John grinned! "This place is perfect! And so much space… We could afford this place without needing more lost grandparents?"
Jessica was watching the many MANY too dark alleys and hidden paths on all sides for some reason. "Yep." Something moved in the dark. "Apparently, properties in this part of town go cheap."
They both noticed something scratch as it got crunched in the dark, but it didn't seem to be an urgent issue.
Still! John was already walking back and forth in front of the storefront. "Needs a bit of work, but the location is actually on a fairly accessible road, ALL the back allies in this part of town are shockingly accessible… What about power and sewage? We don't need water access, since we won't be using the local stuff."
Jessica was looking skeptical as she carefully walked through the glass from all the broken windows towards the entrance. "I wouldn't trust ANY of the sewers in this town. From what I can tell, half of them are just escape tunnels and invasion vectors, corpse smuggling paths and hunting shortcuts. Power should be good though, the Mayor seems to really crack down on anyone or anything that attempts to mess with general utilities from what the locals say."
John casually wandered into HIS new bakery, ignoring the shredded scraps of door and the debris from the assaulted building. "Most of this will have to go, unfortunately. The holes through the floor and roof have let a LOT of water into the structure, and considering the mold and the things that are crawling into the basement… Yeah. best start from scratch. I'll need more floors than this anyway."
Still kind of strange how EVERY building and residence had a basement though. Most connected in some way, obvious or not, to the sewers.
Meh, more space for the BEST BAKERY EVERY! "Right, where are the exact property lines? What space do I have to work with?"
Jessica shrugged. "I bought this block."
He hummed as he moved past the old blood smears and heavily damaged side rooms. According to his Scans, no one had actually died here for over a year or so, and some of these horrific visual concerns were more or less spawned by reality because people Believed the various stories about this place.
Except those over there, someone actually died there a month ago. Gross.
Wait. "Block? What do you mean you bought this block?"
She kicked a brick fragment out of the way. "Like I said, properties anywhere CLOSE to this part of town go cheap. Dirt cheap. We own all the bankrupted and condemned businesses and properties on this side of the street. From that intersection to this one, it's ours."
John felt his pulse quicken. This whole side of the street? "...And I get to do what I want to these places?"
His sister nodded. "Yep."
Oh FUCK yeah! "Can I start now!? Do we need to evict monsters or homeless people or prior owners or squatters or something?"
System, scan EVERYTHING and give me schematics to work with.
Jessica glanced outside at the far too dark and oppressive neighborhood. "No, this is… This is very VERY much the bad side of town. I haven't seen activity from anything larger than a dog since we got close to the place."
John blinked. So people were avoiding this area… Wonder why?
Meh, whatever. Time to get started! "Let's stand in the street out front, so we won't be in the way. Haven't seen any cars except for ours since we got here anyway."
Frankly it was shocking that all the stoplights worked.
Moments later, the two were standing and READY TO GO! "I'm going to build ALL the things!"
His eyes glowed.
Take it A͕̣͎̟̣̟͍̞̖̰͜L͇̟͙̪̫̜̗͢L̮̘̦̪̱̜̪͚̝͇̩͜!̧̰̦͕̖̦̠͚̰̘
Deeper and deeper. All the tunnels, all the pipes, all the wirings, all the foundations, all the buildings. For an instant, a pit yawned deep and hungry before the siblings.
SO far down below, a layer of Bedrock. Not truly unbreakable in this place, not like back in Steve's world, but close to it.
Layers after layers of Smooth Stone, then a layer of Gravel, layers of Dirt, top it with Grass.
The suddenly appearing bright green lawn replaced the now empty street side for a moment even as John's focus intensified.
Carve paths and Craft materials to allow electrical wires to cross this property, along with new pipes for sewage and runoff water… Far more basic and utilitarian rather than the wasteful monstrosities of underground passageways this Town normally constructs.
After all, John and Jessica didn't need all underground tunnels to be large enough for 8 foot tall creatures to move about. They just wanted to ensure proper drainage, thank you very much.
Reinforcing the wiring with Gold Block Essence and the pipes with Iron, John began reviewing the Scanned schematics collected from what USED to be his side of the street.
…Uh. These were bad. REALLY bad. "Half of these buildings were just randomly constructed with crap materials… Or were they damaged and rebuilt so often that nothing of the original stuff remained? No related style or theme in the design work either, not that you could tell considering most of the stuff was falling apart."
Meh, whatever. He could do better than this anyway. "Let's see here…"
The Bakery would be in the middle, the center of the safety zone. Each building would pretty much take up the entirety of the property if he followed the original layout, meaning most of this Grass would get covered up… So let's change that too.
A series of sidewalks with customized Stone Brick paths, leading to a series of small buildings in the center of the now exposed property, Grass on all sides. Each building would have stairs, ramps, and elevators down into the actual businesses below.
He frowned even as the buildings went up… This DID expose the dirty and trash filled back alley behind this place though. And moving... Things. Gross.
There, send ALL of that mess into recycling. Along with those massive not-dogs and not-rats that had been hunting/hiding/breeding back there too. And all the bugs and stuff.
