Path of the Immeasurable Swarm [Worm/Cradle]

Awww, Mercy and Miara are so cute together! They better not get broken up by dumb comphet societal shenanigans. I will be very cross.

I have to wonder if Taylor will face some sort of reprisal from the Abidan for her letting QA into Cradle a bit. Maybe that's the source of her weakness despite her vitals checking out?

Congrats to Yerin~ She's such a fun character and I enjoy her povs, outside her absolutely baffling choice in partner.
Pretty sure that according to his own philosophy, the Seth should be dead, unless he was born very strong à la Freeza from DBZ and never knew weakness even when he was a child.

He was a child at some point, yes?
Ok Miara and Mercy were very cute. I am definitely for this ship. Also happy to see Sha Relliar seems supportive.

Considering Mercy never really showed much interest in romance in canon it is quite plausible as well that she is a lesbian that doesn't know it.

Lindon is definitely going to manifest the Void Icon next chapter if Yerin's senses are anything to go by. He probably isn't far off Archlord either.

Still no Eithan and he has the hand of a dreadgod. Just diverting the Phoenix could shift things immensely.
Pretty sure that according to his own philosophy, the Seth should be dead, unless he was born very strong à la Freeza from DBZ and never knew weakness even when he was a child.

He was a child at some point, yes?
I think the whole *thing* aroudn the dragons is that their born at a already fairly strong state (because their still a dragon, even a young one)---as they go down some path or another, they only get stronger even as they gain human-ness.
Awww, Mercy and Miara are so cute together!
This! Very much this! It's adorable especially the way Mercy hasn't quite put it together yet!
Considering Mercy never really showed much interest in romance in canon
Actually out of the main cast she showed more interest in romance than anyone. She was that one friend who kept poking both sides to ask what was going on with Yerin and Lindon. And she nearly died of embarrassment that time she said she was jealous of Yerin for having a good relationship with Lindon. Because her phrasing made it sound like she wanted Lindon. And because her mother put the idea in her head.
Still no Eithan and he has the hand of a dreadgod. Just diverting the Phoenix could shift things immensely.
Now that would be a pleasant plot twist!

Damn there are a lot of moving parts now, I almost desperate to see some of them wrapped up.
Mercy sat beside Taylor's bed, squeezing her hand tightly with both of her own, still shaking with the occasional sob. Outside, the city was a hive of frenzied activity bordering on outright chaos. She should have been out there, helping Charity keep things ordered. It was her responsibility. But she just… She just couldn't, because admitting that it was her responsibility would mean admitting that… that…

She started sobbing again, more tears trickling down her already stained cheeks. After several seconds, Taylor spoke. "I wish I could tell you it will stop hurting, but it won't. The pain will fade in time, but never completely. Just remember the reason it hurts is because she loved you. That won't go away either."

Mercy cried harder. "I-it's my f-fault," she choked out eventually. "If I'd j-just left when you'd t-told me to-"

"No," interrupted Taylor, pushing herself up to take Mercy's shoulder with her free hand. "Don't ever blame yourself for this, do you understand?"
Taylor support Mercy is great.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you, so listen carefully, okay?" Mercy looked at her for a moment, then nodded. "You should have left earlier, but for your own sake, not your mother's. You are an incredibly rare person, in that you have both the ability and the desire to make the world a better place. You have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of billions. If you sacrifice yourself to save the lives of hundreds, you're throwing that opportunity away. It isn't selfish to value your own life. Focus on the people you can and did save, because you can't ever save everyone. No one can. But if you die, you won't be able to save anyone at all."

Even if she knew Taylor had a point intellectually, it didn't feel right. She'd always hated it when people acted like she was worth more than anyone else. But she couldn't bring herself to argue about it right now, so instead she just nodded jerkily.
Taylor is right even if Mercy doesn't like it.

"I'm not. I promise," said Taylor. "I might be wrong, but I don't think I am. Shen has to know the Silent King doesn't tend towards gratitude. He had nothing to gain from freeing it except harming his enemies, and he only had one enemy it would make sense to go to such lengths against."
Oh yeah she was going to die because they where pouring all their resources into that and the odds where to stacked agaisnt them.

Mercy still didn't understand what had happened, and for the first time, she was a little afraid to ask. For a handful of seconds after the Silent King struck, it had felt like Taylor had vanished. To Mercy's eyes, she'd still been standing there, although she'd gone absolutely still, not even breathing. But to her senses, Taylor's body hadn't felt like Taylor anymore. She'd felt like an absence, a window in the world.

