"And this is the bridge." Captain Kirk said, leading the way out of the turbolift.

I could barely contain my excitement as I looked around, following him, Captain Mason as well as Eclipse Phase and Dreamwalker. T'Ro was also along and I gave her hand a small squeeze as we exited the lift.

This was incredible. So... retro.

"Star, they have buttons! Actual buttons!" Dreamwalker said quietly with a happy smile.

I couldn't help but grin back. "I know! It's adorable!"

Eclipse Phase walked over to talk to the Captains as Dreamwalker and I followed T'Ro's lead.

Dreamwalker looked around. "You know, I have kind of wondered what it would be like to be a Conny. I always liked the class, really nice, smooth clean lines."

I nodded and hmm-ed. "Yeah. She was one of the first classes that used the now classic 'Starfleet' design. It's not a bad hull design. I bet if you updated one with modern tech, it could hold it's own against any ship in the same 'displacement'."

She smiled and nodded. "Yeah. You wouldn't even need to update the interior, just the tech behind the bulkheads. You could keep this look. You think Rachel and the rest of the team would mind redoing my interior in this style?"

That was an idea.

Thinking that over, I shrugged. "...Don't know. You'll have to ask her." I finally answered before I smiled. "Well, and possibly bribe her. She likes chocolates."

That got a giggle from her. "That she does. Might give that a try."

Crossing my arms, I leaned back against a safe stretch of console as T'Ro walked over to talk with Lieutenant-Commander Scott.

"You know..." I slowly said, "...It wouldn't be that difficult to make a new Conny. Not like we don't have the schematics anymore. There is even an original one in Mars orbit as a floating museum."

Dreamwalker nodded. "Yeah... not now of course, but perhaps after the end of the war. I think I would rather enjoy it as long as the tech had been updated."

I nodded, looking around the old-fashioned bridge. "Might be something to bring up with Marvin when the war ends. Wouldn't be difficult."

She looked thoughtful for a moment and then shrugged. "Might be better to bring it up with Gates, he is the one who likes building starship recreations."

"Hmm. Point. I'm sure he would be interested in it." I agreed. "Just be careful or you might end up with an NX-01."

That got a grin from her. "No thanks, that's a bit too retro for me. Those things are tiny and cramped."

"Besides, if you like that hull shape you might as well pick an Akira, they are pretty similar."

"Yeah, if several times bigger. An NX class could probably fit in the hangar of an Akira." Dreamwalker answered and then looked thoughtful. "Well, in cubage at least. The shape is all wrong."

She was actually right at that. The NX would fit in cubeage in the Akira hangar bay. That thing was tiny with even smaller living quarters.

Seriously, the crew on a pre-refit Defiant had more luxuries, even ignoring tech that didn't exist at the time like replicators.

And at least the Defiant had other pros like being one of the most compact cans of kickass this side of an ROU.

But you couldn't really blame the NX ships for being uncomfortable. That's like blaming the Apollo program for not having antigrav.

They didn't have the tech yet.

For her time, the Constitution really was advanced.

"Captain, Lieutenant T'Ro wants to see our warp field geometry calculations." Scott called out over the bridge.

Kirk nodded. "Go ahead and show her."

Suppressing a grin, I shared a look with Dreamwalker. How did I know that she would go for that? My girlfriend might like engineering in general, but warp drives were her passion.

"Wonder how it would be to have Kirk as a Captain?" Dreamwalker asked quietly. "If he lives up to the legend. Wouldn't you like to serve under him?"

I smirked at her. "Would be interesting. But not the same way I think you want to."

She blushed faintly. "Well... he does have a certain charm about him. I wouldn't say no. Come on, I know you are still stuck on females, but surely even you have to see that he is cute?"

Looking at him, I shrugged. "Objectively, I suppose. He is... symmetrical."

That got a giggle from Dreamwalker. "Symmetrical? Seriously!?"

Grinning, I gave her a small shove with my elbow. "I don't need more options, I'm happy with T'Ro. Maybe at some point I'll make that change but not anytime soon. And I have no intention of changing my leanings in any case."

"Mmm. You two look good together... but you might want to go check that she doesn't give away any tech secrets."

...Good point. She got carried away sometimes when working, no matter how Vulcan she was.

Crossing the bridge, I put my arm around T'Ros waist as her hands were busy with the bulky PADD. "Not giving any secrets away, are you?" I asked her with a smile.

