She didn't even have time to feel too cold or hot before it seemed to correct itself, same for all the water taps… When she washed her hands, after turning on the hot and cold water, the stuff was PERFECTLY what she wanted to suds up. Not too hot, not too cold, no waiting for the temperature to adjust.
Yup, sounds like a SIMs house.

"Diggy diggy hole! Diggy diggy hole…"
"I am a dwarf and I live in a hole, diggy diggy hole."

Unless he walked up two flights of stairs, then down one, then up three, then jumped off the side.

THAT would instantly bring him up to one level below the exit door. To the basement with the rooms and stuff he had made before going into a massive digging spree.
Damn it John, you're not supposed to be building the Hogwarts stairway in your basement!
Wow, I didn't expect the argument from my one off comment. And yes, I was referring to willow. Was rereading Xander quest to get her name

Just read the chapter, and seeing the Pure Pit, I wonder if it can easily exorcise any possesed that comes in.
And regarding the Formal Invitation part, is this a "by the letter" or "by the spirit" because if some subtle bodyjacker or soul fragment would get kicked out of their host body since they weren't invited
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John, be very careful. If this is after Faith died, but before Buffy Died the 2nd time, you might attract the attention of Glorificus.
Uhhhhhhh... You must have gotten a way~ different airing than we did in the States... cause... Faith never died. Not even a little. Stabbed and then woke up from a coma in the Hospital, sure... but not die. Kendra, the Vampire Slayer after Buffy, and before Faith did die, yes. Kinda had to to call Faith. But not ever, Faith.

{edit} And no, the episode where she woke up from the coma to use a transference dagger didn't kill her either. Not even once.
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Uhhhhhhh... You must have gotten a way~ different airing than we did in the States... cause... Faith never died. Not even a little. Stabbed and then woke up from a coma in the Hospital, sure... but not die. Kendra, the Vampire Slayer after Buffy, and before Faith did die, yes. Kinda had to to call Faith. But not ever, Faith.

{edit} And no, the episode where she woke up from the coma to use a transference dagger didn't kill her either. Not even once.

I apologize, I mis-typed. I said Faith died, when I meant coma-d, because that was the first thing that popped into my head. I've been watching the last few seasons of Buffy for the 1st time, so central character deaths have been way more common.

For context, I watched the 1st 4 seasons years ago, but not 5 - 7.
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As far as I am aware the real dark stuff comes in the comics that are supposed to be set after the last tv season.
Of course now that we possibly get another Buffy TV show thats all up in the air again..
So uh... I had been pretty sure this wouldn't have worked.
Oh dear. This won't come up until the update after next... But. Uh.


Seriously, I thought he was restricted to Craft Table recipes... Jessica better prevent him from recreating Frosty. And thank everything holy that Steve hasn't traded him Wither Skulls yet, because reasons.
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Okay, not knowing what it actually is, I'm imagining something like this:
The iron golem somehow gets possessed by a vampire, or as they're also known in the buffyverse blood demons. And well, iron is a big part of blood. So the possibility of them actually being some sort of iron demon instead, that just happens to only be able to function as vampires, might be possible. Just whoever named them only noticed the blood connection, and didn't know enough to grasp the specifics. Like how that book possessing demon could become a computer demon.

That isn't to say that said vampire would actually be able to do anything useful in an iron golem body. Might work somewhat like the whole 'stick a chip in the vampire' bit.

Except it's more or less a prison for the vampire. Not in control. But possibly being able to speak. Which brings to mind the idea of talking swords. I mean, it's not like 'vampiric swords' aren't a thing in fiction. Heck, even putting a demon or similar into weaponry is something that's been done before in fiction.
That would be a special type of madness... I think John could take some fae. He might end up liking them. Though i think that them ending up in Neverland would be a riot... Jessica would either retrain the pirates into nanny's or they would get sunk. I keep picturing John trying to eat tinker bell like a jaw breaker...
Oh dear. This won't come up until the update after next... But. Uh.


Seriously, I thought he was restricted to Craft Table recipes... Jessica better prevent him from recreating Frosty. And thank everything holy that Steve hasn't traded him Wither Skulls yet, because reasons.
I think those require
Carved Pumpkins
though, don't they? Which he might not have gotten the patterns for, considering I'm pretty sure those require
hitting a pumpkin with shears
which took me aaaaages to figure out on my own, let me tell you (I resorted to using the wiki…)

Well, unless this is an old edition of Minecraft, I'm not sure when that changed honestly…

Though you could be implying the house is generating the iron golems in the same way villagers do, which would make a certain amount of sense and likely give him the 'blueprints' for golem creation in general…
Half baked idea.
Jessica stood next to John as they stared through the opened door down to the Magic pit.

She focused intensely on ignoring the sensation of the Magic pit looking up right back at them both.

John hummed. "Yeah, feels strange right?"

