry, what do you mean?"
The young man blinked, and then smacked his head. "Doi, new people, new place… Sorry, let me try and rephrase all of that: I've got a hold of the things making me go all loopy and absent minded, but I haven't FIXED myself yet, you know? I may say odd stuff or forget to explain things for… I don't know, another day or two maybe."
He then pointed at his chest. "This Body you see, my physical self? I made it recently and it is experimental… Stuff like that ALWAYS has a few quirks and issues to work out, and that's BEFORE we bring coming from so far away into a new place into the mixture."
…So his rocks were a bit loose. Well, she had plenty of 'eccentric' clients, friends and even family too… Who was she to judge? "That's very nice. Honey, if he starts frothing at the mouth or having some sort of seizure, please take him to the hospital, alright?"
Her man held up a massive hand, their daughter giggling as she casually clung to the limb like a monkeysaur. "Will do!"
John himself shrugged. "I mean, sure? Though it would probably be easier to just get a new Body than attempt to fix one up. Breaking something or getting sick takes AGES to recover from otherwise, even with these new avatars! I mean, who wants to wait half a day to rebuild a skeletal structure!? It's just impractical!"
Well, at least the kids enjoyed her guest's silly antics. "You mentioned your sister? And others? Can we contact them and…" Get you into their medical care… "Let them know you are alright?"
He shrugged. "I'm keeping them in my Pocket for now, until I work out all the issues with us going a bit loopy from being rained on or eating a sandwich."
…Either his family was VERY small or his 'sister' was a pet rock or something.
Considering that orphans were not exactly uncommon (Even her husband had initially been raised in the wild by mammoths), it was best to not ask right now. "Right… Well, for my own peace of mind, could you rest here with my husband watching over you until you feel 100% back to normal?"
The idea of him wandering out and just being lost to the wilds was horrific.
Thankfully the boy seemed easy going. "No problimo! Besides, until I fix my own issues just walking around and smelling delicious food might push my sanity a bit. There's this sort of primordial energy that imbues everything around here, enhancing Concepts that align with fundamental principles and… Uh. Anyway, yeah! I don't mind hanging around for a while!"
…Would he really be alright, even with her family here watching over him?
Glancing at the sundial… Unfortunately, her time had basically run out. "Chip sweetie, go hug your dada and sister for a little bit, alright?" She'd have to book it a bit, but she wouldn't be late.
Chip grumbled. "Nn!"
Daww. NO! No time left! "Please? For mommie?"
Thankfully, her husband swept in. "THERE'S my little Chip! Come give daddy a hug!"
Their daughter, still hanging from her husband's arm without a care in the world as she swung about, babbled happily as her son blinked a bit confused at the sudden change… And she was free! "Thanks Bamm-Bamm, you alright handling this mess I threw us into?"
He chuckled as one kid began to climb up his arm and the other was cradled in a palm. "Let me handle this little amount of lifting, Pebbles. Now get! I know you've been preparing for this pitch for a while now."
Right, the time was now… Yeah, she could do this!
Giving him a quick kiss, she was off! "Wish me luck!"
~~~Pocket System~~~
John watched the woman nearly skip out of the office holding hundreds of pounds of stone rock with various details chiseled upon them as if it was styrofoam.
And she WASN'T the one with superstrength.
No, that was her husband and her baby.
Holy CRAP were people strong in this Realm! "So this is Chip then?"
The cute little tyke was distracted by his father bouncing him in his hand. "Yep! Charleston Frederick 'Chip' Rubble-Flintstone, future little genius and brother to this little powerhouse…"
[["Aww, look how adorable those two are! John, quick: Tell him that those little ones are SO cute!"]] [["Jessica, our Lord is currently adjusting his new Body to prevent…"]] [["But she's right! Look how cute they are! Master, we need to have ALL the babies."]] [["SISTER! SHH! You'll scare our Lord away!"]] [["Girls, shh! John, please? Sigh, it's so frustrating being stuck in here while you modify everything."]] [["But the GOOD kind of frustration… Mmm, Master in one of those animal skins sounds N̢̟͎̦i̧̱̞c̢̙͖e̱͔̜̥̞͢…"]]
John held back a wince, watching while Roxy had managed to use her insane grip strength to climb up to her father's head. The fact that the man could ignore thousands of pounds of force 'tugging' his hair was impressive… And she DID seem quite happy to stay up there. "You have adorable children."