Something had looked through that window, something vast beyond Mercy's comprehension. It had pinned her with a million million eyes, and for a moment, her body and even her spirit hadn't been her own. It hadn't been like the Silent King's insidious tempting whispers. It had been a force so immense, so overpowering that resistance was simply unthinkable, like trying to stop the sun from rising with her bare hands.

And yet it hadn't been frightening while it was happening, only after she was released. She'd felt like she was where she belonged, a piece fit perfectly into place in a greater whole. She'd understood only the tiniest fragment of that greater whole, but she remembered ordering the Bleeding Phoenix to submit, and the Dreadgod had obeyed.

It frightened Mercy most of all because she'd thought she understood what power was. The Dreadgods were terrifying creatures, but she understood how much more powerful they were than her. She could imagine growing strong enough to match them. Whatever… being Taylor had called on for help was something else entirely. It had felt like the entirety of Cradle might be no more than a grain of sand next to it. She'd never really known what it felt like to be truly insignificant until that moment.

But it had helped. It had saved them from the Silent King, and delayed the Bleeding Phoenix long enough for them to escape. And no matter what, she trusted Taylor. So as much as she both wanted to know and dreaded knowing the truth, she would wait until Taylor was ready to tell her. For now, she hid her thoughts and smiled. "Get some rest. I'm sure you'll be back on your feet in no time."
Good to know how it felt to someone else and how Mercy reacted to it personally.

"I promise," said Mercy, nodding. Even if she hated the idea that her life was worth more than anyone else's, she didn't ever want to make Taylor feel the way she did right now. Rising, she leaned down and hugged Taylor tightly. "I love you."

"...I love you too," replied Taylor after a moment. Even though they'd both known it was true, they'd never actually spoken the words, and that wasn't an omission Mercy was willing to accept anymore. She sniffled a few times, then stood and activated the Moonlight Bridge.
It needed to be said and I feel like it's importnat for both of them.

For a moment, Charity was silent. "Mercy. If no one will help, then don't come back. I'll get Taylor out, and as many others as I can. But the clan must be preserved, no matter the cost. Do you understand?"
That's the right call ultimately.

The final door closed, and Mercy felt a slight shiver of something, probably some kind of Sage thing to ward the room against eavesdroppers. Miara let the rainbow light around her fade. Then she rushed forwards, nearly knocking Mercy over as she hugged her. "I'm so, so sorry! I didn't realize Malice was in so much trouble or I would have stayed longer, I swear! I tried to come back right away but Shen had already blocked spacial travel again and I couldn't break through and then by the time I found a place I could get to and started flying it was already too late, I messed everything up, I'm sorry-"

Mercy found herself crying again, her face, buried in Miara's shoulder. "I-its not y-your fault, p-please don't blame yourself, Shen p-probably had some plan for if you'd stayed and you would've d-died too."

Both of them let themselves cry for a minute before composing themselves. Mercy certainly needed it, and she thought Miara did too; the other girl had clearly been sitting on a whole bundle of anxiety that Mercy would blame her for letting her mother die. Eventually they stepped away from each other slightly, but only slightly. Mercy noticed Miara's Herald still standing next to her throne, looking more awkward than ever.
Them being able to be human and vulnerable with each other is a good thing. Also damn that poor dude standing at the door.

"Alright. Hold on tight." Then she leaned down, stuck one arm behind Mercy's knees, and picked her up.

Mercy squeaked and turned red, although she did keep holding on. Miara blushed slightly as well. Mercy was pretty sure this wasn't actually necessary for Miara to take her along, but, well… She didn't really mind it. Hugs were always nice, but hugging Miara felt nice in a kind of different way than hugging Taylor, for example. She wasn't quite sure what the difference was, so she'd just have to keep doing it until she figured it out.
I ship it.

It made Mercy feel warm, that Miara would admit being scared to her. Even a month ago, she wouldn't have done that. "It's okay. He is scary. Everyone gets scared sometimes. The important thing is to keep going anyway. I believe in you."

Miara stood straighter, smiling. "Well, if you believe in me, then there's no way I can lose." Then she shot forwards, her disguise once again around her. Over Moongrave, the golden sky gave way to glittering rainbows. She wasted no time, a wave of rainbow light miles wide exploding outwards, passing through the city's barrier without difficulty. Where it washed through the storm, the sand took on the same hue, and it reversed direction, billowing back towards its creator. It met the rest of the storm with a titanic explosion of force.
I shipt it even more.

"I have work to do," said Charity after a moment. "We need to make the most of the Luminous Queen's generosity while she's still here." She paused. "I suspect the two of you will face significant challenges in the future, but I approve nonetheless."

