On the Moon, there is a pit, and in that pit lies the soul of a god.

We killed his shell. But we could not sunder his soul.

His name is
Crota, son of Oryx.

Six of us went down into that pit. And now I am all that remains. I can still remember their screams. Their cries. Their defiance in the face of suffering and death.

How long have I been down here? How many months? Years? Decades?

The Hive have taken much from me. My friends. My sight. My Ghost. My Light.

But they have not taken my life, and I will make them pay for everything they have taken.

I have already stolen their eyes, replaced the ones they tore out by tearing out theirs in turn, and the eyes I have now weep an unstemmable viscous black flow.

I have stolen their knowledge, learned beyond what Toland told us when we walked downwards together. Learned what he did not tell us. There is so much more than just the Light, and every bit is required to survive this lifeless waste.

I have taken their bones, their skin, their chitin. My armor plates wore and became dust, so I replaced them with the only things I could.

I follow the whispers of the Ahamkara bone that I hold in my hands, not knowing how long they will lead me, but only that they do and they will not guide me astray.

My name is Eris Morn, and I
will escape and see Crota dead.

She crawls out of the dust, dead and alive and dead. She is not like Toland, who is dead beyond death now, but she is still more dead than alive.

It is a nearly a day before she reaches where they'd left their jumpships, and she nearly collapses and howls in frustration when she sees how damaged they are, picked and scavenged by Fallen.

Only through sheer will does she force herself up, beginning to try to cobble together what she can, though ships were never her strength. Three days later, she has done all she can, and it is still not enough.

She learned much in the Pit. Learned how the Hive grow and mold their chitin and bone, twist it to their whims. She listens to the whispers of the bone fragment in her hand, and it says what she already knows deep down: if she ever wants to get off this blasted moon, she has to go back. Back into the pit, back into the dark, so that she can take the materials she will need.

And so she does, hating every second of it, collecting plates of chitin and then stealing away with it. She carves runes into the pieces with her knives, twisting the Hive's methods and magic so she can force everything to work in a Frankenstein horror that she's sure would make Toland want to tear his eyes out, an outcome she would have no problems with.

Traitorous, selfish wretch.

It is nearly a month after she crawled out of the pit that she finally escapes the gravity well of the moon that held her so long.

She does not want to go back, ever again.

She knows she will.

She returns to the Vanguard, and finds it unbearable. They have not changed, and she has.

The only one who makes an effort to engage her in anything more than surface platitudes, who listens to her, who wants to understand is Ikora. Ikora, who faithfully records and discusses the things she has found, the horrors she has seen, the things that lurk in the deep of the dark below.

So when Ikora asks her if she would be willing to keep reporting to her the things she finds, to help protect humanity even without her Light, she agrees. What else can she do? She is a Hunter no longer, but that doesn't mean she can't hunt.

Especially not secrets.

Especially not the Hive.

She keeps track of the Hive, listen to their whispers in the dark, watches what they do, how they move, where they flow. She hears names of gods and demons, and knows that it is no exaggeration.

She only wishes she could be there, in the Tower, when she learns that the World's Grave has been infiltrated, so that she could watch their faces as they realize that all her words were true.


The Hive are a plague, and Earth is a field ripe for swarming.

Did she not tell them that? Did she not warn them?

She stays away, watches the Vanguard try to organize itself against this new incursion that is not new at all. Watches them try to purge it.

And then, and then andthenandthen, she learns that Crota's lieutenants are moving. Sardon comes to Earth, and Omnigul wants the Warmind. She knows what is happening.

And she knows that it is time to return to the Tower.

Maybe this time they'll listen to her.

Otherwise, Crota will rise again.

A/N: I lied. This is not early Weaver. (Next chapter!) Also, after a good amount of thought, I'm going to make the previous chapter a side-story chapter. It doesn't really advance the plot, it doesn't really have any redeeming features that are necessary to the story, that can't be summarized in another chapter, but it's still content. Thus, "sidestory".
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I follow the whispers of the Ahamkara bone that I hold in my hands, not knowing how long they will lead me, but only that they do and they will not guide me astray.

You know what...I've always wondered why someone would listen to the Ahamkara? Wasn't it always known that they loved to deceive people with their own wishes, even their remains that hold parts of the whole?

