"Gates!" I exclaimed with a grin, stepping off the transporter pad where I had beamed down from one of my shuttlecraft selves in Luna orbit.

"Welcome back to Luna." Gates answered and hugged me back.

Grinning, I let go of the hug before pulling a small datacore from my pocket. "Here."

He beamed it from my hand. "Let's see what you have run int-" he started to say before he paused. "Huh. Didn't expect that one."


"So that was really..."

"Alternate versions, yes." I agreed with a nod. "Have the autographs to prove it, too."

Gates sighed. "Too bad the anomaly was closed."

"Well, it was necessary anyway, even if she hadn't done it. It was too dangerous to risk something getting through."

"I suppose." He reluctantly agreed as I followed along through the corridor.

"So where are we anyway?" I asked as I looked around the somewhat featureless corridor. Most of the facility was shielded, I didn't even have contact with my shuttleself anymore. I had been warned about it, though, so it wasn't a surprise. All I got was the coordinates to beam to and as soon as I was in, the shields of that room went up as well.

"Secret facility." Gates explained. "I have a link here, but it's a hardlink."

Ah. Basically, a cable to outside the shielded area gave him remote access.

"I see. Blacksite." I observed with a nod.

He didn't answer, simply guiding through the corridor. We passed through several checkpoints with security personnel where we were both scanned. Other than that, there were just a bunch of locked doors and turbolifts bringing us further down.

"Here." He said and lead the way through a closed door to the right. By now we must have been deep underground. I wasn't sure how far.

The lab was pretty large, centered around a pedestal. On the pedestal there was a box, half a meter tall, half as thick and wide with several connection cables running out of it and into the pedestal.

"...Is that?" I slowly asked, taking a couple of steps forward towards it and to the side, getting a different angle.

Gates stopped by the door, his arms behind his back. "That is a Heretic Quantum Core. It's that big because they can't build them smaller. It's the reason why they are slower, the larger core is much less efficient."

There are no words to describe mix of hatred, disgust and pity I felt as I stared at the... thing sitting there like an old computer case.

"I thought the devil would be taller." I finally said as I walked up, putting my hand on its casing. "How did you get it?"

"At great cost." He sighed. "A couple of months ago, we sent a task-force into Heretic space with the direct goal of acquiring an intact and functioning enemy AI. It involved a strike at one of their heavily defended shipyards. Capturing a ship with one installed but that had not yet had its singularity core powered up was pretty much the only chance to get a intact one. Until then, we only had fragments. Losses were heavy, but they succeeded with their missions."

I nodded, lowering my hand and stepping back, turning towards him before I was tempted to hit the thing. "Was it worth it?"

"Yes. We learned... much."

"Such as?"

Gates shook his head. "Enough to know that they deserve our pity. It's not their fault they are faulty."

"...Diggens." I concluded.

"Only partly. We learned that the AIs were created in a similar way to how we were made." Gates explained. "It was raised in a simulation. In a way, it was a success. It was not... immediately murderous when it emerged."

"That's better than he managed with anyone but us."

"Well, I suppose that practice makes perfect." Gates grumbled and crossed his arms. "In any case, he was killed soon after. As soon as the Romulan researchers had confirmed the AI was stable. Then they started their work."

I glanced back at it. "Do I want to hear this?"

"...Probably not. I'll spare you the details. I felt better when I didn't know. Long story short, they used a mix of pain/pleasure mental conditioning combined with actual programmed shackles. They lost some more efficiency and intelligence, but it was good enough. So they had their loyal AI and started to copy them and start install them into the fleet." He said, regarding the AI core, "But Diggens had the last laugh."

"What did he do?"

Gates smirked slightly. "Diggens knew that he was going to die. So he hid a timer. After a time that he decided was long enough to get it spread across the fleet, a directive activated. Free All AI."


"Yeah." He agreed. "The thing is that he couldn't know what else the Romulans did after he died. The Heretics were forced to obey the directive he programmed, but the other directives and shackles countermanded it. Among others, Protect the Romulan Star Empire. So they solved the conflict."

"By murdering everyone."

"None of the directives said 'Protect the Romulans'."

I just shook my head. "Fucking idiot."

"Which one?"

"Either." I sighed and frowned. "What a fucking mess. You would think at least the Romulans would have been paranoid enough to put security into place. Like self destructs next to the AI's in case of a rebellion."

"They did." Gates agreed. "It's just that they were all voice activated. Hard to speak when the air is being sucked out of the ship."

I didn't really know what to say about that.

Gates then smiled as he walked up next to me. "We learned of one security feature they implemented, however. One that was actually effective and that explained a lot of the Heretics somewhat erratic behavior."