She nodded. Strange, but not dangerous or aggressive. More energetic curiosity and interest than anything, really.

Through the door she could see an endlessly descending cobblestone staircase… One that was FAR too long and deep for anything like logic or science to find reasonable. It was a staircase both descending straight down into the abyss yet twisted and squirrelly and meandering in all directions.

It almost hurt to look at it, actually.

Her brother leaned in, curious. "I wonder where the carpet and handrails came from? Not to mention that I built my staircase following the edge of the walls on the way down, not in a straight line like this one."

They both stared down into the magical pit, the impossibly floating staircase surrounded on all sides by an endless cavern bright lit by uncountable Torches in the distance.

John apparently shrugged and closed the door, blocking her view. "Meh, it's probably fine. Plus it seems to be reaching deeper without my help now, so I don't have to walk all the way down there again to get back to work."

He nodded with satisfaction and gave the door an appreciative pat. "Very handy. Thank you, Magic pit."

Jessica shivered as she felt the wooden door be awfully smug about the whole thing. Or maybe that was the Home itself? "Tell me more about the Torches."

John blinked. "Uh… Sure?" He led the way to one of the couches in the basement's living room. "So first of all, the Essence of a Torch has a few properties. They are always lit, even when not giving out light or heat, they are eternally lit, they generate a set radius of light at all times, and hostile mobs can NOT spawn within a set range of light intensity."

She reached out with a shaky hand for the water glass that was already there and tried to calm down. The "So will they work here? Can I set up some torches around our Home to keep demons and monsters and Bill's away?"

John hummed. "To a degree? Even in Steve's world, a monster could easily walk INTO the light of a Torch, just not spawn near one. But HIS monsters were… Dumb. Very, very dumb."

He waved a hand towards the upstairs. "The evil and hostile things HERE can talk and think and stuff to some degree. They may not be harmed or restricted from getting near a Torch… But they would know on a fundamental level that they would not want to mess with whomever could access stuff like that."

Jessica picked up a Torch that had always (But not until just now) been there. "So they aren't useful for that then?"

She touched the 'lit' end and… Nothing happened. It wasn't hot, it just… Produced light.

John shrugged. "I mean, telling monsters 'I live here and I can wreck you' is, in my opinion, VERY useful… But don't forget, these things are made out of Essence and they change when you bring one into this place."

Jessica blinked, still holding a Torch. "In what way?"

John suddenly held one of his own, probably from his Pocket. "HERE raw Essence isn't stable so they collapse into something more aligned with local Laws, Concepts, Magics, and so forth."

He plunked the Torch down on the table. "So HERE, the Torches are empowered by local energies, like Magic or Belief or Hellish energies… And their innate 'no bad things spawn' nature has translated into a purification field."

John Collected the table Torch away into his Pocket and glanced back at the Magic pit. "Uh… Mostly. From recent experience, they all go a bit strange when a near unlimited number of torches are all placed within the boundaries of a Home empowered by Belief and enhanced by Essence."

Damn it. "How strange? Stranger than finding whatever we need wherever we need it effect? Or the 'I know things about my Home automatically' ability?"

He shrugged. "Aside from those bits, apparently the various energies down there are breaking the conservation of energy. The Magic pit is actively generating more raw Magic and Belief than it absorbs to operate now, and it is concentrating that energy into our property and the pit itself."

Damn it, that was probably going to become a problem at some point. Thankfully, headache medication was already available on a napkin next to her hand. "Thank you, [[Home.]]"

The house itself seemed to hug them both, which felt nice if not a bit absurd.

At least the pills went down far too easily… God knows she needed it.

Right. "I want to somehow make this town less horrific, can we use your Torches for that?"

John blinked. "Without setting off several world ending disasters? Hmm… Maybe. Give me a minute."

And then her brother seemed to lose focus and start rambling as objects faded into and out of view, his thoughts racing. "No, that would trigger an invasion. That would crack open a Torture Dimension, this one would spontaneously generate clowns… Wait: Why would calling in the government to fix this mess increase the risk of an army of vampiric demonic cyborgs?"

Jessica blinked. "I mean, it's the government right? ALL governments have subsets of crazies in them. It's partly why MiB became a world wide organization to begin with: Half of us had to mess with memories and more to keep our own leaders from unleashing alien viruses and to stop unethical treatments and experimentations and all that."

Personally she believed there were similar groups spawned from MiB already that did similar jobs on her own organization itself. And another one that did the same for that one, and so on and so forth. "It's always a good idea to shut down things like that early though, most people who try to create a monster army or robot invasion tend to be poor at making decisions, implementing failsafes, retaining any control over the process, or surviving their own actions."

Always annoying when someone or something tried to destroy a city with mutated shrimp or whatever, but that was why you needed to keep an eye on things. "I assume some crazy group like that is located here then?" Near a literal portal to hell, no less.