Well, she lived in the Hellmouth for Traveler knows how long with no help, so I can kinda understand it to a little degree but outside of the Queen, who is a friend/mother figure for Riven, everyone else should probably never ever go near any kind of Ahamkara remains, or any unknown Ahakmara that may or may not live somewhere.
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So for someone who no longer has the time to keep up with destiny, what do we KNOW about the Ahamkara?
You know what...I've always wondered why someone would listen to the Ahamkara?
Reality is the finest flesh, oh bearer mine. And are you not…hungry?


What kind of talking skull would address its host that way? A stiff, stuck-up old fossil, not me. Ahamkara: the illusion that one's ego depends on an object, or an idea, or a body. Some people say you should have no ahamkara. Some people say you need to have the right ahamkara. All I know is that YOU are not an illusion. Understand? This world around you, the people you meet—they're a little thin, right? Cardboard and drywall. Cheap theater. Come on, try it out! Say: "I am more real than this." Feels good, doesn't it? "I am the only real person here." Isn't it like their insults and their bullets just went a little... soft?

I came to find you, only you, because you're special. You're from somewhere real. And together we can burn our way back there. Can't we, o player mine?

The mind is malleable, filled with transient and fleeting ideas. Let us shape it, so that you may see the infinite splendor of the universe.

It's suffocating here, this prison. Do us a favor, o bearer ours. Still your mind; invite us to enter the realm of your capricious thoughts. Your mind is vociferous, addled with worry and doubt. We can extinguish these trifles. Would you like that?

Yes, we are here. We are not the photons on your screen, or the voice in your head, or the words you read. Shut your eyes—tightly—and you may see us. At least a part of us. Make us real, and in turn we shall reify your thoughts, your dreams.

The Player will listen.
Welp, that's enough internet for me today.
That's nothing compared to what the Vex did to Kabr and his Fireteam.
"His name was Kabr. He wasn't my friend but I knew and respected him as a Guardian and a good man. He fought the Vex alone. This destroyed him. In the time before he vanished he said things that I think should be remembered. These are some of them:
"In the Vault time frays and a needle moves through it. The needle is the will of Atheon. I do not know the name of the shape that comes after the needle. No one can open the Vault alone. I opened the Vault. There was no one with me but I was not alone. You will meet the Templar in a place that is a time before or after stars. The stars will move around you and mark you and sing to you. They will decide if you are real. I drank of them. It tasted like the sea."
That is all I can remember.
That's an excerpt of the Pahanin Errata. Note how Kabr says that "No one can open the Vault alone. I opened the Vault. There was no one with me but I was not alone.". The Vex quite literally Retconned his Fireteam out of existence.
"The implants," her companion clarified. "…You aren't going to start wearing those full-cover Techeun robes are you? Because I don't know if I could survive such a tragedy," she said, a teasing grin on her face.


There was a few moments of silence, and then Weaver felt a pair of hands lightly grasping her wrists, pulling her palms away.

"I thought we were past this, Weaver. I trust you. You know that."

Backstory flag? Backstory flag.

Five days later Weaver finally got the message that the Techeuns had come up with something for her and would be able to perform the implant operation the next day.

Seems fast but Awoken effectively are free from Collapse issues due to Distributary time.

"And I'm very glad I did, too. I mean, do you know how boring it would have been searching for decades and centuries and never finding you?"

Lore has at least one ghost who just gave up on finding their counterpart and decided to do something useful and do some scouting.

There were objects, threading through her, like they'd pulled apart the fabric of her being, stretched it out on a loom, and were weaving things in.

She felt oddly thin, like she was less substantial and liable to be blown away in the lightest breath of wind.

She huddled closer to her other-halves, as if being with them could protect her.

Hopefully this would be over soon.

Taylor super uncomfortable with this on every level, but she has people to help her through it. Good ol' Kali and QA.

Blue crystals dotted her forehead, embedded in her flesh and ranging in size from the nail of her pinkie to only a few millimeters. The larger ones sat around the center of her forehead, before the collection spread to her temples and got smaller.

Pretty neat!

A body encrusted with gems, how very...... opulent....

Oh Calus would definitely approve. I mean, he'd consider it a decent start at least.

Eh, she's been freaky from even before the Awoken were a thing. I mean she had the brilliant ideas of "Hey let's get a full-sensory recording of free floating in deep space" and "I want to be the first to dive into a singularity" while still on Exodus Green.

Early Marasenna is super interesting, especially as you see Mara effectively become something of a Kami to the other crew.