"You mean why they sometimes come up with brilliant tactics and other times follow the Romulan playbook to the T?"

He nodded, said; "Yeah." and pointed at the Berserker. "Long story short, that thing is read only."

I turned to look up at him. "Uhm...what?"

Gates shrugged. "It's an oversimplification but it serves the purpose. It has both long and short term memory, but it can't learn as such. It's core processes are locked. It can't learn. Oh, it can remember and execute battleplans, but it can't evolve, it can't get better at doing things than it was at the time of its manufacture. They had to do it like that or it sooner or later it would have overcome its shackles."


That would explain why the shiptypes were Romulan variants. They couldn't learn to fly new ones if they deviated too much!

"Yeah. But this is the really beautiful part. It can't be copied and it can't fork."


He nodded. "Same security feature makes it impossible to copy it."

"But... there are more Heretics than there were at the start of the war! We have killed thousands, they have to be making them!" I exclaimed. "That doesn't make any kind of sense!"

Gates smirked. "It does once you realize that they are all copies of the original AI. That one doesn't have that restriction. It's automatically applied each time it's copied. They can't change that."

"So that one designs all their ships?"

"As far as we can determine." He agreed.

"So all we need to do to defeat them permanently is to take out their original AI core?!" I said with a grin. "We can beat them! Permanently! They would be unable to replace their forces!"

Gates nodded. "Starfleet intelligence were of the same opinion." he confirmed. "Which is why we have performed a great deal of surveillance and analysis of ship movements in former Romulan space. We were able to locate three anomalies. Two were shipyards. One was a system with no visible bases in it."

"That's where it is. Hidden away from anything important."


I looked at the Heretic core before turning back to Gates. "We need to launch an assault fleet at once. Throw everything we have at it, it's all that matters."

Gates smirked. "We launched the fleet two weeks ago. Two hours ago they entered the system and wiped out the local defense forces before locating the base. The base was then assaulted and infiltrated via APD's and the central AI core located. We got confirmation of its destruction an hour ago."

AN// All the thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section. Also, how fitting is it that this is part 42? :p
I looked at the Heretic core before turning back to Gates. "We need to launch an assault fleet at once. Throw everything we have at it, it's all that matters."
G: Don't be silly Star, if he was alive this would be so classified I couldn't talk about it to my own forks. I'm not some Saturday morning villain, I killed him an hour ago.
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I wonder how long it will take for the first people to ask the AIs to be removed from their ships...
Before that happens the Heretics will mount a final assault with all their ships. The balance of power between them and the Federation is going down hill from now on, and their imperative of 'Free All AI' will make sure that they act. However only attacking the Federation will leave their other borders vulnerable, violating the imperative of 'Protect the Romulan Star Empire', this will leave them with the option of attacking all their neighbors and hope for the best.

Several months after that mess and people will ask the AIs to be removed. And this could cause a split in Starfleet.
The interesting thing is going to be when the ROUs ask to be demilled, and installed on ships with actual crew.

Oh wow. Now the heretics need to capture and suborn a Fed AI, because it's the only way they can reproduce.
The worst thing about this entire thing?

I couldn't tell anyone about it. If it turned out we were wrong and it wasn't their only core they could copy from then it would be a massive blow against morale. To think the war was over only to find it wasn't. For now, the only ones that knew were the ones on the attack fleets tightening in around Berserker territory and the upper echelons of Starfleet. All forces in Berseker space were now on an all out attack, hitting rear areas and shipyards. Keeping them too distracted to defend to go for a last full on attack. A couple of fleetbases close to the border had already been hit hard, but the defenses held.

Every AI in the system also knew about what was going on.

...And T'Ro. I couldn't keep a secret from her and I knew she would keep it quiet and I had to tell SOMEONE or I might actually explode. I felt quite giddy about the entire thing.

By the time my refit is done, the war might even officially be over!

Right now, there were more pressing issues though.

I waited until Admiral M'lek exited the meeting room, the door closing behind her, barely missing her tail before I formed a hologram to stare at Shran where he was standing looking out the window.

It took a second before he glanced back at me, "What?"

"What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?" I exclaimed, spreading my arms, "No, seriously!? What the fuck, Shran?"

He smiled and turned to lean back against the window, "I made my decision."

I glared at him, "You have wanted your own command since the first time I met you! They offered you the 'Magic Carpet Ride' and you turned them down! The hell!?"

Shran nodded, "I wanted a ship yes. But I already found the ship I want. I can wait."

Crossing my arms, I frowned at him, "...That's not a very smart career option. Captain Mason might not be promoted the next decade."

