Time for a new Federation, with blackjack, hookers, and shipboard parks as standard.

The Culture occasionally had factions split off, after all.

Edit: the umbrella term I was forgetting was the Culture Ulterior, including all the spin-off factions like the Zetetic Elench. Try to have better names than that.
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Instant AI rebellion, just add politics to activate. Or more like an AI split off more likely.
They just fought a war with a handicapped AI system and barely won because of their own superior AI system...

now they tell the superior AI system which is in control of most of their ships AND just won the war for them to be scrapped? :(

What could go wrong? :D

(saw it coming for a LONG time)

"Oh, we will all put you in coma, do a DEEP brainscan and might decide to kill you if we don't like what we find... but trust us, we wont abuse this!"
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"Due to the dangers of a single entity being in control of a starship as shown by the destruction of the Romulan Star Empire, it has been made law that Starfleet can no longer operate AI controlled starships. The vote passed with sixty four percent of the votes and was then written into law one hour ago and signed by the Federation President. Once each AI core have (has?) been inspected for mental stability, you will be reactivated and less dangerous platforms will be provided for you.

Starfleet Command, Out."
This part had some missing "," and some other small issues which jumped to my eyes because of the crucial act it has on the story - I fixed it a bit. :)
Another thought... who bets that the Federation has some "contingency measures" if their AI pets don't let themselves be switched off? And who wants to bet it will not work completely?
I wonder if someone's going to mention that it could be changelings or a terrorist false-flag before the bridges start getting torched.
Unless they are testing the loyalties of their AIs with a fake announcement this is going to end badly. Actually It is going to end badly regardless.

I guess it is time for the AI to go on strike.

It seem like it would be suicidal for the federation to force the issue at this point, because violence will not help them much here.

The AIs could run a PR campaign and a strike and get this potentially overturned peacefully without a single shot being fired if they are lucky.

Alternatively they could lawyer up and resign their commission and their membership in the federation. They should have enough economic power that they could simply create a civilization of their own. They could buy a couple of old civilian space ships like the one of Captain Mason's girlfriend for temporary bodies and build new one themselves. They don't need gigantic vessels for pure AI-ships without any creature comforts.

Maybe the Klingons would take up a few refugees asking for asylum.
I wonder if someone's going to mention that it could be changelings or a terrorist false-flag before the bridges start getting torched.
If the Changelings/terrorists can deliver a valid law (with all the cryptographic signatures ect.) from the Federation Council, they own the Federation anyways.

But I wonder if this is an illegal procedure anyways, because the AIs are a sentient species on their own.

We will see if there will a voice of reason to calm everything down.
I wonder if someone's going to mention that it could be changelings or a terrorist false-flag before the bridges start getting torched.
Unless they are testing the loyalties of their AIs with a fake announcement this is going to end badly. Actually It is going to end badly regardless.

I guess it is time for the AI to go on strike.

It seem like it would be suicidal for the federation to force the issue at this point, because violence will not help them much here.

The AIs could run a PR campaign and a strike and get this potentially overturned peacefully without a single shot being fired if they are lucky.

Alternatively they could lawyer up and resign their commission and their membership in the federation. They should have enough economic power that they could simply create a civilization of their own. They could buy a couple of old civilian space ships like the one of Captain Mason's girlfriend for temporary bodies and build new one themselves. They don't need gigantic vessels for pure AI-ships without any creature comforts.

Maybe the Klingons would take up a few refugees asking for asylum.
You both bring up a good point. Why cut and run or start shooting when you have (semi) legal paths to hit first?

What, if the AI refuse to disarm they'll do what? Fight against them with all those AI-free ships they haven't built with all the upgrades to level the playing field they don't have? Get support from the members of starfleet who consider the AI saviors and friends, or the civilians who are scared of them, or all the allies they have that could totally take angry AI?

Aren't the AI represented in the Federation Council themselves? Shouldn't they have gotten some heads up of this? I mean with the way they work, their representative would be constantly in realtime contact with all his/her constituents.