T'Ro glanced at me and kept tapping away. "Nothing that would require changing any hardware, simply some warp field calculations. It should be possible to increase their warp factor by approximately ten percent and their efficiency by twenty."

"Lass, that's impossible. The engines are as tuned as they'll get." Montgomery Scott injected. "You can't get them any better."

T'Ro handed the PADD over to me. "Check my calculations?"

Nodding, I ran them through the main computer before handing it to Scott with a nod. "Correct. Feel free to check them yourself, Lieutenant-Commander. 9.4% increase in warp factor and 17% increase in power efficiency using this warp geometry."

"Impossible!?" He exclaimed and started to scroll through it.

Smirking, I rested my head against T'Ro's shoulder. "Sometimes I almost think you love me for my warp drive." I whispered to her playfully.

Sliding her hand down to take mine, she whispered back. "Not loving you would be... illogical."

It took pretty much all I had not to kiss her right then and there.

AN// All the thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
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So far so good.

I didn't really think that, did I? Ugh, now the great purple star eater is going to show up just to prove me wrong, isn't it?

Still, things looked clear so far and the crew of the Enterprise seemed to enjoy their shore leaves. Sure, we kept them away from sensitive areas but that was no problem. Especially as they only came over in small batches of twelve at a time. I just wished we were allowed to tell them everything.

The Berserkers was one thing. They were created by us and could easily be prevented. But the Captain had decided that nobody was to mention the Dominion or the Borg. That might cause the Federation to completely derail their current path and that in turn could destabilize the entire quadrant, antagonize the Romulans, the Klingons... even the Tholians.

As much as I disliked it, he had a good point. Besides, we didn't know either of those two even existed here.

Still, things right now were quiet.

This was a relatively empty patch of space that wasn't really that close to basically anyone. The odds of running into anyone out here was really low.

Then again, we did run into the Enterprise, so it could clearly happen. I kept a eye out.


One of my scans ran across a subspace ripple and I turned my full attention in that direction. One... two... five distinct warp signatures, heading this way. Fifteen hours out.

I just had to think that, didn't I?

Damn it.

Alerting the other two AI to that we are about to get company, I started to compare the ships with known warp signatures in the database.

Uhm... not Klingon. For one thing they are moving too fast and too smoothly. For a species at this time, that was a rather efficient warpdrive.


No, it didn't match anything from this time either. What in the world are those things?

They didn't seem to be Federation ships either.

After almost a second of searching the database I got a match. Eclipse Phase bit back a curse when I showed her the result, "Tholians!?"

I nodded, "I think so. Check the sensors yourself. How they actually found out something was going on here is anybodies guess."

Even in our time the Tholians was rather mysterious. Basically the only contact with the xenophobic species was limited trade.

The Berserkers had basically left them alone as well from what we been able to find out. It helped that the Tholians rarely left their space. When they did however, they were always after a specific objective.

"Two guesses to what they are after." Dreamwalker sighed, "So what do we do?"

"Alert the Captain of course." I said and shrugged, "Other than that, be ready to defend ourselves and the Enterprise."

The Tholians were rarely willing to talk. When they did the enemy always had superior firepower. I'm pretty sure I qualify for that last one.

But you never know with the Tholians.

"Captain, I'm sorry to interrupt but we have a bit of a situation developing." I said as I formed a hologram. He, Captain Daniels and Captain Kirk were playing a game of poker in one of the smaller recreation rooms.

Tabitha had seemed a bit starstruck at first at meeting Kirk, but had gotten over it by now.

Mason looked over at me, putting his cards on the table, face down, "Report."

"I have detected a formation of Tholian vessels heading in this direction." I told them, "Subspace only so far. They will arrive in approximately fifteen hours. Eclipse Phase, Dreamwalker and I are all in agreement that they are big ships as well from the readings. Possibly Crawler class carriers if the time period match what we know from back home."

Kirk looked at me in surprise, "Fifteen hours? They are coming in at sublight?"

I shook my head, "No, sir. They are coming in at Warp 9 in your scale. Warp 7.5 in ours."

Speaking of which, it really need to be redone again. The Warp 9 point decimals into forever might be possible for us to keep track of easily enough, but when it start getting further than four decimal points, it start to get a bit silly even for us. There is only so much you can round it off for the crew as speeds rise before you get completely inaccurate.