Then she vanished in a flurry of shadows. Mercy blinked a few times in confusion. Approve of what?
She to ships it, truly the wisdom of the Heart Sage shows itself.

Gritting her teeth, Yerin stood. "Told you. Not gonna be the one dying here," she grated out. Although her vision was graying at the edges, the song of the Sword Icon was closer than it had ever been. "Doesn't matter how many times I get cut, as long as the last cut is mine." No one could ever truly master the sword if they weren't willing to get cut. Pain and injury had always been the price she'd paid to advance, and never once had she flinched away from it. That had always been her Path, and she finally acknowledged the name which had been lurking in the back of her mind.

The Path of the Hiltless Sword.

The road to victory was as narrow as the edge of her blade, but she stepped onto it without hesitation. The dragon breathed lightning, impossible to avoid, and with the last of her strength, Yerin leapt. The Striker technique struck her legs, no doubt scorching her flesh horribly, but the pain was a distant thing. The technique she'd learned from Northstrider came together more easily than it ever had before, an intricate helix of blood and sword madra wrapping around her blade. Her opponent attempted to swat her away, but it was a touch too slow, her jump taking it by surprise. With her free hand, she pushed off the dragon's own claw, sending herself flying just over its head. She thrust her sword forward, and the speed of her fall drove it deeply into the dragon's back.
Looks like she's become a Sage.

Lindon looked down at his white remnant arm and slowly clenched it into a fist. "I'm sure," he said after a moment. Yerin had barely begun exploring her new senses, but if she had to pick one word to describe what she felt from him, she'd say he felt hungry. "This is what I need to do."
Lindon still on the void path.

His forces had landed in a perimeter around the valley, further away than he preferred, but the aura simply wasn't strong enough for cloudships to fly any closer. The wider perimeter stretched his defenses thin, only a problem because of the hideous losses he'd taken in Everwood. The loss of the Pride's Apex was especially painful; his flagship had been the work of a decade, a symbol of his power and wealth. It had been a costly victory, far more costly than he'd hoped for, but he didn't regret paying the price. With Malice dead and the others tied up by Dreadgods, there was finally no one left to stand between him and his ultimate goal.
Good to see it cost him a lot.

Shen watched her go for a moment, then turned and stretched his senses to the south. He was pleased to see that Sesh was still rampaging through Akura territory, but less pleased that Moongrave itself was holding strong. The Ninecloud girl actually coming to their defense was a surprising and unwelcome development. He was almost tempted to interfere personally, but it wasn't worth the risk, not at this critical juncture. She'd be busy with the Phoenix soon enough regardless, and if that still wasn't enough for Sesh to finish the job, he could always give the Weeping Dragon a nudge in the right direction.
He didn't expect that.

He wouldn't have even cared that much if it wasn't for that never to be sufficiently damned Shadow Sage. The girl should have manifested the Cockroach Icon for how infuriatingly difficult she was to kill; it even would have been on theme. Reports from the Pride's Apex had been fragmentary, but he knew the circle maintaining his spacial lock had been sabotaged at a critical moment, and that had her grubby fingerprints all over it.
Malt and seethe cat malt and seethe.

It wasn't even a matter of revenge, although he'd certainly enjoy it when it came time to take it. He'd spoken to the Silent King only once since the battle, briefly. What it had told him had been… alarming. He was tempted to think that the Dreadgod was simply covering for its own failures, but although he'd been too far to sense exactly what had happened through the Weeping Dragon's storm, he certainly hadn't missed someone manifesting the Crown Icon. The Silent King hadn't quite managed to hide the extent of its injuries, either, and that certainly required an explanation.

For the Shadow Sage to be an agent of some greater power beyond Cradle was… Not entirely without precedent, but close to it. The one thing he knew with certainty about the Abidan (aside from their insufferably patronizing attitude) was that they took an extremely dim view of outside interference. From the records he'd been able to collect, they were very good at preventing it, too. How could something like this have slipped through the cracks? He wasn't yet convinced there wasn't some other, more likely explanation. Regardless, she had to die as soon as possible. Her continued existence represented an unacceptable threat to his plans.
So basically Taylor is a threat with weird extra Iteration connections.

Northstrider opened a portal and stepped through without another word. Now, Shen allowed himself to smirk. His old rival had always been a hypocrite. Monarchs were allowed their foibles, of course, but it was always best to be honest about them at least with yourself. No matter how much he claimed to disregard the opinions of others, Northstrider was every bit as prideful as the rest of them.

