Pathfinder Campaign: Here, There Be Dragons.

Its not race dependent.

A character can choose any class as favored.

Hell a dragon rogue would probably have some alternate favored class bonus to lower size penalty to stealth maybe 1/3 levels or something.
It's the 'special' bonuses that are class-race dependent. Like Half-Elf summoners getting bonus evo points.

Anyone can pick 1hp or 1 skill at each level, it's just the special bonuses are racially limited.

Edit: Okay, sheet updated. Changes don't affect anything used so far. Swapped some maneuvers and a stance for new ones from Riven Hourglass and Eternal Guardian. Eternal Guardian is also used in place of primary fury, because scaring people to death is very Isilian. TWF and GTWF feats for unlimited punch works, though that required moving a level-up +1 from cha to dex. Used the human Warlord FC bonus for bonus combat feats. Finally, changed the level 2 tactical presence to the alternative option, Warning, because it's a great fit for the ascended street kid, and more useful to us than the other.
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It's the 'special' bonuses that are class-race dependent. Like Half-Elf summoners getting bonus evo points.

Anyone can pick 1hp or 1 skill at each level, it's just the special bonuses are racially limited.

I am aware, there are not dragon ones but it would be easy to write up.

Also theres always the adopted trait.
Oh, if you want to pick out specific icons for your dragons feel free to do so. I'm putting together the Roll20 now. Also everyone remember to roll initiative.
*hastily edits his character sheet with a fourth level of Arcanist after realizing that he doesn't actually qualify for Arcane Savant*

Initiative, you say?

Edit: Mod is +2, so 16
DarthThrawn threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Initiative Total: 14
14 14
I'll have this as my symbol, if and you please.

At this link

Edit: So my total initiative is 17.
Estro threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Initiative +10 Total: 7
7 7
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Are rolls being done here now?

Also Id like the image on my char sheet :D
Zedalb threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Innaitive +4 Total: 10
10 10
Here is the image i will probably use. Also I rolled initiative on the IC thread and got 22.
Rolls and actions should generally be done in the other thread, unless they're things like knowledge checks.
Hmm. It won't let me upload any more images. Here's the link, go ahead and see if you can crate your own characters? You just need to add your images, don't bother with any of the other details for now. If not everyone can use roll20 I'll just manually put the scene together in paint and post images in the thread.
Oh, and also I'll allow you to take the MetaBreath feats, but they're only usable three times per day, same as with the Metaspell-like ability feats.

Also I forgot to post your memories of being captured - in essence the devils just blitzed you. They came out of knowhere hard and fast when noone was around, hit you with everything they had and then teleported away.
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Alright, new roll policy (Hopefully the last one this time) - Roll here, then post your action with the result of your rolls on the IC thread.
Reflex is +11. Not sure about turn order though.
29, so I only take 12 damage.

And I realize I haven't rolled my HP yet.
samdamandias threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: DOOOOOODGE! Total: 18
18 18
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The dragon I chose gets 2 extra hit-dice for being one age category (and size category) higher than wyrmling. Do these stack with class hit-dice?
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The dragon I chose gets 2 extra hit-dice for being one age category (and size category) higher than wyrmling. Do these stack with class hit-dice?
I'm not sure how you mean that, but your class should read:

Dragon 8//Wizard 3

As you are a Gestalt, per 3.5 SRD rules, save for having different levels on each side. Think of it as having a 'class' with few real features (mainly the sorcerer spell casting at higher levels), D12 HD, full bab, etc on one side, and a +5LA race on only one side of your gestalt, which grants scaling attribute bonuses, breath weapons, SLAs, etc.

Remember those dragon racial HD are basically levels of a class, which is why you get feats, attributes, etc, from them.
Okay. Since it is my turn for combat, I attempt to break the grapple. Rolling. Total of 31.
EDIT: Misread the Frightful presence action. I can't actually do it. My bad.
AlexTheCynic threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Grapple break +13 Total: 18
18 18
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Oh, you're gonna run into the ceiling of the tent if you do that. You want to continue?
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