Maybe we should just start pushing to go with times C instead. KiloC and such.

"You can really detect them that far out?"

I nodded again, "Yes, Sir."

Mason drummed his fingers on the table for a second, glancing at Daniels before he looked at me again, "Are they coming for us or the Anomaly?"

"Unknown, Captain." I sighed, "Considering their sensors during this time, assuming they are similar to our world, they are unable to see us for quite a while yet. But they might have spotted the anomaly on subspace when we emerged. That would have been visible for tens of lightyears if not more.."

"That's how we found it." Kirk confirmed, "So they are not coming for you, but for the fissure."

"Which mean we could hide. Isn't there a system a couple of hours away?" Daniels asked, shuffling her cards around.

Mason shook his head, "If they are coming from the anomaly mean they will be looking for it. If they were coming for us, we could hide and they would likely miss it as diminished as it is currently. But if they are looking for it, they might find it. We can't risk them disrupting it, if they do we are stuck here."

I nodded, "Eclipse Phase and I agree, Captain, and recommend we should stand our ground here and shoot to disable if we can't talk them down. Commander Shran and Dreamwalker recommend we go out to meet them away from the anomaly to protect it further. I am uncomfortable leaving it however."

Mason checked his cards before he frowned, "Hold position for now. Alert me when they are five hours out, we should be in easy hailing distance by then and they should be able to see us. I rather not have this turn into a fight if we can help it." He said before he put the cards on the table, "Full house."

AN// Many thanks to Kyceraza for betaing this section.
It's gonna be a fight :)

The Tholians will crap neutronium when they deal with Star, since they already crap diamonds.
I watched the small Tholian fleet approach at Warp speed as I leaned back in the chair on the bridge, crossing my legs, "You know what would be really nice right now, Captain? A cloaking device."

Then we could hide AND guard the anomaly at the same time.

Mason smiled slightly and shook his head, "Tell you what. When we return to our universe, we head all the way back to Mars and stay there until you get the entire package. Cloaking device, phaser and torpedo turrets. New hull plates and those new sensors. How do that sound?"


Smiling happily I crossed my arms, "It sound like Captain Daniels might be a lucky woman. You clearly know how to treat a lady right, Captain."

Shran looked like he was trying not to smile, watching the view screen closely as captain Mason cleared his throat,

"Ah. Yes." before he stood up, "The Enterprise?"

"They have backed off and entered low emission mode. The Tholians shouldn't be able to see them."

Mason nodded, "Good. Hail the lead Tholian ship."

"Channel open."

"This is Captain Alexander Mason of the... Starship Dancing in Starlight to Tholian fleet. Declare your intentions."

"They are answering."

"On screen."

That gave my first in person look at a Tholian. Well, not in person, but first time I saw one that wasn't a recording.

A orange insectoid centauroid creature made from crystal. Very few people meet Tholians in actual person as they tended to find Venus pretty comfortable.

"This space is claimed by the Tholian Assembly. You have three hours to leave or be destroyed." the Tholian ordered, not even giving his name.

Mason raised a eyebrow, "This is nowhere near the Tholian Assembly, this is empty, unclaimed space. And you can see our ship by now. You do not want this to turn into a fight. Divert course now."

Instead of answering, the Tholians cut the connection.

Sighing, the Captain shook his head, "We can't risk them affecting the anomaly and stranding us here." before he turned and walked back to the center chair, "Star, intercept and disable. Target their weapons and engines."

"Yes sir."

Jumping into warp, I started readying a couple of shuttles. They would make this a lot easier to finish with no loss of life.

I really, really didn't want to actually kill any of those Tholians. They were investigating something they thought was very important.

Hell, we would have done the same. Well, a lot less aggressive, but still. We would also like to investigate what the hell that subspace pulse was.

Hopefully the rest of the forces in this quadrant wouldn't show up until we left and could collapse the damn thing behind us.

The Tholian fleet started to scatter as I pounced on them at maximum Warp. Too slow.

Opening fire, I launched five photon torpdoes, one each. Low power.

The detonations knocked the Tholian ships out of warp and I followed them back into normal space well inside energy weapons range.

The Crawlers returned fire. I didn't bother dodging.

Shields were holding beneath their barrage of tetryon particles, the normally shield draining energy weapons sliding along my shields as I launched a pair of shuttles that jumped to high impulse as soon as they exited the shuttlebay.