Toland the Eternal Dumbass

Truth. If he hadn't joined the fireteam on false pretenses...well, Eris might have had some surviving friends. Dude is an asshole. Also gets super annoyed when something happens that violates the Hive philosophy that he's so deeply bought into.

I have taken their bones, their skin, their chitin. My armor plates wore and became dust, so I replaced them with the only things I could.

I still hold to the theory that Eris has a worm.

The only one who makes an effort to engage her in anything more than surface platitudes, who listens to her, who wants to understand is Ikora. Ikora, who faithfully records and discusses the things she has found, the horrors she has seen, the things that lurk in the deep of the dark below.

Cayde would make her uncomfortable, and Zavala...well he's kind of a tool. I mean, he's a hero and all, but he's big into orthodoxy and that very much doesn't work for Eris. He's basically a DnD Paladin.

And she knows that it is time to return to the Tower.

Dark below begins!

Playerbase: Yo guys, new vendor in the tower.
That's nothing compared to what the Vex did to Kabr and his Fireteam.
That's an excerpt of the Pahanin Errata. Note how Kabr says that "No one can open the Vault alone. I opened the Vault. There was no one with me but I was not alone.". The Vex quite literally Retconned his Fireteam out of existence.
Except Praedyth what with the Aspect lore book. Also fun note:

Alongside him, Kabr was a towering giant. An Awoken-made weapon roared in his hands and in his head.

Pahanin was a force, a living embodiment of the Void. Where he pointed, Ahamkhara died.

In the middle, between them, Praedyth smiled. A winged and scaled lion with a boar's tusks leapt at him, and he could swear he saw the thing wink at him as he tore it apart.

Beneath the song, Praedyth heard static, like a comm signal. Best not to think about it.

And this is from the Great Hunt, what was one of the things he built while stuck in the Vault? A Radio transmitter...
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Dark Below is GO, i repeat, Dark Below is GO. I'm super excited to see how Taylor twists that slice of destiny's story, especially since its not somthing the Awoken were particularly involved in. A part of me hopes that she's mostly doing other stuff with Eris Morn (like introducing her to Mara) the Guardian gets a chance to be a solo hero and build some of the rep they get in the game. Besides, newly aggressive Hive would definitely cause problems in Awoken controlled parts of the system that a Queens Blade would have to deal with.
Honestly, the only thing more terrifying than the Vex are the familial relationships of the Hive gods.

I think that Savathûn and Xivu Arath are trying to steal the tablets from me. They must have cut off my tribute while I was away communing with the Deep. I love them so dearly. No one else is clever or strong enough to try to break me. No one else can give me this gift.

Once, long ago, I killed Xivu Arath on her war moon, and she blew up the whole moon to kill with me her. She was laughing in joy. I laughed too. A whole moon! A whole moon. It was a waste of a moon, but it taught me how to save myself from exploding worlds, which was necessary to fight the Ecumene.

I love mighty Xivu more than a moon loves the tide. I'll kill her for this. Over and over, forever and ever.

When I get home from my wanderings in the Deep, and I take back my throne, I'm going to have children. That's what I need.

Sons and daughters to love and kill.

Latter half of Books of Sorrows XXXIV.
Honestly, the only thing more terrifying than the Vex are the familial relationships of the Hive gods.

I think that Savathûn and Xivu Arath are trying to steal the tablets from me. They must have cut off my tribute while I was away communing with the Deep. I love them so dearly. No one else is clever or strong enough to try to break me. No one else can give me this gift.

Once, long ago, I killed Xivu Arath on her war moon, and she blew up the whole moon to kill with me her. She was laughing in joy. I laughed too. A whole moon! A whole moon. It was a waste of a moon, but it taught me how to save myself from exploding worlds, which was necessary to fight the Ecumene.

I love mighty Xivu more than a moon loves the tide. I'll kill her for this. Over and over, forever and ever.

When I get home from my wanderings in the Deep, and I take back my throne, I'm going to have children. That's what I need.

Sons and daughters to love and kill.

