Two words: Fuck. Depression.
Hugs. All the hugs. Seriously, if you ever need someone to talk to, at, or just sit quietly with, ask.
Depression is a many-tentacled sucking void that I wrestle with too, so I know exactly what it's like and how bad it gets.

On the other hand: Yay, an update! And it's awesome! yaaaaay.
Two words: Fuck. Depression.
Weaver looked around the room they'd been led to. It was far nicer than any of the rooms they'd rented when they had the money to, and practically a world of difference from the alleys and under-bridges where they'd sometimes spent their nights.
why gender neutral terms here...
But what truly drew her attention was the sky.
...But right afterward you use 'her'?
"A true loyalist would say the Vanguard is the only option, that it's our duty to protect the Last City, but we both know that's stupid. We don't have any obligations besides the ones we create. And I think the search for and finding something worth protecting is just as important as anything else, even if it's not the same as everybody else's."
The level of insight/advice here makes me think of Tikki, a Kwamii from Miraculous Ladybug!
"It means I understand why you might be willing to take a path less traveled, no matter why,"
i feel like the underlined word should be replaced with 'what'... the double use of 'why' feels weird to me.
Because they aren't gender neutral, they're plural.

Those I'd read as Taylor referring to both herself and Kali her Ghost.
Probably because it's plural? Both Weaver and Kali are being led.
I had that thought, but it still felt odd.

are we going to get an explanation on why/how Kali looks different then the other ghost we've seen?

(Also, I want to see some shenanigans with QA playing with Light...
The fact that Taylor can Respawn means that QA could reconfigure their connection. After all, the disconnect Killing Taylor isn't an issue. I could see QA, with Taylor's halp/permission, shifting to try and control Light Constructs. Meaning they could manage FAR more complex feats than most.)
Also, I would find it amusing for Kali to figure out a way to talk to QA... and now I'm picturing QA getting a Ghost avatar.
Cue spit-takes at the idea that a Risen has TWO Ghosts.
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(Also, I want to see some shenanigans with QA playing with Light...
The fact that Taylor can Respawn means that QA could reconfigure their connection. After all, the disconnect Killing Taylor isn't an issue. I could see QA, with Taylor's halp/permission, shifting to try and control Light Constructs. Meaning they could manage FAR more complex feats than most.)
Also, I would find it amusing for Kali to figure out a way to talk to QA... and now I'm picturing QA getting a Ghost avatar.
Cue spit-takes at the idea that a Risen has TWO Ghosts.
Nah, QA figures out how to flash forge herself a body using Light and Darkness, then suddenly Taylor has to explain where her overenthusiastic and highly curious identical twin with absolutely no concept of personal space just came from...
are we going to get an explanation on why/how Kali looks different then the other ghost we've seen?

There's nothing special about that, Kali is using a fancy black spiky shell, whilst Zachary's Ghost is using the default shell, at least at the beginning of the fic.

Don't believe Kali's appearance is a direct reference to any specific in-game shell, but it's entirely within the normal range.
are we going to get an explanation on why/how Kali looks different then the other ghost we've seen?
I mean, in this chapter she doesn't. She's just got the generic generalist shell. Her shell-pieces being white are noted a couple times, I think. Other Ghosts sometimes get new shells before they meet their Guardian (as with Pulled Pork), but Kali focused more on finding Weaver. She rather romanticized the idea of she and her Guardian making a new shell for her together... once she actually found them.

Her current shell in the present isn't too much weirder than any other exotic shell, especially the ones that are on fire and stuff. Rather than have discrete segments, the shell is made up of hundreds of little metal shards or scales that Kali then collects into larger pieces to make her shell's "design", often spikes or tetrahedral shapes surrounding her core. Each of the shards moves independently, creating a whole that is almost fluid in appearance, and display her emotions both conscious and unconscious just like any Ghost's shell: flaring up when irritated, shifting faster when excited or agitated, expanding and even puffing out when angry, etc.

The basic idea I had in mind was "What would a ferrofluid Ghost shell look like if the ferrofluid was actually thousands of little razor blades?" The idea of a spiky Ghost shell at all was of course inspired by Sagira.