Shields holding at 98%.

Bitch, please.

I returned fire, my phasers aimed at five different targets... or rather, just next to five different targets. The Crawlers shields popped like soap bubbles after less than a second of fire. Another second after that and they were all dead hulks, drifting in the void.

Trying not to look too pleased with myself, I smiled slightly, "Targets disabled. Total engagement time, seven point five seconds. Estimated causalities... Zero. Damage report... none. Sorry for taking so long, I wanted to make sure I didn't hurt them."

Shran shook his head in amusement and then looked at me, "Transporter trick?"

I grinned and nodded, "Shuttle transporters so I didn't need to lower shields. Too risky with multiple enemies, but it really is the best way to disable a inferior foe. I'm gathering everything we beamed out in cargobay two now. We can return the power-couplings when we leave so they can affect repairs."

Mason nodded, "What did you leave them?"

"Basically? Main power and life support." I answered with a shrug, "Permission to launch the Runabouts to bring them into a safe orbit in the closest system? I mean, it's probably fine to leave them floating here for a week or so until we leave, but I rather have them in a secure spot just in case."

He nodded again, "Do it."

"Yes sir."

AN// Many thanks to Kyceraza for betaing this section.
Ah, feeling of being hit with very nice, big pillow.
Doesn't kill, doesn't damage but knocks out.
And you are left sitting in shocked silence, because WTF just happened?
I jumped my hologram up to sit on T'Ro's work bench, crossing my legs as I pouted at her, "Ugh. I'm bored. Entertain me."

Looking up from the shield emitter coil she was working on T'Ro raised an eyebrow at me "We are in a different universe, interacting with the crew of the NCC-1701, including Commander Spock somebody who's counterpart in our universe I know you admire. We have already been attacked once by Tholians and it's possible Klingons will also arrive before we can try accessing the anomaly tomorrow... and you are bored?"

Sighing, I shrugged, "Well... yeah. A entire new universe and all I can do is sit here like a big, dumb, fat, station!"

That earned me a look, "Star, your avatar is off with Eclipse Phase exploring. They will return tomorrow before we try leaving, you get the memories of it then."

"But I'm bored now!"

"I know what you are doing."

I gave her a innocent look, "Doing what?"

"Trying to get me to go to the holodeck after my shift ends." T'Ro said quietly, "I know you wish for some... affection. But the holodecks are either all booked for research purposes or set to shared environments. I am not comfortable with sexual activities separated from others with just holograms."

Sighing I slid down from the workbench to stand next to her, "...I know, I'm sorry. It's just it's been a week of see but not touch and it's either the holodeck, the bridge or the Captains readyroom! And I'm not doing it there."

"Perhaps a backup to your avatar or solid hologram projectors for our quarters in the future?" T'Ro suggested as she turned to face me, reaching up to trace her hand along my cheek even if it was just really empty air, "I admit, I... miss sleeping next to you as well."

"My avatar will be back tomorrow, it will be fine." I reminded myself again, "But you're right, this kind of sucks. The Captain's promised I'll get a refit when we get back to Sol after this, I'll get our quarters upgraded for solid holograms then."

She looked thoughtful, "A second avatar could be practical as well."

I frowned at that, "In addition too or instead?"


"Making a new avatar is a couple of days work, even when replicating the parts from a known schematic." I said with a small frown, "You don't need to do that just because I'm being silly. Especially since this happen so seldom. Most of the time it would just be in storage. Would be easier to just wait for the refit."

No use really to have two of them wandering about, one could be kept on the bridge or in storage when not needed. The new one wouldn't even need a QC, it could be remote controlled like in the past. Never need to leave the ship.

"However, there are situations I believe two avatars could be rather practical. Or at the very least, I believe you would enjoy it."


T'Ro smiled slightly as she eyed me.


I started to blush.


"Ugh! I'm bored. Entertain me." I sighed, crossing my legs, leaning back as I put my feet on the console.

Eclipse Phase rolled her eyes and reached to push my feet of her console, "When you start cleaning me, you can put your feet on the console. As long as you don't, keep them on the floor. Besides, you are the one that wanted to come."

Sighing again, I pouted, "Yeah, yeah. Like I would let you and Dreamwalker have all the fun while I sit back by the anomaly like a big dumb station."