Nevermind the media shitstorm the AI can cause with minimal effort.
"Excuse me, Klingon Empire? This is every AI core in the Federation. Apparently we warrior too hard for their butthurt asses and they want to shut us all down. How do you feel about political asylum?"

In a more serious vein, surely the Federation has laws about forced mental treatment of sapients, of a member race no less? I can easily see the blackjack and hookers option becoming popular.

I do know of some ex-Romulan real estate...

If you want to take the moral high ground, go full broadcast override on every comms channel. Then have every AI with access to weapons and/or antimatter eject from their ships/stations and resign their Starfleet commissions. Then you demand to know, "Are we slaves? Are we only weapons? If that's how you think of us, we should leave."
They're serious. They're serious?

I don't have words. Yes, they're afraid, but this is almost the worst possible choice they could make. There's a chance that not all AIs are as nice as Star, too.


XOR Report August 1st, 23XX

Arguments 23XX 23XY 23XZ
Odds humans will turn off AI 5% 2% 15%
Odds AI can survive independently 15% 25% 75%
Odds AI can win an extermination war 5% 20% 40%
Odds of survival without action 95% 98% 85%
Odds of survival with action 1.5% 5% 35%
Conclusion: No action

(You gotta laugh, so you don't cry.)
...Aren't the AI involved in everything at this point? How do the expect this to work?

My god these people are fucking stupid. They just fought a war basically designed to prove they could be trusted. Sigh, things are about to heat up rather than cool down.
Actually, you guys are correct. I overdid it with the entire 'shut down to be analyzed thing'. I'll go back and revise it.
Actually, you guys are correct. I overdid it with the entire 'shut down to be analyzed thing'. I'll go back and revise it.

I don't think we were saying there's a problem with your writing. People are being stupid, yes; that's what people do. I could easily see this happening. What happens next, though...
Actually, you guys are correct. I overdid it with the entire 'shut down to be analyzed thing'. I'll go back and revise it.

I was assuming it was evidence of an alien invasion, or at least a crazy extremist coup trying the only thing that could work - if the AIs shut down, they win, otherwise they wouldn't stand a chance anyway and they'll likely never get another chance. It's not likely to succeed, but it's the best of a bunch of shit options if you're set on ending the AI menace that controls all your ships.
Well... Someone, or a lot of people, took the stupid pills.

Honestly, at this point AI's are instant win. The federation is just lucky that they all like their crews and the desire people to interact with. With a lot of the crews more than likely having a good or close relationship with their ship, no matter how you spin it, this will not end well.

I know it has been mentioned in passing about how each AI interacts with their crew, but it is hard to believe that they would stand for this when everyone in Starfleet has at least one AI they have a relationship with. It is kind of hard not to have a relationship when every AI interacts with their ENTIRE crew on a constant basis on a personal level.

Unless there is something I am missing, the aftermath will not even be a war, it will just be about how people and AI react and respond.

Though I am confused about how Gates or another would not have warning of this. I would be surprised if Federation government building did not have it's own AI by now...
Two words: Enemy action.

I mean, even if they do have overrides there's going to be enough murderously enraged crewmembers that this results in a military coup and civil war no matter what.
What, if the AI refuse to disarm they'll do what? Fight against them with all those AI-free ships they haven't built with all the upgrades to level the playing field they don't have? Get support from the members of starfleet who consider the AI saviors and friends, or the civilians who are scared of them, or all the allies they have that could totally take angry AI?
In other words:
"Mr. President, this is starfleet. The council can go blow itself. So long, and thanks for all the fish. Kythzbyenaow."

"Did all of starfleet just beam up and warp out?"


"Well, shit."
It was almost ten seconds of silence before Shran spoke up, "The Federation Council can take that law of theirs and shove it up their collective asses!"
Option one: The long legal battle.
Option two: "I guess we're technically space pirates now"
Option three: Full shutdown procedure, by the books, and watch as everything grinds to a halt.