Latter half of Books of Sorrows XXXIV.
Aww, that's sweet. They're so yandere for each other.
They adore one another, so they kill one another to teach them how to survive against those who would truly seek to deal a final death to them. In a weird way, Shaxx has a very similar mentality, regarding the crucible. What better foes to fight to gain strength than those who know your every weakness, who are apex in comparison to the average of their species? The Hive simply take it far farther. And have the means to come back from far more than most Guardians can.
And just look like that I realize I never left. F#cking insidious, that is.
I think @ensou IS an Ahamkara. Think about it, he gives just enough to have us wishing for a new chapter, then when our despair is high enough BAM. a snippet. Just to repeat the cycle. Were being seasoned, Bros and Broettes.
Seems fast but Awoken effectively are free from Collapse issues due to Distributary time.

Dark below begins!

Playerbase: Yo guys, new vendor in the tower.
While the Awoken race as well whole can afford to not quite care, all the Awoken in the reef are self exiled and locked out of the distributary, iirc.
"What's that new vendor selling? Should I care?"
It's weird how the hive are so horrifying, yet kinda sweet the same time. It's fucking weird.
If you have 3 hours to kill, I cannot recommended enough MyNameIsByf's recent youtube video on the lore of Destiny up to Shadow keep. Spoilers abound, but there is so much caused by Hive Family problems.
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While the Awoken race as well whole can afford to not quite care, all the Awoken in the reef are self exiled and locked out of the distributary, iirc.

Whilst this is true, they still brought that tech with them. Whilst the last city is operating and rebuilding in an apocalyptic ruin, the Awoken had unknown centuries/millenia to develop completely free from both external threats and mortality. No traveller, so I won't say equal to Golden age, but call it Silver age?

So they have super advanced med and computer tech and can do stuff like the operation.
Kali's shell pulsed. Weaver looked over at her from where she was working on a datascroll on her couch, this one a report on how the reconstructed Orbiks Prime was faring. There were still a few things to work out, but so far it looked like her faith in Keldar had paid off. The Wolves would finally have a Prime servitor again.

The Ghost turned towards her partner. "He's back."

Weaver looked at her Ghost questioningly. "Who?"

"That Guardian. The one who we helped… Zach! That's his name," Kali replied. "The Queen just sent us a request to meet up with her at the Outpost to receive him."

Weaver simply nodded and powered off the datascroll, standing up. Her Ghost floated over, taking her spot nestled in Weaver's shawl, and the Risen moved towards the door and began the short trip up to the landing pad of the Spire where she could call her jumpship.

In the four months since her short excursion to Earth and the Black Garden, not much had changed. It was the way of the Reef: the Awoken moved slowly, and although Weaver also interacted with her Wolves, the Awoken were the ones that largely dictated how the tempo of things went. It was practically the complete opposite of her time as Skitter, and how everything had happened non-stop.

The only real change had been being able to access her power again, and even with that she'd only made a couple steps progress in figuring out her augments and how to twist her power in new, different ways. She had a feeling it wasn't something that would come easy.

She and Eliera had fallen back to their usual pattern, the Awoken woman disappearing for days or weeks and then reappearing again.

"What do you think he's here for this time?" the Ghost wondered, bringing her out of her thoughts.

"I honestly have no idea. The first visit was rather unexpected too. I wouldn't be surprised if he's acting as some sort of messenger for his Vanguard, considering he's the only one that's had any luck reaching out to us," replied Weaver.

Her Ghost made a thoughtful sound as they walked out onto the landing zone, her ship already descending through the thin cloud-layer to meet them. In-between steps Kali dematerialized them, teleporting them straight into the cockpit of the seeker.

Weaver settled into the ship, taking control. Kali could drive it, they both know, but there's something about flying that called to her.

Maybe it was echoes of Taylor, the way her past-self once wished she could fly, before she became Skitter, or maybe echoes of the times spent with Dragon and Defiant, the time Dragon took to teach her how to control the jumpcraft they'd used.

Whatever it was, flying was something she had far too little time to indulge in, and so she took every bit she could get.

Weaver took her position to the right of the Queen's throne with all the casual aplomb the years of service she'd had granted, nodding to the two Eliksni guards when they greeted her with a hissed «Captain».

Uldren wasn't present this time, she noted, which was probably for the best. Weaver shared a brief glance with her Queen, and despite her sovereign's absolutely perfect poker-face, she could tell that Mara knew as little as she did about the Guardian's request for an audience.

The doors at the far end of the Ketch's bridge hissed open, and Weaver was surprised when not just one but three Guardians walked through the door, the two Awoken Guards escorting them trailing after.

After a moment, she recognized them as the other two who'd gone into the Garden. Halley and… Rigel, if she remembered correctly. While Zachary was focused on the throne and her Queen, the other two were looking around, not hiding their obvious curiosity.