That was what had allowed Shen to drive a wedge between him and Malice, and driven him to accept Shen's offer. Northstrider had always insisted he was only waiting to ascend until he grew as powerful as he could, and nothing on Cradle could be more powerful than a weapon forged from a Dreadgod. To refuse would have been to admit that the heavens frightened him no matter how strong he became, and that was something he would never do.

Who knew? Maybe Shen would even keep his word.

But probably not.
Honestly he isn't wrong and it's sad to see that's how he was pulled over.

Awww, Mercy and Miara are so cute together! They better not get broken up by dumb comphet societal shenanigans. I will be very cross.

I have to wonder if Taylor will face some sort of reprisal from the Abidan for her letting QA into Cradle a bit. Maybe that's the source of her weakness despite her vitals checking out?

Congrats to Yerin~ She's such a fun character and I enjoy her povs, outside her absolutely baffling choice in partner.
Ok Miara and Mercy were very cute. I am definitely for this ship. Also happy to see Sha Relliar seems supportive.

Considering Mercy never really showed much interest in romance in canon it is quite plausible as well that she is a lesbian that doesn't know it.

Lindon is definitely going to manifest the Void Icon next chapter if Yerin's senses are anything to go by. He probably isn't far off Archlord either.

Still no Eithan and he has the hand of a dreadgod. Just diverting the Phoenix could shift things immensely.
Oh yeah it's really adorable, like holy shit I did not expect it but I ship it.
Pretty sure that according to his own philosophy, the Seth should be dead, unless he was born very strong à la Freeza from DBZ and never knew weakness even when he was a child.

He was a child at some point, yes?

It's not too contradictory - Malice was there to protect them (the strong doing as they will). Now she's gone, and he's here to kill them (also the strong doing as they will).

Mostly he just dislike humans and absolutely hates the Akura.
It's not too contradictory - Malice was there to protect them (the strong doing as they will). Now she's gone, and he's here to kill them (also the strong doing as they will).

Mostly he just dislike humans and absolutely hates the Akura.

IIRC, its not that he hates humans. He even likes humans (as a whole). He just dislikes society....which doesn't really change the expected death tole either.
Pretty sure that according to his own philosophy, the Seth should be dead, unless he was born very strong à la Freeza from DBZ and never knew weakness even when he was a child.

He was a child at some point, yes?
Mostly he just dislike humans and absolutely hates the Akura.

Sesh doesn't dislike humans per se, he dislikes civilization specifically. As usual for Monarchs, his philosophy is basically just a way to justify his pre-existing biases. Here's his backstory from Uncrowned:

Information requested: Seshethkunaaz, King of Dragons and Monarch of the eastern Ashwind continent.

Beginning report…

Path: Wasteland.
The Path of the Wasteland has aspects of earth and wind, and its techniques take the form of blowing golden sand. It is a versatile and adaptable Path, often used to call sandstorms, form complex shapes from sand at great distances, and scour flesh from bone.

Gold dragons have a natural affinity for fire and water aura, but Seshethkunaaz was born in the desert. An exile, he was left by the rest of his kind to die.
He was found by a group of human nomads, who saved the dying dragon and raised him as part of their family. He formed a contract with one of their children, providing him with enough pure madra to dilute his spirit. With time and great effort, he was able to change the nature of his madra and embark on the Path of the Wasteland.
He and his contractor were raised as brothers, and they advanced together at great speed. When he reached Underlord, he took on a human form like that of his contractor. His adoptive parents shortened his name to Sesh, introducing the two of them as twin brothers, and explaining Sesh's remaining draconic traits as part of his Goldsign.
For years, they remained content. Until Sesh's brother killed a child.
In a conflict between hot-tempered boys, Sesh's young contractor lost his temper. He struck a Lowgold, forgetting his strength as an Underlord. His victim perished instantly.
In many lands, an Underlord would not be held responsible for any actions against a Gold. But the laws of this nation prohibited the murder of anyone regardless of advancement, and the young victim was the descendant of a powerful clan.
Sesh's family fled in the night, but they were soon caught. Sesh's brother was executed for murder, reckless use of power, and fleeing justice.
To this day, the King of Dragons walks the desert in the form of a human boy, hair dark and skin tanned by the sun, wrapped in a cloak against the harsh wind. He admires humans, but hates human civilization, that collection of unnatural rules under which the weak are favored above the strong.
If power and survival were the only laws, he believes all would benefit. Even humans.
Pretty sure that according to his own philosophy, the Seth should be dead, unless he was born very strong à la Freeza from DBZ and never knew weakness even when he was a child.