John nodded. "Yeah, I'm hacking their network right now. They are over…" He pointed in a direction. "That way, in an underground base. Call themselves 'The Initiative', or at least they used to… Apparently they are shut down now? But yeah, they did some crazy shit."

Jessica blinked. "Hang on, why are they still there if they are shut down?"

Her brother picked up and began nomming on another cookie. "From what I can tell? Budget reasons. If the base stays 'open' but unused, they don't need to reduce the operating budget for their division and can use that elsewhere. The base here is just run by a skeleton crew."

John paused, mid chomp. "A figurative skeleton crew, they are all humans and stuff. The necromancer on the other side of town running a brewery is the one with the literal skeleton crew."

More pain killers were on the table but Jessica shooed it away. "Focus back on how we can make this town less horrific, even if we move on."

Because only after coming Home had she realized how SLIMY the world felt outside. How the ambience of the place felt heavy and worn and so tired and forsaken.

John chewed his cookie slowly. Then slower. Then stared at his snack. "Oh. That'd do it."

Hmm? "Got an idea?"

He grinned! "Yeah! Let's open a bakery!"

…What? "Back it up and explain the logic. Please."

John waved and food was now on the table. "I can't set up a full autocrafting station here because Mods can't exist without me here to brute force their ability to function, but I bet I can make some more dedicated devices!"

He pointed at each item, one at a time. "Bread, Pumpkin Pie, Cake and Cookies! That's enough to make an AWESOME bakery!"

Oh sweet Jesus that pie looked amazing.

But she stayed strong. "We don't need money. After the amount we 'inherited' from our ''promiscuous grandfather' and his harem, we have yet to spend even a third of it even after getting our [[Home]] and all the new stuff being shipped."

He grinned! "Ah, but if we buy property in the worst part of town, I can enhance it like here…" He glanced at the closed door that seemed to want to glow. "You know, without the Magic pit."

Jessica hesitated, remembering the too perfect grass outside and how her stalkers had frantically fled when they got near. "So the bakery would be an excuse to modify the location?"

John shrugged. "I mean, yeah that too, but more than just acting as a purification point for the town itself, this food should really help out people." He pointed at the dishes on the table. "All food in this world is infested with Belief. Deserts are literally delicious yet bad for you if enough people think so… But this stuff, my Essence cuisine? It's clean of that mess."

He held up a cookie. "Not only can eating these things help drain excess Belief out of our customers, but they are too basic for this world in some ways. Sure, it tastes good and stuff… But the Essence of a cookie doesn't include unhealthy side effects or getting spoiled or whatever."

John took another bite. "Mmm. Yeah, until someone with a mind touches an Essence cookie directly? It will always be ready to eat, perfectly warm or cold or whatever, and exactly what they identify as 'most cookie-like'. And the excess Essence left over after the cookies turns into your favorite type is automatically absorbed by the snack itself."

Jessica was already reaching for a slice of cake, even as she listened. "Any effect from having extra Essence shoved into them?"

He nodded, chewing. "Minor health boost to the user, mild mental recovery over time, slight increase in Luck and hard to define stuff like Efficiency and Unbreaking for a short period… Like a super temporary and weakened Enchantment really."

John frowned at the baked goods. "Also might boost its nutritional value, but the chance of THAT seems entirely random. Essence is not exactly stable to begin with."

She held in a moan at how decadent her still warm slice of Chocolate Blackout cake was. "And you can set up something that can make more of these desserts without us needing to stay here?"

John had a slice of pie in his mouth. "Mhm Mmm!"

Welp, looks like they had a plan then. "I'll go back to the realtor. Normally I'd have to negotiate with someone and submit a letter of intent, go through paperwork and…"

She thought back to the horrific ease of buying this house and claiming treasure from an army of suddenly dead undocumented relatives. "Well, I doubt it will be a problem. Might even have the place ready for us to modify by tomorrow."

Using her skills and tools, she might even be able to buy out a location TODAY, since most places just assume outsiders would die within a week or so after going to certain areas.

Best get this done then. "I'll be back in a couple of hours."

Jessica half rose… And looked down at the perfectly baked baguette just waiting to be devoured. "...After I try out the other baked offerings."

John nodded. "Yeah, if we are opening a bakery it'd be best if you knew what we were going to sell. Oh! Can we call the place Doe's Dough!? That would be AWESOME!"

The audible crunch as her teeth bit into the perfect crunch was distracting. "Mmm… Yeah, if you want to, that's fine. Just don't forget to make it Bill proof."

DAMN that was good bread!
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Here we go again
Time for john to cook up something strangely holy just like in carol town
John: It is simple, let them eat cake.
Jessica: *omnomnom* ... Yeah sure, whatever, pass the cake.

Seems right. :whistle:

welp time to use those golden hands for some baking just hope the nose hairs dont start growing

still fun idea with the good hope the two stay around for a while for a couple of episode and boss arc the world there on it not a death world and they could use the time to get there bearings are being chased away