Not like anyone was collecting the filth from the dumpsters back there ANYWAY… Or, to be fair, anyone who tried had probably died by that point long ago.
As John rebuilt that street and the massive mess below it, he then quickly made a decision. "Sis, stand on the grass for a second." Might as well do the other three streets touching ḫ͈͜i̦͉̮͜ş̱̦̬̲ property in one go.
He blinked at the lack of response. "Sis?"
Jessica was still stunned, staring at the small colorful buildings now placed on a massive and immaculate grass covered property. "...I'm sorry, what were you saying John?"
Tugging her arm, he walked forward. "If I'm going to fix up that crap back alley, I want to fix up ALL the streets around here. At least the ones touching my stuff. Just stand on the grass for a second."
With only a mild amount of prodding she allowed him to guide her off the work space…
Damn, that wasn't a street. That was a series of potholes that had started a social commune.
He stared at the edge of his newly formed streets where they rejoined with the local travesty to roadwork. "...Yeah, I'm probably going to have to fix at least a few roads on our way home from here. I had noticed how bumpy it was getting on the way in but seriously…"
Jessica winced. "Yeah, that was the BEST route to get here. Some of the other options were… Like this. There is a reason why we got out and walked the last two blocks."
Fair enough. "Right, I'll handle that on our way out. I'll fix up the road to our car, you can drive slowly around our store, and we'll be good."
Not to mention all those roads would now have NORMAL sized pipes and enhanced wiring and stuff, creating a natural series of barriers to anything and anyone trying to travel around down there. Barriers that would require a lot of effort and time to drill through if someone will ill intentions came along, considering how durable enhanced materials turned out to be.
But for now! "Doe's Dough will be right here, that spot will be the 'Safe Harbor' and I can set it up to sell seafood and maybe a big indoor swimming area, which will use up a LOT of the space on that side of the property, and this last bit will will have the 'Relaxing Retreat' and 'Fleeless Market'!
His sister gave him a look and he ignored it. "Water Source blocks will make sure all four places are supplied with clean water, which will save a LOT of money for pool costs, Relaxing Retreat can be a hotel that DOESN'T serve up guests as snacks, and the Fleeless Market will let people set up stalls and stuff and trade things without… You know, the whole being eaten thing."
Jessica looked at her brother… Then back at the property, new signs already Crafted and placed on each of the new buildings. "You want tons of people coming here?"
John grinned! "Yep!"
She hummed. "Then I better buy the other side of the street."
Wait, what? "Why?"
She gestured at the abandoned section of town with a bright and impossible park now within it. "Because people need to park. It's one thing to drive up and buy some bread before going home, it's a totally different issue when you are attempting to set up some sort of community center thing."
John blinked at that… Oh. "Yeah, uh… That makes sense."
Maybe he had gone a bit overboard? He hadn't even fully formed the underground facilities yet, after all. "Couldn't they use those parking lots over there?"
Jessica shook her head. "Only one of the shops on your side of the street even had a parking lot to begin with, before you replaced everything with grass. You'll need a LOT more parking, SAFE parking, if you want to set up…" She gestured at the four new buildings. "...All of that."
Damn it. "Will we have enough money for that? We still need to set up deliveries and stuff for the equipment I plan to make. They need raw materials to make Bread and stuff without me being involved."
She snorted. "When I said properties here were cheap, I mean DIRT cheap. Most only require you to pay off various fines and stuff and the bank would THROW the deeds at us. We won't need to have any more unfortunate grandparent incidents just yet."
Oh thank goodness! "Then that's fine. I'll finish up this side of the street, you try to get the buildings and stuff on the other side of our back alley, and I'll convert that entire area into a parking garage or something."
Maybe set up a cargo elevator and unloading dock over there too, so incoming purchases wouldn't get in everyone's way when resupplying the facilities he was setting up. Yeah, that would work just great!
Jessica hummed. "It will take me an hour or so to safely get my car out of the area we left it without messing up the wheels or something. Probably a better idea for us to leave together so you can fix the road on the way out, saving us both a lot of time and annoyance."
Fair enough. "I'll make sure to fix up any routes the local buses are supposed to take too… I mean, there HAD been a bus stop on my street but uh..." Yeah, this area had been VERY abandoned. "Anyway, could you please stand right over here? Perfect, thank you."
It would probably be best to line the edges of the property with some flower beds with some useful plants in them, considering how powerful Belief is here in this world too. Any suggestions?
Supernaturally significant plants can be found from local sources. Review them for approval?]]
Well yeah, please. Smaller than a bush, since it would be going in the flower bed.
[[Pennyroyal. Herb in the mint family. Historically used to protect against 'the evil eye' and according to superstition can smooth the way for fair business deals, while promoting peace, compromise, and help prevent fighting. Note: Pennyroyal is an extremely toxic herb that has caused multiorgan failure and death in several people.]]
He blinked… Uh. No thank you?
Seriously, that sounded perfect right up until you got to the multiorgan failure and death bit. If John planted that stuff, his sister would throw a fit!