He was a child at some point, yes?
The thing with the dragons is they expect a huge number of their children to die early. Basically to weed out the weak. So while he might have been weak compared to older dragons he still saw himself as very strong for his age.

That is his main point. You shouldn't coddle the young and weak. Some will survive and they will be stronger for it. He doesn't really care about individuals until they get strong enough. Basically Lord level. I personally find this rather abhorrent but it does make some sense. It does have some drawbacks for Paths that are more support based than combat based though. It also means your population is lower as well.

This! Very much this! It's adorable especially the way Mercy hasn't quite put it together yet!

Actually out of the main cast she showed more interest in romance than anyone. She was that one friend who kept poking both sides to ask what was going on with Yerin and Lindon. And she nearly died of embarrassment that time she said she was jealous of Yerin for having a good relationship with Lindon. Because her phrasing made it sound like she wanted Lindon. And because her mother put the idea in her head.
Ah perhaps saying she was not interested in romance was incorrect. I kind of meant she never really expressed any interest in someone specific. I don't really count that bit with her Mother referring to Lindon. I think anyone would be embarrassed in that situation and as you say I think she was jealous of the idea if not the specific person.
Ah perhaps saying she was not interested in romance was incorrect. I kind of meant she never really expressed any interest in someone specific. I don't really count that bit with her Mother referring to Lindon. I think anyone would be embarrassed in that situation and as you say I think she was jealous of the idea if not the specific person.
Valid. Her interest was pretty vague. Though to be fair her options in canon were a little… uhhh. Shit. Her options were shit. Like Ziel's a great guy and all but two more different personalities would be hard to find.
The useless lesbian trope needs to die, and your fic is the worse for its inclusion.
Oi! No shit talking the author! And frankly fuck off with that blanket statement nonsense. she's like 18 or something and her entire life has been dedicated to mystical martial arts and politics, she's had an emotional rollercoaster of a past few months, and this is definitely a friends turning into more situation.

Her own feelings turning romantic is allowed to catch her off guard.
I was a bit concerned about Mercy and Meira because I got mixed up in the timeline. Thought Meira was still only 15 because of the information requested in Uncrowned we got but then remembered that we're way past that part in the story.

I hope this means we'll get a Ozriel and Makiel ship. Really it was a missed opportunity in canon, it just makes sense. I mean just look at Will's completely normal, unedited thoughts on the matter.


Does Dreadgod have Makiel X Ozriel (blushing_emoji)?

Will Wight

No. They hate each other. They absolutely hate, I could not have definitively said that any more. Absolutely not.
Which is why she's mad, but clearly no one else explained shit to them.
The obvious solution is for Aunt Charity to secretly be an expert on romance and teach all the silly children how to woo someone.

Actually huh, Charity does have any kids in canon? I think she doesn't? Which is kind of odd because until Mercy was born, she was presumably next in line after her father in the clan's succession order.
Actually huh, Charity does have any kids in canon? I think she doesn't? Which is kind of odd because until Mercy was born, she was presumably next in line after her father in the clan's succession order.

There is a canon answer to the Charity question so I'll spoiler mark it:
"But she had buried younger relatives before. It was one reason she had never had children of her own."

For the love of god, don't put an informative on my stupid comment. It doesn't deserve it.
There is a canon answer to the Charity question so I'll spoiler mark it:
"But she had buried younger relatives before. It was one reason she had never had children of her own."

For the love of god, don't put an informative on my stupid comment. It doesn't deserve it.
it doesn't look like OP has any informationals, so you're probably safe.

that said.....

You should totally make their post the first OP.

Lindon is definitely going to manifest the Void Icon next chapter if Yerin's senses are anything to go by. He probably isn't far off Archlord either.

Still no Eithan and he has the hand of a dreadgod. Just diverting the Phoenix could shift things immensely.

The author has hinted that he's gonna flip how Cradle canon went with Yerin and Lindon… i.e. Yerin advances to Sage, and Lindon to Herald.

Imo, it fits Lindon's fighting style of overwhelming power more.

Pretty sure Lindon becoming a Sage in canon was something done so we could get better details on how authority worked, whereas Herald would have simply been a more straightforward stat boost.
Pretty sure Lindon becoming a Sage in canon was something done so we could get better details on how authority worked

He became a Sage because of Eithan's direction, his absurd level of Willpower, and because of Sacred Valley.

Being a Sage fits Lindon far better than a Herald. It's literally set up in chapter 3 of the first book.

"But the foundation of any Path is learning to accept the world as it is, not as you wish or even observe it to be."