I still wanna see Fallen London at some point but I do like this
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Well, with the Flintstones, you also get the Jetsons. Those specifically cross somehow. Either time travel, or that theory that the Flintstones world is what is happening planetside, given the Jetsons world is floating in the sky.

I am kind of sad that we've still got the mystery on who actually set the automatic anit-automation systems in the Borgverse. Even if it is presumably the Q. Kind of a shame that there isn't any reaction though. Still a future possibility, given that there's still a connection there.
I am kind of sad that we've still got the mystery on who actually set the automatic anit-automation systems in the Borgverse.
Keep in mind that exists in the same universe as the Klingon literally killing their gods. Somehow.
Just about anyone or anything could be responsible for the anti-AI affect.

My money is on the patron being of the crystalline entities: the only way to give life to rocks is to inversely warp possibility away from rocks merely hosting thought without also hosting organic behaviors.

That is to say: all of those micro-sabotage events John was deflecting? Was an attempt to give birth a new crystalline entity, which is why robots always go mad when successfully built: they are experiencing some variety of crystalline entity growing inside them.

Imagine your skeleton deciding that it wants out.
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Is this going to be an Adult Swim version of the Flintstones? Where Fred was a mob boss and barney his bodyguard/ right hand?

If this is, does this connect to the Harvey Birdman thing? Scooby Doo and the rest?
For a moment I thought it was Orihime, but then the dinosaur started talking... :V
I thought it was that live Action Puppet 'Dinosaurs' TV show from the 90's until she said 'Pebbles'.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, imagine if someone looked at the 'Simpsons' and decided the show would be better if it was live action, but everyone were dinosaurs instead. The characters were 90 percent matches for The Simpson's cast.
Something missed out is that BamBam isn't the same tribe/race as the rest of the cast.
In the comics, Fred and Barney and the rest of the water buffaloes were army buddies who took over bedrock by "getting rid of" their old inhabitants. BamBam is the last of the inhabitants that Barney couldn't bring himself to get rid of, so adopted.
I reckon John could have some fun in a MLP world, he's the sort of person who connects to others easily and the EMOTIONAL magic would be cool for him. It would also be cool to see how "Home" reacts to all the Harmony magic in that world.
*Startles, badly.* Are You TRYING to create the quasi grey version of The Conversion Bureau!? Cause that's what happens when you include a self expanding reality warping invasion of space with the Conformity Impression that is the Equistrian Magic System. . . . . Maybe not so much with earlier gen variants, but definitely the FiM era Gen.
*Startles, badly.* Are You TRYING to create the quasi grey version of The Conversion Bureau!? Cause that's what happens when you include a self expanding reality warping invasion of space with the Conformity Impression that is the Equistrian Magic System. . . . . Maybe not so much with earlier gen variants, but definitely the FiM era Gen.
Ehhh, stuff like that only matters if the AUTHOR makes them matter. I'M just interested in the reaction between our semi-alive [HOME] and the semi-alive Harmony magic, it would also be interesting to see John interact with Twilight, she has SO MUCH knowledge about the magic of that universe, but only from a technical/scientific/logical standpoint, whereas John doesn't really put ANY thought into how his stuff works beside the EMOTIONAL side, he makes it do it's own work. It would be interesting to see them collaborate.
Not to mention MLP:FiM is marked by Adam as too horni for other parts of him to go there.
He was made out of hard wood and he had some serious blushing issues after he went there.
So, in short, MLP is marked as "There Be Too Horni Everything".
Since Adam Burns has already visited MLP, and Ace has said before that he will not revisit locations, even in another story, we can put MLP to rest as a non starter for John to visit.
Not revisiting locations...
Since Adam Burns has already visited MLP, and Ace has said before that he will not revisit locations, even in another story, we can put MLP to rest as a non starter for John to visit.
It's something I want to avoid, because it heavily risks writers laziness and some such...

But if they go there, or even to similar Realms in the same story (such as the double Worm trips in Broken Adventure)? So be it.

Right now? I'm just thrilled that certain people haven't shown up in this most recent world! He was a real concern and might even be the connection between the Q of Star Trek and here.
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I'll be honest I wasn't really expecting them to show up in one of the movies from the Flintstones, but John really lucked out here.

First of all, the population for this entire Realm is tiny. Might be a side effect from John wanted to go someplace without multiple hundreds of species each with billions of people in them.

Secondly, the humans in this place are way more powerful than standard. Able to withstand boulders the size of cars without concern, toddlers able to throw hundreds of pounds of weight casually, the people in this area are built 'Rock solid', if you'll pardon the term. I think it might be one of the few places they could have gone where all four of them can adjust to having a new 'Borg flesh' enhanced body.

Finally, none of the main characters are in the area except for Pebbles and her family. It makes Hollyrock a pretty cool place to hang out, since it'll just be a rock variant of a tourist destination.

...Now excuse me while I go back and fix her name, apparently she decided to go with Pebbles Flintstone-Rubble and I just failed to notice.
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Too. Many. Rock. Puns.
There's going to be a delay for the next update to at least Wednesday. Frankly, I'm astounded there wasn't a delay last week considering it was a holiday...

Also, like I mentioned earlier? Very low population count. Even huge cities have less than 10,000 people! Also I think rocks here are slightly metaphysical, since they could be used as Wheels and housing and structural components that require the ability to bend without fracturing to a small degree...
I thought they used dino bones or wood for stuff that has to bend.

Rocks are absolutely metaphysical to be as strong as they are but I cant think of anything where they bent. They are always used in place of concrete or slabs of metal and wood. Stuff when it stays in a fixed shape.