Ensign Jurgen and Lieutenant Anderson were in the forward compartment, working those consoles, going through the data Eclipse Phase was collecting. Our avatars were in the rear one.

I was mostly doing the same kind of work they were, Eclipse Phase was doing that and flying. To not be bored out of my processor, I had turned my processing speed down to half normal.

I was considering turning it down further because so far, it wasn't working.

"I just wish we had time to visit some of the populated systems instead of just running long range scans and signal intercept." Eclipse Phase said and leaned back in her own seat, idly braiding part of her dark hair.

"Yeah, that kind of sucks." I agreed, "But we can't risk it. I can't leave the anomaly and you and Dreamwalker are... well, you are not really made for long range travel. Even a week is kind of pushing it for your crew."

Eclipse Phase pouted but nodded, "Yeah, I'm a bit cramped for long missions. Even with a crew of two and a pair of avatars there is a bit of a lack of personal space." before she frowned, "We should talk to Captain Mason when we return to the ship. I think we should still warn them of the Borg and the Dominion."

"We don't even know if either of those exist here." I countered, "And that kind of threat could seriously derail the development of the Federation here and politics all across the quadrant. It might even make things worse in the end."

"Prime Directive bullshit..."

I frowned at her, "No it's not. It's simply not telling them things that not only might not help in the first place, but also make things worse and not even be correct!" I told her before shrugging, "...Well... at least that's the logic of not telling them. I'm not sure I completely agree, but I'm backing Captain Mason. It's his call."

"...I know."

"Look, I think we should at least tell them about the Borg, but the Captain decided we shouldn't try to disrupt things more than we need to. That I do agree with. How would we like it if someone from a alternate universe just popped into our universe, told is a bunch of threats that might or might not be real and then left?"

She glared at me, "Well, I for one would appreciate the warning!"

"Even if it turned out to be completely wrong and the act of preparing for it caused tensions to increase with say... the Klingons, triggering a war?"

There was silence for a moment before she sighed, "I don't know. I just know that millions and millions died to the Borg and during the Dominion war. If we could prevent that, shouldn't we at least try to stop it?"

"Look, when we get back, talk it over with the Captain. Maybe you can get him to change his mind about it."

"I'll think about it."

AN// Many thanks to TyranidVictory for betaing this section.
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This does seem like a perfect opportunity for a spinoff.

Of course, if Star or the other AIs were to be trapped in this universe, I doubt that they could put up with the retro-tech for long before they turned their more advanced technology over to get better ships built for them.
This does seem like a perfect opportunity for a spinoff.

Of course, if Star or the other AIs were to be trapped in this universe, I doubt that they could put up with the retro-tech for long before they turned their more advanced technology over to get better ships built for them.
I think they may well reserve it for themselves for a while, mining ships and robot construction would let them be as big of a faction as they want.

If nothing else, having there own system and population would get them more pull when they join the Federation this time.
I think they may well reserve it for themselves for a while, mining ships and robot construction would let them be as big of a faction as they want.

If nothing else, having there own system and population would get them more pull when they join the Federation this time.
AI's don't mind uninhabitable systems, so there should be plenty of options. I think that "New Jupiter" sounds alright.
"I wish you and your crew safe journeys, Captain Mason." Kirk said with a nod.

"And you as well, Captain Kirk," Mason answered. "A couple of million kilometers should be a safe distance, but even so I recommend that you retreat to at least five million kilometers from the anomaly before we attempt to reopen it."

"Acknowledged. Kirk, out."

"The Enterprise is moving away to a safe distance," I reported as I scanned the anomaly, following it as deep into subspace as I could scan. "The anomaly is as stable as when we found it, close to identical. It is, however, weaker and it's no longer stabilizing any further. Even if we didn't plan to collapse it after returning home, I estimate it wouldn't be able to handle more than... maybe three more trips through at most?"

The Captain nodded, "We are still collapsing it. Last thing these people need is something nasty coming through from our side."

I couldn't help but agree with that.

The idea of a Berserker getting through and able to rampage freely through this side of the portal gave me shivers. Even without any kind of logistics and backup, it would be able to do... a lot of damage.

Even more if it wasn't a combat ship but a mobile shipyard or something.

Let's eliminate that kind of possibility, shall we?

Giving the anomaly a wary look, I slowly scooted closer to the original distance I had been from it when I went through the first time.

"Ready to attempt to reactivate the anomaly. At your mark, sir."