Kali likes fancy intricate things, especially weapons and Weaver both wants to keep her safe and enjoys humoring her, so I imagine them making it so Kali's shell can become a murderblender (if just as a last resort) is completely within the realm of possibility.
Kali likes fancy intricate things, especially weapons and Weaver both wants to keep her safe and enjoys humoring her, so I imagine them making it so Kali's shell can become a murderblender (if just as a last resort) is completely within the realm of possibility.
Depending on how Ghost Shells work, it also works as a rather effective ablative armour. Because instead of just punching through the outer layer to wreck havoc on the irreparable insides, she can have the scales create several 'layers' of scales in the direction of any attack.
More great work.
And yes depression definitely sucks.
Only bit of advice i can figure out how to put in words is don't give up things do get better.
Even if it took me the better part of a decade.
Sorry to hear about that.
In other news, I have no clue how that chapter chains to the rest. I think I need to reread the story but it's starting to feel really disjointed.
Sorry to hear about that.
In other news, I have no clue how that chapter chains to the rest. I think I need to reread the story but it's starting to feel really disjointed.
That's sort of an issue with both flashback/flashforward stories and with serialized fanfics (of which this is both). This is the continuation of the "How Weaver became one of Mara Sov's lieutenants" directly following Audience and Prince. It makes sense to put it here because A. the Crota plotline just finished up in the "present day" segment, with the plot hook of The Darkness sitting up and paying attention and B. the story coming back from a ~6 month haitus is a good time to open a new plotline
I genuinely feel bad that I forgot how much I love this story, so much so I made sure to it. I love how Kali and QA have buddy cop moments, how Taylor matured into a genuinely wholesome person, and how she loves Kali and QA as her own family. I like how all three are growing in small ways together as people to form a voltron type protagonist I can cheer on.

The flash foreward/back format is a bit disorienting, but not a real breaker of SoD, and it gives enough context and back story without being exposition dump-ish. One minor n nitpick I have is kind of an odd thing really, fan fiction is usually built in the premise that the world is already built and both the audience and the writer are familiar enough with it that some things that in an independent world would require a lot of building just reference's the source material expecting the reader to get it.

Only having a passing knowledge of Destiny lore, something's go over my head. This however, is not a deal breaker; fan fiction is just like that. And it has to explore the lore of the game a bit more.

Maybe if you want, after you finish the story you want to tell. You can use this as a first draft and try to fill in the blanks so that those without our nerdy knowledge could read without references. Do it well enough and it becomes it's own world similar but very different from it's source material, basically evolve it into it's own story and world.

The fact that an idiot can see this story and think, "not only is this cool as fan fiction, it would be awesome as it own original story too" says that you r natural talent for storycraft is amazing and you are doing a Damn good job!

You're strong enough to get through depression, you have survived 100% of your worst days so far, @ensou do what you need to do to get yourself happy.

And thank you for sharing your creativity with us as we.also look for ways foreward through every thing we are dealing with. I helps us to remind under are.not alone in our struggles and neither are you.
That's sort of an issue with both flashback/flashforward stories and with serialized fanfics (of which this is both). This is the continuation of the "How Weaver became one of Mara Sov's lieutenants" directly following Audience and Prince. It makes sense to put it here because A. the Crota plotline just finished up in the "present day" segment, with the plot hook of The Darkness sitting up and paying attention and B. the story coming back from a ~6 month haitus is a good time to open a new plotline
Ah thanks for the explanation.😉
I guess I will reread it, since I didn't remember these 20 year flashbacks.
Here's a question, do we ever see female or child fallen (equivalents) in the game and will we see tham here?
So yes to the first: There are known female fallen in the game such as Araskes the Trickster and Eramis the Shipstealer, though fallen models are such that theirs no ingame difference that humans can pick out. And Taylor has met female fallen in this such as the bartender she first meets when she enters the Reef.

Fallen children: We have not encountered Fallen children in game. I dont even know how fallen reproduce to be honest.
So yes to the first: There are known female fallen in the game such as Araskes the Trickster and Eramis the Shipstealer, though fallen models are such that theirs no ingame difference that humans can pick out. And Taylor has met female fallen in this such as the bartender she first meets when she enters the Reef.

Fallen children: We have not encountered Fallen children in game. I dont even know how fallen reproduce to be honest.
The lore entry on the Truth rocket launcher describes a Fallen/Eliksni child as very small, with a still-soft shell. And they hatch from eggs. That's all I got on the alien kids.
Did a re-read. Had many thoughts.
I'm just gonna let you guys figure out all the implications here tbh

[cackling intensifies]
challenge accepted.
"It's artificially grown. Meat in vats.
There was a part just before that doesn't seem to match up with this...
Aggle baggle, ump bump fizz!
Who gets the reference?
Not me...
[13:12:27] Is this what time tastes like? I think this is what time tastes like.

The first thing that messes with Chronometer makes sense, the second a bit of sense (save for the detail that they aren't computers ... but it would still be a high energy environment. Relatively and all that)
The last...
[13:12:30] Weaver's 'passenger' freaked out from the transfer. She says she thinks it expected a dimensional shift and not a an isolated spacetime manifold.

Ugh. Sharing Weaver's head with this new thing is not fun. Well. Weaver says it was there for her first life, so technically it was there first BUT YOU KNOW WHAT.


Apparently however it communicates comes with emotions, so I can't even hide and resent it when it goes all '[concern|worry|Are you okay?]' because I know it's real and it means that.