[["So could we!"]] [["SISTER!"]] [["Temptation, please… And thank you, John."]]
Sigh, at least his enhanced Body didn't easily have issues like headaches… Though it wasn't clear how it would stand up to the physique related abilities of the locals.
After all, it was a bit odd that the young baby girl could likely punch out a minor angel or demon or whatever… This place apparently built people rock tough by default.
Bamm-Bamm's smile was almost as massive as he was. "Yeah, I'm pretty blessed… Although I'm glad your eyes stopped glowing before my wife brought Chip over. It was a bit eerie honestly."
Hang on! "My eyes did WHAT now?" System, log that! In fact, start recording self imagery for further analysis!
Bamm-Bamm nodded as he wrangled his kids. "Yeah, and your body parts were shifting color and shape and… Doesn't matter, I won't pester you about it all. Long story short? I've got some crazy family and some even MORE crazy inlaws, so I've seen all sorts of stuff over the years."
John blinked as the man rumbled. "Anyway, while she'll likely be fine with that sort of thing later on… Well, it's a bit much to throw on my wife just before a huge presentation, you know? So I'm glad you were able to play it all off as some sort of 'strange loony guy' thing just now."
Huh. "Just so we are clear, I haven't dropped back into insanity for a few centuries now… Not since I escaped and was born back in my sister's Realm. I'm doing MUCH better these days, even with a new Body that uncontrollably attempts to mutate into stronger forms by absorbing the raw potential of being a 'rock' in a Primordial world."
He got a thumbs up! "Perfect! Just uh… Keep that kind of thing up if she shows back here having forgotten something. And maybe try to prevent your hair and stuff from glowing, at least until this afternoon. Alright? She's pitching a HUGE advertising campaign, been working on it for months now."
Aww crap biscuits. "My hair's changing too!?" Give a FULL diagnostic about where all this ambient energy is leaking from!
[[Confirmed. Generating schematics for Body energy containment degradation predictions.]]
Sheesh! Making a new form from scratch wasn't supposed to be THIS hard, he had done it easily enough in Steve's Realm just using random Wheat and Grass Essence! Borg organics were freaking crazy!
[["Wait, you weren't trying to turn your body into a heavy metal concert?"]] [["Oh dear, maybe one of my defensive units is conflicting with the adaptation routines in the…"]] [["Hey sis, don't be a nerd! Master, I've got ALL the special effects you'll {{USER 'Temptation' disconnected.}}]]
…Everything alright in there?
His sister just chuckled. [["Yeah, those two are just having a sibling bonding moment. Meanwhile, here's a quick summary of the changes Grace has been logging while we were in here… I think she was just trying to watch you secretly or something, but it will probably give you a good list of things to check out to fix your whole glowing thing."]]
Ooh! Yeah, that would help a LOT! "Excuse me while I zone out a bit, Bamm-Bamm. I've got some things to cross reference, but then I'm almost SURE I'll be able to drink water without losing my sanity!"
The man stabilized his wandering daughter but still managed to give John a thumbs up! "Sounds great! Will it also stop the… You know, the glowing flashing colors thing with your fingernails?"
The WHAT now!?
Ahem. "Yes. Yes it will."
Now where the hell was THIS energy leaking from!?
~~~Pocket System~~~
Roxy liked glow man, but da bestest! Climb the dada! Hehehe! Higher! Even higher! The topest!
Oh noes! The arms! Dodge, she must dodge the… "Aren't YOU energetic today! Come, play with your brother for a bit. You know how Chip gets when mother has to work. Yes John, that looks MUCH better with the…"
Noo! She must escape! She must climb! Dada, you must release… Oh, hi! It was her brother!
Her brother pulled her into a hug, but she was slow because she might hurt him. Da taught her that she only go fast with bad people. And her brother warm, even if he was wet sometimes.
But that was okay, because she was wet sometimes too!
Next time she'd climb together! Brother and Roxy, to the top of the dada! Hehehe! "Ga!"
Then everything went dark as snuggly blanket covered everything, but she still had be slow 'cause brother hugging and it was warm… She still wanted to climb… But very warm…
Moving slowly, she allowed them both to be wrapped up in a blanket, their faces exposed as her father carefully held them in his enormous arm… And slowly rocked them both… And…