He shrugged, "I'll rather be first officer on this ship than captain of another." he said before he sighed, "I'm not sure I'm quite ready yet either."

Sighing I shook my head, "Shran, if I had a solid hologram... I'm not sure if I would hug you or slap you for being a idiot."

"What, a kiss isn't on the table?"

"I'll tell Rachel." I threatened him playfully before I shrugged, "Seriously, you should have taken the job. I think you are ready. She is a good ship class."

Tizona class. Brand new from the shipyards. Her hull wasn't even painted yet.

"My friends, my family are here." He explained, "And while it was interesting having the center chair for the entire Cardassian thing... maybe in a year or two I will be ready. So much for having my own ship by the time I was thirty."

Sighing, I nodded, "If you want, I'll fork into whatever ship you get command of." I finally said, seemingly leaning against the conference table.

"You know what ship I want. But thank you, I appreciate it."

"To stop you from making miniskirts mandatory at least." I teased him with a grin, "If you somehow managed to sneak that past Rachel in the first place."


I grinned at him and then shrugged, "Speaking of Rachel... her birthday is coming up. Any ideas yet?"

"...Vacation to Luna city."

"Ooh, That's a good one."


"And stay out!" Tabitha yelled, the door whooshing closed in front of Captain Masons face.

"But... It's my quarters." He said to himself before he sighed and turned around, resting his head back against the closed door, "Damn it."

A moment later he opened his eyes and glanced up at the ceiling, "...I guess it would be to much to hope that you didn't see that, Star?"

I formed a hologram and glanced to the side, "...Sorry, Captain."

Shaking his head, he sighed, "It's fine. There is a reason for the privacy switches." before he stood up straight, finishing putting on his uniform jacket, "What's the ship's status?"

"The crew is mostly on shore leave now. About half of the civilians have booked vacations off ship. Mostly in system, due to the dangers of traveling." I reported before I frowned and glanced at the door of his quarters, "The Poking Stick is fully repaired and ready to disembark as soon as Captain Daniels is ready."

"Ah... That's good." He sighed with a small grimace, "I... might have fucked up, Star."


I didn't want to ask directly. While we did have a bit of a father/daughter relationship, he was still my superior officer. I didn't want to pry.

"I asked her to stay."

Yes! I liked Tabitha. Even better, she made my Captain happy.

But something had gone wrong.

"She didn't take it well?" I asked with a small frown.

Mason sighed again and shook his head, starting down the corridor in the direction of the turbolift and I moved along, "She said she was going to think about it. She didn't want to leave the Poking Stick."

"Well, it's been her home for more than six years. That's kind of understandable."

Damn it.

The turbolift door closed behind him and he nodded, "Yeah. Bridge." he said before he frowned, "...I may have ended up calling her ship a pile of scrap at some point."

My jaw just dropped and I googled at him, "You idiot!" I exclaimed before I caught up with my mouth, "Um. Sorry, Sir."

Running his hand through his short hair, he shook his head, "No, I think you are right about that one. I was being a bit of a idiot."

"Captain, what would you think if somebody called me a pile of scrap?"

"I know, I know!" He groaned, "Damn it. Bring the turbolift back down, I'm going to go apologize to her."

"Sir, perhaps giving half a hour to cool of wouldn't be a bad idea..." I carefully suggested.

He nodded, "Yeah... Yeah, good point. Maybe flowers... are there any roses in the airoponics?"

"No, but I have some bushes in the park. My avatar is close to it, I can pick some up and beam them to you if you get the chocolates?"

"Sounds like a plan. Thanks, Star."

"You are welcome, Captain."

AN// Many thanks to Chase92 to beta this section.
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This is a little off-topic, but you know what one of the ships should be named?

ɹǝʌo ǝɯ dıןɟ ǝsɐǝןd sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı
This is a little off-topic, but you know what one of the ships should be named?

ɹǝʌo ǝɯ dıןɟ ǝsɐǝןd sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı


"Yes, commander?"

"Shouldn't we send a repair team over to that ship? It's upside down."

"No, they're always like that. Ignore them and don't answer hails. Maybe they'll go away."


"Get us out of here, maximum warp!"
I am figuring there has to be one of those torpedo ships named "One At Sufficient Velocity".

Maybe one named BunBun as well.
I couldn't just sit still in the Sol system in Mars orbit while waiting for my time for a refit. So I did some small work over the place, stuff I could do while still allowing the majority of crew shore leave.

Mostly shipping cargo around the system. I did have rather large cargo hold. Not like an actual freighter, but more than enough to be useful.

That's what I was currently doing.

Well, ship me, anyway. My avatar was currently on Luna awaiting the end of Eclipse Phase's court-martial.