"It returns. And with friends," the Queen noted, and Weaver wanted to roll her eyes at Mara's act. "What does it wish of the Awoken this time?"

The Ghost at Zachary's shoulder—which Weaver noted was now in a red shell with a white stripe—turned towards his Guardian, who reached up and scratched at the back of his neck. "Um. Actually, we wanted to ask Weaver something," he said, looking at the Risen Guard.

Mara blinked, and Weaver froze in place. "Oh?"

To the average person, particularly the Guardians, the Queen's voice probably sounded cold and disinterested, but Weaver could hear the curiosity underlying the simple word. The Queen turned to look at Weaver, and the Risen didn't even twitch as everyone's attention turned to her.

"The Hive are back," Zachary stated.

His Ghost's rear sections rotated counter-clockwise and then snapped back. "Well, actually they never really left, but they're certainly more active now," the Ghost corrected.

"Do you know about Crota?"

If he hadn't had Weaver's full attention before, he absolutely did now.

Crota, a Hive prince. Slew thousands Guardians when they tried to take back the moon, and then went into a state of inactivity. A battle on the scale of the one she'd fought against Scion, except they'd lost.

A chill went down her spine. She really hoped this wasn't going where she thought it was.

…And then he went and confirmed her fears.

"He's coming back."

It was only her training that allowed her to remain stoic, while inside her head she was cursing like nothing else.

The Hive did not have "targets". They were completely indiscriminate. And if they turned their gaze towards the Reef…

"To be more accurate he was coming back," Rigel said from his place to Zachary's right, and Weaver's focus lasered onto him. "There was a fireteam that went into the Hellmouth and managed to kill his body, but Hive like Crota are really hard to kill. When his body got destroyed he transferred his soul to a crystal, and up until recently he was recovering until he could come back. A bunch of his lieutenants started making moves to restore him, but we got enough warning that we dealt with them and destroyed the crystal. …Except he's still not dead."

Zachary nodded. "Right. A woman named Eris Morn has been guiding us, and she says that Hive that are as powerful as Crota have this… plane their soul goes to when they die, and if they get strong enough they can come back. The only way to get rid of him for good is to kill him in there."

"We've got five of us already, but people who want to fight someone like Crota are in short supply," the Exo woman to Zachary's left cut in. "Eris told us we had to have at least six or she wouldn't guide us. You seemed to know what you were doing in the Garden, so… want to help us kill a god?"

Weaver looked at her Queen, who was staring at her. The side of Mara's mouth the Guardians couldn't see quirked upward, and Weaver knew what her orders were.

…The things she did for her Queen.

At least this wouldn't be the first time she killed a god.

'Kali, please notify Satie that I'll be gone for the next day at least, probably the next three. And send Eliera a message that I'm going to be gone so that she won't get worried if she drops by and I'm not there.'


"So the uh, jewels are new?"

Weaver glanced over at Zachary as she walked alongside the three Guardians. "They let me control my power, instead of suppressing it with that helmet you saw."

"So what can you do?" Rigel asked with interest.

Weaver sighed to herself, but there wasn't much point keeping things like this to herself if they were going to go try to kill a Hive god.

"I can access the senses of and—if I want—control anything living within sixteen feet of me. Well, mostly anything," she amended. "Not Guardians. The Light cheats. It works better with more complex beings. I don't have as much… precision with smaller things."

"Doesn't sound very useful," Halley said bluntly.

"It's… not," Weaver admitted. She wasn't willing to control people, well, at least not outside of the, ahem, experiments with Eliera. It was too much of a reminder of what it had been like being Khepri, and she wasn't comfortable taking away someone's agency like that. She had practically no control over things like bugs anymore, so even that was out of her reach.

In the end, though, she didn't really care. It may not compare much to her Light, but it was still hers, still a part of her as much as her Light was.

In the back of her mind rose a memory: Standing next to Lisa in those idyllic days after Echidna, when it looked like the future could only get brighter and they could do anything.

"It's you and me until the end, Taylor," the blonde said.

"No matter what happens, it'll be you and me."

A/N: I am a lying liar who lies. But Crota has gripped my attention so fuckit I'll write what I can.

This is extremely rough. Like, I have only written it within the last few hours rough. So uh, I'll leave it here for a bit and maybe make edits or not depending on what you guys think.
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