[[...Chamomile. The daisy-like flower is considered one of nature's most powerful prosperity herbs. Rumored to attract money when the hands are washed in a chamomile infusion, and small bouquets of chamomile or chamomile sachets are believed to attract money to a place of business. Chamomile also aids sleep and relaxation when used as tea and is safe to consume and is considered delicious. Note: Harvest the blossoms at their peak and dry them quickly to store for tea. Chamomile spreads easily, but it's a pleasant-smelling addition to a wilder landscape.]]
Yeah, suggest more stuff like THAT, please and thank you. No more organ rotting plants, por favor.
Shesh, was his System TRYING to get him in trouble? "Right, it will be easy enough to set up
Redstone Lamps for light within the stuff underground, which will hopefully have the same purification and protection effect as Torches while still letting people turn them on and off with light switches…"
He hummed. "But even though some will be eternally lit in the public areas, it only prevents the CREATION of 'hostile mobs'. Technically. If someone is trying to escape and they come to our new place, a determined enough monster or creature or person could theoretically ignore their instincts and logic and keep chasing them down."
Jessica narrowed her eyes. "Does our [[Home]] have the same issues?"
John waved that off. "Nah, our [[Home]] keeps out intruders and stuff FAR more aggressively, to the point of being able to take lethal measures against anything hostile enough that tries to invade it. But this place doesn't COUNT as a home! And since businesses and hotels don't get the same kind of innate protection that a home gets, we need an alternative defensive strategy."
His sister considered the issue while he continued construction underground, reinforcing materials along the way while modifying the layout of the underground electrical grid and piping network, as he allowed his System to drone on in the background suggesting plants for various parts of the new facilities.
She eventually nodded, but seemed hesitant. "Alright, so we need something to keep our future business and customers safe. What are you suggesting? For a 'defensive strategy' I mean."
John pulled out a pumpkin, carving it by Collecting the excess material and the insides! "Steve told me about these things called
Iron Golems! They are these big old softies that hand out flowers to people and protect a village from hostile monsters!"
She blinked at the pumpkin, confused, but moved on ignoring it. "How dangerous are they?"
He shrugged. "From what Steve says, they just toss bad guys away. No biting or whatever, no poison or anything. Just a good toss! Plus they sort of run on magic, so they don't need to eat or poop or anything. I figure a few dozen of those could just wander around or stand watch up here and keep an eye out, you know?"
His sister gave him a Look. A suspicious one. "And they won't be influenced by being near a literal portal to hell? No golem uprising or them going on an insane rampage or something?"
John scoffed! "Nah, their Essence is too pure for that and they can resist the effects of the Nether easily enough. It's why Steve used Iron Blocks to block out the thing that was chasing us back when…" Oops, she was looking angry again.
Backtrack! "Anyway, if we make the Iron Golem ourselves, they will NEVER throw us! Just hostile mobs. Only the ones that Spawn naturally while defending a Village would consider fighting against people like us, and even THEN we have to do some bad stuff first to really piss the Villagers off first and…"
He paused his rambling as Jessica held up a hand.
She took a calming breath. "Will they attack Bills and monsters like those non-dog things that had been hunting us earlier?"
John nodded. Uh, though technically? "Not ALL Bills and Billettes and demons and dog sized creatures and abominations and layers and whatever… Just the ones that are Hostile. To us, the location they protect, or the non-Hostile people within."
After all, the golems were anti-hostility, not racist. Or specist. Demonist? Whatever.
Besides: If you were a local demon or a Bill or whatever and you could avoid being a bitch, just come right on in! Buy some Bread and some Cookies, your money's always good here!
…Although for a newly born Bill or Billette, being non-Hostile was very unlikely. After all, most new vampires would be born hungry and surrounded by bad influences and 'prey' and stuff according to what his System had researched.
And after you were born eating a bunch of victims and innocents, it was highly improbable that you would eventually become a decent person. Not impossible, but uh… Yeah.
Jessica was looking exasperated. "Focus, John. If I let you make Iron Golems, can they protect this place without becoming a bigger problem than what we are trying to fix?"
Hmm? "Yeah, it should be fine. And I've got lots of pumpkins, so we're good there."
She blinked, looking at the newly carved Pumpkin in his hands. "
John nodded as he put it away and got a fresh Pumpkin to work with. "Yep! Put some carved pumpkins on some iron and BAM! One Iron Golem crafted, job done! Super quick and easy."
Jessica watched him 'carve' the new gourd and hesitated. "Well… It shouldn't be TOO hard to squish a pumpkin if they get out of hand… Fine. You can make some Iron Golems. Just keep an eye on them, okay?"
Sweet! "Alright, I should have most of the overall work done in another half hour or so. Then we can fix the nearby streets, get back to the car, and repair some roads until we get back and buy the area over there for setting up a parking garage.
It should be pretty easy, for some reason John had some VERY
complicated schematics for parking available already thanks to the System.
…Wonder how many Iron Golems he could fit inside of one if they were put into 'Standby and Guard' mode? Hmm.