It's even worse because it feels like Weaver. It feels like a part of her. Like a Ghost should be. Sometimes, I can barely tell that it's there, but it always is. Even its thoughts, its feelings feel like her. And I could never hate Weaver.

How much did it guide her, shape her into the person my Risen is now?

I think I'm afraid of the answer.

Kali/QA interactions are amusing. We need more!
Teach it language, Kali!
Something's gotten it curious, and I can feel the interest in the back of Weaver's head.
Signs start pointing to interesting things~
I was mostly going off gut feelings and instinct for a good chunk of the beam generator and emitter.
Tinker Taylor (Soldier Spy).
I have a feeling a lot of Taylor's ability to understand/figure out techniques & technology is QA halping!
«I just know this is payback for beating him so badly at cards last month.»

Rediraksis laughed behind his mask, hissing. «Variks of House Judgement should have learned not to play against the Captain.»
I figure that Card Nights are going to remain Noodle Incidents... but maybe we see the first time they play cards with someone?
Just when she thought she was getting a hold on the conversation, Mara would somehow throw her off.
"Wait, what? Weaver? Weaver!" Eliera called out. "You can't just say something like that and then leave!"
Looks like Taylor has picked up Mara's habit of messing with people.
"If you keep laughing I won't tell you anything," Weaver said flatly.
I wonder what the reaction to Endbringers will be like...
And then she closed the door and headed towards the stairs.

Behind her in the apartment, a golden-eyed Awoken woman sat stunned, before recovering.
Taylor REALLY has taken to screwing with people...
"A Guardian is not a Guardian when it is only just arisen."
That's... a Clockblocker level pun.
And we see here a summary of what got expanded into the newest chapter~
She felt… larger, in a way that she couldn't easily describe. Like she encompassed more.
Weaver eventually wielding both Light & Darkeness... which would make her somewhat like Mara!
Weaver wanted to roll her eyes at Mara's act
The fact that you understand her so well is due to being so alike. In your sense of humor, just to start.
Her Light burns as bright as any, yet the taste of Darkness lurks beneath the surface of reality.
The beginning of the implied dual Risen Taylor starts.
Why is it that every major threat we fight seems to have their own pocket dimension? Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Even Zion had a Pocket Dimention!
New idea: the Traveler & the Beast (new name for the thing in the first Raid) we once Entities, which figured out that Darkness & Light solve their Thermodynamics issue ( the Traveler In particular we could say it was enlightened. Pun hadn't been intentional when I thought of it, but once I did I couldn't not use it!) Which prompted reconfiguring thier methods. Traveler is going around helping as a kind of penance. (Also, darkness is lack of light, which fits the taking of Cycle methodology to the next level.)

Hard to link to a time on mobile, go to 2

Oh great and the Hive are going to zerg rush us now too. Greaaaaat.
New Headcanon: Kali LOVES video games. Especially older ones. I can see her playing Protoss to Taylor's Zerg. QA, eventually, playing Terran.
You wield two knives, one in each hand.
More evidence that Taylor will eventually wield both Light and Darkness. The overlap will prevent being consumed by either.
All the anger and frustration she's been repressing comes rushing out at the chance to return that even if only a little bit.
Looks like the Conflict Drive has taken its toll. It would take time for QA to reconfigure, likely not fully happening until the connection
Taylor almost choked, and had to pound on her chest to dislodge something stuck in her esophagus. "Three weeks?"

"Yes?" he responded as though not seeing anything wrong with that.

My Queen, save me from ignorant fools.
It was, at this moment, that Taylor understood how her peers had felt.
"How old are you?"

Weaver looks up from her food and the data-slate next to it at Nadia. "What?"

"How old are you? We–" she motions around the small canteen at herself and the other Awoken, who have fallen silent, "have got a bet going. So what is it?"

She tilts her head. "I… Kali brought me back ten months ago."

Nadia stares at her. "Not even a year!?"
Reflect on this Taylor, you will come to understand the feeling.
And then, just to throw her completely off, she adds, entirely deadpan, "That's over half my life you know."

One of the women at the other table—Rini—snorts, and then starts laughing. The rest just look at her until she's able to get her giggles under control. "What, it was funny!"
It looks like Taylor STARTED with a similar snark to the Queen.
She finds the process more enjoyable than she expected, and can't help but think of all the weapons Kali has in storage and the changes she could make to them.
MORE evidence of Tinker Taylor!
The sole exception is Kali, who's Weaver's other half and thus understands her on a level nobody else can.
Make that a Trinity.
Nah, QA figures out how to flash forge herself a body using Light and Darkness, then suddenly Taylor has to explain where her overenthusiastic and highly curious identical twin with absolutely no concept of personal space just came from...
Actually, I realized that QA will become the Yang to Kali's Yin. Wielding Darkness rather than Light.
Then Kali copies QA and Taylor has to explain why she now has two physically identical sisters with very different minds.
No, not full sized.
Ruby Chibi like versions.
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