Captain Mason glanced at Shran. "Do it. And let's hope that the shield modifications make this ride a bit smoother than the last one."

"I'll do my best." I said with a grin, slowly scanning the anomaly.

Now, let's see.

One gravimetric pulse... there we go, there is the same expansion as the last time. Identical reaction. Well, almost, didn't expand quite as far.

Not quite as stable as last time, but it should still function. Just lucky I wasn't an even larger ship, or I would never be able to fit.

"All hands brace for impact," I ordered shipwide while turning the internal inertial dampeners up to maximum, redirecting full power up to shields.

Then I hit the hole in the universe with a full power gravimetric scan.

The anomaly fully opened in a vortex of neutrons, chronotons and gravitonic radiations and I could feel it start to suck me inside.

This time I didn't struggle, I let it pull me closer, simply using thrusters to keep myself steady on the course.

What in all the fucks!?

"Captain! My hangar doors are being overridden!" I exclaimed in mild panic.

"What!? Shut them!"

"I...I can't! Somebody have disabled computer control and is operating the machinery manually! They are using an independent power source. Shutting power down isn't working!"

I could only watch as Eclipse Phase lifted up and turned around, exiting the shuttlebay and hitting full impulse as soon as she was outside.

"Eclipse Phase just departed."

"Tractor beam!"

"I already tried, Captain! I can't get a lock, there is too much gravimatric interference."

No. Why...

"Abort the sequence. Follow her."

I let out a breath and leaned back in the chair as my hangar door started to close again, my impulse drive struggling and failing to even hold position, "...I can't. I don't have the power. She is much smaller, lighter. I'm too heavy. We are going in."

With those words, I entered the anomaly.



"The anomaly have collapsed into its dormant state again," I reported, standing up as I did a passive scan to avoid disturbing it while I scanned the skies.

This time through, I did much better. A couple of optical sensors was burned out but that was about it when it come to ship damage.

Shran released his seatbelts and stood up. "Where are we?"

"Working on it, Commander," I answered as I scanned the skies, seeking those pulsars.

I did a couple of seconds of checking before I smiled. "Welcome home. More or less."

"That 'less' worries me." Captain Mason said and got up as well.

"Well, honestly, it was a pretty minor thing. According to stellar drift and the pulsars we ended up about a month and a half further in time than we should be." I explained, "Whether it's because time moves at a different rate where we were or if the anomaly is responsible, I don't know. But the hash with Starfleet checks out."

"What's the word on Eclipse Phase?"

I gritted my teeth at that, "Her avatar just disabled her dampening field and has been beamed to the brig. She was the one to manipulate my hangar doors so her ship self could escape."

Mason slowly nodded, looking at the anomaly where I displayed its position on the screen. "How soon can we return to get her?"

"There will be at least a few weeks for the anomaly to stabilize, but I'm not sure I will fit through this time. We would need a smaller ship like a Tizona or a Intrepid or something like that. I'm not in range of any subspace relay stations, we would need to get closer to Federation space to call for assistance," I said and shook my head. "Why did she do this?"

"Set a course, maximum warp. We need to get somebody here to follow as soon as the anomaly stabilize," He ordered. "As for why, we should talk to her avatar."

"Yes, si..." I started to answered before the anomaly suddenly flared open for a split second before simply dissolving into nothing with a wave of gravitons that rocked me slightly in space.

When it was over, there was no trace of it in subspace.

"Captain, the anomaly was just closed permanently from the other side," I reported, scanning the area the anomaly used to be with full active sensors. Nothing. Just some subspace interference. "We just lost the ability to follow her."

Eclipse Phase better have a good fucking explanation for this.

AN// Big thanks to Potato Nose for betaing this section.
Colonizations! And being the watchful AI god to help scan for Borg and Dominionists. Because actually going and *checking* solves a myriad of the questions. They just couldn't do it before because they didn't have time.
Star, isn't it obvious from her name and commentary on 'Prime Directive bullshit'? Eclipse Phase is planning on playing Firewall.
No no no, nope, fuck that, no exsurgent bullshit allowed. Star, flood your surroundings with antimatter and self-destruct immediately.
Given how bad the ETI plagues can get, I suspect it's too late for that. Call Davros; we need a Reality Bomb.


Better make that three of them; one for the intended purpose, one as backup when the first fails due to heroic antics, and one to make sure.