PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge

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Apeiron (Verified Cape) (Celestial Forge) says:
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Fafnoire says:
EDIT: oh my god he's here. What do we do? Do we pretend he's not here? Do we panic? I'm on board with that last one.
Preferably, just have a calm, collected conversation like the semi-rational humans I know we all are. Panic is usually not good for having any productive discussions about any topic.
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Mrgreenpant says:

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Apeiron (Verified Cape) (Celestial Forge) says:

During the Ungodly Hour, I went out with most of my currently available loadout. I hadn't expected it to get as bad as it did, especially towards the end, so there were still some things I was reluctant to bring out. The first deployments of Proto Amia, Matrix and Lethe were events that I would have liked to avoid until a more peaceful time, but they happened nonetheless.

I am a little terrified by the possible answer but the curiosity is too strong, what was the equipment, teammate or others that you did not want to deploy during the UH (other than Proto Amia, Matrix and Lethe) ?
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Mobile Oppression Device (Moderator) says:
This isn't the place to discuss the details of the Ungodly Hour or the Celestial Forge's actions. Let's also not derail this into a technical discussion (as much I also want to know these things...) It hasn't happened to a significant degree, but we are watching...

If you want to discuss the Ungodly Hour, see this thread
If you want to discuss the Celestial Forge or the capes involved, see the following threads Apeiron, Celestial Forge, Fleet, Survey, Proto Aima, The Matrix.
Technical Discussions regarding confirmed Apeiron/CF technologies can be found
here, here, here, and here.
For historical context regarding Marquis: See this thread.
For historical context regarding New Wave: See this thread, this one, and this one.

[Moderator realizing that this is about to get derailed very quickly and reluctantly putting his two cents in.]
[ In regards to Apeiron's response. I don't think he'd comment on Lethe's little thing or bring up Khepiron. ]
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Apeiron (Verified Cape) (Celestial Forge) says:

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Mrgreenpant says:
I am a little terrified by the possible answer but the curiosity is too strong, what was the equipment, teammate or others that you did not want to deploy during the UH (other than Proto Amia, Matrix and Lethe) ?
As I have stated to the PRT and the Protectorate, I will not be taking questions regarding specifics of capabilities, both in regards to abilities or equipment, of either myself or my teammates. As the moderator above has stated, there are many threads in which to discuss these topics. Survey might open up a thread later for people to submit questions.

Either way, let us return back to Glory Girl's question, as I would also like to hear a response from the public of Brockton Bay.
[Aye. TBH posting at all in this thread is a little OOC for Apeiron.]

VerifiedCape (Verified verification tag) says:

I think you're all missing an important point of commonality between Marquis and Apeiron. Being the only cape in town to face down the Butcher and make them blink.

Not that that's a good thing per se. The last time the Butcher felt like they couldn't hold territory in Brockton they got help from someone we try not to mention on PHO. Maybe they wont be that stupid this time?

[Marquis facing down the Butcher and driving the S9 out of BB seems to be fanon. I cant find anything about it in canon or wildbows tweets and etc, anyway. But it is good worldbuilding as far as it goes and the timing is correct]
[Jack Slash talks about trying to get Marquis to break his code in Prey 14.10. Nothin on the Butcher, but theres stuff about the E88
Also, aye]
[Mayhaps for something more lighthearted, how about something about the intermingling between Lost Garden and the Merchants?

Noise complaints, shipping, genuine analysis of its effect on the Bay, it could be quite amusing.]
[Man we're going rapid fire with these threads aren't we? Least it feels like it, how bout an in universe meme thread?]

[Example: no one expects the Spanish Inquisition Apeiron, or the flash bang memes they were talking about, or the memes with the apeirons cool attacks that got mentioned]
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(Man we're going rapid fire with these threads aren't we? Least it feels like it, how bout an in universe meme thread?)

(Example: no one expects the Spanish Inquisition Apeiron, or the flash bang memes they were talking about, or the memes with the apeirons cool attacks that got mentioned)
Square brackets, not parenthesis are used to show ooc posts.]
[So, I have a proposal. So far, the whole concept of Case 68 and 69 have been kept under wraps in canon. I'm wondering right now, if you guys think that that information getting leaked (including Apeiron's role in creating it) to the masses would make for good omake material.]
[Welp, guess I'll start typing it up then. Question though: Which categories would those even fit under, since I'm pretty sure it wouldn't just be limited to Brockton Bay, or even just America, since it concerns Parahumans in general.

Also, not really sure of the full list of factions who would be involved in that.]
[Biggest faction is juvenile trolls who can't get over Case 69. They've been waiting for it to happen for years. Memes are prepared. Gifs are ready and waiting.]
sagitarius - Cases 68, 69, and Passenger Theory (Claimed-Martian_Tech)

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Topic: Cases 68, 69, and Passenger Theory.
In: Boards ► Cape News ►Parahuman Studies
Bagrat (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted on Apr 27th 2011:

As some of you may already know, at around 1:20 pm (PDT), on the 26th, an information leak occurred, releasing multiple classified files from the PRT to news stations, news sites, universities, and indeed, here on PHO (link to thread found here. The thread has been locked from replies, but can now be viewed again). The files themselves contained details on the latest aberrant Parahuman related phenomena, Cases 68 and 69.