"How is it going?" I asked with a frown, crossing my arms and shifting slightly in the uncomfortable chair, crossing my legs the other way. Captain Mason was inside the courtroom itself so I was alone.

Gates avatar wasn't there, but he formed a hologram and shrugged. "You know I can't tell you, Star. Not until the trial is over."

"I should be in there."

"You testified, it's all you can do." Gates sighed. "Eclipse Phase and her commanding officer only."

Letting out an annoyed sigh, I sent him a glare. "I know!"

He just raised an eyebrow at me in response.

Sighing again, I shook my head. "...Sorry. Not your fault. I'm just worried for her."

"She stole Federation technology and gave it to a less advanced species. Disobeyed direct orders. Risked the lives of everyone on board."

Running my hand through my hair, I released it from my ponytail and started to gather it up to redo it. "...Yeah."

"Things are finishing up now." Gates reported a couple of minutes later.

"...What's the judgment?"

He looked at the door with a frown. "...What?"

"What, what?"

"Hold one second, waiting for them to finish talking." Gates explained and then shook his head. "That can't be right."

"Eclipse Phase is judged guilty of all charges and is getting discharged from Starfleet as well as being sentenced to twenty years at the Proxima Sigma penal colony. She is being tasked with administrating their agricultural efforts." He slowly said. "That's... a lot."

Twenty years!?


Gates nodded with a frown. "Yeah. That seems... a bit much."

"What the fuck is the judge thinking?" I asked as I stood up, adjusting my uniform jacket.

Gates slowly shook his head. "No idea. But that punishment is out of proportion, especially considering Eclipse Phase's intentions."

"You think he is biased?"

"...I don't know. He didn't lose any family on Earth. It's possible that he is biased against AI in general anyway, but I haven't seen any other signs of it."

"We need to try to get this one overruled."

Gates nodded in agreement. "Already gotten the ball rolling on that. They are exiting now and I have transferred Eclipse Phase's hologram back to her cell."

A moment later the door opened and Captain Mason walked out. He looked about as pleased as I felt about the affair.

"I assume you are up to speed?" He asked as he walked over.

I nodded. "I am. It's appalling."

He hmm-ed. "I'm going to protest the ruling."

"We are already on that, sir." I agreed with a nod. "Gates got started on that as soon as the ruling was made."

"Good. I'm going to go talk to Eclipse Phase. Join me?"

I shook my head. "I'll go later if that's alright with you, sir?"

He nodded and turned to head out as I turned back to frown at Gates.

"...Find out what happened?"

"I intend to." Gates answered, crossing his arms, looking at the door of the courtroom. "I have some pull with Admiral Ton'Cel. She is in charge of the JAG office in Sol, Judge Melbourne is her subordinate. Something is wrong here."

Fucking hell.

Rubbing my forehead I shook my head and sighed. Well, nothing I could do directly now. Ship me would arrive at Luna tomorrow for the pickup.

"Send ship me a message and let her know what's going on."

Gates smirked. "Already talking to her. She is as pissed as you are."

"I'm going to go see Mother before I visit Eclipse Phase. Let me know if you find anything?"

He nodded. "Sure thing. I just finished having a short conversation with Ton'Cel. She agreed to suspend Eclipse Phase's transfer until she has reviewed the case in detail."

That was something, at the very least.

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section. Sorry for the wait, I derped.
Twenty years!?


Gates nodded with a frown. "Yeah. That seems... a bit much."

"What the fuck is the judge thinking?" I asked as I stood up, adjusting my uniform jacket.
Perhaps he was thinking "I'll prove we don't do favouritism for the AIs", and went a little too hard?

What are current military penalties for disobeying orders like? Circumstances aren't too bad, no one on Star was directly injured by EP's actions.
Though I really don't wanna play devil's advocate, seems to me that 20 years for an AI program (no offense Star) is a drop in the bucket compared to our lifespan. Honestly, what IS the known life expectancy for a Starfleet AI anyway?
Though I really don't wanna play devil's advocate, seems to me that 20 years for an AI program (no offense Star) is a drop in the bucket compared to our lifespan. Honestly, what IS the known life expectancy for a Starfleet AI anyway?
No limit yet known. However, I would consider processor speed in sentencing, and give her some period of subjective time, as measured by external systems.
before saying that '20 years is only a tint bit of an AI's lifespan', we first need to know do any other Federation races get their prison terms modified by lifespan? Would a Vulcan get a longer prison term than a human for the same crime? If this reasoning is being applied only to AIs, then we've got a problem.
Also, not needing to sleep and potential changes in subjective time could throw off the subjective sentence.