The complete details can be read here, and here respectively, but to summarize:

Case 68 refers to the phenomena of a dimensional breach that connects to what is currently being called "Passenger Space". Testimony from Triumph and Glory Girl both confirm that these breaches allowed them to see and, in the latter case, communicate with the source of their powers.

This, in turn, has acted as confirmation to the once thought defunct "Passenger Theory". Details can be found here. Tl;dr Passenger Theory posited that all Parahuman powers come from symbiotic organisms that bond with humans through their Corona Polentia, and later, Gema.

The earliest confirmed occurrence of this, known to authorities, resulted from the destruction of Apeiron's bike around the same time as his battle with Lung. It is theorized, however, that the similar distruction of his earlier bike during the fight against the ABB on April 16th also resulted in a C68 portal being opened, but at a smaller scale.

Case 69 refers to Parahumans who have been exposed to a C68 portal breach, and subsequently had their powers altered.

According to both Triumph and Glory Girl (confirmed later after much testing), seeing their Passengers seems to have altered their powers somewhat, giving them extra abilities that they didn't have before (Comparisons to Case 16, or "Second Triggers" found here).

Glory Girl also added that she's still able to sense a rudimentary form of communication from her Passenger. Further details on said power alterations for both Triumph and Glory Girl can be found here, and here.

Current confirmed Case 69s: Triumph (Protectorate ENE) and Glory Girl (New Wave).

Highly suspected Case 69s: All of the Celestial Forge.

Possible Case 69s: Lady Khepri, Grue, Tattletale, Regent and Hellhound (Undersiders), as well as Uber, Leet, and Bakuda (ABB members and affiliates).

With that out of the way, let's get some things clear here. This thread is about discussing what we have learned about Parahumans from these files, as well as what this could mean for Cape culture, now and in the future.

This is not a thread to post memes about Case 69s. We are already ahead of you, here's the Case 69 meme thread. Keep those things there, I have already asked this matter to be mod enforced, because I know a lot of you won't be able to help yourselves otherwise.


Factions: Parahuman researchers, Parahuman studies students, general public, Capes and Cape enthusiasts interested in learning how powers work, BB citizens should probably weigh in too, as these things are coming from their back yard. Basically, anyone who'd be interested in the topic apart from straight up meme posters.

Additional information: The source of the leak in question is, unsurprisingly, Coil. He was smart enough to at least erase anything about March still being around before releasing it to the public, so people are still convinced that March is dead, but they now have an idea what she was talking about during the UH.

If you guys think anything needs to be changed, please tell me. I typed all this out on my phone, so some bits of needed formatting might have been missed.]

[This all good @CorEagle ?]
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Wiseass says:
This makes sense doesn't it? Parahuman abilities should require a lot of energy to function and I doubt Alexandria can punch that hard because she eats a mountain of food. That energy has to come from somewhere other than the cape themselves and now we know why. It also explains how Tinkers can make super-tech despite not really knowing how it works. The passenger acts as the CPU and the battery while the cape is the I/O system. Now if we could figure out where passengers get all that energy themselves, we'll be set.

WordPlayer says:
To summarize, Passengers look into our dimension and interact with Parahumans.
When Parahumans reciprocate, things happen.

Sounds like 69'ing to me.
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Ah, time for the usual then!
5 minutes of staring blankly in awe, 6 laughing, 15 minutes of screaming and or crying, and Forever of not sleeping.
Jokes about totally understandable terror aside....
Breaking down the possible C69s (nice):

-Apeiron: Everything he does. Hell, making C69s(nice) is almost definitely his specialty. Power Tinkering but with a dimensional flair to it, a uniquely horrifying brand of terror. As expected, how could you expect less?

-CF: Little to no data, but probably as stupid strong. Apeiron trusts these guys, and is apparently pretty damn generous with his '''normal''' tech for them anyways. I doubt he'd leave them hanging.

-The Undersiders: We haven't seen much of them since their run in with Bakuda, but they've still been active. From the bits of info we've gained, no new power expressions. As far as we know.

-Lady Khepri:...gets her own damn category. She's been out 3 times now, and rumor has it that she has some kind of breaker/changer/whatever abilities. Whatever classification that lets you turn into horrifying bugs. Present from Apeiron? Probably.

-Uber/l33T/Bakuda: This one would definitely be from secondhand exposure, since Apeiron would probably rather murderize them in lots of fun and interesting ways versus letting them have extra powers/tech. They've both been exposed to his broken tech. That sort of throws the source of L33t's new competence into question. Also, might be a reason why Apeiron was so freaked out by Bakuda? Was she exposed to his tech earlier than the rest?? Or did the exposure happen later and this is just her 'boosted' abilities?
Wiseass says:
Some you forgot:
-March: Highly likely she's one herself and has been for a while.
-Oni Lee: Was observed to be significantly faster and far more powerful. Possible.
-Lung: Reached the size of Behemoth in mere minutes. Something that has NEVER been seen before. Almost certainly.
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DriveBySpeculator says:

So I just had a thought about names.

"Aperion" means something like "that which is boundless" or infinite, or limitless.

When he first announced it people thought it was pretentious.
When he really started pulling out the stops, people thought it was describing his tinker tech.

Now I'm wondering if it was just a direct reference to his real power.
If he started out by opening a portal and mucking around with powers, then "Aperion" is hilariously on the nose.

Also, Survey?
what is she surveying?
If it's powerspace, then that might explain how she can have a diagram of other people's powers in action.